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ELLIS is a thriving, modern little city situated on the Union Pacific Railroad at the point where central time changes to mountain time. The Union Pacific Railroad's roundhouse and shops are located here, and help to make it what it is, the second largest city in Ellis County.
In the early days, Ellis was outside the scope of the German-Russian immigrants' influence, as the newcomers confined themselves exclusively to the eastern half of the county.
The first of the immigrants to come to Ellis were a few families who were compelled by necessity to seek work in the yards and in the roundhouse. These stayed but a short time, and then moved away.
Later, however, German-Russian farmers in search of cheaper farms bought up land in the vicinity of the city, where they permanently settled. These were gradually followed by others in such numbers that today there are about 175 families of German-Russian descent in Ellis. The remainder of the population is made up of Austrians with a sprinkling of Irish.
St. Mary's Church at Ellis was organized in 1886. The first church was built by Samuel Lent, on a plot donated by Michael Ryan. At that time the congregation numbered about twenty families.
The frame church, which at present is used as a school, was built in the summer of 1900. From 1905 to 1911 it served as both church and school.
Construction on the present magnificent church was begun in 1909, and the building completed in 1911. It is Romanesque in style, and built of native magnesia lime stone. Tastefully decorated, it is one of the most beautiful churches in the county.
Besides the church, the parish also possesses a modern parsonage and a convent, both built in 1917, the former at a cost of $10,000 and the latter at a cost of $12,000.
The school is conducted by the Sisters of St. Agnes. It was opened in 1905 with a staff of two sisters and an enrollment of 108 pupils. At present, seven sisters teach about 250 pupils.
The following is a list of all the pastors who have labored in Ellis from the founding of the parish until the present day:
Rev. John Fogarty, 1886-1893.
Rev. Emmeram Kausler, O.M. Cap., 1893.
Rev. Martin Muelders, O.M. Cap., 1893-1894.
Rev. Chrysostom Jacobs, O. M. Cap., 1895-1897.
Rev. Paul Werr, O.M. Cap., 1897-1900.
Rev. Richard Dei. O.M. Cap., 1900-1903.
Rev. James Steppe, 0. Al. Cap., 1903-1904.
Rev. Theodosius Mullen, O. M. Cap., 1904-1906.
Rev. Michael Neff, O.M. Cap., 1906-1913.
Rev. Philip Knupfer, O.M. Cap., 1913-1915.
Rev. Didacus Garovi, O.M. Cap., 1915-1917.
Rev. Ulrich Zeller, O.M. Cap., 1917-1924.
Rev. Gilbert Stickelmeier, O.M. Cap., 1924-1926.
Rev. Theodore Schillo, O.M. Cap., 1926
Armbruester, John, John J, Phillip, Martin
Augustine, Ignatius, John M., John Jr., Joseph, Joseph Jr., Michael, Rudolf, Anton, Joseph, Ambrose, Frank
Bewr, Andrew, Wenzel.
Bener, John
Befort, John A.
Bieker, Alex., Peter, Henry, Leo, John, John N., Frank J., Sylvester
Bollig, Andrew, Jacob, Jacob P., Jacob J., John, John F.
Boos, Stephan, John
Brendel, Peter
Bongartz, Frank
Bieker, Andrew, Joseph
Braun, Mrs. Margaret
Braun, Magdalena
Braun, F. R.
Braun, Jos. P.
Begler, George
Bittel, George, Jacob, Paul
Baumgardner, Albert
Brungardt, Adam
Carey, John M.
Colrus, Karl
Dechant, Jos., Michael, Peter, Peter Jr.
Erbert, Frank, Bernard, Frank Sr.
Engel, Con.
Eberle, Frank
Engel, Joseph
Faulkner, Hugh
Finch, Mrs. Harrison
Flachs, Ignatius, Joseph, Mrs. Jacob
French, Joseph
Gaschler, Michael, Fred, John N., John J., Frank, Anton
Gabel, Raymund, Jacob
Geist, Alex F., Michael
Gerber, Henry, Henry J., John H.
Gerstner, Jacob
Geschwentner, Sigmun, Edmund
Giebler, Andrew, Jacob
Gnad, John, Rudolf
Goodchuck, Mrs. Mat
Gross, Fred P.
Hannis, Clarence
Hammerschmidt, Michael
Herrman, Martin, Nick, August, Frank C.
Helget, John, George
Henchey, Mrs. Ed
Heronema, Nick, William
Hoedel, Joseph
Honus, Joseph
Paul, Ed
Theising, William
Horan, Michael
Huycke, William F.
Jaques, John
Jacobs, Frank
Krenzer, Mat
Kappel, John
Karlin, Melchior
Kane, Charles
Kilpes, Jacob C.
Kipper, Henry
Kinderknecht, Peter,
Mathew, Joseph Sr., Jacob, Joseph Jr.
Kuha, John M., Anton J., Fred, Nicholas, Nick J.
Kohl, Joseph Kozlowski, Joseph Klaus, P. A.
Lang, Joseph, Ignatius sr., Ignatius jr., Michael, George, Leo, Frank, John, John J., Jacob, Louis, Mrs. Daniel
Landauer, Joseph, John, Charles, Frank
Luaber, Peter
Leiker, Alex P., John P.
Locker, Joseph sr., Joseph jr., Louis
Luia, George
LaCuyer, A. F., Dr.
Lutz, William Jacob
Lynd, Mrs. Honora
Markey, Phillip
Marquelling, John H.
Merril, Mrs. F. J.
Miller, John, Paul
Mondero, Joseph
Nemecheck, August, Louis, Frank, Stepehen, Ferdinand
Neuberger, Joseph sr., Joseph jr., Frank, Adolf, John, Wenzel
Nierenberger, John, Nick, Joseph, Edgar
Nolan, James T.
Orth, Clemens
Pfarmenstiel, Jacob
Pfeifer, Alex, Peter, Michael, Joseph, Alex J., Andrew
Phillips, Eugene
Porzel, George
Rand, Fred
Reitmeier, John, Frank, Charles
Riedel, Adam, Victor, Alex F., Bernard, Andrew J., John A., John D., John P., Nicholaus
Rome, Alex, John J.
Rohr, Joseph L.
Rumbach, Joseph
Ruder, George
Rupp, Phillip, Joseph P., Anton, Bernard
Ryan, Margaret
Sander, Raymund
Seipel, Rudolf
Seidel, Godfried, Frank sr., Ignatz, Frank
Shay, J. J.
Schumacher, Anton, Clemens, Mrs. Anna Margaretha, Mrs. Anna
Schoenberger, Jacob, Frank, Anton
Schuster, Mrs. Anna, Mrs. Ferdinand, Frank, Joseph, Frank F., Frank W., Phillip, Frank N.
Stadler, Clemens
Stoecklein, Raymund, John P., Alex
Stegman, George
Storm, Adam, Jacob, Peter, Leo
Stupert, John
Soloria, Thomas
Stehley, Mrs. Mart
Schubert, Clarence
Schoenthaler, Fred J.
Tauscher, Leo, Leo jr., Rudolph
Nei, Mrs. John
Vonfeldt, John, Joachim
Waldschmidt, John, Joseph, Alex, Joseph R., Paul
Wasinger, Michael, Frank N., Edmund, Andrew, Joseph Dr.
Walter, Alois P.
Weber, Joseph H., Joseph J., jr., Joseph sr., Frank Ambrose, Paul, John
Weaver, Frank P., John J., Jacob, Joseph, Henry
Weigel, Andrew J., John A., Bernard, John J. A., John J., Martin, Bernard J., Joseph
Wiesner, Joseph F., Leo, Frank, Peter S., George, Joseph H., Alex J., Alois
Wittman, John, Frank
Wischnuck, Michael
Weinmeier, Alex
Werth, Anastas, Leo, Fred, Paul
Wilson, Edward
Wolf, John
Yunker, John, Fridolin, Joseph
Zerral, Walter
Lee Solomon (colored)
Ptasheck, Alice
Picture: First Catholic Church at Ellis, Kan.
Picture: St. Mary's Church, Ellis, Kansas
Picture: Parochial School House at Ellis, Kansas
Picture: Sisters' Residence at Ellis, Kansas
Picture: Group of immigrant survivors now living at Ellis, Kansas
Picture: St. Severin Church, Severin, Ellis County, Kansas
Picture: Parsonage at Ellis, Kansas
Picture: Views of the bluffs on the Saline River in Ellis County, Kansas
Picture: St. Mary's Church, Ellis, Kansas
1. Henry F Herman; 2. Dr. B. J. Weigel; 3. Joseph Pfeifer; 4.Albert Kippes; 5.
Dr. B. Brungardt; 6. Dr. Joseph Dreiling; 7. Alphonse Brungardt; 8. Dr. Jos.
Wasinger; 9. Fred F. Toepfer; 10. Dr. Leo Schaefer; 11. Dr. G. C. Unrein; 12.
John Riedel; 13. Dr. A. A. Herman; 14. Bernard Brungardt; 15. V. A. Weigel; 16.
B. J. Dreiling; 17. Albert Bahl; 18. Alex F. Brungardt; 19. Fridolin Dreiling;
20. Walter Mermis; 21. Dr. Joseph Schaefer; 22. Peter E. Rohleder
Transcribed from The Golden Jubilee of German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas, August 31, September 1 and 2, 1926
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