Transcribed from The Golden Jubilee of German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas, August 31, September 1 and 2, 1926

Return to Index

LaCuyer, A. F. *
LaCuyer, Dr. *
Laiker, Anna *
Laiker, Catherine *
Lambertine, Sister M. *
Lambertine, Sr. picture link
Landauer, Charles *
Landauer, Frank *
Landauer, John *
Landauer, Joseph *
Lang, - *
Lang, Adam *
Lang, Anton *
Lang, Basilia picture link, *
Lang, Bernard *
Lang, Catharine picture link, *
Lang, Daniel (Mrs.) *
Lang, Frank *
Lang, George *
Lang, Ignatius jr. *
Lang, Ignatius sr. *
Lang, Jacob picture link, *, *, *
Lang, Jacob Sr. *
Lang, John *
Lang, John J. *, *
Lang, Joseph *
Lang, Leo *
Lang, Louis *
Lang, Michael *, *
Lang, Peter *
Lang, Simon *
Lang, Susanna picture link
Lang, Wm. *
Lattigan, Alex (Mrs.) *
Lattigan, John *
Lattigan, Jos. *
Lattigan, Simon *
Lauber, Peter *
Lauraine, Sister Mary *
Laurentia, Sister M. *
Laurinda, Sister Mary *
Laurinda, Sr. picture link
Lawrence, - *
Leahy, Mary *
Lechleiter, John *
Lechleiter, Michael *
Lecuyer, Albert F. *
Lecuyer, Bernadette *
Legge, Joseph *
Legleiter, Anna Marg. picture link
Legleiter, Christ picture link
Legleiter, Christ E. *
Legleiter, Christian *
Legleiter, Clara *
Legleiter, Frank *
Legleiter, John *
Legleiter, John Peter *
Legleiter, Joseph *
Legleiter, Michael *
Legleiter, Nicolaus *
Leikam, Christina picture link
Leikam, Christine *
Leikam, dorothea picture link
Leikam, Ida *
Leikam, Peter picture link, *, *
Leiker, Adolf picture link, *
Leiker, Adolf (Mrs.) *
Leiker, Alex *
Leiker, Alex B. *
Leiker, Alex M. *
Leiker, Alex P. *
Leiker, Alois *
Leiker, Alois J. *
Leiker, Anastas *
Leiker, Andrew *
Leiker, Anna *
Leiker, Anna E. picture link
Leiker, Anne Maria picture link
Leiker, Anton B. *
Leiker, Aquilinus *
Leiker, August *
Leiker, Carl *
Leiker, Carl (Mrs.) *
Leiker, Caspar *
Leiker, Catharine picture link
Leiker, Elizabeth picture link
Leiker, Fedalis *
Leiker, Frank *
Leiker, Franz *, *
Leiker, Heinrich picture link
Leiker, Henry *, *, *
Leiker, Henry P. picture link, *
Leiker, Isidore *
Leiker, Jacob *, *, *
Leiker, Jacob E. *
Leiker, Jacob J. picture link
Leiker, Jacob John *
Leiker, Jacob P. *
Leiker, John picture link, *, *, *, *
Leiker, John B. *
Leiker, John K. *, *
Leiker, John K. (Mrs.) picture link
Leiker, John L. *
Leiker, John P. *
Leiker, John S. *
Leiker, Joseph *, *
Leiker, Joseph D. picture link
Leiker, Konrad *, *
Leiker, Leo *
Leiker, Lewis *
Leiker, Margaret picture link, *
Leiker, Martin picture link
Leiker, Michael *, *
Leiker, Michael Nicolaus *
Leiker, Mike picture link, *
Leiker, Nicholas *, *
Leiker, Peter picture link, *, *, *
Leiker, Peter D. *
Leiker, Peter F. *
Leiker, Peter M. M. *
Leiker, Peter S. *
Leiker, Pius picture link, *, *
Leiker, Raymund *
Leiker, Romuald picture link, *
Leiker, Sebastian *
Leiker, Stoecklein, Wasinger, - *
Leiker. Isidore A. *
Leinmiller, Barney *
Leona, Sister M. *
Leonilla, Sister M. *
Libaria, Sr. picture link
Liberata, Sister picture link
Liberata, Sister M. *
Liboria, Sister M. *
Liborius, Sister M. *
Lienenberger, Nick (Mrs.) *
Ligori, Sr. picture link
Liguori, Sister M. *
Linenberger, Alex *
Linenberger, Andreas picture link
Linenberger, Andrew *
Linenberger, Andrew A. *
Linenberger, Anna Maria picture link
Linenberger, Bertha *
Linenberger, Bonevent *
Linenberger, Gertrude picture link
Linenberger, Herman J. *
Linenberger, John picture link
Linenberger, Jos. picture link
Linenberger, Jos. J. *
Linenberger, Joseph picture link, *, *
Linenberger, Katharina picture link
Linenberger, Margareth picture link
Linenberger, Margeretha picture link
Linenberger, Peter picture link, *, *
Linenberger, Peter J. *
Linneberger, Ida *
Linnenberger, Bertha picture link
Linnenberger, Peter *
Lintel, Christian *
Lintel, Henry Von *
Lintel, Herman *
Lintel, Otto Van picture link
Lintel, Thecla *
Lioba, Sister M. *
Lioba, Sr. picture link
Little, Ellen *
Little, Roy *
Locker, Joseph jr. *
Locker, Joseph sr. *
Locker, Louis *
Loenhardt, Anton *
Loenhardt, Henry *
Luaber, Peter *
Lucidia, Sister M. *
Ludmilla, Sister Mary *
Ludmilla, Sr. picture link
Luia, George *
Lutz, Chilian *, *, *
Lutz, William Jacob *
Lynd, Honora (Mrs.) *
Mackey, E. J. *
Magdalena, Sister M. Francis *
Maier, Fidelis picture link
Maier, Hilary *
Mallon, Wm. Jos. *
Mansfield, Maurice *
Marcia, Sister Mary *
Mardian, Magdalena *
Mardian, Mary *
Margaret, Sister M. Mary *
Marie, Sister M. Adeline *
Marie, Sister M. Cortona *
Marie, Sister M. Esther *
Marietta, Sister M. *
Marietta, Sr. picture link
Marina, Sister Mary *
Marine, Sr. picture link
Mark, Sister M. *
Mark, Ven. Fr. picture link
Markey, Phillip *
Marquelling, John H. *
Marshal, Joseph *
Martin, - *, *
Martina, Sister Mary *
Martina, Sr. picture link
Mary Clair, Sr. picture link
Maschka, Jacob *
Maschka, Lawrence *, *
Mathew, Jacob *
Mathew, Joseph Jr. *
Mathew, Joseph Sr. *
Mathilda, Sr. picture link
Matilda, Sister Mary *
Mauer, Virginia *
Maurice, - *, *
Maurus, - picture link
Maxwell, W.C. *
Maxwell, Walter *
Maxwell, Walter C. *
Mayerhoefer, Joseph *
Mayershofer, Jos. C. *
Mayershofer, Jos. Cal. *
Mayershofer, Joseph Cal. *, *
McCarthy, Dan F. *
McCarthy, Dan, Sr. *
McClellan, Thos. (Mrs.) *
McGinty, Edward *
McMahon, Mary *
McQuire, Wm. *
Meder, Catharine picture link
Meder, John *,
Meder, John *, *
Meder, Michael picture link, *, *
Meier, Alex picture link, *
Meier, Andreas picture link
Meier, Andrew (Mrs.) *
Meier, Anna picture link, picture link
Meier, Anton *
Meier, Carl *
Meier, Edward *
Meier, F.A. *
Meier, Fidelis *
Meier, Frank A. *
Meier, Jacob picture link, *, *
Meier, John (Mrs.) *
Meier, Joseph *
Meier, Joseph A. *
Meis, (Mrs.) *
Meis, - *
Meis, Agnes *
Meis, Angela picture link, *
Meis, Anna Katherina picture link
Meis, Anton *
Meis, Carl picture link, picture link
Meis, Frank *
Meis, Frederic *
Meis, Friedrich *
Meis, Henry *
Meis, Joseph *
Meis, Lawrence picture link
Meis, Peter picture link
Meis, Philip *
Meis, Philippa picture link, *
Meis, Rose P. *
Menderler, Agnes *
Menig, Chas. *
Merker, Mary *
Merker, Peter *
Mermis, Alex *
Mermis, Andrew A. *
Mermis, Anton picture link
Mermis, Anton *
Mermis, Elizabeth picture link
Mermis, Frank *
Mermis, John A. *
Mermis, Peter *
Mermis, Raymond *
Mermis, Walter picture link
Merril, F. J. (Mrs.) *
Meyershofer, Jos. Cal. *
Michael, - *
Miller, A. R. *
Miller, Anna Maria picture link
Miller, Frank B. picture link, *
Miller, Henry picture link, *, *
Miller, Jacob *
Miller, Jacob P. *
Miller, Johannes *
Miller, John *, *, *
Miller, John M. *
Miller, Joseph *
Miller, Paul *
Miller, Peter J. *
Mills, Connel *
Mills, John *
Mills, Robert *
Mittelmeier, Anna *, *
Mittelmeier, Leonard *, *
Molner, John *
Mondero, Joseph *
Monsch, Jacob *, *
Monsch, Joseph *, *
Montgomery, W. B. *
Moye, K. J. *
Muelders, Martin *, *, *
Mueller, Anastasius picture link, *, *, *, *, *, *
Mueller, Anastasius *
Mueller, Anselm *
Mueller, Jacob *, *
Mueller, Jacob Jr. *, *
Mueller, Jerome picture link, *, *, *
Muench, James *, *, *, *, *
Mullan, Theodose *
Mullen, E. G. (Mrs.) *
Mullen, Theodosius *
Mulroy, M.H. picture link
Mulroy, Rich *
Munk, Theo H. *
Munk, Theo Victoria *
Munk, Theodore *
Munk, Thoe. H. *
Munsch, Alex *
Munsch, Jacob *, *
Munsch, Joseph *
Muntsch, Alex *
Muntsch, Anton *
Muntsch, George *
Muntsch, Jacob (Mrs.) *
Murphy, Ignatius *
Neff, Michael *, *, *
Nei, John (Mrs.) *
Nei, Michael *
Nemecheck, August *
Nemecheck, Ferdinand *
Nemecheck, Frank *
Nemecheck, Louis *
Nemecheck, Stepehen *
Neuberger, Adolf *
Neuberger, Frank *
Neuberger, John *
Neuberger, Joseph jr. *
Neuberger, Joseph sr. *
Neuberger, Wenzel *
Ney, Dora *
Nierenberger, Edgar *
Nierenberger, John *
Nierenberger, Joseph *
Nierenberger, Nick *
Nolan, James T. *
Nolasco, Sister M. *
Norbert, - *
Novak, Anton *
Nusbaum, Joe *
O'Driscoll, Mike *
O'Laughlin, John *
O'laughlin, John *, *
Obholz, Joseph *
Odilla, Sister M. *
Odilla, Sr. picture link
Oelkers, Fritz *
Orth, Clemens *
Orth, Frank *
Orth, George *
Orth, Jacob *
Orth, John *
Orth, Martin *
Page, Richard *
Palen. N. J. *
Pancratia, Sister M. *
Pancratia, Sr. picture link
Pancratius, - *, *
Paul, - *, *, *
Paul, Ed *
Paul, Henry *, *
Paul, Jacob *
Paul, Joseph *
Paul, Peter *
Paulina, Sister Mary *
Paulina, Sr. picture link
Paulita, Sister Mary *
Paulita, Sr. picture link
Pelzl, Joe *
Perpetua, Sister M. *
Peter, Michael *
Peters, Herman Jos. *
Peters, Michael *
Peters, Peter *
Petri, Thomas *, picture link
Pfanenstiel, Anastas *
Pfanenstiel, John *
Pfanenstiel, Ludwig *
Pfannenstiel, Adam *
Pfannenstiel, Alex *
Pfannenstiel, Barbara *
Pfannenstiel, Elizabeth picture link, *
Pfannenstiel, Fidelis *
Pfannenstiel, Gerhard *
Pfannenstiel, Germain *
Pfannenstiel, Germaine picture link
Pfannenstiel, Jacob *, *
Pfannenstiel, John *, *
Pfannenstiel, John M. *
Pfannenstiel, John Sr. *
Pfannenstiel, Joseph B. *
Pfannenstiel, Joseph J. *
Pfannenstiel, Martin *
Pfannenstiel, Mat. *
Pfannenstiel, Michael *
Pfannenstiel, Nick *
Pfannenstiel, Nick J. *
Pfannenstiel, Peter *, *
Pfannenstiel, Peter A. *
Pfannenstiel, Philip *
Pfannentiel, Anton Sr. picture link
Pfarmenstiel, Elias *
Pfarmenstiel, Jacob *
Pfeifer, Adam picture link, *, *, *
Pfeifer, Adam A. *
Pfeifer, Adam D. *
Pfeifer, Adam J. (Mrs.) *
Pfeifer, Adam M. *
Pfeifer, Alex *
Pfeifer, Alex A. *
Pfeifer, Alex J. *
Pfeifer, Alex. *
Pfeifer, Andrew *, *, *
Pfeifer, Anton J. *
Pfeifer, Beata picture link
Pfeifer, Beatrice *
Pfeifer, Catharina *
Pfeifer, Clara picture link, *
Pfeifer, Elizabeth picture link
Pfeifer, Frank *, *
Pfeifer, George *
Pfeifer, Jacob picture link, *, *
Pfeifer, John picture link, *, *
Pfeifer, John J. *
Pfeifer, Jos. A. *
Pfeifer, Joseph picture link, *, *
Pfeifer, Joseph J. *
Pfeifer, Margaret picture link
Pfeifer, Mary picture link, *
Pfeifer, Michael picture link, *, *
Pfeifer, Michael J. *
Pfeifer, Michael Sr. *
Pfeifer, Peter *, *
Pfeifer, Rose picture link, *
Pfeifer, Sophia *
Pfeifer, Susanna picture link
Pfeifer, Theresia picture link
Philippi, Sr. Maria picture link
Phillip, Frank N. *
Phillips, Eugene *
Placidus, - *
Poerfler, Paul *
Polcyn, Frank *
Polcyn, Joseph *
Polcyn, Nick *
Polifka, Edward picture link
Porzel, George *
Prockish, John *
Protase, Sister Mary *
Protase, Sr. picture link
Psanu, - *
Ptacek, Louis *
Ptasheck, Alice *

Transcribed from The Golden Jubilee of German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas, August 31, September 1 and 2, 1926

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Golden Jubilee of the German-Russian Settlements of Ellis and Rush Counties, Kansas

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