The Protection Post, May 16, 1918.
(By Lawton Stanley)On Tuesday of this week, the following four were sent from Comanche county to Jefferson Barracks, near St. Louis, Mo., on call of our local board.
Otto Bain.
Fred F. Selsor.
Alonzo Vincent.
Leonard A. ZeitlerAs stated in these columns last week Russel Washburn will be sent to Manhattan this week there to received special training for service in the army.
Jacob Leeper and O.E. Callaway, who volunteered for service as mechanics, will be sent to Washington, D.C. on May 20th.
The next call for men from Comanche county will take twelve. These are a part of the 233,000 called and are to be sent on May 25th or soon thereafter. The men who will go in this increment and their order numbers are as follows:
2__ Sameul Fred Millard.
2__ David F. Holliman.
2_8 Harry T. Billings
_52 Noah C. Bauer.
__0 Alva Parkinson.
__1 Lloyd H. Booth.
2_6 Luther Billings.
294 George H. Hart
325 Henry C. Lasater
391 John R. Griffin
407 Jack Johnson. (Preach)These twelve men last named will be sent to Camp Funston.
Below is the list of men who will go from Clark county during the five day period beginning May 25th. Also their order number and addresses are given
211 Robert Earl Bell, Englewood, Kansas.
224 Lysle Crane, Clinton, Ind.
229 Everett Alfred Hogue, Eldorado, Kansas.
231 Virgil Crane, Clinton, Ind.
238 Ruby Burrell McGee, Hutchinson, Kansas.
241 Frank Oscar Havlik, St. Louis, Mo.
254 Roy James Hastings, Ashland, Kansas.
272 Isaac Gideon Stevens, Ashland, Kansas
235 Samuel Schoot, Minneola, Kansas.
289 Charles Walter Blair, Liberal, Kansas.
298 John Henry Bell, Lee Valley, Tenn.
319 Hugh Thomas Robinson, Ashland, Kansas.
332 Ralph Raymond Hoisington, Independence, Kansas.
338 Chester Roland Clay, Ashland, Kansas.
380 Bert John Hanson, Plankington, S.D.
394 Corbett Potter, Home, Mo.
403 Samuel Francis Gish, Minneola, Kansas.
405 John Calvin Hale, Acres, Kansas.
419 John Floyd Funk, Ashland, Kansas.
424 Herman Kunkel, Lindon, Kansas.
427 Tony Neff, Sitka, Kansas.
434 Elmer Hubbard, LaJunta, Colorado.
445 J.T. Hunter, Ashland, Kansas.
457 Stirling Hoard, Everton, Ark.Below are the names, order, number and addresses of the alternatives.
475 Howard Sparks Harvey, Manhattan, Kansas.
478 Clarence Warren Cro_mor, Minneola, Kansas.
482 Vernel Cylde Mitchell, Ashland, Kansas.
491 William Roy White, Ashland, Kansas.
525 Elmer Burr Irvin, Coldwater, Kansas.
535 Arthur Maurice Sherman, Englewood, Kansas.John Amos Nickum of Ashland, Kansas, will entrian for Manhattan, the 16th where he will be given two months training along mechanical lines and then be sent either to the front or behind the lines to do repair work.
The above lists and information was sent by the Local Board for the County of Clark, State of Kansas, at Ashland, Kansas.
Thanks to Shirley Brier for scanning & sending the above news article!
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