Major: Ralph W. Pope. |
Captain and Supply Officer: Giles I. Crampton. |
Captain and Surgeon: Harrison Johnson. |
No activities reported.
Captain: David C. Butler. First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: First Sergeant: Second Sergeant: Corporals: Privates: |
Privates-Continued. Campbell, A. M. Campbell, H. A. Campbell, L. 1'. Chanca, Charles. Chvojka, Joe. Clay, Elbert. Cloggett, Steve. Cloggett, W. T. Cox, Bert. Cox, Stanley. Cushman, M. Dick, A. W. Dillon, A. B. Dovill, Ben F. East, David J. East, Samuel. Edwards, George D. Edwards, Walter C. Elliott, Forest. Fisher, Arthur L. Fisk, Alfred G. Fisk, Earl W. Fisk, Fred. Fuller, Earl. Garrett, John. Gray, James F. Gray, John M. Gray, Will F. H. Hally, Roy. Hoag, Willis M. Huffman, Rupert. Inman, Roy. Johnson Richard 11. Johnson: Robert H. Kelly, Joel W. Kelmer, William M. Kincaid, J. A. King, Harry H. Klowles, Leslie. Koons, Sherman. Lana, Ed. Landes, Harry P. Landes, Joseph J. Lemon, Chase M. |
Privates-Concluded. Lemon, James W. Lemon, Lee W. Lindsay, Clarence A. Logan, Gorden. Marples, John. Mason, Clarence. McFadden, Alfred. McFadden, James E. McQueen, Orville. Nedron, Melvin. Oelke, Will. Palmer, George T. Palmer, Will E. Parsons, Will. Perkins, Irwin. Perkins, Karl T. Perkins, Roy W. Reynolds, Ed. Riley, Ray B. Ronau, James. Schiller, Frank W. Scholonsky, George. Scott, Fred L. Scott, James E. Simon, George. Smith, Charles R. Smith, D. W. Smith, M. S. Smith, Owen. Smith, Thomas B. Sorchet, Dwight. Stagg, Art. Stanley, Roy. Stuckman, Harry W. Stuckman, Ted F. Thomas, Sam. Thompson, James C. Townsend, Guy A. Townsend Wynn M. Tyler, J. M. Whitehead, Alvin. Willis, Paul T. Wills, Tommie. |
LOSSES. | ||
Corporal: Johnson, Harrison H., discharged. |
No activities reported.

Picture of State Guards Kirwin, Kan. Sept. 13th, 1918.
[Note: the picture available here is not part of the transcribed book.
To view a larger version, click on the picture above.]
Captain: Fred Underwood. First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Sergeants: Corporals: Cooks:
Musician: Clark, Lester L. Artificer: Privates: |
Privates-Concluded. Hensen, Carl. Haugh, Arthur R. Haugh Elsworth N. Haves, Archie Y. Jirs, Albert H. Jirs, George R. King, Cecil A. Munyon, Amos. Munyon, Joseph. Musick, Joseph. Owens, James C. Peterson, Charles. Redfield, G. A. Sargent, Hazen A. Smedley, Charles A. Smith, Charles E. Smith, Francis J. Smith, Jasper C. Smith, Robert. Smith, William E. Thompson, Marion M. Underwood, Edward L. Underwood, Harry M. White, Ernest A. Whitney, Wilbur C. Whitham, William J. Whitman, Jacob S. Womer, Leonard E. |
LOSSES. | ||
First Lieutenant: DeForest M. Bradley, resigned. Second Lieutenant: Sergeants: |
Corporals: Farley, Walter L., discharged. Gilliland, Arthur Lee, discharged. Irus, H. Carle, discharged. Reid, Charley A., discharged. Musician: |
Privates: Gerritt, D. Hollander, discharged Gilliland, Mulford A., discharged. Hopkins, Marion L., discharged. Moore, Frank S., discharged. Portermeir, Oscar E., discharged. Post, Jacob A., discharged. Wilson, James W., discharged. Wilson, Jesse A., discharged. |
No activities reported.
Captain: George S. Francis. First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: First Sergeant: Quartermaster Sergeant: Sergeants: Corporals: Cooks: Musicians: Artificer: |
Privates: Albright, Fredrick C. Albright, Samuel C. Alsdorf, Edwin. Alsdorf, Otto. Apel, Henery N. Becker, Lawrence. Becker William M. Boethin, Carl M. Boyd, Frank. Brady, Joe. Brasted, Charles P. Brimlow, Morgan L. Brunson, William. Chapman, Mark E. Chrane, Charles. Clark, Arthur. Clark, Floyd. Clark, Harry. Danewood, Ora. Davis, Thomas G. Dugan, Lucius H. Emeric, Clair F. Evans, Allie E. Fitzhugh, Hiram. Fox, Lesley G. Francis, Alfred V. Gates, Harry. Graham, Edward W. Griffin, Asa R. Hein, Herbert W. Henry, Grant S. Henry, Jesse H. Highley, James R. Highley, Milton R. Holmes, Oliver W. Jakubowski, Louis. Kemp, Frank. Lappin, John C. Lappin, Robinson O. Lawson, Eudard L. Leonhardt, George L. Lesperance, Armond P. Lively, John H. |
Privates-Concluded. Loveland, Paul G. Marvin, Frank L. May, Lawrence E. Meyer, Fred A. Meyer, Victor H. Meyer, William G. Mitchell, Vincent. Morford, Myron F. Mosher, Ralph. Muir, Robert E. McMahon, Charles B. McMurphy, John C. Noel, Fred W. O'Connell, Chester E. O'Connell, Ivan. O'Connell, John M. Palmer, William E. Paromore, Warren G. Parr, Lewis W. Patton, George. Peak, Ernest F. Pfannkuch, Carl. Pfannkuch, Fred G. Phillips, Lon. Richard, Harry L. Rodabaugh, Will. Rogers, Oscar R. Rundle William M. Rundle: Richard. Selbe, Cecil B. Selbe, Edward H. Shearer, Harry. Snider, William Wesley. Strickler, George L. Sukr, Lester. Teeple, Edgar M. Tishenor, Anson. Troup, Abram. Troup, Francis C. Wills, Leonard K. Wilson, Fred C. Wiltrout, Edgar I. |
LOSSES. | ||
Captain: Abraham, Tracy, resigned. First Sergeant: Sergeant: Corporal: |
Cook: Archer, Luther T., died. Privates: |
Privates-Concluded. Francis, Ralph, died. Harper, F. J., discharged. King, Hugh M., discharged. McDonald, Glenn, discharged. O'Chonnell, Dan G., discharged. Owens, Othe C., discharged. Snyder, Charles H., discharged. Wiley, Abner, discharged. |
Company C was not called upon to perform any active duty. The organization drilled twice a week and participated in a competitive drill.
COMPANY "D," 33D BATTALION, Phillipsburg.
Captain: Samuel Lee Bracken. First Lieutenant: Second Lieutenant: Commissory Sergeant: Sergeants: Corporals: Musicians: Artificer: |
Privates: Adee, Glen. Ayres, James W. Blue, Andrew B. Bradley, Harvey E. Charvat, John. Clearwater, Charles O. Coffin, William J. Cole, Earl E. Covert, Floyd M. Cutshaw, Earl J. Drake, Harry M. Drake, John W. Edwards, Bert W. Edwards, James W. Ellis, Ross A. Ewing, George E. Faubion, Wilbur L. Getz, Harmen. Greenstreet, Emmett. Gundle, Henry. Gundle, John. Haggard, David D. Hahn, Charles E. Hahn, Clarence C. Hahn, Dee F. Hahn, Otto F. Hebrew, Marshall E. Heikes Levi L. Hite, Garland. Hoover, Russell. Hopson, Dan. Howard, Joseph M. Imm, Alfred G. Jacobs, Francis. Jacobs, Roy J. Jones, Arthur. Lamphere, Seth C. Mayhew, Hobart. |
Privates-Concluded. Mercer, Otto L. Michelsen, Albert E. Michelsen, Roy E. Miller, Guy. Morton, Frank B. McDowell, Irwin C. McKnown, Harley. Nay, Carl F. Nay, John F. Patterson, Virgil W. Patterson, Walter O. Pembridge, George D. Pembridge, William E. Poling, William E. Rivers, Claude E. Roach, Wilbur W. Robb, David A., Jr. Selbe, Dow L. Selbe, John C. Shoemaker, Charles L. Simpson, Robert R. Slick, Roy M. Smith, Perry. Stephensen, Earl L. Strong, Adolph V. Strong, Leland O. Van Winkle, Arthur J. Wallace, O. K. Weston, Fred W. Whelan, Leroy A. Whitney, P. D. Williamson, Arthur E. Word, Samuel S. Yowell, Lee F. |
LOSSES. | ||
First Sergeant: Cummings, Sylvester O., died. |
Privates: Brinson, Clarence C., resigned. Campbell, Carl T., resigned. |
Privates-Concluded. Clark, Henry T., resigned. Tackwell, Jake W., died. |
Company D assisted in the various Liberty loan and Red Cross campaigns, also in Decoration Day services, and worked to strengthen the spirit of patriotism and loyalty in this community.