Old Cowtown Museum, Wichita |
Sedgwick County
Obituaries |
obits/index.html |
Obituary: Whitelaw |
06/18/99 |
Cheryl Whitelaw |
obits.htm |
Index to WICHITA EAGLE/BEACON Obituaries - Link provided by the
Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society |
08/13/99 |
Midwest Historical
& Genealogical Society |
obits/index.html |
Obituary: Dale |
05/04/00 |
Jan LaMotte |
obits/index.html |
Obituaries: Baird |
06/07/00 |
Jan LaMotte |
obits/index.html |
Obituaries: Johnson |
07/13/00 |
Jan LaMotte |
obits/index.html |
Obituaries: Watson |
07/23/00 |
Jan LaMotte |
obits/index.html |
Obituary: Johnson |
11/09/00 |
Jan LaMotte |
obits/index.html |
Obituaries: Cogan, Dickason, Dombroski, Gilbert, Goodacres,
Grissard, Harris, Knowles, Miller, Morley, Odell, Wardell, Watts, Wertz, Wilburn, Will |
02/20/01 |
Lonna Nevil |
obits/index.html |
Obituaries: Adamson, Appleby, Brooks, Conant, Fines, Gibble,
Harris, Henderson, Hunter, McCabe, McClammer, Mitchell, Morris, Pray, Richman, Rodenberg,
Rogers, Sears, Smith, Wedgewood, Wight, Wolff, Worden |
02/23/01 |
Lonna Nevil |
obits/index.html |
Obituary: Dale |
02/26/01 |
Jan LaMotte |
obits/index.html |
Obituaries: Babb, Beitel, Brewer, Carrell, Choquet, Folk,
Harbaugh, Hart, Homan, Lofgren, Madden, McAnulty, Morris, Phares, Ripley, Whedbee |
03/04/01 |
Lonna Nevil |
obits/masfire.html |
Masonic Home Fire - 1916 |
05/04/01 |
Suzanne Deal Sellers |
obits/index.html |
Obituaries: Amend, Bailey, Baskin, Beitel, Belknap, Brow, DeVorss,
Freeland, Gilbert, Glover, Horton, James, Kinkaid, Losgren, Ogle, Queree, Race,
Schott, Van Cleve, Yackytooahnitah |
06/29/01 |
Lonna Nevil |
obits/index.html |
Obituaries: Nestleroad |
08/28/01 |
Cheryl Whitelaw |
obits/index.html |
Obituary: Summers |
10/06/01 |
John S. Thomas |
obits/index.html |
Obituaries: Heinig, Miller |
10/06/01 |
Sam Q. Schrot |
obits/index.html |
Obituaries: Ahlberg, Bailey, Beverly, Bickel, Blake,
Byrd, Casey, Christian, Clark, Cline, Dennis, Devore, Fogleman, Gates,
Gentry, Gibble, Halpin, Hayes, Holmberg, Hurley, Hurt, Jeck, Johnson,
Jones, Lusk, Massey, Matthews, McCandless, McMillin, Miller, Morris,
Mullen, Odell, Padgham, Pritz, Reddick, Resing, Ridgway, Rule, Schimel,
Scott, Shull, Shup, Sites, Smith, Sprecher, Steele, Sutton, Swart, Trekell,
Waltrip, Weir, Wolf, Wulfmeyer |
10/25/01 |
Lonna &
Bob Nevil |
obits/index.html |
Anderson, Ashley, Bruce, Clark, Eaton, Exon, Fry,
Gillett, Hastie, Howard, Hunt, Kelley, Krauschke, Lee, Martin, Powell,
Warnstaff |
12/04/01 |
Valerie Williams |
obits/index.html |
Adair, Beagley, Belden, Bennett, Berger, Brown, Bruch,
Coleman, Cramer, Daniels, Davis, Denton, Dodson, Dunagan, Engelhardt,
Fritzlen, Hanna, Hannon, Harper, Irvin, Jacobs, Korsmeier, Landrey, Little,
Lovette, Lowry, Mahler, Marts, Maupin, Meyers, Mitchell, Morris, Nemechek,
Pannell, Peabody, Pendegraft, Reinking, Rimbey, Ritchie, Rogers, Salisbury,
Shephard, Sidener, Smith, Steele, Stewart, Thompson, Vincent, Vinton,
Voorhees, Wickizer, Windsor, Wylie |
05/30/02 |
Lonna &
Bob Nevil |
obits/index.html |
Obituary: Allison |
07/01/02 |
Jan LaMotte |
obits/index.html |
Obituaries: Baldwin, Bicky,
Campbell, Clark, Corley, Davis, Diehl, Donipant, Easton, Fishwick, Hadley,
Herren, Johnson, Keefe, Lane, Lloyd, Lowry, Peters, Reed, Ridenour,
Roseberry, Rudd, Sackett, Skaer, Stokes, Thompson, Williams, Willis |
11/16/02 |
Valerie Williams |
obits/index.html |
many from 1917, 1941, and 1959 |
01/05/03 |
Valerie Williams |
obits/howard.html |
many from 1929 through 2000 |
01/10/03 |
Marilynn & Charles
Howard |
obits/index.html |
Fauchier, Gimple, Montague, Sallee, Sawhill, Sutherland,
4/10/06 |
Gloria Buckle |
This site was created by Lucinda (White) Wales and
managed by Bill Pennington for
KSGenWeb and is now maintained by
Rebecca Maloney ASC KSGenWeb
