Wilmore citizens are still busily engaged in clearing up the wreckage and debris left by the tornado. House roofs are being repaired, old buildings that were partly destroyed are being torn down.The Bowersock elevator has had the old shed torn down. The Clyde Crowe house has been reshingled entirely and the Lester Trummel home has new shingles on the south side where it was damaged. Mrs. Bruce Snare is having some shingling done on her house, also.
Work is also moving forward on the business section of town where the greater part of the damage was done. Salvaged stock from the Wilmore Hardware has been moved into a building south of the former site. The Champion Service Station is being remodelled.
Royce Richardson has been moving stock and fixtures out of his demolished building to his residence north of the tracks. Both Baker and Barnes service stations are being cleared and repaired.
Austin Cobb and his crew have been working long hours the past week putting up new phone lines and doing repair work. By Monday part of the regular service had been restored but there is still considerable work to be done on country lines.
Much remains yet to be done in Wilmore. On Thursday men from Coldwater, Protection and other neighboring communities and farmers from the surrounding area planned to come in and help with the remainder of the work. This would be of great help and will be much appreciated.
The Wilmore News, June 3, 1949, page 1. VISITORS FLOCK TO WILMORE
Last Sunday following the storm it was estimated that 5,000 people were in Wilmore looking at the damage done by the storm. Sight-seers have continued all through the week and a large number was here again on Sunday the 29th.
The Wilmore News, May 27, 1949: "Twister Wrecks Wilmore Business District"
Tornados in the Wilmore, Kansas area
A story about the tornado which hit Wilmore on May 20th, 1949, written by Wendel Ferrin and illustrated with photos by John Edward Schrock.Aftermath of the Wilmore Tornado, May 20, 1949, photos by J.R. & Gloria Cline
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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