Mrs. King, wife of Robert King, who resides at Comanche City, this county, died very suddenly and unexpectedly last Monday morning at 7 o'clock. Her death was caused from internal hemorrhage. She gave birth to a 12 pound son at 6 o'clock, and an hour later she breathed her last. A messenger was sent for Dr. Laughead at 2 o'clock Monday morning, but as 40 miles had to be traveled going and coming, it was 8 o'clock when the doctor reached the King residence, and the spirit of the mother and wife had fled. Death is no respector of persons and today there is left a vacancy, a motherless babe, a heart broken husband and eight children. The funeral took place Tuesday, and the remains were laid away in the Avilla cemetery. The family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends.
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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