Transcribed from The Golden Jubilee of German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas, August 31, September 1 and 2, 1926

Return to Index

Tauscher, Fred *
Tauscher, Leo *
Tauscher, Leo jr. *
Tauscher, Rudolph *
Terentia, Sister M. *
Terentia, Sr. M. picture link
Terese, Sister M. *
Teresita, Sister M. *
Thecia, Sr. picture link
Thecla, Sister M. *
Theising, William *
Theodore, Sister M. *
Theodore, Sr. picture link
There, Matt *
Therre, Jos. *
Thibualt, Armidas *
Tholen, Henry *
Tholen, Herman *, *
Tholen, John *
Tholen, Theodore *
Tholen, U.G. *
Thoretta, Sr. picture link
Toepfer, - picture link
Toepfer, Amelia *
Toepfer, David *, *
Toepfer, Emma *
Toepfer, Fred F. picture link
Toepfer, Mary *
Toepfer, Sr. Hedwig picture link
Toepfer, Sr. Herbert picture link
Toepfer, Victor *
Toepfer, Wm. A. *
Trageser, Joseph *
Tubbs, B. A. *
Ubert, Peter *, *
Unrein, Anton *
Unrein, Anton, Jr. *
Unrein, August *
Unrein, Clements *
Unrein, Frank *
Unrein, G.C. picture link
Unrein, Gerhardt *
Unrein, Gerhardt C. *
Unrein, Jacob C. *
Unrein, John *, *
Unrein, John D. *
Unrein, Joseph D. *
Unrein, Mike J. *
Unrein, Nick S. *
Unrein, Peter *
Unrein, Philip *
Unrein, Wendelin *
Urban, - picture link
Urban, Adam S. *, *
Urban, Adam Sr. *
Urban, Andreas (Mrs.) picture link
Urban, Anna Maria picture link
Urban, Catharine picture link, *
Urban, Elizabeth *
Urban, George *, *
Urban, George A. picture link
Urban, George G. *
Urban, George J. *
Urban, Jacob picture link, *
Urban, John George picture link
Urban, Joseph M. *
Urban, Joseph M. *
Urban, Martin *, *
Urban, Mathias *, *
Urban, Michael *
Urban, Michael (Mrs.) *
Urban, S. picture link
Urban, Stephen *
Urban, Stephen S. *
Valerian, Ven. Fr. picture link
Van der Dunkt, John *, *
VanLintel, Otto picture link
Ventura, Sister Mary *
Ventura, Sr. picture link
Verda, Sister M. *
Verde, Sr. picture link
Victor, - *
Victorine, Sister M. *
Victorine, Sr. picture link
Vieth, Bernard *
Vincent, - picture link, *, *
Vincent, Sister M. Teresa *
Vincentia, Sister M. *
Vincentia, Sr. picture link
Viola, Sister M. *
Viola, Sr. picture link
Virgil, Ven. Fr. picture link
Virgila, Sr. picture link
Virgilia, Sister M. *
Virginita, Sister M. *
Vogel, MAtthias *
Von Feldt, Catharine picture link
Von Feldt, MAry picture link
von Kotzer, J. G. *
Von Lintel, Mary picture link
Von Lintel, Thecia picture link
Vonfeld, Andreas picture link
Vonfeld, Andrew A. *
Vonfeld, Andrew J. *
Vonfeld, Catharine *
VonFeld, Catherine *
Vonfeld, Christ. *
Vonfeld, Frank A. *
Vonfeld, Ignatius *, *
Vonfeld, John *
Vonfeld, Joseph *
Vonfeld, M. C. *
VonFeld, Margaret *
VonFeld, Mary *
Vonfeld, Michael *
Vonfeldt, Cath. picture link
Vonfeldt, Ignatz *
Vonfeldt, Joachim *
Vonfeldt, John *
Vonfeldt, John A. *
Vonfeldt, M.G. *
Vonfeldt, Margaret picture link
VonLintel, Henry *
VonLintel, Mary *
VonLintel, Tecla *
Vornhold, H. *
Wagner, Adam *, *
Wagner, Anton *
Wagner, B.J. *
Wagner, C.D. *
Waldschmidt, Alex *
Waldschmidt, Frank picture link, *, *, *
Waldschmidt, John *
Waldschmidt, Joseph *
Waldschmidt, Joseph R. *
Waldschmidt, Paul *
Walker, Scheck picture link
Wallbrock, Mary *
Walter, - *
Walter, Adam *
Walter, Alois P. *
Walter, August picture link, *, *
Walter, Cath. picture link
Walter, Catherine *
Walter, Frank *, *
Walter, Frederic *
Walter, Friedrich *
Walter, Jacob picture link, *, *
Walter, Jacob A. *
Walter, Jacob P. *
Walter, Joseph J. *
Walter, Mathilda picture link
Walter, Matilda *
Walter, Peter J. *
Walter, Rosa *
Walz, Justin *
Ward, Angelan *
Wasinger, Agnes *, *
Wasinger, Alois C. *
Wasinger, Andrew *
Wasinger, Anna *
Wasinger, Anna Eliz. picture link
Wasinger, Anton picture link, picture link, *, *
Wasinger, Anton D. *
Wasinger, Anton Jr. *, *
Wasinger, Anton T. *
Wasinger, Appolonia *
Wasinger, Appolonis picture link
Wasinger, Balthaser *
Wasinger, Catharine *, *
Wasinger, Clemens *
Wasinger, Dorothy *
Wasinger, Edmund *
Wasinger, Frank N. *
Wasinger, Frank S. picture link, *
Wasinger, Geo. L. *
Wasinger, Ida *
Wasinger, Ignatz *
Wasinger, J.J. (Mrs.) *
Wasinger, Jacob *
Wasinger, Jno. N. *
Wasinger, Johannes picture link, picture link
Wasinger, John *
Wasinger, John (Mrs.) *
Wasinger, John E. *
Wasinger, John H. *
Wasinger, John H. (Mrs.) picture link
Wasinger, John H., Mrs. *
Wasinger, Jos. picture link
Wasinger, Joseph Dr. *
Wasinger, Joseph J. picture link, *
Wasinger, Louis J. *
Wasinger, Martin *, *
Wasinger, Mary *, picture link
Wasinger, Mathilda *
Wasinger, Michael *, *
Wasinger, Nick J. *
Wasinger, Nickolaus picture link
Wasinger, Paul (Mrs.) *
Wasinger, Peter A. *
Wasinger, Peter N. *
Wasinger, Raymund *
Wasinger, Richard J. *
Wasinger, Stanislaus picture link
Wasinger, Zita *
Wassinger, Anton *
Watte, Simon Henry *
Weaver, Frank P. *
Weaver, Henry *
Weaver, Ignatz *
Weaver, Jacob *
Weaver, John J. *
Weaver, Joseph *
Weber, - picture link, *
Weber, Andreas picture link, *
Weber, Andrew *
Weber, Anton picture link
Weber, Boniface picture link
Weber, Brigitta picture link
Weber, Charles *, picture link
Weber, Frank *
Weber, Frank Ambrose *
Weber, Frank J. *
Weber, Franz *
Weber, George *
Weber, Jacob *
Weber, Jacob A. *
Weber, Jerome *, *
Weber, John *, *
Weber, John A. *
Weber, Joseph A. *
Weber, Joseph H. *
Weber, Joseph J., jr. *
Weber, Joseph sr. *
Weber, Josepha picture link
Weber, Marin Kath. picture link
Weber, Paul *
Weibert, Carl *
Weibert, John *
Weibert, Melchior *
Weigel picture link
Weigel, Adam *
Weigel, Adelaide *
Weigel, Albert *, *
Weigel, Alphonse *
Weigel, Andrew J. *, *
Weigel, Andrew, Sr. *
Weigel, Anna *
Weigel, Appolonia *
Weigel, Augustin *
Weigel, B.J. picture link
Weigel, Barbara *
Weigel, Bernard *
Weigel, Bernard J. *
Weigel, Catharine picture link, *
Weigel, Charles *
Weigel, Elizabeth picture link
Weigel, Ferdinand *
Weigel, Frank M. *
Weigel, Fridolene *
Weigel, Ignatius *, *
Weigel, Ignaz picture link
Weigel, Joe I. *
Weigel, John A. *
Weigel, John J. *, *
Weigel, John J. A. *
Weigel, John P. *
Weigel, John Peter *
Weigel, John S. *
Weigel, Jos. *
Weigel, Jos. V. *
Weigel, Joseph *, *
Weigel, Joseph C. *
Weigel, Margaret *
Weigel, Margareth picture link
Weigel, Martin *
Weigel, Mich. P. *
Weigel, Michael *, *
Weigel, Otto F. *
Weigel, Peter *
Weigel, Peter A. (Mrs.) *
Weigel, Peter Andreas picture link
Weigel, Peter P. *
Weigel, Sr. M. Cosma picture link
Weigel, V.A. picture link
Weigel, Val. M. *
Weigel, Val. V. *
Weigel, Valentin picture link, *
Weigel, Valentine *, *
Weilert, Friedrich *, *
Weilert, Michael *, *
Weinberg, - *
Weinmeier, Alex *
Weisbruch, Ignatius *
Weitz, Alex picture link, *
Welch, Howard M. *
Wellbrook, - picture link
Wellbrook, Gerard *
Weller, Michael picture link
Wellert, Anna Maria picture link
Welz, Car. *
Welz, Jacob *, *
Welz, John *
Wendelin, Ven. Brother picture link
Wendler, Martin *
Wentworth, Ray *
Wenzel, William *
Werr, Paul *
Werth, Albert F. *
Werth, Albert J. *
Werth, Alex B. *
Werth, Alex E. *
Werth, Alois picture link, *
Werth, Alois (Mrs.) *
Werth, Anastas *
Werth, Anna Margaretha picture link
Werth, Anton *
Werth, Carl *
Werth, Felix *
Werth, Fidelis *
Werth, Fred picture link, *
Werth, Frederic *, *, *
Werth, Henry *
Werth, Jacob picture link, *, *, *
Werth, Johannes picture link
Werth, John *
Werth, John F. picture link
Werth, John F. (Mrs.) *
Werth, John J. *
Werth, John Peter picture link, *, *
Werth, John Sr. *, *
Werth, Karl *, *
Werth, Leo *
Werth, Lidwina *
Werth, Louis *, *, *
Werth, Lucia picture link
Werth, Ludig *
Werth, Maria Barbara picture link
Werth, Mary *
Werth, Mrs. Fred *
Werth, Nick *
Werth, Nick R. *
Werth, Nikodemus *
Werth, Paul *
Werth, Theobald *
Werth, Theobald N. *
Werth, Theobald W. *
Werth, Thomas *
Werth, Wendelin *, *
Wibbert, - *
Wibbert, Adolf *, *, *, *, *
Wibbert, Adolph picture link
Wiesner, A. A. *
Wiesner, Alex *
Wiesner, Alex J. *
Wiesner, Alois *
Wiesner, Anna picture link
Wiesner, Frank *
Wiesner, George *
Wiesner, Jac. M. *
Wiesner, Jacob picture link
Wiesner, Jacob (Mrs.) *
Wiesner, Jacob M. picture link
Wiesner, Jos. M. *
Wiesner, Joseph F. *
Wiesner, Joseph H. *
Wiesner, Lawurence A. *
Wiesner, Leo *
Wiesner, Peter S. *
Wiles, Arthur (Mrs.) *
Wilfred, Sister M. *
William, - *, *
William, Sister M. *
Wilson, Edward *
Windholz, Adam *, *
Windholz, Adam J. *
Windholz, Alex J. *
Windholz, Andreas picture link
Windholz, Andrew *, *
Windholz, Andrew J. *
Windholz, Catharine picture link
WIndholz, Johannes picture link
Windholz, John *, *, *, *
Windholz, John A. *
Windholz, John A. D. *
Windholz, John J. *
Windholz, John, Sr. *
Windholz, Jos. A. *
Windholz, Jos. J. *
Windholz, Magdalena picture link
Windholz, Martin picture link, *
Windholz, Martin (Mrs.) *
Windholz, Martin J. *
Windholz, Mathias *
Windholz, Peter J. *
Wischnuck, Michael *
Withopf, K.T. *, *
Witt, Herman *
Witt, Michael *
Witt, Roman *
Wittman, Frank *, *
Wittman, John *, *
Wittman, Mike *
Wittman, Peter J. *
Wittmann, Peter *
Wolf, Adelaid picture link
Wolf, Adeline *
Wolf, Anna picture link
Wolf, August *
Wolf, Carl *
Wolf, Ferdinand *
Wolf, Francis *
Wolf, Heinrich picture link, *
Wolf, Henry *
Wolf, John *
Wolf, Jos. *
Wolf, Peter *, *
Wolf, Philip *, *, *
Wolf, Phillip *
Yost, I.M. *
Younger, Andrew *
Younger, Anna Barbara *
Younger, Geo. *
Younger, Peter P. *
Yunker, Barbara *
Yunker, Fridolin *
Yunker, John *
Yunker, John Peter picture link
Yunker, Joseph *
Yunker, Leo *
Yunker, Martin *
Yunker, Michael *
Yunker, Peter *
Yunker, Peter P. *
Zeigler, Geo. *
Zeigler, Isaac *
Zeller, Cyril picture link, *, *
Zeller, Ulrich picture link, *
Zerral, Walter *
Ziegler, Maruice *
Zimmerman, Amelia *
Zimmerman, Anton *
Zimmerman, Dorothy *
Zimmerman, Jacob *
Zimmerman, John *, *
Zimmerman, Joseph *
Zimmerman, Nick *
Zimmerman, Paul *
Zimmerman, Rosa *
Zimmerman, Theresa *
Zimmermann, Alex *
Zimmermann, Anastasius *
Zimmermann, Benjamin *
Zimmermann, Frank *
Zimmermann, Gabriel *
Zimmermann, Jacob *, *, *
Zimmermann, John *
Zimmermann, Joseph *, *
Zimmermann, Nick B. *
Zimmermann, Nikodemus *
Zwenger, Samuel *

Transcribed from The Golden Jubilee of German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas, August 31, September 1 and 2, 1926

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Golden Jubilee of the German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas

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