The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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cavalry, September 8, 1861, as a private, participated in the battles of Shiloh, Perryville, Chickamauga, Missionary ridge and many smaller ones.  Was taken prisoner at Stone river, December 31, 1862, with two others of his company.  He succeeded in making his escape the following night and the next day arrived safe inside the union lines.  He was subsequently detailed as brigade scout for General Long and served as such the last nine months of his army life.  He was discharged at Columbia, Tennessee, October 11. 1864, and returned to Wyandot county, Ohio, where he cast his first vote, it being for Abraham Lincoln in November, 1864.  His early environments were all democratic, but while he was in the army he learned to shoot right and when he came home he voted the same way, and has kept it up every since.  He engaged in the stock business and continued in that until the spring of 1866.  hollenshead.JPG (33270 bytes)Mr. Hollenshead was married March 15, 1866, to Mary F. Chapman; she was born November 20, 1844, in Tiffin, Seneca county, Ohio.  They have had nine children, five are still living.  Cora B., was born April 13, 1867, was married to F. C. Spencer, June 19. 1886, and is living in this county at this time; Della M., was born January 25, 1869, died March 29 of the same year; F. M., was born March 17, 1870, and is now attending school at Salina, Kansas; Ernest J, September 24, 1872, and lives in Colorado Springs; Maud A., June 9, 1875, is at home; Eddy, September 15, 1878. died February 14, 1879; Pearl S. September 14, 1880; Elza L., April 27, 1883, died January 12, 1884; Carl, was born February 1, 1886, and died January 20, 1887. 

Mr. Hollenshead moved from Ohio to Madison county, Iowa, in 1869, engaged in farming and stock raising until October, 1879, when he came to Kansas and took the land upon which he still resides.  He went back to Iowa the same fall and in February, 1880, returned with his family.  He landed here with a team of horses and wagon and a $5 dollar bill as total assets.  He was elected member of the house of representatives in 1884, served in the regular session of 1885 and the extra session of 1886; voted for John J. Ingalls for United States senator.  He has been active in politics since coming here and has been a delegate to nearly every county convention since 1880, and has been chairman several times.  He has represented this county in three state conventions and has been a delegate to several congressional and judicial conventions.  He was nominated for county treasurer in 1893 by the republicans and elected, defeating Albert Hicks, populist.  He is a leading member of the G. A. R. organization and a member of the Masonic lodge at Lenora.

Hobert Cook Kelley was born at Salem, New York, October 10, 1859.  He was educated at the common schools and learned the trade of silversmith; he

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