Osborne County

1883 Pensioners

Cert# Name of Pensioner P.O. Address Cause for which pensioned Monthly Rate Date of original
82, 522Singleton, WilliamBloomingtonwound rt. foot$18.00- - - - - -
88, 088McClellan, Frank M."wd. left thigh10.00- - - - - -
78, 257Mahaffey, Samuel"loss rt. leg18.00Mar., 1867
128, 902Hamill, Robert L.Bristoww. l. thigh4.00- - - - - -
58, 337Sewell, Thomas G.Bull's Citywd. rt. hand4.00- - - - - -
130, 844Crumrine, Jackson"wd. l. shr.6.00- - - - - -
106, 358Deagon, Joseph"dis. of spine and lungs8.00- - - - - -
62, 367Walford, John"g. s. w. left leg6.00Apr., 1866
162, 871Osborn, Russell S."dis. of lungs18.00Oct., 1879
222, 194Robertson, Andrew W."varix of left leg6.00Dec., 1882
223, 212Schooler, Joshua C."rheumatism 4.00Dec., 1882
178, 394Rinehart, James H."dis. of spine, result of typhoid fever8.00Nov., 1880
220, 067Thurston, Thomas J."injury to left arm & shoulder4.00Oct., 1882
212, 414Bales, Alfred"shell wd. lft. ankle6.00June, 1882
204, 702Fenwick, William A."disease of eyes4.00Mar., 1882
203, 863Grecian, Isaac"chr. diarrhea & g. s. w. of left forearm4.00Mar., 1882
185, 294Guttery, Charles"g. s. w. of neck8.00- - - - - -
119, 375Jordan, Isadore L."g. s. w. left forearm6.00Oct., 1872
58, 466Loyd, Andrew"wd. rt. side & result atrophy10.00- - - - - -
222, 548Eggleston, Henry R."chr. diarrhea4.00Dec., 1882
208, 654Dey, Stephen A.""6.00May, 1882
34, 875Dean, William"chr. di. & bronchitis, & resulting dis. of abd. vis.12.00- - - - - -
218, 823Davidson, William H."g. s. w. left foot2.00Oct., 1882
170, 117Moses, Mary A."widow8.00July, 1875
13, 602Wood, Stephen D."g. s. w. rt. leg8.00- - - - - -
150, 759Campbell, Alexander"chr. diarrhea6.00Jan., 1878
58, 226Bowen, Wm. H."sciatica6.00- - - - - -
64, 327Hamilton, Norman A."rheum. & dis. of heart12.00- - - - - -
110, 250Williams, Eli C."ch. rheumatism2.66 2/3- - - - - -
139, 618Breckell, Thomas O."w. r. thigh6.00- - - - - -
162, 518Hanesworth, DanielCheyenneg. s. w. rt. thigh2.00Oct., 1879
- - - -Merrill, Ira A. W."g. s. w. rt. arm2.00- - - - - -
126, 483Said, Zachariah"curvature of spine & infla. kidneys18.00- - - - - -
63, 028Woodcock, Hamilton B.Corinthamp rt. arm at elbow joint24.00- - - - - -
175, 724Homer, Dillon"chr. diarrhea2.00Oct., 1880
120, 071Smeed, Charles F.Covertdis. of abdominal viscera6.00- - - - - -
- - - -Lund, Silas"father8.00- - - - - -
61, 058Puzey, James"g. s. w. rt. arm & right chest4.00Apr., 1866
222, 403Browand, Henry"g. s. w. of left knee2.00Dec., 1882
89, 625Ewing, George"wd. left leg5.33 1/3Mar., 1868
153, 830Dewey, Jared L."father8.00Nov., 1871
202, 855Knows, Cyrus S."g. s. w. rt. hand, causing partial loss mid. &ringfinger4.00Feb., 1882
166, 058Morris, Elmer Y."chr. diarrhea6.00- - - - - -
26, 537Cole, Andrew G."w. & frac. of skull5.33 1/3- - - - - -
85, 947Edler, Dana S."w. r. thigh6.00Oct., 1867
156, 577Wilcox, Edward P."dis. of kidneys, inj. back, &c18.00Nov., 1878
- - - -Vroman, JohnDelhiinj. of shr. & back6.00- - - - - -
146, 945Dalton, William"inj. of spine8.00- - - - - -
197, 863Smith, Archa P."inj. left shr. & hip, & loss of rt. eye12.00Nov., 1881
31, 345Sidball, James"w. r. leg8.00- - - - - -
66, 503Morgan, Sarah J."widow8.00Aug., 1868
219, 007Marsh, Erastus S.Downsg. s. w. left arm2.00Oct., 1882
109, 992Nevill, Henry B."dis. of lungs6.00- - - - - -
199, 026Gregory, William"g. s. w. left hand18.00Dec., 1881
207, 162Cross, Isaac T."chr. diarrhea and resulting dis. of abdominal viscera6.00Apr., 1882
135, 261Huff, James W."chr. conjunctivitis8.00- - - - - -
137, 619Brinson, Thomas"dislocation rt. ankle4.00Jan., 1876
160, 998Shook, Daniel"varicose right leg8.00- - - - - -
131, 090Young, Dighton"g. s. w. rt. arm & chest, affecting lungs10.00- - - - - -
196, 446Dimond, William W."g. s. w. left arm6.00Oct., 1881
155, 002Hull, Franklin"chr. diarrhea4.00- - - - - -
173, 886Jones, Henry"chr. rheumatism8.00- - - - - -
137, 800Vallier, Henry"w. r. heel 4.00- - - - - -
172, 768Ellsworth, John W.Dudleyg. s. w. left hand4.00Aug., 1880
195, 975Markin, Charles M.Grand Centreshell wd. of left breast4.00Sept., 1881
81, 542Transue, John S."g. s. w. lft. arm & thigh6.00May, 1867
133, 930Whitaker, Edward M."wound left thigh4.00June, 1875
203, 531Mead, Daniel"shell wd. of head6.00Feb., 1882
207, 579Whitaker, Stephen H."g. s. w. of rt. leg2.00Apr., 1882
101, 218Duncan, Joseph"g. s. w. left leg4.00- - - - - -
186, 739Christman, Jeremiah"chr. diarr. & rheumatism, & res. disease of heart14.00- - - - - -
102, 255Handy, Jerome B.Handyg. s. w. left knee6.00- - - - - -
30, 357Schwab, JosephKill Creekg. s. w. rt. arm2.00- - - - - -
136, 524Guyer, John J."g. s. w. rt. thigh6.00Nov., 1875
89, 666Hoot, Samuel K."g. s. w. rt. shoulder12.00Oct., 1874
1, 432Crutchfield, Susan E.Mt. Ayrwidow8.00- - - - - -
66, 093Rinard, Church B."loss left leg18.00- - - - - -
165, 828Kelly, Benjamin F.Osbornedisease of eyes8.00Mar., 1880
64, 838Humphrey, John H."wd. l. side4.00- - - - - -
92, 424Fouts, John A."wd. left leg6.00- - - - - -
83, 709Owen, Joseph B."g. s. w. left foot14.00- - - - - -
202, 056Brown, Alfred"g. s. w. rt. foot4.00Jan., 1882
119, 934Brooks, James S."g. s. w. left hand & forearm8.00- - - - - -
36, 985Smith, Oscar F."g. s. w. rt. hand & shr.18.00- - - - - -
82, 225Brobst, Josiah"injury to abdomen12.00- - - - - -
180, 244Sellers, Thomas"chr. bronchitis18.00Dec., 1880
203, 074Wright, George J."chr. diarrhea14.00Feb., 1882
192, 531Bear, Mary C."widow15.00June, 1881
189, 102Kendig, George W."g. s. w. rt. elbow & mouth6.00- - - - - -
182, 423Huff, Louis D."chr. diarr. & part'l deafness8.00- - - - - -
128, 334Flenniken, Alex. W."g. s. w. rt. thigh2.00May, 1874
113, 995Farwell, Selah B."inj. to ab. & chr. diarrhea8.00- - - - - -
24, 956William, John C."chr. rheumatism24.00- - - - - -
130, 420Bird, Simeon H."shell wd. rt. thigh4.00Oct., 1874
122, 560Bell, Samuel S."g. s. w. rt. leg6.00- - - - - -
164, 579Goodell, William R.""8.50Feb., 1880
99, 909Cunningham, Chas. M."inj. to ab. and rheumatism10.00- - - - - -
134, 893Mahton, Talmadge D."w. r. hand 4.00- - - - - -
109, 650Hoffman, Jacob"skin diease6.00- - - - - -
192, 994Gardner, Moses H."g. s. w. rt. shoulder4.00July, 1881
17, 650Sines, Amanda A."widow 1812 8.00Feb., 1879
192, 575Moody, Sophia D."widow8.00June, 1881
109, 224Clark, Thomas J."inj. to rt. hand6.00- - - - - -
119, 378Cook, Samuel"loss rt. leg left eye, & res. disease of rt. eye14.00- - - - - -
194, 549Blake, Isaac R.Osbornechildren of10.00Feb., 1882
205, 513McCampbell, David S."g. s. w. rt. thigh4.00Mar., 1882
155, 767Rowen, Miles"g. s. w. rt. leg4.00Oct., 1878
125, 446Reed, Shelby"injury to left wrist16.00- - - - - -
170, 187Henry, George W."w. l. hand 4.00June, 1880
156, 456Smith, John R."dis. of lungs12.00Nov., 1878
84, 572Canfield, James M.Pleasant Plainsaber wd. of skull8.00
48, 597Horton, John"w. l. leg10.00- - - - - -
145, 989Allen, Wm. S."loss part r. index finger2.00- - - - - -
175, 860Presnell, JeremiahPortisch. diarr. & dis. rectum12.00Oct., 1880
97, 751Bruce, Issac"fracture left leg10.00- - - - - -
113, 238Thomas, Henry C."injury to rt. hand, &c12.00- - - - - -
10, 567Fay, David H."w. lower jaw12.00- - - - - -
121, 548Hughes, Freeman S."g. s. w. left leg5.00Feb., 1873
190, 931Hoyt, Martin H."injury to abdomen8.00June, 1881
165, 333Roberts, Chas. E.""8.00Mar., 1880
139, 855Hand, Lemuel"inj. left knee4.00- - - - - -
114, 487Davis, Wm. F."tumor on l. thigh6.00- - - - - -
30, 970Atkins, Frederick W.Pottersvilleinjury to abdomen12.00- - - - - -
130, 005Peter, HermanRound Moundw. l. shoulder, &c4.00May, 1871
184, 398Smith, Sarah A.Twin Creek8.00June, 1879
- - - -Rogers, Leroy S."heart disease6.00- - - - - -
- - - -Rogers, Adam C."hypertrophy of heart6.00- - - - - -
28, 661Alvey, Melvina"8.00- - - - - -
50, 669Spaulding, Selah"loss l. arm24.00- - - - - -
15, 540Mitchell, Wilford""18.00- - - - - -
130, 769Mock, William H."wd. left arm4.00- - - - - -
167, 281Rogers, Wm. H. H."dis. of heart & kidneys18.00- - - - - -
81, 176Conger, EnosTapleydis. of abdominal viscera8.00- - - - - -
205, 896Shepherd, EprahimWorleydis. of liver & dyspepsia4.00Mar., 1882

Contributed 1997 Nov by Kenneth Thomas

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