Josephus W. Culp was born the 16th day of April 1816
Elizabeth Flick wife of Josephus W. Culp was born the 11th July 1810
Amos Culp was born the 28th day of March 1838
Anna Maria Culp was born the 28th day of July 1840
Mary Catherine Culp was born the 21st day of March 1842
Susanna Elizabeth Culp born Oct. 12th, 1844
Amandy McNarry (?) born June 21st 1851
Josephus W. Culp and Elizabeth Flick was married the 14the day of December 1836.
Amos Culp and Mary C. Cox was married the 12th day of December 1861
Mary Catharine Culp dide (sic) November 29, 1857
Jocephas W. Culp dide (sic) December 27th, 1857
Amanda M. Culp Departed this life March 24th, 1864
Elizabeth Culp Departed this life Aprile (sic) 6th, 1864
Susannah Cox was born the 19th of May 1822
Eveline Cox was born the 14th of May 1824
Joseph F. Cox was born the 14th of Sept. 1826
Isaac S. Cox was born the 17th of Aprile (sic) 1828
Nathan C. Cox was born the 31st of October 1830
Christena Cox was born the 11th of December 1832
Charlotte Frances Cox was born the 9th of February 1835
Rachel Levery Cox was born the 13th of July 1837
Marmaduke D. Cox was born the 15th of November 1839
Mary Catharine Cox was born the 24th of November 1842
Matilda Hay ____________was born May the 7, 1828
Sharlotta Francis Cox was born October the 7, 1852
On a page headed "Deaths" were the following births:
Francis Elisabeth Cox was born 30th of Sept 1862
Isaac Newton Cox was born 29th of Oct. 1864
Shalotta Francis Cox departed this life Oct. 20th 1852
Francis Elisabeth Cox departed this life December 11th, 1864
Isaac Cox departed this life December 4, 1864
Isaac Cox Married to Frances Fisher July the 29th 1821
Isaac Cox was born the 30th of June 1787
Joseph Lough was Married to Eveline Cox August the 15the 1839
John Coogle was Married to Susanna Cox July 9th 1840
Joseph F. Cox was Married to Elizabeth Hayhurst August the 15th 1850
Nathan C. Cox was Married to Mathilda Hayhurst November the 27th 1851
Alpha Ralphsnyder was married to Rachel L. Cox March 10th 1853
Richard H. Smith was married to Rachel L. Cox November 29th 1859
Marmaduke D. Cox was Married to Phama B. Ruley December 10th 1861
Amos Culp was married to Mary C. Cox December 12th 1861
Jacob Ridings was born Nov. 22, 1824
Gideon Clapper was born March 4, 1829
Ann M. White was born March 27, 1830
James M. Clapper (same entry next line) Annie E. Clapper was born Sept. 10, 1853
Andrew J. Ridings was born June 10, 185?
James E. Ridings was born Sept. 15, 1858
Lydie M. Ridings was born Oct. 18, 1859?
Carrie E. Rings (sic) was born Sept. 10, 1860
Alice Ridings was born May 15, 1868
Granville Riding was born July 10, 1864
George M. Ridings was born Aug. 8, 1867
Willy A. Ridings Lillie L. Ridings was born April 6, 1871
Ola M. Ridings was born May 1, 1873
Abram J. Riding was born Sept. 18, 1874 ?
Charles Beverly Riding was born Aug. 8, 1876
Johnie Filmore Riding was born March 5, 1879
This Certifies that the rite of Holy Matrimony was celebrated between
Gideon Clapper and Ann M. White Was married Nov. 18th 1852
Jacob P. Ridings and Ann M. Clapper were married August 28th 1855
James E. Ridings August 3, 1884
Andrew Jackson Ridings Sept. 15, 1855
Carrie E. Ridings to John Bevans March 22, 1895
Abram J. Ridings Aug. 29, 1905
George M. Ridings was married Oct. 18, 1913
Gideon Clapper died Aug. 19, 1853
James W. Clapper died April 14, 1857
Alice Ridings died Aug. 31, 1863
Annie E. Clapper nee Funk Died July 5, 1937
Annie M. Ridings died July 12, 1899
Jacob P. Ridings died July 23, 1900
Mayme A. Ridings
Wm. A. Ridings died April 30, 1911
John (?) F. Ridings died Dec. 11, 1915
Ola M. Ridings died Nov. 19, 1920
A.J. Ridings died February 27th 1932
Uncle Abel Ridings died Jan. 17, 1945
Salina, September 12, 1863
Enrollment of names for a Cavalry Company in Saline County in accordance with the proclamation of the
Governor and in compliance with General Order No. 1.
Culver Conyes
B.S. Bean
H.L. Jones
A.C. Kennison
Wm. Combs (46y 3 mos)
Christopher Meyer
Lafayette Alverson
James Tobin
Stephen A. Spino
Seymour Ayres
H.H. Flagg
E.G. Bellows
O.J. Ford
M.D. Jennerson
O. Osborn
D.L. Phillips
John W. McReynolds
T. Webster
J.W. Matsimon
James Muir
Thomas Boyls
Thomas Anderson
J. Darling
William Muir
J.M. Lytle
Royal D. Calkins
Stephen Guersh
Andrew R. Morrison
R. Parker
Wm. Lamb
Israel Markley
Tom Thorn
Evlin Osborn
Nicholas Firsch
J.C. Boblett
Joseph Coburn
Richard Knight
Sewel Walker
Timothy Riorden
B.M. Simons
Wm. Stanton
Peter Calkins
John Bagley
Joseph Crowther
Patrick Riorden
Edwel Johnson
Henry Orns
Gothart Schipple
B. Blaw
Joseph Garletz
C.C.W. Tresyn
Henry Pettermen
A.D. Steel
John Schipple
A. Spohn
John Cline
H. Whitney
James Sharp
O.P. Hamilton
John Olson
Albert Brown
Daniel Humbarger
Hugh Osborn
Jacob Humbarger
_. Farris
Noah Livingston
R.H. Bishop
Thompson Trosper
Robert Muir
Andrew Ingerson
Frederich Ragganday
L. Baxter
At an election held in Salina, KS., on September 12, 1863, by the enrolled Militia
H.L. Jones was elected Captain.
C. Havener - 1st Lieutenant,
Timothy Riordan - 2nd Lieutenant,
Henry Orns, 3rd Lieutenant.
Robert Parker, Ensign.
Thomas Anderson, 1st Sargeant,
H.H. Flagg, 2nd Sargeant,
Peter Gersch, 3rd Sargeant,
Robert Muir, 1st Corporal,
Seymour Ayres, 2nd Corporal,
J. McReynolds, 3rd Corporal,
Lafayette Alverson, 4th Corporal.
Free inhabitants in Elm Creek in the County of Saline of
Kansas, enumerated by me, on the 10th day of May (last enumeration was 8 June)
1865. Robert Crawford, Assessor.
In 1865 there was only one township, Elm
Creek, in the county. Persons in dwellings numbered 1-21 lived in the village of
Salina. Those in dwellings numbered 1 through and including 82 had a Salina post
office, and those from 93-108 list Solomon City.
This index contains
names of heads of household and other persons living in the same dwelling whose
surname is different than the head of the household.
Dwelling # Name
39 ALLEY, Thomas
69 ANDERSON, Thomas
59 BANGUESS, Mary H.
2 BAXTER, Edwin
28 BAXTER, Lenox
25 BEAN, B.S.
94 BERIGAN, Thomas
96 BERRET, Patrick
103 BERRIT, Catherine
19 BLAU, B.
BOSS, Barbara
46 BOYLE, Thomas
47 BROWN, Albert
67 CALKIN, Peter
66 CALKIN, Ransom
6 CASE, Charles
6 CASE, Wm. M.
60 COBRUN, Joseph
32 COMBS, Margaret
62 COMBS, Wm.
COX, Ellen
74 CRAWFORD, Robert
105 CROULY, Timothy
22 CROWTHER, Joseph
70 DAILLY, Susan
71 DARLING, Jonathan
93 DORFLINGER, Charles
101 DOVAN, Jeremiah
80 EATON, Perry
34 ELAM, Lucinda
55 ELAM, Mary A.
68 FARIS, Irvin
49 FERIS, Mary E.
63 FLAGG, H.H.
32 GARLITZ, Joseph
7 GEIRSCH, Nicholas
43 GEIRSCH, Peter
GEIRSCH, Peter Jun.
48 GEIRSCH, Steven
6 GREEN, George
Dwelling # Name
102 HALL,
81 HARMON, John
47 HATER, John
86 HELM, Adam
37 HENNINGS, Elizabeth
107 HERRINGTON, Matthew
85 HERRINGTON, Onesimus
108 HERRINGTON, Timothy
34 HOLTZMAN, Charles
23 HUDDLESTON, Minerva J.
HUEBNER, Adolphus
2 HUGHES, Sidna
38 HUMBARGER, Daniel
44 HUNTER, John
55 ITZEN, John
JOHN, Abram
30 JONSTON, Edward D.
41 JONES, N.P.
61 LANE, John D.
89 LENIKE, Christian
79 LINK, Catharine
97 MASON, James
92 MEGRAN, Clarke
20 MESIER, Hiram
82 McRANOLDS, John
Hugh H.
2 MUIR, Bryce
23 MUIR, James
23 MUIR,
57 ORNS, Henry
58 OSBORN, Hugh
60 OTTMAN, Richard H.
32 PAGE, D.H.
13 PARKER, Robert
37 PETERMAN, Henry
30 PETTER, Henry J.
15 PHILLIPS, David L.
Dwelling # Name
84 REED, P.D.
36 RICE, Samuel
90 RICHTER, August
RICHTER, Ferdinand
103 RIORDAN, John
87 ROGGENDORF, Frederick
72 SAWYER, Eugene
29 SHARP, James
31 SIMONS, Wm.
16 SMITH, Charles L.
59 SNIDER, Jane
101 STANTON, Wm.
76 STEEL, A.D.
99 SULLIVAN, Daniel
98 SULLIVAN, Joseph
106 SULLIVAN, Peter
107 SULLIVAN, Timothy
43 TITUS, Robert G.
100 TOBIN,
83 TROSPER, Thompson
65 TRYON, Jason
62 WEDELL, John A.
34 WESTLY, John
WHITE, Thomas
102 WHITTEY, Henry
86 WILLSON, Joseph
70 ZIEGLER, Nickoll
Deaths Occurring Between 1 June 1869 - 31 May 1870
Name | Age | Sex | Marital Status |
Birth Place |
Month of Death | Occupation | Cause of Death |
Saline County - Elm Creek Township | |||||||
ADAMS, Agnes | 22 | F | M | Indiana | December | Wife | Phthisis |
ALLEY, Mary | 33 | F | M | Indiana | September | Wife | Purpueral Fever |
BAXTER, Sarah A. | 23 | F | M | Michigan | January | Wife | Peritonitis |
HINES, Margaret | 1/12 | F | S | Kansas | November | _ | Marasmus |
HUPBAUER, Laura M. | 3/12 | F | S | Illinois | October | _ | Pneumonia |
INGERSOLL, Jerome H. | 32 | M | M | Illinois | March | Lawyer | Phthisis |
LONG, Daniel T | 11 | M | S | Illinois | July | _ | Drowned |
SEBRING, John H. | 21 | M | S | New York | July | RR Engineer | Phthisis |
SINK, Jacob | 23 | M | S | Prussia | September | Farmer | Suicide - Shot |
SIPE, Julia | 2/12 | F | S | Kansas | April | _ | Typhoid Pneumonia |
Saline County - Town of Salina | |||||||
DAVIS, Julia F. | 20 | F | M | Indiana | April | Wife | Purpueral Fever |
DEWITT, Francis C. | 10/12 | M | S | Kansas | July | _ | Cholera Inf. |
DUSHAM, Mary A. | 20 | F | M | Ohio | May | Wife | Hemm of Womb |
GOODSPEED, _ | 1/12 | F | S | Illinois | December | _ | Infla. of bowels |
OBRIEN, Mary | 9/12 | F | S | Kansas | July | _ | Dentition |
REMIATTE, Alfred | 3/12 | M | S | Kansas | July | _ | Cholera Inf. |
SCHAFFER, Louisa | 9/12 | F | S | Kansas | June | _ | Dentition |
SEITZ, Frederick | 1/12 | M | S | Kansas | July | _ | Cong. of brain |
SUEGUIST, Nelson F. | 29 | M | M | Sweden | July | Wagon Maker | Accident |
WERRY, Susanna | 1/12 | F | S | Kansas | September | _ | Infantile Pneumonia |
Saline County - Solomon Township | |||||||
BEGLEY, Ida | 1 | F | S | Kansas | June | _ | Drowned |
BEGLEY, Isabell | 4 | F | S | Illinois | June | _ | Drowned |
BEGLEY, Ruth C. | 20 | F | M | Ireland | June | _ | Drowned |
CONES, Ada | 8/12 | F | S | Kansas | July | _ | Brain Fever |
CREIGHTON, David | 88 | M | W | Pennsylvania | -- | Farmer | Thrown from Wagon |
CREIGHTON, John | 39 | M | M | Ohio | May | Farmer | Consumption |
DEVINS, Frank T. | 49 | M | M | Massachusetts | September | Farmer | Cong. of Brain |
RILEY, Actia W. | 32 | F | M | Maryland | March | Wife | Hemm of Womb |
ROCKENDORF, Frederick [Roggendorf pencilled in] | 2/12 | M | S | Kansas | June | _ | Unknown |
ROKNER, Christian | 4/12 | M | S | Kansas | July | _ | Infla. of Brain |
SELMAN, Francis Marion | 37 | M | M | Ohio | June | Farmer | Chronic Diarr. |
SULLIVAN, Catharine | 34 | F | M | Ireland | June | Wife | Drowned |
SULLIVAN, Daniel | 8 | M | S | Kansas | June | _ | Drowned |
SULLIVAN, Mary | 13 | F | S | Massachusetts | June | _ | Drowned |
TOWLE, Susan J. | 6 | F | S | Kentucky | June | _ | Peritonitis |
Saline County - Spring Creek Township | |||||||
BROWN, John | 40 | M | M | Scotland | October Farmer | Apoplexy | |
BURLINGAME, John | 45 | M | - | Ohio | September | Carpenter | Cong. of Lungs |
DAVIS, Dennis A. | 52 | M | M | Maryland | April | Farmer | Poisoned |
DAVIS, James | 31 | M | M | Ohio | April | Farmer | Poisoned |
FORWARD, John | 52 | M | M | Bel. | August | Farmer | Sunstroke |
Saline County - Walnut Grove Township | |||||||
DAHLSTON, Joseph C. | 1 | M | S | Illinois | July | _ | Teething |
FREDRICKSON, Ernest | 10/12 | M | S | Illinois | April | _ | Teething |
JOHNSON, Ilof | 1 | M | S | Sweden | March | _ | Pneumonia |
RILEY, David B. | 26 | M | S | New York | May | Farmer | Accident - Shot |
SWIDINE, Christine | 11/12 | F | S | Illinois | March | _ | Small Pox |
THURSTENBURG, Amos | 1 | M | S | Illinois | March | _ | Pneumonia |
THURSTENBURG, Ester | 3 | F | S | Illinois | March | _ | Pneumonia |
THURSTENBURG, Joshua | 1 | M | S | Illinois | March | _ | Pneumonia |
WARD, Ida | 5/12 | F | S | Kansas | January | _ | Pneumonia |
Deaths Occurring Between 1 June 1879 - 31 May 1880
Name | Age | Sex | Race | Marital Status | Month of Death | Length of Residence in County | Occupation | Cause of Death | Birthplace | Father's Birthplace | Mother's Birthplace | |
City of Salina | ||||||||||||
BARBOW | Thomas | 34 | M | W | S | Apr | 4 years | Butcher | Consumption | New Brunswick | New Brunswick | New Brunswick |
BROWN | Bettie | 22 | F | W | S | Dec | 12 years | --- | Consumption | Sweden | Sweden | Sweden |
BUG | John | 4 | M | W | S | Apr | --- | --- | Drowned in Smoky Hill River | Kansas | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
CHASE | James | 2/12 | M | W | S | Dec | --- | --- | Pneumonia | Kansas | Rhode Island | Ohio |
CRANE | Maggie | 1/12 | F | W | S | May | --- | --- | Not given | Kansas | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
DEPRIEZT | W. A. | 29 | F | W | S | Feb | 1 year | --- | _____ of the spine | Alabama | Tennessee | Alabama |
DIVILBISE | Marie | 45 | F | W | M | Feb | -- | Wife | Dropsy of Heart | New York | New York | Pennsylvania |
GARWOOD | Abbie Jennett | 17 | F | W | S | Oct | --- | --- | Purpueral Fever | Iowa | --- | --- |
HANKIN | Brown | 31 | M | B | M | Feb | 1 year | Laborer | Consumption | Tennessee | Tennessee | Tennessee |
HARRISON | Maude | 6 | F | W | S | Dec | --- | --- | Croup | Kansas | Pennsylvania | Ohio |
HAWKINS | Henry | 52 | M | B | M | Mar | 5 years | Laborer | Dropsy | Maryland | Maryland | Maryland |
HAWKINS | W. | 30 | M | B | M | Feb | --- | --- | Consumption | Missouri | --- | --- |
HUSHAWN | Elisah | 42 | M | W | M | Dec | 13 years | Farmer | Congestion of Brain | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
KLEINFELT | John | 60 | M | W | M | Jan | 23 years | Farmer | Dropsy | Prussia | Prussia | Prussia |
MANNING | Carrie | 9 | F | W | S | Sep | 9 years | --- | Heart Disease | Kansas | Ohio | Illinois |
MARKS | William | 1 | M | W | S | Oct | --- | --- | Cholera Infantum | Kansas | Prussia | Prussia |
MEYER | Eva | 59 | F | W | M | Oct | --- | Wife | Not given | Prussia | Prussia | Prussia |
NATHSHEY | Henry | 64 | M | W | M | Jul | 4/12 year | Farmer | Dropsy | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
NORRIS | Freddie | 4/12 | M | W | S | Oct | --- | --- | Brain Disease | Kansas | --- | --- |
POOL | Anace | 4/12 | F | W | S | Jan | --- | --- | Dropsy of Brain | Kansas | Ohio | England |
REESE | Mary C. | 2 | F | W | S | Sep | --- | --- | Typhoid Pneumonia | Kansas | --- | --- |
REEVES | William | 1 | M | W | S | Sep | --- | --- | Typhoid Fever | Kansas | Indiana | Indiana |
SCHWAN | A. L. | 31 | M | W | M | Apr | 5 years | Hardware Merchant Rheumatism of throat | Pennsylvania | Alsace | Alsace | |
SCOT | Ed L. | 15 | M | W | S | Oct | 1 year | --- | Crushed by RR cars | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
SCOTT | Isaac | 54 | M | W | M | Mar | 1 year | Farmer | Consumption | Pennsylvania | Vermont | New Jersey |
SHIELDS | Artemes | 41 | F | W | M | Nov | 2/12 year | Wife | Pneumonia | Kentucky | Kentucky | Kentucky |
SIMMONS | Fletcher | 39 | M | W | M | Sep | --- | --- | Cancer in Groin | Iowa | --- | --- |
SMITH | Baby | 3/12 | F | W | S | Nov | --- | --- | Cyanosis | Kansas | --- | --- |
SMITH | Marin | 34 | F | W | M | Jan | 3 years | --- | Typhoid Fever | Ohio | Pennsylvania | Maryland |
STYLES | Marion | 58 | F | W | M | Sep | --- | --- | Strangulosis ???? | Canada | England | England |
VANTASSEL | --- | 49 | M | W | M | Nov | 3 years | Farmer | Brain Fever | New York | New York | New York |
WILLIAM | Alice | 21 | F | W | S | Jan | 12 years | Teacher | Consumption | Indiana | Indiana | Indiana |
Smoky Hill Township | ||||||||||||
BACON | Zeddie | 4 | M | W | S | May | --- | --- | Inflammatory Rheumatism | Kansas | Pennsylvania | England |
CONRAD | John L. | 25 | M | W | M | Feb | 22 years | --- | Typhoid Fever | Maryland | Maryland | Maryland |
DUFFY | Timothy | 77 | M | W | M | May | 12 years | Farmer | Old Age | Ireland | Ireland | Ireland |
DUNN | Catherine | 39 | F | W | M | Aug | 2 years | wife | Pleurisy | Missouri | Missouri | Missouri |
GALLANSKY | Rosa | 1/12 | F | W | S | Sep | --- | --- | Unknown | Kansas | Austria | Austria |
HINES | Estella | 7/12 | F | W | S | Feb | --- | --- | Cholera Infantum | Kansas | England | Michigan |
HOYNE | Agnes | 6/12 | F | W | S | Nov | --- | --- | Brain Fever | Kansas | Ireland | Ireland |
JOHNSON | John | 58 | M | W | W | May | 10 years | Farmer | Cancer in Stomach | Sweden | Sweden | Sweden |
MUIR | Elizabeth | 6/12 | F | W | S | Jul | --- | --- | Brain Fever | Kansas | Scotland | Illinois |
PATTON | Alta | 1/12 | F | W | S | Sep | --- | --- | Not given | Kansas | Ohio | Ohio |
PRESCOTT | Scot | 6/12 | M | W | S | Jul | --- | --- | Congestion of Lungs | Kansas | New Hampshire | Ohio |
SEILERT | Eleanora | 1/12 | F | W | S | Feb | --- | --- | Spasms | Kansas | Hesson Castle | Ohio |
SEILERT | William | 4 | M | W | S | Feb | --- | --- | Spinal Disease | Kansas | Hesson Castle | Ohio |
SNELL | James S. | 7 | M | W | S | Feb | --- | --- | Membranous Croup | Iowa | Massachusetts | Illinois |
SNYDER | Jacob A. | 4 | M | W | S | Apr | --- | --- | Scarlet Fever | Pennsylvania | Germany | Pennsylvania |
WHITE | Ellen | 62 | F | W | M | Feb | 10/12 year | --- | Dropsy of Heart | Ireland | Ireland | Ireland |
WINEBERY | Alison B. | 19 | M | W | S | Jan | 8/12 year | Farmer | Typhoid Pneumonia | Virginia | Prussia | Virginia |
Smoky View, Summit and Falun Townships | ||||||||||||
ANDERSON | E. N. | 1 | M | W | S | Jan | --- | --- | Paralysis | Kansas | --- | --- |
BABCOCK | Emilie | 19 | F | W | S | Dec | 1/12 year | Teacher | Disease of Lung | Illinois | New York | Massachusetts |
COYER | Bilda | 3 | F | W | S | Jan | 1 year | --- | Measles | Indiana | Vermont | Connecticut |
HESLER | Nellie | 22 | F | W | M | Sep | 9 years | wife | Typhoid Fever | Sweden | --- | --- |
MALINGREN | Bernhard | 6/12 | M | W | S | Feb | --- | --- | Not given | Kansas | --- | --- |
OLSON | Thomas | 3 | M | W | S | May | --- | --- | Disease of Lung | Kansas | --- | --- |
PETERSON | Adolf | 3 | M | W | S | Nov | 3/12 year | --- | Croup | Iowa | Sweden | Sweden |
PETERSON | Alfred | 1 | M | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Dysentery | Kansas | --- | --- |
ROSEBERG | Modera | 7 | F | W | S | Oct | 1 year | --- | Croup | Illinois | --- | --- |
SUNDGREN | Lillie | 1/12 | F | W | S | Jan | --- | --- | Diphtheria | Kansas | --- | --- |
SWEDLUND | Carl | 8/12 | M | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Croup | Kansas | --- | --- |
Smolan Township | ||||||||||||
COWLEY | Asahel | 87 | M | W | W | May | 1 year | --- | Inflammation of Bladder | New York | New York | New York |
FREDRICKSON | Freda W. | 5/12 | F | W | S | Mar | --- | --- | Typhoid Fever | Kansas | Sweden | Sweden |
GABRETSON (Gabrielson) | Fred W. | 1 | M | W | S | Apr | --- | --- | Pneumonia | Kansas | Sweden | Illinois |
HADQUIST | Marian | 10/12 | F | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | _____Diarie | Kansas | Sweden | Sweden |
HOLTMAN | Breta C. | 62 | F | W | M | Apr | 11 years | Wife | Inflammation of Lung | Sweden | Sweden | Sweden |
HOYT | Ella | 14 | F | W | S | Dec | 4/12 year | Servant | Typhoid Fever | Illinois | Sweden | Sweden |
JEMSON | Ida J. | 3 | F | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Croup | Kansas | Sweden | Sweden |
LINDQUIST | L. M. | 1 | F | W | S | Aug | 1 year | --- | Diarie | Kansas | Sweden | Sweden |
NORBORG | L. M. | 1 | F | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Burned | Kansas | Sweden | Sweden |
TESCHBECK | John | 1/12 | M | W | S | Apr | --- | --- | Epilepsy | Kansas | Prussia | Prussia |
WILSON | --- | 4/12 | F | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Disease of Lungs | Kansas | Tennessee | Virginia |
Solomon Township | ||||||||||||
FISHER | Mary E. | 2/12 | F | W | S | Apr | --- | --- | Whooping Cough | Kansas | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
HEMME | Henry | 3/12 | M | W | S | Nov | --- | --- | Rupture | Kansas | --- | Hanover |
LANE | Carrie W. | 1 | F | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Cholera Infantum | Kansas | --- | --- |
LEASTER | Elizabeth | 10/12 | F | W | S | Mar | --- | --- | Membranous Croup | Kansas | --- | --- |
LURNDSTRMUN | F. C. | 2/12 | F | W | S | Apr | --- | --- | Spasms | Kansas | Sweden | Sweden |
RAMSEY | Maud | 1 | F | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Dysentery | Kansas | Pennsylvania | Kentucky |
WALKER | Elizabeth | 82 | F | W | W | Jan | 1 year | --- | Old Age | Virginia | Germany | Germany |
WELLER | Enoch A. | 6/12 | M | W | S | Apr | --- | --- | Fall | Kansas | --- | Indiana |
Spring Creek Township | ||||||||||||
BREWER | Charles | 38 | M | W | M | Feb | 10 years | RR Conductor | Bright's Disease | New York | New York | New York |
DINKLER | Susan | 6 | F | W | S | Mar | 3 years | --- | Lung Fever | Ohio | Hesse Dar. | Baden |
DOWD | Thomas | 40 | M | W | S | Jan | 40 years | Saloon Keeper | Mania ??? | Virginia | Ireland | Ireland |
DUNCAN | John | 2/12 | M | W | S | Jan | --- | --- | Pneumonia | Kansas | Ohio | Ohio |
FRANTZ | Jacob H. | 1 | M | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Fever and Ague | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
HUNFORD | Alice | 1 | F | W | S | Oct | --- | --- | Summer Complaint | Kansas | England | Michigan |
HENRY | Hattie | 20 | F | W | M | Oct | 6 years | wife | Typhoid Pneumonia | Connecticut | Connecticut | Connecticut |
KENNEDY | Milo | 1 | M | W | S | Sep | --- | --- | Brain Fever | Kansas | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
MITCHELL | Nickles | 16 | M | W | S | Aug | 1 year | --- | Dropsy | Ohio | Baden | Baden |
MORGAN | Freddie | 1 | M | W | S | May | --- | --- | Concentrated Lye Poison | Kansas | Illinois | Illinois |
WILSON | Charles | 48 | M | W | M | Jan | 10 years | Stone Mason | Consumption | England | England | England |
WRIGHT | Manwood | 63 | F | W | M | Sep | 10 years | Wife | Ovarian Dropsy | Connecticut | Connecticut | Connecticut |
Walnut Township | ||||||||||||
BUZZARD | Emma | 2/12 | F | W | S | Feb | --- | --- | Pneumonia | Kansas | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
McKEOWON | Jessie W. | 1 | F | W | S | May | --- | --- | Cholera Infantum | Kansas | Ireland | Illinois |
Washington Township | ||||||||||||
GILPIN | June H. | 21 | M | W | S | Jun | 1 year | Farm Laborer | Dropsy | Iowa | Indiana | Indiana |
HAMINGSON | S. P. | 45 | M | W | S | Nov | 2 years | Farmer | Dropsy | Sweden | Sweden | Sweden |
JOHNSON | Greta S. | 32 | F | W | M | May | 10 years | Wife | Epilepsy | --- | --- | --- |
JOHNSON | John M. | 3 | M | W | S | Sep | --- | --- | Croup | Kansas | Sweden | Sweden |
JOHNSON | John W. | 1 | M | W | S | Jan | --- | --- | Lung Fever | Kansas | Sweden | Sweden |
JOHNSON | Milo P. | 1 | M | W | S | Sep | --- | --- | Croup | Kansas | Sweden | Sweden |
OSTENBORG | C. A. | 3 | M | W | S | Dec | 1 year | --- | Croup | Illinois | Sweden | Sweden |
Cambria and Daton Townships | ||||||||||||
BERIGUM | Infant | -- | F | W | S | Oct | --- | --- | Premature | Kansas | Illinois | Massachusetts |
BUGHER | Adaline | 5/12 | F | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Not given | Kansas | Pennsylvania | Missouri |
COX | Bertie | 5 | M | W | S | Jan | --- | --- | Diphtheria | Kansas | Virginia | Ohio |
DONMYER | Moses | 12 | M | W | S | Aug | 2 years | --- | Inflammation of bowels | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
DONMYER | James L. | 1 | M | W | S | Oct | 10/12 Year | --- | Not given | Kansas | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
DRUMMER | Etta G. | 5 | F | W | S | Oct | --- | --- | Diphtheria | Kansas | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
FERBACHE | Charles G. | 2 | M | W | S | Sep` | 1-5/12 years | --- | Congestion of brain | Kansas | Ohio | New York |
FOLEY | Timothy | 50 | M | W | M | Dec | 2 years | Laborer | Consumption | Ireland | Ireland | Ireland |
HANDRUB | Sarah | 17 | F | W | S | Nov | 5/12 years | --- | Typhoid Fever | Indiana | Hanover | Hanover |
ITZEN | Catharine | 10 | F | W | S | Jan | --- | --- | Diphtheria | Kansas | Prussia | Arkansas |
ITZEN | David | 8 | M | W | S | Jan | --- | --- | Diphtheria | Kansas | Prussia | Arkansas |
ITZEN | Matilda | 11 | F | W | S | Jan | --- | --- | Diphtheria | Kansas | Prussia | Arkansas |
HONSTON | Thomas | 33 | M | W | M | Jun | 11 years | Farmer | Consumption | Ireland | Ireland | Ireland |
MORGAN | George | 2 | M | W | S | Dec | --- | --- | Convulsions | Kansas | Ireland | Canada |
RIPPLE | Peter | 77 | M | W | M | Apr | 2 years | Farmer | Typhoid Fever | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
SHORT | David L. | 2 | M | W | S | Feb | --- | --- | Diphtheria | Kansas | Illinois | Ohio |
SHORT | Sarah E. | 4 | F | W | S | Mar | --- | --- | Diphtheria | Kansas | Illinois | Ohio |
SPILMAN | Robert | 7 | M | W | S | Sep | --- | --- | Congestion of bowels | Kansas | Kentucky | Ohio |
SULLIVAN | Maggie | 7/30 | F | W | S | Jan | --- | --- | Lived only 1 week | Kansas | Ireland | Rhode Island |
TRIPIN | Charles W. | 46 | M | W | M | Nov | 17 years | Farmer | Apoplexy | Prussia | Prussia | Prussia |
Glendale and Pleasant Valley Townships | ||||||||||||
ALBRIGHT | Mable | 2/12 | F | W | S | May | --- | --- | Not known | Kansas | Pennsylvania | Illinois |
BANKS | Ida | 7 | F | W | S | Sep | --- | --- | Spasmodic Fits | Kansas | New York | --- |
HINKLY | F. | 1 | F | W | S | Jun | --- | --- | Measles | Kansas | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
HUDSON | Emma | 33 | F | W | M | Nov | --- | Wife | Consumption | Delaware | Delaware | Delaware |
KINGEBURY | George | 50 | M | W | S | Jan | --- | Laborer | Cramp colic | Ohio | Ohio | Ohio |
LARSON | Jennie | 10/12 | F | W | S | Nov | --- | --- | Membranous croup | Kansas | Denmark | Denmark |
LOUIS | Lillie | 1 | F | W | S | Oct | --- | --- | Membranous croup | Kansas | England | France |
MARTIN | Henry | 17 | M | W | S | Nov | 9/12 year | --- | Typhoid fever | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania | Pennsylvania |
McCABE | Mary | 51 | F | W | S | Sep | 6-1/2 years | --- | Tumor | New York | Ireland | Ireland |
MORTON | Ira | 1 | M | W | S | Mar | --- | --- | Diarrhea | Illinois | Indiana | Illinois |
RANDALL | W. H. | 53 | M | W | M | Jun | --- | Farmer | Heart Disease | Maine | Maine | Maine |
WADEMAN | James | 38 | M | W | S | Dec | 9 years | Farmer | Burned by Prairie Fire | Michigan | --- | --- |
WARD | Dwite | 6 | M | W | S | Dec | 3 years | --- | Congestive | Ohio | Ohio | Ohio |
Greeley Township | ||||||||||||
BUELL | Charles B. | 41 | M | W | M | Nov | 10 years | Farmer | Consumption | New York | New York | Vermont |
BUELL | Margaret | 25 | F | W | M | Mar | 1/12 year | Wife | Epilepsy | Ohio | Pennsylvania | Virginia |
PICKERING | Nettie M. | 1 | F | W | S | Jul | --- | --- | Diarrhea | Kansas | Tennessee | Tennessee |
STURN | Christina | 75 | F | W | M | Jan | 14 years | Wife | Not known | Sweden | Sweden | Sweden |
WERRY | Theobold | 52 | M | W | M | Jul | 12 years | Farmer | Brights Disease | Bavaria | Bavaria | Bavaria |
Gypsum and Eureka Townships | ||||||||||||
BATDORF | Baby | 1/12 | M | W | S | Jul | --- | --- | Spasms | Kansas | Ohio | Ohio |
BURT | Willie A. | 1 | M | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Cholera Infantum | Kansas | Wisconsin | Indiana |
*COOPER | Carry | 46 | M | W | M | Sep | --- | --- | Typho Pneumonia | New York | --- | --- |
* Addition to Saline County from Supplemental Schedule 11th N.Y. Ed 87 | ||||||||||||
CURRIE | Earl | 1 | M | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Cholera Infantum | Kansas | Canada | New York |
DERGHAN | Alice | 2 | F | W | S | Jul | --- | --- | Inflammation of brain | Kansas | Ireland | Canada |
FRINT | Ida M. | 1 | F | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Cholera Infantum | Iowa | Ohio | Ohio |
LORD | Lola | 7/12 | F | W | S | Nov | 1/12 year | --- | Croup | Kansas | Missouri | New York |
POST | Frank D. | 2 | M | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Dysentery | Kansas | New York | Pennsylvania |
ROUT | Stephen | 21 | M | W | M | Nov | 7 years | Farmer | Typhoid Pneumonia | New York | --- | New York |
TINKLER | William | 71 | M | W | M | --- | 4 years | Farmer | Killed - thrown from horse | England | England | England |
WILKISON | Catherine | 2/12 | F | W | S | Jan | --- | --- | Cholera Infantum | Kansas | New York | Pennsylvania |
YOUNG | Minnie | 2/12 | F | W | S | Jul | --- | --- | Cholera Infantum | Kansas | New York | New York |
Liberty Township | ||||||||||||
BARNETT | Francis | 27/30 | M | W | S | Jul | --- | --- | Cholera Infantum | Kansas | Indiana | Indiana |
CONRAD | John T. | 26 | M | W | M | Feb | 22 years | Farmer | Typho Pneumonia | Maryland | Maryland | Maryland |
STRITE | Infant | 1/30 | F | W | S | Jan | --- | --- | Not given | Kansas | Ohio | Ohio |
STRONG | Florence M. | 11/12 | F | W | S | --- | --- | --- | Scarlet Rash | New York | Ireland | New York |
WHITE | Grace | 21/30 | F | W | S | Apr | --- | --- | Measles | Kansas | Illinois | New Jersey |
Transferred from Physicians Returns | ||||||||||||
ACHERMAN | Mrs. | 65 | F | W | M | Sep | --- | --- | Heart Disease | Michigan | --- | --- |
CALLENDER | Ida | 18 | F | W | S | Sep | --- | Servant | Typhoid Fever | Missouri | --- | --- |
COOK | Sarah | 2/12 | F | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | Inaction | Kansas | --- | --- |
COWLEY | Wesley | 78 | M | W | W | Apr | --- | Farmer | Kidney Disease | Ohio | Ireland | Ireland |
DOLPH | Sarah | 39 | F | W | M | Jul | --- | Prostitute | Alcoholism | New York | --- | --- |
LINQUIST | Norah | 2 | F | W | S | Aug | --- | --- | --- | Kansas | --- | --- |
LUNDEBURG | John | 53 | M | W | M | Oct | --- | Farmer | Apoplexy | Ohio | --- | --- |
MUNGER | William | 14 | M | W | S | Aug | --- | Scholar | Lung Disease | Kansas | --- | --- |
MURPHY | Maggie | 35 | F | W | S | --- | --- | Tramp | --- | Ireland | Ireland | Ireland |
RANDALL | William | 60 | M | W | M | Jan | --- | Carpenter | Asthma | Pennsylvania | --- | --- |
REMINGTON | S. R. | 45 | M | W | M | Nov | --- | Farmer | Disease of liver | Connecticut | --- | --- |
RUGGLES | Mary | 50 | F | W | M | Feb | --- | Wife | Dropsy | New York | --- | --- |
TAYLOR | --- | 10 | F | W | S | Apr | ---- | --- | Measles | Illinois | --- | --- |
VANEDENSTEN | C. H. | 22 | M | W | S | May | --- | Carpenter | Injuries | Wisconsin | --- | --- |
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