Queries, Look-Ups & More

If you know of another resource that would be helpful to Washington county researchers, please send the link for the resource to the Coordinator.



If you own or have access to Washington county related materials and would be willing to look in them for information for other researchers, please contact the Coordinator to express your interest.

Currently there are no offers to do Look-Ups, check below for alternate options.




Rootsweb's Message Board for Washington County - Use this to post a query

Old Queries


Surname Research


Contact the Coordinator to have your ancestors surname added to the Surname Registry, or to update your contact information.

Surname Registry

Descendants of Joseph Pasco [Ancestors of Benjamin G Pasco; Winn Parrish LA], Submitted by B. Jo Branch, Date: 3 Mar 2002


Miscellaneous Sites


Washington County Historical & Genealogical Society

Random Acts Of Genealogical Kindness - Volunteers may be able to help with locating information for your ancestor.

Kansas Genealogy Facebook Group - Need to join group, they may be able to help find information about your ancestor