Mrs. Marvin Belcher, who for the past week had been critically ill, passing away at Dodge City hospital Thursday of last week after having a serious operation.The funeral of Mrs. Belcher was held Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the Methodist Church in Wilmore. The service was conducted by Rev. Ball who gave a comforting message.
A mixed quartet composed of Mrs. Arthur Barber, Miss Ernestine Hubbard, Nick Baker and Ray Bigbee sang, "Meet Me There," "It Is Well With My Soul" and "God Will Take Care of You."
Pall bearers were: James McCay, Jr., Roy Smith, Willis Schenk, Ernest Hubbard, Fred Anderson and Frank Lindsey.
Burial was in the Wilmore cemetery but was not made until Monday, as Mrs. Belcher's sister, Mrs. Harry Vincent, who came from Washington had been delayed in Denver.
Those from out of the county who attended the funeral services of Mrs. Marvin Belcher were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vincent of Port Orchard, Washington; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jordan and family of Nelson, Nebraska; Mrs. Clyde Denney and Norma Jean of Belvidere, Kansas; Mrs. Nettie Woodring of Selling, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Heaton of St. John, Kansas; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Heaton, Mr. Olice Beard, Mr. and Mrs. John German, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie German of Buffalo, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Gaylord of Selling, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Petty and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Roetker of Selman, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. Wilmont and three daughters.
Obituary Nora Nettie Gaylord, daughter of Murray and Nora Gaylord, was born August 24, 1905 at Mutual, Okla., and passed away at St. Anthony hospital in Dodge City, Kans., April 13, 1944, at the age of 38 years, 7 months and 22 days.
Her childhood was spent with her grandmother, aunt and uncle at Rush center, Kans., and later with an aunt at Protection, Kansas, where she attended both grade and high school.
On April 8, 1928 she was united in marriage with Marvin Belcher of Wilmore, Kansas. To this union were born three children, Marjorie Lee, Martha Marie, and Glenna Marlene. They have made their home on a farm near Wilmore since their marriage.
When a child she became a member of the Methodist Church in Protection and after moving to the Wilmore community, she transferred her membership to the Wilmore Methodist church. She, was ever a loyal member of her church. Because of poor health for the past several years she could not attend services regularly but did attend whenever she was able. But she constantly maintained her faith and trust in the Lord as her Savior and Redeemer. Her daily prayers were for the salvation of her family and loved ones as well as her neighbors and friends. Her constant desire was to live to raise her children in a manner pleasing to her Master. She was ever a faithful wife and loving mother.
She is survived by her husband and three daughters, two sisters, Mrs. Mae Fear of Burke, Virginia, and Mrs. Mable Vincent of Port Orchard, Washington, and a number of other relatives and friends.
The Wilmore News, April 12, 1928. GAYLORD - BELCHER
Miss Nora N. Gaylord, daughter of Murry Gaylord of Protection, Kan., was united in marriage to Mr. Marvin M. Belcher, son of Mrs. M. Jordan of Wilmore, Kan., Sunday morning, April 8, 1928, at Protection. Rev. Dellinger, pastor of the M. E. church at Protection, officiated with the ring ceremony. Immediately after the wedding the newlyweds went to the home of the groom at Wilmore and then motored to visit friends and relatives for some time.
Marvin Mason Belcher, husband of Nora Nettie Gaylord.
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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