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The Western Star, August 4, 1944

Arthur Earland Schesser


Earl Schesser of Protection Was Well Liked by all

Funeral services were held in the Protection methodist church last Sunday for Earl Schesser, who was fatally burned Thursday morning of last week in Protection. The services were in charge of Rev. Roby, pastor of the Baptist church of that city.

A quartet composed of Clarence Harden, Mrs. A. Edmonston, Mrs. T. B. Shoemaker and Charles Petty sang "God's Tomorrow," "Sometimes We'll Understand" and "Shadows." The active pall bearers were Atlee Edmonston, Bill Gigax, Gay Lindsay, Alfred Park, Glenn Woolfolk and Claude Rowland. The honorary pallbearers were Clarence Harden, Arthur Windus, Otto Schumacher, Clay Woolfolk, O. O. Witt, John Briggs, J. H. Lindsay, Lloyd Rhodes, T. W. Riner, W. T. Moore, A. L. Christopher, Fred Denny, Jay Rush and E. G. Tharp. Burial was in the Protection cemetery and was in charge of the Protection Masonic Lodge.

Arthur Earl Schesser, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Socrates Schesser of Norton county, Kansas, was born March 11, 1892, in Norton county, and at the time of his death was 52 years, 4 months and 14 days of age.

He was united in marriage with Miss Addie Elizabeth Archer of Logan, Kansas, on August 6, 1916. To this union were born four children - Mrs. Laurine Weber of Coldwater, Gunners Mate Second Class Dale Schesser of the U. S. Navy, and Mrs. Doris Callaway of Protection; also one daughter, Pansy Joan, who preceded him in death on May 14, 1942.

Mr. Schesser was a graduate of the Fort Hays Teachers College receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in 1929. He taught in the Norton county schools for a number of years and was a teacher in the Protection schools nine years, making a success of his profession.

A number of years ago he resigned his position on the P. H. S. faculty to take a position with the Protection Co-operative Supply Co. as manager of its bulk oil and gas, oil line business. In this position, also, he was very capable and was true to every trust. Although he was a very busy man in the community, he became a leader of young people in Boy Scout work and was a teacher in the Methodist Sunday school. He was interested in the up building of his town and community and was one of Protection's finest citizens. Mr. Schesser was a member of the Masonic Lodge, the Eastern Star and the Methodist church of Protection. He will be greatly missed by all who know him.

Surviving him are his wife, Elizabeth; two daughters, Mrs. Frank Weber, Coldwater, and Mrs. Orlando Callaway of the home, one son, Dale, on duty in the Pacific; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Socrates Schesser of Norton, Kansas, two sisters, Mrs. Gertie Craven of Denver, Colorado; and Mrs. Charles MacDonald of Norton, Kansas; one brother, Roy Schesser of Norton, besides a host of other relatives, including two grandsons, Charles and Alan Weber of Coldwater.

Thanks to Shirley Brier for transcribing and contributing the above obituary!

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