Old Cowtown Museum, Wichita |
Sedgwick County
Feel free to request a lookup from the following volunteers. Please limit your request
to one name per request. Please put SEDGWICK COUNTY LOOKUP
in the subject line of your request to insure the message is not overlooked.
Portrait & Biographical Album of Sedgwick
County, Kansas, 1888 |
Carrie |
Holdings of Wichita Public Library |
Todd Peterson |
Obituaries from Wichita Eagle Beacon, Nov. 2,
1885 - June 11, 1886 |
Serena Steventon |
Kansas Territorial Marriages from 1854 to
1816 |
Serena Steventon |
Kansas Territorial Deaths from 1854 to 1861 |
Serena Steventon |
1968 Wichita State
University PARNASSUS (Yearbook) |
Yvonne Garrett |
City Directory, Wichita &
Sedgwick County, 1903/1904 |
Serena Steventon |
Centennial Book of Peck, Kansas, 1887-1987 |
Serena Steventon |
The Messenger 1941 (Yearbook of Wichita High School East) and 50-year Reunion
Book (books list only the 1941 seniors) |
Nancy |
Wichita Century: A Pictorial History of Wichita 1870-1970 |
Barb Hendricks |
Maple Grove Cemetery, Wichita - 1888-1991 |
Ray Downing |
History of Wichita & Sedgwick County, Kansas 1910 |
Bill Pennington |
Lookup Volunteers Needed - Your reference could be here! |
Your Name |
This site was created by Lucinda (White) Wales and
managed by Bill Pennington for
KSGenWeb and is now maintained by
Rebecca Maloney ASC KSGenWeb