Mitchell County


Please share your Family Group Sheet information, Descendents Chart, Photos, etc. of a Mitchell County ancestor. Simply email your contribution to the Coordinator. Your email address will be provided for interested parties to contact you, unless you request otherwise.


Evelyn Bechard

Jim Bellows and Guy ___ (*1)

Rose Blade (*1)

BSS Bunch Family (*1)
in Beloit

Child outside of
Micajah Bunch's home (*1)

Jesse & Ida (Drury) Bunch

Myrtle Bunch

Virginia Hope Colby

Buck Cooper (*1)

Cleta Duncan (*1)

4 Generations of EMBRYs

Albert Fenton (*1)

Tom Garland (*1)
with his bloodhounds

Winfield Gavin
Contributed by Christy Goddard

Agnes Gedersleve (*1)

HEIDRICK Children (*1)

Clarence Kirkbride

Fenton E. McAllister

Oopal Miffort #1 (*1)

Oopal Miffort #2 (*1)

Oopal Miffort #3 (*1)

Oopal Miffort #4 (*1)

Oopal Miffort #5 (*1) - dolls

Wayne Morgan

Geneva Porter (*1)

Bertie Reeves (*1)

Ethel Ricard (*1)

Elizbeth Smith

Mildred Smith (*1)

Georgie & Nellie Thomas (*1)

Helen Thurston (*1)

Harold Troutman

George Williams (*1)

Katharine Yount (*1)

Unknown Baby
might be a Bunch baby

Unknown Children

Unknown Couple

Unknown Man #01

Unknown Man #02

Unknown Man #04

Unknown Man #05

Unknown Man #06

Unknown Man #07

Unknown Man #09

Unknown Man #10
might be related to Unknown Woman #06

Unknown Men #01

Unknown Men #02

Unknown Norma "Billie"

Unknown Woman #01

Unknown Woman #02

Unknown Woman #03

Unknown Woman #04

Unknown Woman #05

Unknown Woman #06
might be related to Unknown Man #10

Unknown Women #01

Unknown Women #02

Unknown Women #03

Unknown Family Home
1915 Beloit

Unknown Family Home
possibly Jesse BUNCH Family

Photos marked with (*1) were provided by Patsy V. Bostick, who found them in a photo album at a flea market in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Past Queries

In these old queries, you might find a clue for your family history research.

I am looking for death and burial information for my great grandfather, Robert Preston WATSON. he was living alone in Jewell County, Kansas on the 1920 US Census. I know that at one time he owned 1/4 section of land in Jewell County which was in my grandmother's name, Ethel WATSON, or Anna Ethel WATSON. I have not been able to find him. I am also looking for Carroll Amer SHINN, brother-in-law to Robert Preston WATSON. I know that Robert WATSON was living with Carroll SHINN and his family in 1900 and, I believe, in 1910. I have his death date but do not know where he is buried. They may be in the same place.
Bonnie Rumford

I am looking for Daniel LUTZ, born c 1828, OH or PA, and wife, Mary, who were listed as living in Cawker City, KS, on the 1880 Census. I am looking for any information that may be available on where he went, did they have children, etc. Daniel LUTZ was the son of Abraham LUTZ, who died c 1855 in Stark Co., OH.
Johnita P. Malone

Searching for any info on J.M. HADDOCK Jr., dealer in livestock in Mitchell and Cloud counties, 1890's. Was he married to Hattie REMELY? Can anyone help?
Sue Waterman

Looking for descendents of the children of Jay G. FRENCH who moved to Jewell Co., KS in 1886. Ellen Eliza FRENCH m. George KITTEL in 1889, Modoc, Scott Co., KS. Their children were: Minnie KITTEL, who married Fredrick Leroy ROMINGER, Mitchell Co.; Clara KITTEL who married George ROMINGER; Jay G. Alfred KITTEL who married #2 Jesse HOWE, 1897; Ruby HOWE m. Guy ROMINGER; Irvine Leroy HOWE m. Kathrine LOWES; Mary Ann FRENCH m. Isaac HOWE, 1899 in Mitchell Co., KS and they had Bernice HOWE m. Roy GODDING in Mitchell Co. and Ruth HOWE m. Robert LOGAN.
Judi Assony

Seeking contacts with others researching LANGELY, PRIME, BRUNDAGE, BOWSER, PARRY and BERRY families in Mitchell County.
John Andrew Prime

I am trying to find the ancestors of George W. ANDERSON of Mitchell Co. He lived in Beloit around 1870. His wife's name was Nancy HAWKS. His son, Bert W. ANDERSON, was born Feb. 28, 1874 and moved to Iowa.
Lawrence Wolfe

I am seeking info on a Herman and Elizabeth (BEICKE) GRAVES. Herman died in Beloit, Mitchell Co., KS in 1897. What happened to Elizabeth? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Paulette Roberts

Seeking information on Albert (or Alfred) PRIME, who possibly lived in Ellis Co. in the 1870s. He later lived in Mitchell County. Seeking ties with anyone researching PRIME, PRINE or PRUYN name.
John Andrew Prime

I am working on a family tree of the Henry JACOBS family which includes the following relations: the Herman Fredric KUGLIN family, the Fredrick ZIBELL family, the Michael Carl FERNKOPH family, and the Jacob HOCHULI family, all of Holton, Jackson Co., Kansas. All of these families had their roots in the old Prussia and immigrated to Glen Elder, Mitchell Co., KS in the 1870s. Would appreciate hearing from anyone who can provide information and addresses of relatives I can contact for family histories.
Clinton O. Jacobs

I am seeking information on the death of a Mary G. FREIHAGE. In the 1880 Fed. census, she and her family lived in Beloit, Mitchell, KS. They left about 1890 and came to Washington state but Mary FREIHAGE was not with them. Also, any information about any of her five children born in the same city would be helpful. Her husband's name was John C. FREIHAGE. Mary FREIHAGE's maiden name was KRONE?
Mick Edmunds

Please contact me if you are researching any of these names.
Terry Straub

Looking for info from Mitchell County about the WATSON family of the late 1800's. Frank WATSON, b. 1849, Laura WATSON, b. 1878 or ZED HOWSE. All from the city of Simpson.
Brian D. Evans

Searching for any information about the HILL family who lived in Beloit in the early part of this century, until at least the 1930's. The father's name was Daniel and he had at least three sons that I know of. Their names were Arthur, Roy and Ray. Thank you.
Therese Hill Peregrine

Am interested in any history concerning the surname MINDRUP inthe counties of Norton (primary one), Sheridan, decatur, Graham, Phillips, and Rooks, Smith, and Mitchell.
Donna Merrill

Am looking for relatives of James Homer MITCHELL. I can identify Clarence MITCHELL, Willie MITCHELL (who was blind), and Charles Ellis MITCHELL as two of his sons. James was my great grandfather and Charles my grandfather. Charles married Julia Frances "Fannie" TORRENCE. From that union came Charles Alton, James Homer, Lorraine, Alvina, Earl and one other daughter. I am Charles Alton MITCHELL's son. Also in the family history are the names Julia Francis TORRENCE, Charles TORRENCE, Isabel or Isablle TORRENCE, Peter and Julies HAWES.
Phillip L. Mitchell

Need to find information and ancestry for William A. YOUNG and wife, Minnie Bell SCANLAND. YOUNG from farm near Beloit. They had 8 children: Willis Scanland YOUNG, George Ashley YOUNG, Genevieve YOUNG, Ted YOUNG, Cecil YOUNG, Lolita YOUNG, Leora YOUNG, 1 dead infant. Moved to area in 1873? William, 1862-1936, had sistem Emma Young ZEIGLER. Minnie, 1872-1952, had father, Granville SCANLAND and siblings, Dick, Jack, Leona. Please help me find my ancestors. SCANLANDs from Mt. Sterling, IL. Most buried in Elmwood Cemetery in Beloit, KS.
Barry Johnson

Looking for John ENDRES and Margaret KARLS of Mitchell and Obsorne counties. Known to be in Osborne Co. in 1880 census and in Mitchell Co. 1900, 1910, 1920 census. Know children: Eliz, Susan, Margaret, Charles, Mary, Kate, John, Theodore, Annie. Looking for info on this family, burial places, marriages, etc.
Jerry Paulson

Searching for information regarding SMYTH, Thomas b. May 29, 1840, Harwich Twp., Kent Co., Ontario, Canada. Moved to Beloit, KS, area. He was married to WILSON, Mariah, had sons: Thomas, James and John. Thomas SMYTH d. ca 1915 in Beloit, area. He was a farmer and may have owned a farm in either Mitchell, Osborne, Cloud, Republic, Jewell or Smith counties, but was near Beloit, KS.
Robert Neil

William MORTON and Lydia WEBB, living in Jewell Co. about 1879-80, had a daughter, Rose MORTON, born in Mankato, 1879. Other families believed to be in the area include: William HUDELSON, Fessenden HUDELSON, Austin and Martha FANSLER. Would appreciate any information on these families. Will gladly share descendent information.
Richard Leppla

Looking for any information on the surnames of McKIM, BENSON, MONASMITH, DUVALL and FERGUSON located in Mitchell/Jewell/Cloud counties. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I would also be willing to share what I have thus far.
Sherry Wiesen

Seeking information about Louis and Mary (PICKLES) SCHOFIELD born in Nova Scotia. Moved to Mitchell Co., KS about 1880 with six children: Estella, Elmer, Florence, Lenerit, William, and Delbert.
Betty Crawford

Rev. Andrew Moses MISEL, Methodist minister, born Noble Co., OH, 1861. Accepted appointment to Northwest Kansas Conference 1911. Served 1911-1912 at Formosa (Jewell Co.), 1913-1914 at Munden (Republic Co.), 1915 Otego (Jewell Co.), 1916 Scottsville (Mitchell Co.), 1917 Republic (Republic Co.). According to Methodist archives, retired 1918 with address of Ottawa, Franklin Co. Methodist archives indicate he died in Kansas in 1947 but this conflicts with family "memories." Looking for any information on Andrew's life in Kansas including verification of place of death and last resting palce. Also, information on wife, Anna J., born ca 1860, daughters Mary L., b. April 1891 Washington Co., Ohio and Ruth, b. July 1893 either Washington Co. or Geauga Co., Ohio. Ruth believed to have married a STOLTZ (STOLZ, STULTZ, STALTZ) possibley in Ohio, possibly Kansas.
Nancy Misel

Ebenezer RICHARDSON, b. about 1841, was reported to be living at Glen Elder, Mitchell Co., KS in November 1887 when his father, Thomas RICHARDSON, died in Illinois. Does anyone know what happened to Ebenezer RICHARDSON? I believe Ebenezer was married to a Mary E. When the 1900 census was taken, Ebenezer RICHARDSON and his family were living in Walnut Creek Twp, Mitchell Co., KS. Ebenezer's children were as follows: Emmit D., Russell W., Zerelda E.
Allen Gray

Seeking info on Margaret (RHOADES) BATDORF, widow of John BATDORF. She married Adelbert HATHAWAY in Beloit Nov. 3, 1878. Margaret left Beloit in 1899 for Oregon. Would apprecaite info on any BATDORFs int he area in the 1800's. Edmund (Edward) and Ida May CALKINS were married in Beloit on Dec. 23, 1882. Any info on them? Will share any BATDORF info.
Mary Jo Fritz

Seeking information on the William Deffinbaugh family. William married to Elizabeth PHOADES. Had children: Robert, Ezra, Mary J. (married to Earl IRISH), Eliza Ann (married to Perry IRISH), Detta, and Bertha. I believe William led wagon trains to Oregon in the late 1800's-early 1900's. He was at one time appointed guardian of Margaret BATDORF's 6 children. Will share DEFFINBAUGH information.
Mary Jo Fritz

Seeking info on William F. SHELDON who lived in Cawker City, Mitchell Co., 1868-1880. His daughter, Alice F. SHELDON married George T. CASEY.
Edgar A. Sheldon

I am searching for information regarding my gg grandparents, John Thomas McCRACKEN and Olive WILLFORD. According to my grandmother, they settled in Cloud County, Kansas in 1870 where they lived for approximately 15 years. They also lived in the southern part of Mitchell County for a number of years. They retired to Beloit, where John Thomas died on Feb. 11, 1904. I believe that he may be buried at the Elmwood Cemetery in Beloit. Apparently, John Thomas was a member of the Beloit Post, No. 147, of the Grand Army of the Republic and Olive was a member of the Livermore Circle of the DAR. I am also searching for information regarding their son, Roy Francis McCRACKEN, who was born in Mitchell County on July 17, 1887 or 1888. All preceeding information was contained in handwritten notes which my grandmother received from one of her great aunts in the late 1960's. Unfortunately, any documentation which may have supported this information has long since vnaished. Any assistance with this query will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Dane Smith

NOTE: Due to Length, this query has been edited.
Looking for information on Abraham SEARS and spouse, Mary (CAMPBELL) SEARS. Settled in Hays Twp., Mitchell County, KS between 1876 and 1880. Listed in 1880 Fed. Census with children: John, Sarah M., and Samuel. Family also found on 1895 Kansas State Census in Hayes. Members of Reorganized LDS Church.
Robert R. Sneed

I am searching for information of the possible burial site of Truman Lansing POOLER and Sarah Ann POOLER. Truman died April 16, 1893 in Beloit, KS and Sarah died August 12, 1913 in Beloit, KS.
Cris Sumsk

I am looking for information on Jesse HORN, b. January 1881 in Hill City, Graham County, KS. Father's name was John Walter HORN and he purchased property in Norton County and Mitchell County in 1887. Anyone out there have any informationon the HORN family please e-mail me.
Ruth Horn Essary

I am searching for any inforation on the BRANTON family that lived in Mitchell County in the late 1800's. Thomas BRANTON was born March 26, 1845 in England and died January 11, 1907 in Durham, Marion Co., KS. Wife: Josephine RUSSELL, born Sept. 15, 1847 in England, died Sept. 18, 1934 in Durham, Marion County, KS. Known to have had 17 children, one of whom is my grandfather, Elmer Floyd BRANTON, who was born January 12, 1889 in Mitchell County, KS. He died May 5, 1963 in Salina, Saline Co., KS. There was also a daughter, Anna BRANTON, and sons, Clyde and Charles BRANTON.
Caren Olsen

Searching for relatives or information on Eva FOSTER-DICKSON, born abt. 1911 in Mitchell Co., KS? Unknown parents. She married Elsworth M. DICKSON (parents: John A. and Ella M. DICKSON) in Cawker City, Mitchell Co., KS around 1931. Moved in 1936, or shortly after, with Elsworth to Washington or, more likely, Deschutes Co., Oregon. Together they had 3 children: Everett (Buddy), Elsie, Ernest Marion (1941-1982, my father). She departed Deschutes Co., OR in Nov. 1941? by train?, unknown destination. She was divorsed from Elsworth after 1941. I have been told she had remarried (a mill worker), had more children, and lived somewhere (coastal?) in Washington state. Today, Eva FOSTER would be in her mid-80's. Time is working against me and I'm beginning to wonder if she ever existed (:-)joke). If you think you have any informationthat might help in my search, please let me know! Thank you for your time! Eva's loving granddaughter.
Danna Dickson-Pickle

Elias Addison MANN married Cora QUAKENBUSH in Beloit, Mitchell County, KS in 1893. I have a lot of information on Cora, but I have almost no information on Elias. The information I do have is that he had two brothers, Anson and George MANN, who both, presumably, lived in western or central Kansas, maybe in Simpson, Mitchell County, KS. Any help in finding these brothers or the parents of the three would be greatly appreciated.
Mary Daily

I am looking for information as to the relationship of Frank A. LUTZ to Mary S. LUTZ. Both were residents of Beloit, Mitchell County, Kansas. He was an attorney. He graduated from the University of Kansas in 1893 and died in 1940. Her death date or virtually anything about her is unknown. She honored him in a gift to the University of Kansas, School of Law, at the time of her death but no information was gathered at that time.
Dru Sampson

Searching for information on the surname of HATCHER. Specifically, Edith Dean HATCHER and her parents. Would have lived in Beloit around the 1900-1915 period. She married a Millard Oren JACKSON and they moved to the Tasco area in Sheridan County around 1915.
Rod Williams

My husband's ggrandfather, John COURSON, moved back and forth to Kansas 4-5 times. He was born March 1853 in Tipton County, IN and died Feb. 12, 1911 in Abington, Knox County, IL. He and his wife (name either Matilda or Mary-children's death certificates give 2 first names) had 2 daughters: Matilda and Mary MAPE (or MAPES), born in New York.
Cheri Courson

I am looking for information on Cecile STARR. Possibly born in 1888 in Exeter, Fillmore County, NE, married to Walter GAMBLE, died on March 12, 1922 in Riverton, WY. Info that I am seeking: middle name, date of birth, when & where married, husband's middle name.
Stoney M. Gamble

My great grandfather was married in Beloit, KS, on Dec. 8, 1893. His name was louis Daniel NIELSEN and his wife was Ida RUEGSEGGAR or RESSEGER. At some point, her surname was shortened to RESSEGER. I know they lived in Mitchell County for about 6 or 7 years after they were married. They then moved on to Grayson County, TX. Any information would be most helpful. Thanks.
Bill Nielsen

Looking for information on the following people: Louisa WEBER, Jacob WEBER, Rosina WEBER, Louisa SHUTT, Will R. SHUTT.
Bill Tandy

I am looking for information concerning the BUNCHes and DRURYs of Mitchell County, KS. Micajah BUNCH and Almeda Jane BRANTNER homesteaded in Mitchell County in 1880. Their children were: Jesse Franklin, George, Henry, Joseph Sydney, John Weslyn, and Edna. Edna married Fred LAWSON and stayed in Beloit. Jesse and Henry married sisters, Ida Vastie and Daisy Olive DRURY (parents were James Monroe DRURY and Artamesa Jane PEARSON who settled in Mitchell County before 1900). Joseph and John married sisters, Margaret Ellen and Catherine Agnes SANGSTER. Other children of James and Artamesa DRURY were: Sarah Belle LONG, Charlotte, Dote, Isaac, Charles and James. Any help will be appreciated.
Larry Bunch

I am researching the names COFFMAN, KEIM and HOSLER. In 1890, William Hicky COFFMAN, Eliza Jane (COFFMAN) KEIM, Marrietta Ann (COFFMAN) HOSLER and Henry Ivan COFFMAN (my ancestor) were living in Mitchell County having settled near the Jewell County border in 1871. I have most of the descendants of Henry I. COFFMAN, but that is all. Any information on any of the others, or their descendants, would be greatly appreciated.
Dave Davin

Researching Elizabeth Caroline DUNCAN, born May 4, 1876 in Dogtown, KS. Others born in Mitchell County, so maybe Dogtown is in Mitchell Co. Thank you so much, Inez Burns
Ann Clark

Looking for information on Harry BAKER and his wife, Lany Belle (OWEN) BAKER. Thanks for any help you can provide.
Holly Owen

Seeking information on: Martha Ann "Mattie" HALL, born Nov. 29, 1846 in Harrisburg, Dauphine Co., PA, died Dec. 1911 and Archibald Glenn HUMPHREY (aka "A. Glenn, A.G. HUMPHREY), born July 6, 1852, New Castle, Lawrence (the Mercer) Co., PA, d. Sept. 3, 1931, Burns, Laramie Co., WY. They were married on Dec. 30, 1875, Beloit, Mitchell Co., KS. Children: Ethel (1878-1919, m. Chas. Everett CUMMINGS); Tomas Merrill (1879-1926, m. Gertrude Elmma C. KERN); George Wesley (1881-1955, m. Hazel GROUT); Margaret Narcissia (1884-1954, m. Ray "Lynn" CAMERON); Maud(e) (1886-?, m. #1 John SHANK, #2, JOHNSON).
M. Davidson

I am searching for the death/burial place and date for my gggrandparents, David DODGE and Matilda C. BEAGLE DODGE. David was born in Dutchess County, NY around 1826. Matilda was from Platt County, MO. Their children were: Alice, Sophia, Martha (Mattie), George, Mary Anna, Charles, David Jr., and Minnie. Mary Anna DODGE BROWN was my ggrandmother. She was married to William Clay BROWN who owned Beloit Motor Co. before the depression. Their children were: William Clarence BROWN (my grandfather) and Howard D.H. BROWN. William Clay and Mary Anna BROWN are buried in Elmwood Cemetery, Beloit, next to my grandparents, William Clarence and Clara Mae FILE BROWN. In searching the 1900 census, I found a George DODGE living in Beloit as a newspaper editor. Wife is listed as Hattie and son, Fred H. I suspect George may be Mary Anna's brother. Mary Anna's obituary states that she and William Clay moved to Beloit in 1910. Was wondering if David and Matilda could possibly be buried nearby? The last known place of residence for them is Kirwin, Phillips County, around 1883. Any info on their death/burial would be greatly appreciated.
Also seeking anyone with a family history or family tree for the Charles FILE and Katherine SPANGLER FILE family. I know who their children are; am needing generations after that. Also wondering about ancestors of Charles and Katherine. I understand Mitchell County is still populated with many FILEs as Charles bought up much of the land after the depression and divided it amongst his eleven children, my grandmother, Clara FILE, being one of them. Any info is appreciated. Also, i have a wealth of info on DODGE / BROWN / FILE to share.
Andrew Shaffer

Looking for any information on these surnames: ARASMITH, SMITH and spouses surnames: LITSEY and BUCHANAN
David & Nancy Arasmith

Looking for Dr. Horace H. BASFORD (1805-1865) from VT. At one time, lived in Georgia, Franklin Co., VT. Died in IL. Wife may have been Elizabeth. At least one son or grandson: Merrit Caldwell BASSFORD (b. 1850-`91`), Ottawa, LaSalle Co., IL), m. 1871 in Beloit, Mitchell Co., KS, Emma Retta OVERMAN (b. 1851-1930, Terre Haute, Vigo Co., IN). They had 8 children: Horace Albert, Charlie M., Preston E., and Elizabeth (RICHARDSON). All lived in Beloit, KS. Other children were: May (ALLEN), Laura (CASTEEL), Emma (LONG).
Leslie Williams

Seeking info on Emma Aletha GREGORY, born Nov. 7, 1885, in Osborne, Osborne Co., KS, died Feb. 6, 1925 and is buried in Shiloh Cemetery, Mitchell Co., KS. She was married to D.W. SALISBURY in 1905 in Dewey Co., OK. I'd like to find information on her parents and siblings. I am also looking for information on the SALISBURY family.
Joan Earnshaw

Looking for information on the family of Phillip T. and Catherine E. (HECKMAN) DOYLE. They had eight children and they resided in the Mitchell/Lincoln counties area. They were: John Francis (b. 1857, d. 1929, m. 1885 to Lida Jane CLINE), Phillip Thomas Jr. (b. 1859, d. ?, m. ? to Carrie B.), Joseph Mains (b. 1861, d. ?, m. 1885 to Effie Sarah LEMASTER), Georgia m. (b. 1863, d. ?, m. 1885 to William T. McCARTY), Mary Virginia (b. 1865, d. 1952, m. 1881 to James J. BOLES), Catherine E. "Katie" (b. 1871, d. ?, m. 1892 to John W. BIGGS), Arthur A. (b. 1875, d. 1945, m. 1894 to Lennie BLAIR, m. 1904 to Florence FULER), Mary (b. ?, d. ?, Mary died during childhood). Any information on these DOYLEs or related families would be appreciated.
Lonnie Doyle

Rutherford B. PARK of Scottsville was the first Emporia State University student to die in the service of his country. He was a member of Company E, Kansas 22nd Volunteer Regiment Infantry, in the Spanish American War. He died of disease at Fort Meyer, VA, on Aug. 26, 1898 and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. I wish to contact any relatives still in the area and also am interested in knowing of letters and other memorabilia which may exist. We plan to honor his memory this fall at ESU with a plaque and program. Please contact me by e-mail or write: Sam Dicks, Professor of History, Box 4023, ESU, Emporia, KS 66801.
Sam Dicks

Interested in the following surnames who were in Mitchell County since the 1860's: BELL, LAKEY, SPRING(S), STILLEY, HEIDRICK, BOGARDUS, YOUNG.
Lee Nichols

Searching for any information on these names. I have several pages of info on STARKEY and WILLIAMS. I will share and hope someone can help me also. Arthur GENTRY married Harriet STARKEY. Both are buried at Beloit. Thanks.
Jody Porter

I am seeking descendants of John Daniel ALTIMUS, born Indiana Co., PA, Aug. 21, 1838, married Susan Jane BAKER, Mar. 20, 1861, and died in Mitchell Co., KS, Sept. 1, 1895. According to a newspaper clipping of his obituary, his widow and four children survived. If anyone has knowledge of the childrens' names and/or other descendants, I would be most appreciative if you would get in touch with me. I have lots of ancestry information and am willing to share.
Alice Gless

I am researching these surnames in Mitchell County. There were 3 BUNCH family groups that settled in Mitchell County. One family, Henry BUNCH, owned the Bunch Drug Store; another, Micajah BUNCH, is my ggrandfather; and the third is George BUNCH, m. Mabel, who is possible brother of Henry BUNCH. I would like to share information with descendents of any of them.
There was a Jacob BRANTNER and family living in Beloit during the 1900-1920 time period. He was a brother of my ggrandmother, Almeda (BRANTNER) BUNCH.
SANGSTERs I am researching are Margaret (SANGSTER) BUNCH, m. to Joseph Sidney BUNCH in 1906, Catherine (SANGSTER) BUNCH, m. John Wesslyn BUNCH in 1910, and Pearl BUNCH who lived with a family named FRANK in Walnut Creek in the 1905 Kansas State Census. Other SANGSTER families I am researching include: George W. SANGSTER, m. Mabel MUCK, lived in Cawker City and Walnut Creek from1900? to 1905, and Joseph E. SANGSTER, m. Lucinda, lived in Walnut Creek around 1900.
Anne Fialcowitz

Subject: BREITER
Date: 03/13/1999
Query: Query:Searching for Lizzie WALLERICH married to Peter THILLE. Also Margaret WALLERICH married to
BREITER. Both living in Mitchell County Ks in 1920. Last known information showed Cawker City in 1920.
Would appreciate any information so I can fill in the missing blanks in Family Tree.

Subject: THILLE
Date: 03/13/1999
Query: Query:Searching for Lizzie WALLERICH married to Peter THILLE. Also Margaret WALLERICH married to
BREITER. Both living in Mitchell County Ks in 1920. Last known information showed Cawker City in 1920.
Would appreciate any information so I can fill in the missing blanks in Family Tree.

Date: 03/13/1999
Query:Searching for Lizzie WALLERICH married to Peter THILLE. Also Margaret WALLERICH married to BREITER. Both living in Mitchell County Ks in 1920. Last known information showed Cawker City in 1920.
Would appreciate any information so I can fill in the missing blanks in Family Tree.

Author: S Sheaffer
Date: 03/13/1999
Query: Margaret WALLERICHb ca 1869
& Lizzie WALLERICH b ca 1857
Peter THILLE b ca 1852 were all born in Keokuk County, Ia

Author: Linda Anderson
Subject: McKinley
Date: 03/02/1999
Mailing address: Rt. 1, Box 39, Cimarron, NM 87714
Query: George Reed MCKINLEY (Nov. 13, 1853 - Feb. 22, 1923) and his wife, Effie Norton MCKINLEY (Sept. 7, 1856 - Jan. 7, 1934), are buried in Cawker City Cemetery. Where were they from and who were their parents? They had at least one child, Ruth Elizabeth MCKINLEY who married Rufus Clyde Bohrer in Cawker City on June 17, 1914. Ruth was my grandmother. Any news of their ancestors or descendents would be welcomed!
Linda Bohrer Anderson

Author: John Wilson
Subject: fuller
Date: 02/16/1999
Query: I'm looking for information about Charles and Mary Fuller, who lived in the Beloit/Glen Elder area between 1900 and 1930. They adopted my great grandfather John Earl Wilson, Roy Wilson, and Daisy? Wilson in the early 1900's. They all lived for a time in Colorado, but moved back to Beloit area around 1920.

Author: Elva (Tice) Michal
Subject: TILTON
Date: 02/16/1999
Mailing address (optional): 2718 Atlanta Dr., Pharr, Texas 78577
Query: Searching for any information about Roswell Spencer and Persis Ann (Wood) Tilton who lived in Mitchell County 1884-1901. Their children include Honora May Cooke, James Spencer Tilton, Mary Ann Tilton, Leurena Rosilla Tilton, Lydia Matilda Creitz, Martha E. Tilton, Theodore Tilton, and Edward Clarence Tilton.

Author: James A. Clanin
Subject: CLANIN
Date: 02/14/1999
Query: Any information on James Monroe CLANIN or any other CLANIN or variation of the name appreciated.

Author: Marita Lee
Subject: YOCKEY
Date: 02/12/1999
Query: Levi and Daniel YOCKEY came to Ottawa Co. KS. in 1865 with their sister Lear YOCKEY and her husband Peter KARNES. Will exchange family information.

Author: Marita Lee
Subject: RE: YOCKEY
Date: 02/12/1999
Query: Lear YOCKEY--KARNES was living with her son, George KARNES at Beloit in Mitchell Co. in 1880. Seeking information.

Author: Bill
Subject: Sample
Date: 02/06/1999
Query: Virgil Everett SAMPLE born October 28, 1880 in Jewell County, Kansas. Died: March 28, 1963 in Cawker City, Kansas. Married Flossie O'Linda Hiatt, September 4, 1901 in Jewell County, Kansas.
Children: Lloyd Ellsworth, Emma Cleo, Lindon Gibson, Ellen Pauline, Harold Leotis, Esther Lucile, Hazel Elizabeth, Paul Theodore, Sr, Fern Louise, Jean Marquerite, and
Wesley J. Sample.

Author: millard hiner
Subject: ralph benjamin hiner
Date: 02/04/1999
Query: how can i get a birth record for the subject and dates of death for Mary Giner and frank Hiner.

Author: Larry W. Bunch
Subject: Wolf
Date: 01/31/1999
Mailing address (optional): 404 San Mateo St., Avenal, CA 93204
Query: I am looking for a Mrs. Charles Wolf who was living in Beloit, KS in 1926. She was a grand-daughter of James and Artimisa Drury.

Author: Everett Thorpe, Jr.
Subject: THORPE
Date: 01/28/1999
Mailing address (optional): 10304 Villa Milagro, El Paso, TX 79924
Query: Seeking information any THORPEs in Mitchell County. Specifically Everett Thorpe (Sr), my father, born arouond 1887. He eventually migrated to New York, date and reasons unknown. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you.

Author: John Wilson
Subject: William T. Wilson, and John Earl Wilson
Date: 01/08/1999
Query: I'm looking for information about my great grandfather, William T. Wilson, born in 1854, married to Nellie Pickerel. His son, John Earl Wilson, was born in 1892 in Council Bluffs Iowa. He (Earl) lived, and died, in Mitchell county Kansas, where my father, Johnnie Lee Wilson was born and raised. John Earl Wilson married Ethel Velma Walker on August 11, 1924. John Earl had at least 3 brothers, Roy, and Elmer, Charley, and perhaps another brother. A younger sister died in Colorado, but we never heard a name for her. William T. and Nellie died when the boys were young, and they lived with some other family. I was hoping to find some infor mation on William T. to discover where he was born.

Author: Jean McLane
Subject: Deapen
Date: 01/03/1999
Query: Interested in learning location of Mitchell County homestead land of Peter Deapen, who immigrated from the Netherlands with his wife Mary van Kalker Deapen in 1863, probably arriving in KS a couple of years later. His daughter Jennie married Joseph Frederick McLane and they had 4 children: Edwin, Merle, Alice and Jean Floyd(my father). The latter two attended Cawker City High School in the late 1920's.

Author: Jean McLane
Subject: McLane
Date: 01/03/1999
Query: Interested in learning location of farm purchased by RICHARD MCLANE around 1870. His son Joseph Frederick McLane married Jennie DEAPEN from a nearby homestead farm. They had four children, Ed, Merle, Alice and Jean Floyd(my father), and the latter two attended Cawker High in the late 1920's.

Author: Ed Page
Subject: Sackett
Date: 12/26/1998
Mailing address (optional): 428 E Woodin Ave, Chelan,WA 98816
Query: I am searching for the surname SACKETT in Mitchell Co. They lived there in the 1870's and the 1880's.

Author: Ed Page
Subject: COBLE
Date: 12/26/1998
Mailing address (optional): 428 E Woodin Ave., Chelan WA 98816
Query: I am searching for information about the surname COBLE who lived in Mitchell Co. from abt 1865 to 1886, when they moved west to WA. I think that some of them stayed in KS, after 1886.

Author: Ed Page
Subject: CASEY
Date: 12/26/1998
Mailing address (optional): 428 E Woodin Ave., Chelan, WA 98816
Query: I am looking for any CASEYs who lived in Mitchell Co. They farmed there from 1870 to the 1886, when some of them moved west. I believe some of them stayed in KS after 1886.

Author: Terry Straub
Subject: Dayton
Date: 12/23/1998
Query: Need some info on a civil war list for Mitchell County on O. Dayton.

Author: Phyllis Hall
Subject: Henderson, Young
Date: 11/10/1998
Mailing address (optional): 2004 N. Wheeler #1-D, Grand Island, NE 68801
Query: I am looking for information on my gr-gr grandparents, John Franklin C. Henderson m. Eliza Viola Young. Their daughter, Lottie Jane Henderson, was my grandmother. I have some information on the rest of the children but not a lot. I am especially trying to find their ancestors as I have nothing at all on them. I will share any information I have.

Author: Phyllis Hall
Subject: Burger, Kagarice
Date: 11/10/1998
Mailing address (optional): 2004 N. Wheeler #1-D, Grand Island, NE. 68801
Query: I am looking for information on the children and families of Samuel H. Burger m. Barbara E. Kagarice. I have a lot of information on the Burgers I am willing to share with anyone researching these lines.

Author: David McBlair
Subject: McBlair
Date: 11/07/1998
Query: I am searching for information on William T McBlair who may have resided in Mitchell County, Kansas. He would be my great-great grandfather. I am also interested in finding information about his children, including my great-grandfather George McBlair. I know virtually nothing about my family and would be very grateful for any information.

Author: L. W. Bunch
Subject: Thompson
Date: 10/27/1998
Mailing address (optional): 404 San Mateo St., Avenal, CA 93204
Query: Looking for an Andra or Audrey Thompson who was living in Beloit in 1919.

Author: Ed Page
Subject: COBLE, Daniel
Date: 10/25/1998
Email: edchel@televar,com
Mailing address (optional): 428 E Woodin, Chelan WA 98816
Query: Daniel COBLE and family came to Mitchell Co. KS about 1878/9. Found in 1880 U.S. Census at Walnut Creek. After a brief stay he and his family moved in 1884 to WA.
Looking for any information pertaining to Daniel COBLE and family. Thanks ED

Author: Ed Page
Subject: Casey, Edward L and family
Date: 10/25/1998
Mailing address (optional): 428 E Woodin, Chelan, WA 98816
Query: Edward Lincoln CASEY m Georgia Anna COBLE in Mitchell Co. Aug 21, 1881. They had one child, Alta, born in Mitchell Co., KS in 1882. Looking for any information. Thanks, Ed Page

Author: Donna K Miller
Subject: Ankeny/Ankney
Date: 10/24/1998
Mailing address (optional): 3596 Berryhill Rd., Johns Island, SC 29455

Author: Mitchell
Subject: Jerome C Mitchell
Date: 10/21/1998
Email: Brucem@spacecamp
Query: I am searching for information on my family tree. My fathers family is from the Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas area. He has brother named Charles and sister named who recently passed in Utah, named Kay.

Author: Terry Straub
Subject: Darling
Date: 10/18/1998
Query: Researching Darling in Mitchell County

Author: C. Olsen
Subject: Branton
Date: 10/17/1998
Query: Elmer Floyd BRANTON b. 12 Jan 1889 near Beloit, Mitchelle County, Kansas. Parents: Thomas BRANTON b. 26 Mar 1845 England, Josephine Amelia RUSSELL b. 15 Sep 1847 New York. Any information will be very Greatful, Thank You, Caren

Author: Norma Meier
Subject: PURDY
Date: 09/30/1998 (updated 9/3/01)
Mailing address (optional): 490 North Maple Street, Clifton IL 60927
Query: Searching for descendants of John W. PURDY, born 20 Oct 1856 Ohio, son of William PURDY and Mary YARHAM. John married 30 Jun 1887 to Lottie JONES, born 12 Aug 1864. Their children were Ralph R. and Mary E. PURDY. In 1888 the PURDY family lived in Scottsville, MitcheLl County, Kansas. My great grandmother, Louisa Purdy Vimpeny, was a sister of John. Will share data. Norma Meier

Author: Kathy Mitchell
Subject: Mitchell
Date: 09/27/1998
Query: Mitchell County. Hi, just wondering how Mitchell county got its name. My husband's great grandfather was born in Ks in 1883, and while I'm sure the county wasn't named for him, I thought it would be interesting to learn how Mitchell County came to be. Kathy

Author: Amy Robinson
Subject: Hungerford & Lutz & Finnigan
Date: 09/24/1998
Mailing address (optional): 7509 W 98th Terr., Overland Park, KS 66212
Query: I am looking for any descendent of the Hungerford & Lutz & Finnigan Families. Or anyone that knew the families. Please e-mail me.

Author: Susan Scott
Subject: SIGLE
Date: 09/11/1998
Mailing address (optional): 1929 North 7th, Ponca City, OK 74601
Query: Seeking information on Emma Melissa SIGLE, wife of William HUNTER, Sr. of Hunter, Mitchell County, KS, her ancestors and descendents.

Author: Susan Scott
Subject: HUNTER
Date: 09/11/1998
Mailing address (optional): 1929 N. 7th, Ponca City, OK 74601
Query: Seeking information on William Leonard Hunter, Sr. and Emma Melissa Sigle, of Hunter, Mitchell Kansas, their ancestors and descendants.

Author: Michael Warford
Subject: birth certificates
Date: 08/30/1998
Query: My mother was born in Mitchel County Kansas, she needs to get a copy of her birth certificate. Could you help me.

Author: Lorene Fort
Date: 08/28/1998
Query: We are searching for any info on Lewis H. (Henry?) CLINE/CLYNE, born Apr. 1860 in IN. May have married Mary WATSON/WATSEN 5 Oct. 1880 in Beloit, Mitchell Co, KS. His brother/cousin Leander (Lee?) CLYNE married Ella LOWE 30 Oct. 1882 in Beloit, KS. Lewis shows up in the 1895 KS state census with 2 children: Mabel CLINE, b. 1884 in KS; and Lewis Earl CLINE, b. 1889 in KS. Help!

Author: Marita Brewer-Lee
Subject: COOK / BATES
Date: 08/23/1998
Query: My great-grandparents, William Shannon COOK (wife-Anna BATES) moved to Mitchell Co., homesteaded near Simpson, KS. by 1880. They had sons: Wm. Thomas; John; Warren; George; W.S. Jr.; Isaac; Solomon; Louis; and dau. Lydia(Custer). Seeking info.

Author: Karen Fry
Subject: PRESLER
Date: 08/14/1998
Query: I am looking for descendants of William Presler. He moved from Ohio to near Glen Elder, Kansas between 1870 and 1880. He died May 1910. He married Mary (maiden name unknown) b.10-1862 and they had Ohio (male) b.2-1885, Emma b.3-1887, and Jacob b.5-1890. Jacob died 3-1973. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks

Author: Lyn Matthiesen
Date: 08/04/1998
Query: My husbands grandfather Andreas [Andrew] Hans Matthiesen migrated to Kansas in 1888 from Denmark which at that time was Germany. He worked for the Hodlers in Beloit, Mitchell county and we were told that he had relatives there also. I would like to know if there are any records on file at all there that I could get about him. He moved to Noble County Ok after the Sooner Race where he had gotten land. He had gone back to Beloit to gather his belongings.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Author: Steven W. McNicol
Subject: Lewis/1887
Date: 07/23/1998
Mailing address (optional): S. W. McNicol, 29714 S. E. Meadowlark Drive, Corvallis, OR 97333
Query: Information about my Great grandfather James M. Lewis son of Matt and Elizabeth Lewis. Married Manetta Elma Cook in Glen Elder Feb. 20, 1887. Any information about parents and siblings would be appreciated.

Author: Steven W. McNicol
Subject: Cook/1887
Date: 07/23/1998
Mailing address (optional): S. W. McNicol, 29714 S. E. Meadowlark Drive, Corvallis, OR 97333
Query: Information about my Great grandmother Manetta Elma Cook, daughter of J. H. Cook. Manetta married James M. Lewis of Glen Elder Feb. 20, 1887. Any info on parents and siblings would be appreciated.

Author: Gail King
Subject: MCKEE
Date: 07/20/1998
Mailing address (optional): P. O. Box 911 Abita Springs, La 70420
Query: MCKEE FAMILY REUNION 1915 in Mitchell Co. booklett says that David McKee and Lydia Billings came from well documented family lines. I have hit a stone wall finding their parents. Would appreciate any help. Rev. C. U. McKee and family, E. N. Philbrick and family, Rev. L. P. McKee and wife, Edward McKee, Lydia McKee Nichols, Alice McKee Herrick, Sarah McKee Nichols and son, M. L. McKee and wife attended the reunion.

Author: Mark A. Patton
Subject: Patton
Date: 07/15/1998
Query: Looking for information on Sarah Randell Patton who died in Beloit, Mitchell, Kansas in 1908, and her husband John Patton. They were married in Shelby Co,Ohio in 1844. One of their sons, Jasper Newton Patton may be my GGGrandfather. My GGrandfather's death cert. says Jasper N. Patton was born in Ohio, but a marriage cert. says Jasper Patton was born in Kansas. So far my only clue is that Sarah Randell Patton died in Kansas. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Mark A. Patton

Subject: Knox, Delbert
Date: 07/05/1998
Query: Any info about Delbert Knox who lived at Glen Elder, KS 1900-1920

Author: Bob Sanders
Date: 06/29/1998
Query: Looking for information on the family of David W. ANDERSON and wife Sarah J. (MOONEY) ANDERSON. They are buried in the Glen Elder Cemetery. Sarah's mother, Silliner (TRUAX) MOONEY is buried there also. Like to have more information on their descendants.

Author: Sharon Saranpaa
Subject: Covert
Date: 06/19/1998
Mailing address (optional): Rt 4 Box 284-f Astoria, Oregon 97103
Query: I am looking for any information on my Father's family... Louis Sherman Covert He was born in Glen Elder 11/19/1893. I don't know his fathers name but his mothers name was Harriat and he had at least two brothers one named Jake and a sister Bessie. He went to school named Blue Hill in 1907 and enlisted in the Army in 1917 at Cawker City. That is really all I know about his youth so I would very much apreciate any information on our ancestors. Thank You

Author: Jack Heidrick
Subject: Heidricks of Mitchell County Kansas
Date: 06/11/1998
Mailing address (optional): 308 West Avenue, Brush, Co. 80723
Query: Information on the Heidricks of Mitchell County Kansas

Author: A. Schmer
Subject: RE: Heidrick
Date: 06/13/1998
Query: Looking for information on Clement Heidrick and Caroline Schnerring and family that lived in Iowa and moved to Beloit, KS area approx 1879. Son Frank Heidrick married Francis Heiman. A son of Frank and Francis was Emil Clement Heidrick married Maxine Elliot Lyon.

Author: Linda Bohrer Anderson
Subject: RE: Bohrer
Date: 03/02/1999
Mailing address (optional): Rt. 1, Box 39, Cimarron, NM 87714
Query: My Great-Grandfather, John Milton Bohrer (1859-December 11, 1939) and his uncle, Rufus J. Bohrer (1842-1919) are both buried in Cawker City Cemetery. I would like to obtain obituaries for these men and any other references that would link names and locations of other family members. I would especially like to locate the given name and place of origin of Rufus' father, who would have been my gr-gr-gr-grandfather.

Author: Sam Dicks
Subject: PARK, Dr. J.M.
Date: 05/30/1998
Mailing address (optional): History, Box 4032, Emporia State Univ., Emporia KS 66801
Query: Dr. J.M. Park had a son, Rutherford B., who died in the Spanish-American War. Would like full names of parents, a brother, and sisters, and information on any descendents. He was a member of Co. E, 22nd Reg., KS Vol., and is buried at Arlington Nat'l Cem. (Beloit Times 8Sept1898 and Western Call 9Sept1898 are only sources I have). We plan to place a plaque in his honor next fall. at ESU and desire more background information if it is available. Thank you.

Author: Carol Martin
Date: 05/28/1998
Mailing address (optional): 325 N. Union St. Fremont, Ne 68025
Query: PAULSEN, Hans, b. 1836 d. 1880 in Tipton, Mitchell, Ks. wife: Caroline WITTE b. 1848 d. 1904. Four children and Hans buried in Tipton, Mitchell, KS.

Author: Barbara Pauly/Schneider Painter
Subject: PAULY
Date: 05/25/1998
Mailing address (optional): 106 Glen Circle Drive, Oroville, CA 95966
Query: Seeking information of the descendents of Jacob PAULY. Jacob and his wife Barbara ECK, came to Mitchell Co. in the 1870's. Jacob PAULY b:1848 in Perl, DEU m:1873 in Keota, Keokuk Co., IA d: 1899 in Tipton, Mitchell Co., KS.

Author: Roger Michels
Subject: PARKER
Date: 05/07/1998
Query: On page 14 of the 1875 Census for Mitchell County, Cawker Township, is listed the following PARKER family:
J.C. Parker, male, age 41, farmer, born in PA
M. R. Parker, female, age 25?, born in PA
S.H. Parker, male, age 7, born in KY
C? Parker, male, age 4, born in IA
G.S. Parker, male, age 2, born in IA
Anyone recognize this family and willing to share data?

Author: Roger Michels
Date: 05/07/1998
I have photocopies of several pages from the 1875 Census, Mitchell County, Township of Cawker. On page 5 the following PARKER family is listed:
G. Parker, male, machinist, age 48 born in PA
M.O. Parker, female, age 42, born in Ohio
H. Parker, male, age 17, born in MO
F. Parker, female, age 15, born in IL
A. Parker, female, age 10, born in MO
R. Parker, female, age 10, born in MO
Anyone recognize this family and willing to share full names etc.?

Author: Larry W. Bunch
Subject: Long
Date: 05/03/1998
Mailing address (optional): 404 San Mateo St., Avenal, CA. 93204
Query: I am looking for any descendants of Sarah Belle (Aunt Belle) Drury LONG. She was a young widow with two daughters when she moved to Beloit in 1900. She worked in Mrs. Beil's Florist and Gift Shop.

Author: Larry W. Bunch
Subject: Drury
Date: 05/03/1998
Mailing address (optional): 404 San Mateo St Avenal, Ca 93204
Query: Looking for any relatives of James Monroe DRURY who lived in Glen Elder and Beloit between 1896 and his death in 1919.

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