The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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scholar; she was a graduate of the Baltimore high school; she had traveled extensively, making a tour of Ireland and Wales while in her seventeeth (sic) year.  Mrs Davies was an artist of considerable merit, had taken lessons under the best masters.  She had been a teacher since 1886 and was for a time principal of the Norton schools, and was teaching the Madden school at the time of her last sickness; her remains were taken to Atlanta, Missouri, for burial. 

David McElheney settled in Garfield township in 1879, he left in 1885.

Stoddard Roosa, and his brother, J. O., came in 1878.  They left here in 1889 and went back to Indiana. 

John Plyly came in 1880 and stayed two years. 

John S. Pool opened a blacksmith shop in Garfield township in 1889 and stayed two years.  He moved to Holdridge (sic), Nebraska, where he resides at this time. 

David Hedrick came in 1880 and remained here until 1887.  He lives at Republic City, Republic county, Kansas at this time. 

Jobn Overholt came in 1880 and stayed one year, he lives in Shawnee county, Kansas at this time. 

J. W. Peers came in 1879; he was a carpenter by trade, he lived on a claim in Garfield township for some time but afterward lived in Norton.  He left in 1888 and moved to Arkansas, but now lives in Denver. 

Martin Whipkey came in 1880 stayed two years.

Wilson Johnson came in 1879 lives here yet. 

John Whetstone came in 1879.  He died in 1890; his widow has since married and left the country. 

Benjamin F. Weber came in 1879.  He is an old soldier and one of Garfield township's successful farmers.  He has resided here continuously since he settled here. 

William Drake came here in 1880 and still resides in Garfield township. 

Levi T. Carnine came from lowa in 1879.  He is considered one of the most successful farmers in the county. 

George K. Anderson came from Doniphan county, Kansas, in 1879.  He was born at Goldsburg, Illinois, September 26, 1847.  He came to Taylor county, Iowa, in 1858, where he was married in 1871 to Clara West; seven children were born to them, five of them are still living.  His eldest daughter, Jessie, married John Fleming; his only son, Willie, and three youngest daughters are with their father.  Mrs. Anderson died in Norton August 14, 1889.  On December 8, 1893, he was married to Nellie Gillispie.  George is one of our most enterprising citizens. 

Jo Carter came in 1879 and has remained here continuously ever since. 

Reuben Hoover came to Garfield township in 1879.  In 1890 he separated from his family and went to Colorado and has never been here since.  Mrs. Hoover and her large family of small children remained here; they own a good farm and are in comfortable circumstances. 

Rhoten Wendall came to Garfield township in 1887, his brother John H. came in 1888, they came from Iowa.  J. H. is one of our popular school teachers, he is a cripple having lost his leg from the effects of a cancer. 

A. J. Rhodes came here in June 1879.  He was born at Richmond, Kentucky, March 25, 1840.  Although his and surroundings and the sympathies of his neighbors were largely with the confederacy yet Jack remained true to the Union and on June 19, 1861 he volunteered in company C 4th Kentucky infantry.  His regiment was afterward mounted.  He was in the battles of Mill Springs, Shiloh and several smaller engagements.  He was transferred to another regiment and served until the close of the war.  He was taken prisoner 

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