The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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Mr. Case's second son, Fred, was born November 15, 1873, and died at Norton in 1882 and is buried in the Norton cemetery; his third son, Lynn W., was born November 9, 1876, his youngest son, Lee, was born in Norton September 11, 1884. His two youngest sons live with Jay D. at Sawyer City, Pennsylvania, at this time. 

John Case died at East Randolph, New York, November 4, 1893, of hemorrhage of the lungs.  Mr. Case was one of our most enterprising business men while be lived here and enjoyed the confidence and respect of all who knew him.  He was an interesting conversationalist and took pleasure in talking to his friends for hours at a time of the countries and peculiarities of the people be had seen in his travels.  He once visited the island of Malochia [Molokai], which is one of the smaller islands of the Sandwitch (sic) group, upon which the lepers are exiled.  The writer once heard him give a description of those distressed people, which was more comprehensive than anything we have ever read in regard to them.  Mr. Case remained here until 1887, when he removed to East Randolph, New York, where he remained until his death. 

Sidney W. Case was born in Cattaraugus county, New York, August 7, 1841, was married to Lizzie F. Arents in Vancouver, Washington Territory, July 3, 1869.  Lizzie F. Case was born in Sacramento, California, June 15, 1854.  He resided in Portland, Oregon, about one year, went from there to the Sandwich Islands where he was engaged in the manufacture of sugar for a period of tour years.  Their eldest child, Nellie May, was born at Honolulu, May 17, 1870, she was married to John W. Cline July 27, 1891; they reside in Norton.  From Honolulu they removed to New York where he was engaged in the agricultural business.  Frank L. was born in Cattaraugus county, New York, September 1, 1872.  They resided in New York for a period of five years, they then removed to Furnas county, Nebraska, where they lived for one year, and from there to Norton county, where he purchased the Jack Brooks timber claim, which is now a part of the Hillside addition.  Mr. Case built the residence now owned and occupied by J. C. Brown, in 1878, hauling the material on wagon from Kearney, Nebraska. 

Mr. Case died June 13, 1884, from the effects of being thrown from a horse.  Mrs. Case and Frank reside in the west part of Norton at this time. 

John and Charles Wines came here in the spring of 1873 and settled on the Sappa.  John left here in 1879; Charley remained here until 1890.  He now lives at Kenesaw, Nebraska. 

John L. Wald was born at Stavanger, Norway, January 7, 1830.  Married to Miss Nettie Eisland in 1860. He learned the shoemaker's trade but was compelled to quit his trade on account of failing health.  Came to America July 12, 1864; he settled in Winnebago county, Wisconsin, where he remained with the exception of four years spent at Forest City, Iowa, until 1875, when he moved to Kansas.  He settled at Almena May 7, 1876, he then purchased the John Kelly farm, which has been his home ever since.  Mr. and Mrs. Wald have had three children, their eldest daughter is married and lives at Forest City, Iowa, their two youngest live at home with their parents.  Mr. and Mrs. Wald were raised up in the Luthran (sic) church, but became Quakers in 1875; he has always been a republican since coming to America until 1890, he is now a populist. 

William E. Hollenshead was born November 3, 1842 in Marion county, Ohio.  Lived on a farm and received his education in the district schools.  He enlisted in company M, 3rd Ohio

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