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Kansas State Guard


The 1923 legislature appropriated $1,000 for the compilation of a history of the Kansas State Guard, in order to perpetuate the memory of that organization and its service during the World War. All available data has been used in the publication of this volume and it is the best, that could be prepared with the limited amount of funds provided for the purpose.

The Kansas State Guard took a very important part in the world's greatest conflict. In addition to training the youth to enter the federal service, performing guard duty, and assisting the various drives to finance our combat troops, they maintained the patriotism of the communities at, high ebb and inspired all civilians to revere the name of America, which was an invaluable aid to the state.

I take this opportunity to express the appreciation of the state of Kansas to the former officers and men of the State Guard who so willingly gave their time and financial assistance to protect our ,citizens while the National Guardsmen were on the firing line.

The Adjutant General,