Wilmore Train Depot, Wilmore, Comanche County, Kansas.
Photo from the collection of Kim Fowles
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The Doodlebug train arriving at Wilmore, Comanche County, Kansas.
Photo by John Edward Schrock.
Also see:
Wilmore Barbecue, 04 July 1887
from the Coldwater Echo: "Wilmore lies across the creek from the grove on a beautiful spot in the Mule creek valley and a horse shoe bend in the creek. The railroad at Wilmore is completed west from town but east of the town is some of their heaviest work in the county and will probably be two or three weeks before it is completed. There are a couple of business houses already completed at Wilmore, and several others under contract."Fifty-Eight Cars of Stock Shipped, The Wilmore News, April 26, 1917.
The 1924 Pocket Directory of Wilmore, Kansas,
gives the schedule of trains for Wilmore:
No. 48: East bound passenger - Departure 7:48 A.M.
No. 47: West bound passenger - Departure 3:33 P.M.
No. 70: East bound Local, Departure 4:27 A.M.
No. 69: Westbound Local, Departure 9:02 A.M.Yeggs Nitro Two Safes In Wilmore Wednesday Evening, The Wilmore News, January 9, 1931. (The safe in the train depot was robbed.)
"When the Train Comes In", a humorous historical article about Wilmore written by Kent Eubank, published in the Wichita Eagle sometime before 1932.
Thanks to Kim Fowles for contributing the above photo to this web site!
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