Saline County

1883 Pensioners

Cert# Name of Pensioner P.O. Address Cause for which pensioned Monthly Rate Date of original
72,621Bacon, TimothyBavariag.s.w. of right hand$6.00
88,305Light, Colemandog.s.w. of left leg6.00
138,326Swift, Charlesdog.s.w. of right thigh4.00Mar., 1876
169,422Bartell, Wm. J.doinj. r.wrist2.00June, 1880
124,335Harding, JosephBridgedis. heart & lungs & shell w.12.00July, 1873
165,529Chichester, James E.Bridgeportscurvy, affecting rt. legMar., 1880
13,691Wheaton, Charles of left hand4.00June, 1863
137,204Wheaton, rt. thigh6.00Dec., 1875
221,657Halstead, Lewis A.Brookvillechron. diarr.4.00Dec., 1882
87,184Morgan, Joseph of rt. shoulder8.00
77,270Robbins, Aarondowd.of rt. thigh8.00
92,883McCormick, Thomas J.dorheu. & chron. diarr.4.00Sept.,1868
144,793McCune, Samueldog.s.w. rt. leg6.00
171,867Wallace, Jamesdog.s.w. of left breast4.00July, 1880
50,021Beckey, Samuel W.dochron. diarr.4.00Sept.,1865
66,503Adams, Francis C.doscurvy & dropsy4.00
81,189Jennings, Albertdowd. of right hand5.00Mar.,1869
47,233Cole, Frank M.dowd. of left breast18.00
169,651Ward, Edward R.doinj. to rt. hip & thigh10.00
182,575Bicknell, Otis P.dochron. rheumatism14.00Feb., 1881
43,371Cowles, Milton N.dowd. of left foot6.00
53,582Bingham, Fenno C.dochr. diar. & paral. lower limbs8.00Nov., 1865
135,591Goldsmith, Daviddowd. of l. ft. & side2.00
25,451Buerkle, William F.Crown Pointinj. to brain fr. shell w.of face8.00
73,427Powell, John of left forearm4.00
105,283Link, Arnolddog.s.w. right hand3.00Sept., 1870
Taylor, Jasperdog.s.w.l. hand8.00
47,323Wademan, JamesMulberryg.s.w. of rt. shoulder4.00
100,404Walters, Chillsondowd. r. arm8.00Mar., 1873
46,706Spencer, RichardPlinyg.s.w. of thorax8.00
169,855Jackson, Nathan rt. hand & rt. groin7.50June, 1880
65,346Wills, Achasadodep. mother8.00Feb., 1866
51,850Reynolds, Daniel M.Salinadisease of eyes14.00Oct., 1875
95,132Haskell, William C.Salinainj. to back of head6.00
59,922Steward, Abby J.dowidow8.00
157,892Fuchs, Conraddowound of right thigh4.00Mar., 1879
137,480Gilber, Johndoulcers rt. leg6.00Jan., 1876
65,222Behring, John A.dowd. of right hand5.00
59,234Pealer, Frankdowd. of left femur18.00
19,042Eggleston, Frankdog.s.w. of abdomin12.00
36,730Hineman, Williamdowd. left shoulder & lung12.00
141,383Hurst, Allendominor10.00Mar., 1870
51,075Criss, Swarzy T.doamp. right thigh24.00
176,739Shiras, Charlesdochron. diarr.4.00
221,687Remiatte, Louisdochr. diar. & res. dis abd. vis.8.50Dec., 1882
119,678Vermillion, Clinton left knee & resultingvaricose veins & ulcers12.00
192,638Townsend, William l. hd. & loss little fing.4.00July, 1881
56,206Tuttle, Luther of right knee4.00
212,986Becket, George of left arm2.00June, 1882
203,053Lee, Robert S.dodisease of heart & lungs8.00Feb., 1882
168,125Bush, Charlesdoinj. of head8.00
74,777Bondi, Augustdowd. left & right groin8.00
84,916Cummings, Williamdoinj. chest, causing dis. heart8.00
198,757Hasker, Garrettdochron. diarr.4.00Dec., 1881
206,138Conrad, John D.M.dochr. diarr. & res. dis. abd. vis4.00Apr., 1882
211,668Hussey, Charles L.dodis. of abd. vis. & lumbago8.00June, 1882
73,974Hancock, Benjamin of right shoulder8.00
134,605Bradley, Samuel D.dodis. lungs & res. dis. of heart12.00
149,818Dihle, Robert of left hip6.00
104,720Wolff, Juliusdog.s.w. r. arm & mid. fin. r.hd.8.00
118,587Wood, Jamesdochron. diarr.6.00Aug., 1872
166,904Ackerman, Stephen A.dodep. father8.00Jan., 1875
194,977Prescott, John H.dochron. diarr.8.00Aug., 1881
178,176Moulton, Williamdoheart disease8.00Oct., 1880
181,762Maxwell, Williamdog.s.w. of right hand6.00Jan., 1881
99,382Marlin, Franklindochron. diarr.18.00
108,300McOnary, James C.doinj. of spine & left thigh4.25Feb., 1871
31,886Lincoln, Enosdoamp. left thigh24.00
195,488Hughes, Simon of head2.00Sept., 1881
191,178Kothe, Gustav side of neck15.00June, 1881
194,961Judd, Sheldon J.dochron. diarr.6.00Aug., 1881
112,256Hill, Carolinedowidow8.00Sept., 1875
152,453Lovejoy, Lewis C.dowd. l. knee (ax)2.00
172,217Waite, Alfred C.Torryg.s.w. of left shoulder6.00Aug., 1880

Contributed 1997 Oct by Julie Schossow

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