Old Cowtown Museum, Wichita

Sedgwick County



sedgwick.htm 1870 Sedgwick County Federal Census -  Link provided by the Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society 05/31/98 Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society
sedgwick.htm 1880 Sedgwick County Federal Census - Link provided by the Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society 09/01/98 Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society
sedgwick.htm 1860 Butler County Federal Census (parent county of Sedgwick County) - Link provided by the Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society 09/01/98 Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society
census/1870 1870 Sedgwick County Federal Census: images of handwritten census in USGenWeb Archives 02/23/99 John Schunk
1870.html Surname Index to 1870 Sedgwick County Federal Census 03/15/99 John Schunk
60otoe.htm 1860 Otoe County Federal Census (parent county of Sedgwick County) - Link provided by Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society 08/26/99 Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society
1900index.htm Index to 1900 Sedgwick County Federal Census - Link provided by Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society 12/14/99 Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society
75index.htm 1875 Kansas State Census for Sedgwick County - Link provided by Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society 01/06/00 Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society
census/1880 1880 Sedgwick County Federal Census: images of handwritten census in USGenWeb Archives 01/10/00 John Schunk
census/1900 1900 Sedgwick County Federal Census: images of handwritten census in USGenWeb Archives 01/25/00 John Schunk
census/1910 1910 Sedgwick County Federal Census: images of handwritten census in USGenWeb Archives 03/02/00 John Schunk
census1895ks.htm Index to 1895 Sedgwick County State Census - Link provided by Kansas State Historical Society 08/12/00 Kansas State Historical Society
1910/index.html Index to 1910 Sedgwick County Federal Census (contains 73,262 names) 01/23/03 Helen Bortz, Mary Broker, Janet Duffield, Paula Dunagan, Debby Frerichs, Donna Lighty, John Schunk, Betty Stump, Valerie Williams


This site was created by Lucinda (White) Wales and managed by Bill Pennington for KSGenWeb
and is now maintained by Rebecca Maloney ASC KSGenWeb

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