StreetScene1.jpg (28486 bytes)
Old Cowtown Museum, Wichita

Sedgwick County

Vital Records
(Births, Deaths,
Marriages, Divorces)


Death Records Wichita Death Index, 1887-1910 06/18/99 Bill Pennington
Marriage Records Sedgwick County Marriage Applications - Link provided by Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society 08/19/99 Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society
heinigc.html Death Certificate - Christian Gottlieb Heinig, 1905 10/09/01 Sam Q. Schrot
aldersov.html Death Certificate - Virginia (Kraus) Alderson, 2000 08/24/04 Lloyd Alderson
Divorce Records Sedgwick County, KS Divorces 06/27/21 Bill Pennington
Coroner's Records Sedgwick County, KS Coroners Index Cards 1870 - 1952 01/11/09 Bill Pennington


This site was created by Lucinda (White) Wales and managed by Bill Pennington for KSGenWeb
and is now maintained by Rebecca Maloney ASC KSGenWeb

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