The entire community was shocked Tuesday by the sudden death of John Adams. Mr. Adams and his family had but recently moved into town from the country. A few days before his death Mr. Adams was troubled with a small boil on the check. His trouble rapidly developed into erysipelas from which in turn blood poison resulted, the latter setting in late Monday but in a few hours the sufferer was a corpse.The funeral occurred Thursday at the residence of the deceased in the south part of town and interment was made in the local cemetery.
The deceased leaves to mourn his untimely death a widow and small son, to whom the sympathy of the entire community is extended in the dark hour of bereavement.
Card of Thanks. I desire to extend most heartfelt thanks and express my lasting gratitude to the friends and neighbors who so kindly and considerately aided me during the recent illness and death of my husband.
Mrs. John Adams.
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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