The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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employed as bridge carpenter on the railroad.

Belle, Mr. Adams' youngest daughter was married August 19, 1890 to George Saum.  They live at Herington, Kansas.  George is in the employ of the Rock Island railroad company.

John C. Latham was born in Connecticut October 12, 1839. He learned the carriage maker's and painter's trade; He worked as an apprentice for five years, moved to Michigan in 1800, enlisted in October 1862 in company H 25 Michigan infantry, served three years, was in battles of Peach Tree creek, Resaca, siege of Atlanta, at Lookout mountain, Franklin and all through the Atlanta campaign.  He came to Kansas in March 1871, settled in Smith county and was first trustee of that county.  He came to Norton county in 1880 and settled at Clayton.  He came to Norton in 1881 and has remained here ever since. He was married at Rolling Prairie, Indiana, July 2, 1868 to Cecilio Richnor.  She was born in Switzerland and came to America when a child; her mother died while on the ocean, and she was adopted by John Kiorsteod of Rolling Prairie, Indiana.

Seven children have been born to them, five of whom are still living.  Jack has been active as a republican since coming here.  He was a candidate for county clerk in 1885 but failed to get the nomination.  He was elected trustee of Center township in 1891 and reelected in 1892.

harmonson_w.JPG (28759 bytes) Wallace Harmonson was born in Johnson county, Indiana, January 25 1820.  He was raised on a farm and attended common school.  He moved to Keokuk county, Iowa, in 1849.  He was married to Martha M. Thompson in 1851.  Three children were born to them.  John Thomas, their eldest was born February 24, 1853. He came to Norton county in 1885 and lives on a farm seven miles northwest of Norton. 

Columbus A. born March 6,1859.  He came here in August 1878.  He married Inez Howell in August 1882.  He left here in October 1890; and now lives in Springville, California.

They have four children.  Mrs. Harmonson died in 1865 in South English, Iowa.  In the fall of 1866 Mr. Harmonson was again married.  This time to Emma J. Greenlee.  As a result of this union five children have been born to them.  Mattie, their eldest, married Jo Jarred; they live at Almena.

George, their second son married May Foland in December 1891; they live on a farm near Calvert.  Vertie was born November 9, 1873 and died March 18, 1874.  Their two youngest children, Emma and Wallace, live at home with their parents.

Wallace Harmonson came here in August 1878 and settled on the old Vance farm, two miles east of Almena.  In 1879 he took a homestead two miles northwest of Norton.  In 1880 he traded with R. H. Seymour for a stock merchandise which he ran for a short time during the winter of 1880 and '81.  He ran a hotel where the Grier House

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