The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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Campbell's five sons, Jim, John, Tom, George and Sam, are all married and live here now except Tom who lives at Lake Side, Nebraska.

Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have 600 acres of fine land all well stocked, and plenty of money drawing interest.  Mr. Campbell has been dubbed the Dan Boone of Kansas because of his quaint habits and peculiar dress, and his fondness for hunting, trapping and fishing.  This sombre (sic) cut is recognized as appropriate by every one who knows him.

Mrs. Campbell has been a fitting helpmeet for Uncle Ad.  His peculiar habits and eccentricities appear to fill her estimation of true manhood.  There is an old fairy tale to the effect that her stocking leg is always well filled with cash.

Wilson Adams was born in Ross county, Ohio. May 14, 1836.  He moved with his parents to Franklin county, same state, in 1843 where he remained until 1854 when he moved to Washington county. Iowa.  He was raised on a farm and attended the common schools.

adams_w.JPG (39808 bytes) At sixteen he went to Harrisburg, Ohio, and learned the blacksmith's trade and worked at that trade for twenty-eight years, except three years while in the war.  He volunteered in Co. H. 33 Iowa infantry, August 4, 1862; was in the following engagements: Helena, Arkansas, Cotton Plant, Little Rock, Jenkins Ferry, siege of Vickburg, Spanish Fork and other smaller engagements.  He was mustered out on the 10 of June at Dolphin Island, Alabama.  He was married at Richmond, Iowa, to Matilda Cox on September 2, 1836.  They have had five children: two of them still living.  Their eldest living daughter, Sopha, was born February 9, 1860.  Belle was born August 19, 1870.

Mr. Adams came to Norton county August 15, 1878, and settled on Dry creek in Aldine township.  He has been active in politics since 1880.  He was elected probate judge that year and held the office four terms.  He has represented this county in several district conventions.  He is at the present time city marshal of Norton; he has always been a republican.

John Luther was born in Medina county, Ohio, March 3, 1844.  He was raised mostly on a farm. He moved to Benton county, Iowa, in 1854, volunteered in 12 Iowa volunteers infantry.  He was at Fort Donaldson, Shiloh and Tupelo, Mississippi, was taken prisoner at Shiloh and after three months' prison life was exchanged.  He was mustered out in 1865, having served nearly five years.

He was married to Sopha Adams June 6, 1877.  They have four children; Bertie, born May 31, 1878, Edward, born June 14, 1879, Eugene, born February 17,1885 and Don, born September 3, 1887.

John Luther came to Norton county August 4, 1879.  He is a carpenter by trade and has followed that occupation since coming here.  He is at this time

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