The History of the Early Settlement of Norton County, Kansas

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at Mill Springs but soon escaped.  He was married to Mattie Cruse in 1865.  Six children were born to them. Four of them are still living. 

Will, their eldest son, married Eva Burnett and lives at Pawnee, Nebraska and has settled down to a steady farmer's life. 

In a drunken brawl which occured (sic) October 11, 1889, he accidently (sic) shot and killed Phil Herron.  Herron was a worthless character and had no sympathizers here as he was considered the leader of the orgie (sic) that resulted in his death. 

Jack's eldest daughter married David F. Clammer November 10, 1892.  He was born in Mahaska county, Iowa, April 2, 1862.  He came here March 1, 1886; and has been in business here most of the time since.  He has served as a member of the township board and was for some time a member of the republican county central committe (sic) and is at this time a candidate for district clerk and member of the city council. 

Obed Rhodes is preparing himself for the practice of medicine and has been for two years attending the Electic Medical college at Cincinnatti (sic), Ohio. 

Pet Rhodes, the youngest daughter is at home with her parents. 

Jack moved to Norton in 1883.  He was a candidate for sheriff in 1881 but was defeated by Jim Vining.  He was especially offended at the action of Hugh T. Carlisle.  He composed the following poem which was published in the Advance and for a time gave him the honor of leading Poet Laureate of this county. 

The sorehead is catching 
It's a terrible disease. 
It has caught our Sandy Editor 
And brought him to his knees.
The sad organ grinder on election day 
His mind was upset and the dickens to pay. 
Cracked in the head, 
And for lack of the stitches 
His brains crept down 
To the seat of his breeches. 
We then pardon the idiot 
Making naughty avowels 
Whose brains are always 
Mixed up with his bowels. 

He was a candidate for mayor in 1889 but was defeated by Fred Hazelton.  He moved to Pawnee, Nebraska, in the spring of 1892 where he has since resided and is at this time mayor of the city. 

Rhodes is an energetic business man and has probably bought and sold more real estate in this county than any other man that was ever in the real estate business in Norton. 

Thomas Bedford Clark came here from Cloud county in March 1880 and settled in Garfield township and has lived here continuously ever since.  Mrs. Clark died December 2, 1893. 

John Clark, his only living son, came here with his parents and has lived here ever since.  He was married March 4, 1885 to Lueula Lower. 

David Lower came here in 1879.  He lived here until 1882.  He lives in Pawnee county, Kansas at this time. 

Aaron H. Covey came to Garfield township in December 1879, and has lived here ever since.  He was born in New York, February 18, 1826.  He lived in Pennsylvania for 25 years and in Illinois five years before coming here. 

His brother, Louis W. Covey, came here at the same time.  He was born in 1821, was married in York state.  He never had any children. 

Aaron separated from his wife in Illinois.  Three of their children have made homes in this county.  Mrs. Frank Terry and Louis now live in Garfield township; the third child, Mrs. Mary Wheelock now resides on the Pacific coast. 

Mr. Lindly and his three sons Ben, Neal and Cy came to Garfield township in 1878.  The old gentleman lives here yet.  Ben left here in 1882; he lives in Missouri. Neal died here in 1893.  Cy left in 1882.  He lives at Hill City. 

Benjamin S. Carpenter came here in 1877 and took land three miles northwest of Norton.  He divides his time 

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