People named in this deed abstract are: Chester A. Arthur, John D. Bell, Martha A. Bell, James A. Blair, Ella S. Boies, Fred I. Boies, L.G. Boies, Henry Booth, Nellie Botts, Lawrence Bratcher, P.M. Brown, Alfred C. Chapin, Grace Chapin, W.H. Crook, G.W. Crutcher, R.W. Doig, C.H. Douglass, W.M. Edwards, Alcana Ferrin, Loren Ferrin, J.A. Forbes, Barnett Gibbs, S.A. Gibbs, George Hearldson, David F. Holliman, Frank A. Holmes, S.M. Jackson, J.D.F. Jennings, H.W. Jones, John W. McCalin, Perry McClanahan, John C. McGroarty, M. McKean, A.M. Merryman, W.C. Monticue, J.E. Morgan, R.O. Nevens, Annie E. Pepperd, Bertha Pepperd, Christopher C. Pepperd, R.E. Pepperd, Thomas C. Pepperd, Albert Lee Plummer, Horace H. Rich, Chas. W. Sherman, W.C. Sickles, P.A. Simmons, N.E. Sissop, Grace Schrock, H.S. Schrock, Fred D. Smith, Amanda Snare, O.P. Snare, J.H. Stewart, J.P. Taylor, William M. Taylor, J.T. Testerman, J.M. Thompson, P.H. Thornton, Mattie A. Wilmore, Thomas Wilmore and J.M. Wilson.
Also see:
Christopher Carson "Cap" PEPPERD
Confederate Civil War Veteran, Cowboy, Bronc Buster, Trail Driver & early (1874) Comanche County rancher. Founder of the city of Wilmore, Kansas.
Surnames: Earp, Ewell, Masterson, Pepperd & Wilmore.
C.C. Pepperd's Confederate Pension Application
Thanks to Janet Schrock Hubbard for providing the scans from this document for this site!
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This page was last updated 17 April 2004.