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John & Julia (Kline) Hayes

John Morrison Hayes, born near Middleton, Wisconson, March 7, 1849, youngest child of Thomas and Ester (Nyhart) Hayes.

In 1868 he moved, with his parents, 2 brothers, Charles and Miles, a brother-in-law, William Flick, and wife Mary to Iowa. He met and later married Julie Maria Kline, daughter of Anthony Artone and Julia Ann (Null) Kline on July 6, 1869.

They lived in Jasper County, Iowa, near Clyde and Mingo, here eight of their 14 children were born. John Hayes was a farmer at heart but during the long winters he hauled logs to a sawmill in order to have money to support his family till the next harvest. He heard about land in Kansas that could be had for filing of a claim (lush pasture and rich soil).

The year of 1884 had been a difficult one for the family so in the fall he decided to move to Kansas, the land of opportunity. He sold most of his possessions, keeping only what was necessary to start life in a new land. Two covered wagons were fitted out, one pulled by a team of horses and the other by his prized oxen, Buck and bright. Thus they started their long journey; the older children and John walked many weary miles to lighten the load.

By the time they reached Chase county, near Cedar Point, Kansas, they had only fifty cents left, winter was fast approaching and he must find a place to live and work. Lady luck smiled, as a farmer nearby was looking for a man who could shoe a horse or build a barn as well as farm; and the farmer supplied a one room house to live in. The next spring his wife Julia inherited a sizeable sum of money from the estate of her grandfather. This enabled them to buy a farm, animals and build a six room house. All of the work on the house was done by John except plastering. He fell from a ladder just as he was finishing the house so had to hire a plasterer from Cottonwood Falls.

In 1903 they sold this home and moved to western Oklahoma, but this was a grave mistake and he longed to be back in Kansas, so in 1905 he bought 160 acres in Comanche County, Kansas, Powell township, near Wilmore. Here he built his third house, a fashionable bungalow, finishing it just in time for their 50th wedding anniversary, July 6, 1919. Eleven of his living children attended.

John and Julia Hayes are buried in Wilmore, Kansas, cemetery.

Garold Hayes, Hutchinson, Kansas, is the only living son.

-- By Will and Ada Uhl, Comanche County History, page 425. (A 1927 photo of John & Julia Hayes is on the same page.)

The Wilmore News, March 21, 1930.


John Morrison Hayes was born near Madison, Wisconsin, March 7, 1849, and departed this life March 14, 1930, at his home near Wilmore, Kansas, age 82 years and 7 days.

While yet in his teens he moved with his parents to Jasper county, Iowa, where he met Miss Julia Kline, to whom he was married July 6, 1869. To this union were born fourteen children, 9 sons and five daughters, Andrew H. and Wm. E., both of Nash, Oklahoma; Thomas A. of Wichita, Kan.; Mrs. Dora Howe and Mrs. Etta Uhl, both of Freedom, Okla.; James G. of Wilmore, Kan.; Mrs. Maude Orr of Wichita, Kan.; Frank E. of Nash, Okla.; Grant W. of Roll, Ariz.; Mrs. Pearl Barber of Rocky Ford, Colo.; and Garold O. of Wilmore, Kan. Two sons, Rutherford B. and Oran, and one daughter, Mrs. Belle Branen, preceded him in death.

He leaves to mourn his loss, his loving wife, who has been his helpmate for sixty one years, seven sons, four daughters, fifty eight grandchildren, twenty nine great grandchildren and a host of friends who knew him in this life.

Mr. Hayes has lived in the Wilmore community since 1901 and during that time has established many ties of friendship which were broken when the Master called him home.

He enlisted in the master's cause and united with the Christian church in the year, 18_6, and remained true until the end.

Funeral services were held in the Wilmore Christian church Sunday at two thirty. All of the eleven surviving children except two, Mrs. Maude Orr and Grant W., were present. Rev. J. P. Woods of the Wilmore Baptist church was in charge of the services. Music was furnished by a quartet consisting of Mrs. Manahan, Mrs. Wall, Geo. Brown and Ray Bigbee. The six sons who were present acted as pall bearers. The floral tokens were an evidence of the love and esteem which was held for Mr. Hayes by his loved ones and friends. Interment was in Wilmore cemetery.

To the bereaved wife and children we extend our heartfelt sympathy in this their hour of bereavement.

The Wilmore News, October 31, 1941.


Mrs. J. M. Hayes who had made her home in Wilmore with her daughter Mrs. Etta Uhl for the past several months, passed away in Wednesday morning of last week. Funeral services were conducted at the Christian church Thursday afternoon at 2:30 with the pastor Rev. D.B. Bennett in charge.

Accompanied by Nick Baker, Delmar Horner sang "Good Night and Good Morning Up There," "In The Garden" and "So Night There."

Those acting as pall bearers were C. O. Masterson, Fay Smith, C. V. Lott, Lloyd Alder, George Kennedy and George Brown.

Burial was made in the Wilmore cemetery.

The sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of many friends.


Julia Maria Kline was born near Baltimore, Maryland, on September 5, 1851 and departed this life at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Etta Uhl in Wilmore, Kans., October 22, 1941 at the age of 90 years, 1 month and 17 days.

She moved with her parents to Jasper County, Iowa in 1854 where she grew to womanhood.

She was united in marriage to John Morrison Hayes July 6, 1869.

To this union was born 14 children, nine boys and five girls of which three boys, Andrew H., Ruthford B., and Oran, and one girl, Cora Bell preceded her in death.

In 1884 she moved with her husband to Chase County, Kansas. Later moving to Wilmore, Kansas at which place except for a short time in Oklahoma she remained to the time of her death.

In 1886 she united with the Christian church and remained a consistent member till she was called to her Eternal Home. Her husband preceded her in death, March 14, 1930.

She leaves to mourn her passing, 6 sons, William E. of Nash, Okla.; Thomas A. of Hillsdale, Okla.; James G. of Wilmore, Kans.; Frank E. of Meno, Okla.; Grant W. of Magazine, Ark.; and Garold O. of Conway Springs, Kans.; four daughters, Mrs. Dora Howe of Alpeno Pass, Ark.; Mrs. Etta Uhl of Wilmore, Kans.; Mrs. Maud Orr of Wichita, Kans.; and Mrs. Pearl Barber of Lajunta, Colo.; one brother, Daniel Kline of Baxter, Iowa; 60 grandchildren; 66 great-grandchildren; 3 great-great-grandchildren and a host of friends.

Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above obituary to this web site!

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This page was created 07 June 2004 and last updated 16 Feb 2006.