At left: Gravestone of Emil "Joe" Bowers, Crown Hill Cemetery, Comanche County, Kansas.
Emil Bowers
died May 9, 1899
aged 45y. 5m. 18d.
Death comes equally to allPhoto by Bobbi (Hackney) Huck.
The Western Star BOWERS - On Tuesday, May 9, 1899, Emil Bowers, aged 45 years, 5 months and 19 days, in Coldwater, Kansas.
May 12, 1899.
The deceased, the unfortunate victim of Tuesday evening's tornado, was known and respected not only in all parts of this county, but in adjoining counties as well. He was born November 20, 1853, in San Antonio, Texas. In the early 70s he found his way northward, stopping for a time in the Territory where he became connected with some extensive cattle companies. For a time he was an employee of the famous Comanche Pool. In 1878 he came to Kansas, making his home principally on the ranges in this and Barber-co., although Comanche-co. was not then organized. Upon the organization of this county in 1864 Mr. Bowers was appointed sheriff, served the short term and was elected for a full term in 1886. He made a good record as an officer and won, among the people everywhere, the reputation of being an honest conscientious man and a good citizen. He had lived among our people continuously since and always retained the same confidence and good opinion of the people. For many years he has been prominent among the stockmen of the county.
He was married on November 29, 1887, to Miss Alice Patterson, who with one daughter, Josie, a bright girl of ten years, now are left to mourn the sad loss of a kind husband and father.
Mr. Bowers carried no insurance neither on his life nor on his property. Interment took place at 2 o'clock, Thursday afternoon, in the presence of a large number of sympathizing friends. Rev. A. M. Buchanan, of the Presbyterian church, preached an appropriate sermon, services being held at the high school chapel room.
Clipping from The Western Star, 12 May 1899.
Also see:
Death Notice: Bowers Infant Daughter
Brutal Murder of John Nelson
The Clark County Clipper, July 8, 1886.A Terrible Tornado! Visits Coldwater on Tuesday Night, Leaving Death, Destruction and Desolation in its Path.
The Western Star, May 12, 1899.Coldwater Centennial Notebook, 1884 - 1984 by Evelyn Reed.
Snake Story The Western Star, May 26, 1896.
Charles V. Jones: A Few Reminiscences of Pioneer Life in Comanche-co.
The Western Star, March 24, 1922Sheriff's Sales, The Western Star, December 3, 1887.
About Comanche-co.'s Twelve Sheriffs
The Western Star, March 4, 1927.Sheriffs of Comanche County, Kansas, 1885 - 2006
Published Notices of Various 1886 & 1887 Land Transactions in Comanche County, Ks.
Comanche County Officers, 1885 - 2007
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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