Comanche County in Pictures was printed in 1988 by the Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, Texas. The County Coordinator was Lisa Brooks and the Publishing Consultant was Denise Reidel.
This 80-page, hard-bound book is a collection of photos contributed by past and present residents of Comanche County. It is organized by subject, is well-designed and has a full name index.
The book is out of print, so far as I know. If you're interested in finding a copy to purchase, try searching on the ebay auction site or consult with any reputable rare book dealer.
(Incidentally, there's an error in the photo caption on page 30. The photo of my great-grandfather, Loren Ferrin, is at left on the bottom of the page and the photo of Arthur Uhl is at right. The caption identifies Loren as Arthur and vice versa.)
Surnames in the Index of Comanche County in Pictures
Abbott, Alder, Alderdice, Alley, Anderson, Arnold, Artwood, Ashlock, Atkins, Attebury, AveryBacker, Bailor, Baker, Barnes, Barnett, Bean, Beeney, Bender, Berry, Bigbee, Bird, Blackard, Blake, Blount, Boisseau, Boles, Boley, Booth, Botts, Bragg, Brammer, Brass, Bretz, Brewer, Brooks, Burkhall, Burnette, Butcher, Butler, Byram.
Campbell, Carter, Cary, Chance, Chancy, Chase, Clayton, Cobb, Coles, Coffer, Compton, Conger, Cooper, Crandall, Critzer, Crouse, Crowe, Crowley, Curran.
Daily, Dale, Darroch, Davidson, Day, Deewall, Derrin, Dewees, Deyoe, Dillinger, Dirks, Dirkson, Dodson, Dorsey, Dowling, Dunn.
Eaton, Einsel, Ellis, Elwell, Ely, Evans.
Ferrin, Fisher, Fisk, Fleming, Flory, Flowers, Foree, Fought, Frances, Frazier, Frederick, Friend, Fry.
Galobay, Gard, Garten, Gathers, Gaylord, Gilchrist, Gillet, Goforth, Goodpastor, Goss, Graham, Grauberger, Gregg, Griffith, Gul, Guseman, Gustarsson.
Haas, Hackney, Hadley, Hale, Hankins, Harkleroad, Harmon, Harness, Haug, Hayden, Haydock, Hazen, Heft, Henderson, Herd, Hill, Hobson, Hokanson, Holcomb, Holman, Holmes, Hose, Hough, Hubbard, Huck, Huckelbridge, Huff, Hughes.
Hullet, Hunt, Hunter.
Jackson, Jellison, Johnson, Jones, Jordan.
Keesee, Keller, Kennedy, Kernahan, Kerstetter, Kettell, Kimple, King, Kirby, Kittell, Kitter, Klingensmith, Klutty, Klutz, Koehn, Kroft, Kropf, Kuhl.
Larimer, Lawler, Lawrence, Leiss, Lemon, Lewis, Lohrding, Lott, Lousch, Lowe, Lydon, Lyles.
Malone, Mann, Maris, Marks, Marley, Martens, Martin, Masterson, Matthews, Matticks, May, Mayfield, McAllister, McCorkle, McCormick, McCoy, McCrary, McCune, McDowell, McIntyre, McKinney, McMillan, McMoran, McMurray, Melia, Miers, Millam, Miller, Moberly, Moore, Morgan, Morlan, Morrow, Mosher, Mudd.
Nemudrov, Newlin, Nicholson, Nielson, Northrup, Norton, Noyce.
Oller, Oxley.
Parcel, Parker, Paul, Payne, Pepperd, Peterson, Pinkston, Plumb, Pope, Postlewait, Pounds, Preston, Proctors, Pucket, Puderbaugh, Pursell.
Rafler, Ragan, Rarney, Rankin, Ray, Reeves, Reitz, Rhodes, Richardson, Ricker, Ridge, Riner, Ring, Ritziaff, Robbins, Robinson, Rockefeller, Roehr, Rogers, Rolo, Ross, Russell.
Sauser, Schenk, Schmidt, Scholle, Schrock, Schultz, Seaman, Shane, Shelden, Shelley, Sherman, Sibbit, Sims, Smith, Smutz, Snare, Sooter, Spencer, Stark, Stevens, Stewart, Stoddard, Sutton, Swarna, Swayze, Sweens, Swindler.
Tandy, Tarr, Tatum, Taylor, Teeter, Thomas, Thompson, Thornburg, Thornsbury, Thurman, Todd, Tolan, Tritsch, Trummel, Tuxholm.
Uhl, Unruh, Upton, Uselman.
Vardaman, Vermillion, Vesga.
Waddell, Wadel, Wall, Wallace, Ward, Watkins, Webb, Weber, Webster, Weir, White, Whitzel, Wiersig, Willard, Williams, Wilson, Winn, Woller, Wood, Wright.
Zane, Zeigler, Ziekle.
This website is being created by Jerry Ferrin with the able assistance of many Contributors. Your comments, suggestions and contributions of historical information and photographs to this site are welcome. Please sign the Guest Book.This page was last updated 05 Dec 2004.