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Brief News Items from Comanche County, Kansas

News Notices

July 13, 1882
Cap. Pepperd has disposed of his ranch and cattle on Upper Mule Creek to Mr. Watson and other parties for the handsome sum of $70,000. Lawrence Pepperd we understand has also sold out to the same parties for $17,000. -- Medicine Lodge Cresset, July 13, 1882.

May 10, 1883
The reported sale of Capt. Pepperd's ranch and cattle on Mule Creek proves to be a mistake. The trade was broken we understand and the price offered for the ranch. The Capt. asking $25,000 for the ranch and range and the offer being $15,000. -- Medicine Lodge Cresset, May 10, 1883.

August 16, 1884
A. J. Devore, the first man in Harper, filed before C. M. Cade Monday. His claim is in Ford County. -- The Western Star, August 16, 1884. (J. C. Cash, Editor)

November 13, 1884
There are enough children in Coldwater between the ages of 6 and 16 to furnish material for a first class school this winter. We understand a school will be opened here next Monday. So mote it be. -- The Western Star, November 13, 1884.

November 6, 1886
The oleomargarine law went into effect on November 1st. All retail dealers who now expect to sell oleomargarine will be obliged to pay a license of $48. Wholesale dealers will pay $480 and manufacturers $600. All sales must be out of stamped packages. -- The Western Star, November 6, 1886.

July 5, 1887
MISSING - Riley Draper, of Luray, Clark county, Mo. He is fifty years old, five feet nine inches in height, spare built, weighing about 150 pounds, rather dark complexion, full beard, blue eyes. He left Kirksville, Mo., March 13, last, was in Kansas City, March 18, and was on his way to western Kansas to locate on government land and has not been heard of since. His friends fear sickness or foul play. Any information concerning him will be thankfully received by his wife, Sarah E. Draper, Luray, Mo., or S. Draper, Niobrara, Neb. Newspapers please publish. -- Kansas Weekly Ledger, July 5, 1887.

21 October 1887
R.W. Phillips and family, who have been spending seven weeks on their Comanche county farm, were here yesterday on their way to Chicago, where they will winter. -- The Union, October 21, 1887. (Contributed by Kim Fowles.)

4 May 1888
The following items remain uncalled for in the post office at Sun City Kansas, May 1, 1888. Parties calling for same, please say advertised. R.W. Phillips, Mr. H.S. Burdick 2, Tho�s Callison.P.M. -- Medicine Lodge Index, May 4, 1888. (Contributed by Kim Fowles.)

11 May 1888
Mr. John Bullock was unfortunate enough to fall through the ladder-hole in the barn at the Evans ranch, and cripple himself last Saturday night, while moving so as to be out of the way of high water. -- Medicine Lodge Index, May 11, 1888. (Contributed by Kim Fowles.)

March 1, 1890
It has been discovered that the potato has another enemy called the flea beetle. It is a very small insect, moving in large numbers, like clouds, and attacks the vines by piercing the leaves full of small holes from the under side. Poison fails to destroy them thus far, and the beetle is an enemy that is dangerous. A strong solution of tobacco is the only efficacious preventive, but it is not a sure destroyer of the pest. -- The Western Star, March 1, 1890.

March 1, 1890
The commission appointed to test the electrical execution in state prisons, after experiments in the institutions at Sing Sing, Auburn, and Dannemora, last week, found that each one of the apparatus can be used successfully and that death by electricity can be accomplished within four seconds. There is, in their opinion, no cause for imagining that there will ever be any failure of any extent. -- The Western Star, March 1, 1890.

January 2, 1903
Mrs. D. L. Cline returned yesterday to her home in Medford, Oklahoma, having spent a week here visiting friends and attending to some business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Cline recently had a very fine monument placed at the grave of Mrs. Cline's father, Wm. Reed, who died in this county on December 28, 1896, and is buried in the Coldwater cemetery. The monument and grave is surrounded by a wire fence. O. E. Mabee, of Winfield, designed the monument. Mrs. Cline found many old time friends here who were glad to greet her. She says that D. L. is too busy in his store in Medford to make visits just now. -- The Western Star, January 2, 1903.

March 27, 1897
Loren Ferrin of Powell-tp. will set out 500 fruit trees, 300 of them apple trees, on his farm this spring. That is a commendable thing to do. -- The Western Star, March 27, 1897.

January 2, 1903
Mrs. A. G. Dunn and daughter, Eva, arrived on Monday from their former home near Zenda. Mr. Dunn has been here for some time getting their new home 15 miles north of Coldwater in the readiness. Three head of good horses and a carload of household goods were shipped from Zenda to Coldwater on Monday and have been taken to Mr. and Mrs. Dunn's new home. We extend a hearty welcome to such families. -- The Western Star, January 2, 1903.

September 10, 1909
J. A. Jarnagin, Mansel Barnes and F. M. Watson were, so far as we have learned, the Comanche co., old soldiers in attendance at the Southwest Veteran's Association held in Dodge City last week, Mr. Jarnagin was chosen vice president for this county. -- The Western Star, September 10, 1909.

November 16, 1911
COMING "SLAVES OF THE ORIENT." - One of the best attractions to be seen at the local play-house this season at popular prices is "Slaves of the Orient," which comes to the Mark's theater for one night, Friday, November 21, 1911. This attraction has been receiving the most clattering press notices throughout the larger towns of the state and is a play of real merit. The scenes are laid in that far off land of romance, the orient, and the action of the piece is replete with plenty of good clean comedy, startling situations and strong climaxes. The Spence Theater company are offering a production complete in every detail. Every piece of scenery, every article of furniture and electrical effect used throughout the four acts being carried by the company. The prices are 25, 50 and 70 cents. Seats on sale at the City Drug store. -- The Protection Post, November 16, 1911.

May 24, 1912
Mrs. John Darroch returned on Wednesday from Wichita where she had been for a week receiving medical treatment. She is now much improved. Mr. Darroch went to Wichita and accompanied his wife home. -- The Western Star, May 24, 1912.

May 24, 1912
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Burkhall are receiving a visit from Mr. Burkhall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Burkhall, of Parker, Kans. -- The Western Star, May 24, 1912.

May 24, 1912
The Coldwater high school baseball team went to Englewood on last Friday afternoon and somehow or other let the Englewood boys beat then to the tune of 6 to 1. -- The Western Star, May 24, 1912.

May 24, 1912
On Tuesday Mrs. C. C. Castle of this city took her 13-year-old daughter, Waneta, to Wichita to consult a specialist. The first of the week some very painful ailment developed in one of Waneta's ears. -- The Western Star, May 24, 1912.

May 24, 1912
Philip Lenertz started the first of the week for Shumway, Ill., wither his wife went a few weeks ago. They will visit relatives and former neighbors there for a few weeks. -- The Western Star, May 24, 1912.

May 24, 1912
The Nescatunga Sunday school will give an ice cream social on Saturday evening June 1. The social will be held in John E. Todd's barn. Everybody is cordially invited to be present and share in the enjoyment of the occasion. -- The Western Star, May 24, 1912.

May 24, 1912
Mrs. D. G. Hughes arrived Monday afternoon from Madison, Kans. Her husband is the new jeweler who recently came here from Madison and had opened up for business in the Murray drug store which burned early Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes have rooms in the McCune building, in the southeastern part of the city. -- The Western Star, May 24, 1912.

May 24, 1912
Mrs. W. L. Roberts started Wednesday morning on a visit with a sister in Madison, Kans. -- The Western Star, May 24, 1912.

January 15, 1915
Aetna Items -- Jno. Arrington & brother are at the ranch this week. He is moving a family on the Evansville ranch. -- The Hardtner Press, Friday, January 15, 1915.

February 18, 1915
"Ridge Summit News" -- Ernest Ferrin butchered hogs Wednesday of last week. Monday afternoon, while Walter Ferrin was plowing, a bolt came out of the doubletree letting it fall and hit the horses which frightened them and caused them to run. One horse was pushed into the fence and received some severe cuts which besides the tearing up of the harness was all the damage done. -- The Wilmore News, February 18, 1915.

June 3, 1915
A land deal was recently consummated by which George Briggs and his sons, John and Paul, became the owners of that portion of the Shattuck ranch, which lies in Comanche-co. - 1120 acres. The land is located in the northwestern part of this county. The price paid was $13,350. The Briggs ranch now comprises about 1000 acres and is one of the choice ranches in the county. There is considerable tillable land on the ranch - enough at least to keep Mr. Briggs and his sons quite busy and to stimulate every particle of their well known industry. -- The Wilmore News, June 3, 1915. ("Coldwater Notes", from The Western Star.)

June 3, 1915
At the close of today's session of district court in this city last week four divorces were granted as follows: Nada Drullinger from Chas. Drullinger, Rachel Banta from Amery C. Banta, Iva May Simpson from Homer Simpson, and Myrtle Agnes Sell from Clyde Sell. -- The Wilmore News, June 3, 1915. ("Coldwater Notes", from The Western Star.)

June 3, 1915
Captain C. C. Pepperd, one of the pioneer settlers of Comanche county, arrived here the first of the week on a visit with relatives. He is an uncle of Tom, Will and Nick Pepperd and of Mrs. J. Maples. Captain Pepperd settled in the eastern part of this county several years before the county was organized (about the year 1875) and lived here until about the year 1889. His home is now in Mineral Wells, Texas. It had been sometime since he was here, and he was surprised at the many changes in the way of improvements in the town and all over the county during the past fifteen years. He found quite a number of the old timers with whom he was well acquainted 25 years ago. -- The Wilmore News, June 3, 1915. ("Coldwater Notes", from The Western Star.)

February 8, 1917
Ernest Ferrin was in Coldwater Monday afternoon. He went over to take Faye Smith and cousin back to school. Lewis Smith started with them but didn't get very far. Lewis Smith, Ernest Ferrin, Maude Cobb, and daughter Mildred spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Graham. -- The Wilmore News, February 8, 1917.

February 15, 1917
RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT -- Whereas, Kishe Manitou in his infinite wisdom has seem fit to call from the forest of life the sister of our esteemed chief and brother, Ray Scovell. Therefore be it resolved that we the members of Comanche Tribe No. 152, Improved Order of Redmen, tender our heartfelt condolence to our esteemed chief and brother in this hour of his bereavement. Committee: C. N. Thorpe, W. J. Mitchell, P. L. Stroud. -- Supplement to The Protection Post, February 15, 1917. (Also see: Crossley Children)

April 26, 1917:
This Mother Gave Her All: Touching Incident of Sacrifice on the Altar of Her Country's Need.
The Wilmore News, 26 April 1917.

July 5, 1917
As the Post goes to press it is informed that Ralph Zane was badly injured at Columbus, New Mexico while driving. One leg and both arms are paralyzed and his spine injured. No other particulars. Mrs. Ella Zane and son, Roscoe, left by way of Bucklin Thursday for the injured boys side. -- The Protection Post, July 5, 1917.

July 26, 1917
Lawrence York is number one on the draft list in this county. If he is selected he will make a "number one soldier, too." -- The Wilmore News, July 26, 1917.

September 20, 1917
Fifteen of Comanche county's drafted men left Coldwater Friday morning of this week for Camp Funston where they will go into training at once. Those who went were Vernon W. Pepperd, Nathaniel Weddle, James W. Septer and Albert W. Seaman. The Wilmore News, September 20, 1917. (Also see: Comanche County news articles, World War I)

January 2, 1919
Jerome Pebbles, of the United States Navy, arrived in Protection last Friday evening for a short furlough and visit. He had expected to spend Christmas but was disappointed in this he being snow bound at Nashville. Jerome is a gunner and has been serving on a gun crew on a tug. He has been all along the eastern coast of the United States, and has been half way across the ocean a time or two, but has never yet been in France or England. He says that they have taken the gun off the tug since the war has ceased, and when he goes back he will be assigned to a different boat, and he has hopes that he will yet get to visit foreign soil. -- The Protection Post, January 2, 1919.

January 9, 1919
Jerome Pebbles left on Tuesday of this week for Southampton, S. C. where he again takes up his duties as a gunner's mate in the Navy, after having spent a short Christmas furlough at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pebbles. -- The Protection Post, January 9, 1919.

November 7, 1919
The Coldwater Motor Co. received a carload of new Ford cars this week. The shipment comprised five touring cars and one sedan. Two of the touring cars have electric starters. -- The Western Star, November 7, 1919.

January 9, 1920
"RECEIVES CHECK FOR $1092.86." - Frank B. Cline of this city received a pleasant surprise the other day in the way of a check from Uncle Sam for $1092.86, which amount represented the difference between the former pay to U. S. soldiers of about $30 a month and the allowance of about $80, per month under a recent act of congress. Mr. Cline was formerly a member of the Kansas National Guard and as such went to Fort Sill, Okla., in September, 1918, and not long afterwards became a member of Co. E. 137th Division. He finally was attached as a Sergeant to the Ordinance Department, but had not been in the service very long when he suffered a severe attack of lung trouble. He spent about four months in a Marine hospital at Fort Stanton, N. M., but never fully recovered from the effects of the sickness. Under the new Compensation Act he will receive $80 per month until he is sufficiently recovered to be rated as being entitled to a full discharge. -- The Western Star, January 9, 1920.

April 23, 1920
THEY WERE THERE -- On last Monday evening the stock holders of Crown Hill Cemetery Association held their annual meeting in the court room in this city. There was a good attendance, about 60 persons, being present. Reports of work and money spent during the year were submitted, and a vote of thanks was extended to the retiring board of directors for their services during the past year. A new board of nine directors was elected for the ensuing year. The newly elected directors are E. E. Pounds, K. M. Gilbert, Elza Holmes, J. W. Stark, Frank Baker, R. Z. Shipp, W. J. Pepperd, J. McCay and R. M. Kirk. The board of directors will meet soon and select officers for the ensuing year. A good one horse lawn mower was ordered purchased for use at the cemetery. It was also ordered that no cement work shall be built so as to extend into the alleys or streets at the cemetery. At some of the graves where curbing, walks or markers have been put in, a portion of same extends so far into the alleys and streets that it is almost impossible to get by with the mower. -- The Western Star, April 23, 1920.

July 30, 1920
J. Berry Ware, Earl Ferrin and Wm. Barlow left for the Wichita oil fields Tuesday morning to look over a business proposition in the AI pool. -- The Western Star, July 30, 1920.

July 30, 1920
"RARE PHOTO PLAY COMING TO THE PIKE THEATER." - It is with great joy that theater goers will learn of the engagement of the great super feature, "The Lost Battalion" at the Pike Theater on Wednesday, August 4. All the survivors of the Lost Battalion, heroes of the Argonne are enacting for posterity the stirring events which have made their deeds a revered memory. It is a stupendous production, each man seems to feel again and play some incident of which he was a part during those memorable six days and nights of starvation and thirst in the Argonne. It is one of the greatest stories ever filmed. (Adv.) -- The Western Star, July 30, 1920.

February 3, 1922
One Coldwater-tp. young man recently brought in a little over $8 worth of furs - three skunks and five civet cats - the result of one night's catch. No doubt he earned all he received for them. -- The Western Star, February 3, 1922.

February 24, 1922
Mrs. Cora Ferrin-Rockefeller, who had been visiting relatives in this city, went to Wilmore on Tuesday. After visiting there for ten days or two weeks she will go on to Washington, Penn., where she will join her husband, who, went east a few weeks ago to enter upon his duties as district superintendent of the West Penn. Power Co., one of the big electrical power companies of Pennsylvania. -- The Western Star, February 24, 1922.

June 16, 1922
OLD SETTLER VISITS HERE - Adam S. Downing, whose home has been in Conway Springs, Kans., for several years, made this county a visit recently, "just to look the country over and to see a few of the old timers." Mr. Downing was one of the early settlers in Comanche-co., and took a prominent part in the early day affairs of the county. He settled on a claim about 3 1/2 miles southwest of Coldwater. His claim adjoined the town site of Coldwater as it was laid out originally near Calvary Creek, a few miles southwest of the present town site. He co-operated with the members of the Town Company who laid out the present city of Coldwater. His work was largely that of location settlers who were in seacrh of land. He recalls that he located a number of the old settlers in Protection-tp. and in the southwestern part of Coldwater-tp. He had some interesting history to tell of the county seat fight in this county. Mr. Downing stated that Comanche-co now looks quite different now from the way it looked when he first saw it 38 years ago. -- The Western Star, June 16, 1922.

July 7, 1922
Henry White, whose home is in San Diego, Calif., and who had made a two weeks visit with relatives in this county, started Tuesday morning for Hot Springs, Ark., where he expects to spend a few weeks. He will return to his California home by way of Illinois, where he will visit a sister, and thence by way of Canada, British Columbia and Washington, the entire trip occupying between three and four months. On the way to Comanche-co., a few weeks ago he made a ten days' stop in the Imperial Valley in Arizona, where he owns a small tract of land. Mr. White was a pioneer settler in this county and still owns considerable land northwest of this city. His son, Arthur, lives on the "old home place." -- The Western Star, July 7, 1922.

July 7, 1922
This week Lynn Hollyman, superintendent of the Coldwater municipal water and light plant, completed the installation of a complete radio set, including a loud speaker, in Walter R. Johnston's elevator office. Several practical tests have proven that the receiving set is capable of the most satisfactory work. Kansas City, Salina, Hutchinson, Wichita and Anthony and many other cities can be heard. This is another convenience in the way of bringing to Coldwater the very latest market quotations and general news, as well as affording Mr. Johnson and some of his friends an opportunity to hear some of the best things in music and other entertainment in the larger cities. -- The Western Star, July 7, 1922.

June 7, 1923
SURPRISE PARTY - Monday evening the Class of '23 (1923) gave a party at the home of Miss Alice McCormick, in honor of one of their members, Mr. Stewart Holland, who is soon leaving to make his home in California. Stewart was genuinely surprised. Many interesting games were played during the evening and much enjoyment was found in a mock marriage and a mock trial, in which every one participated. At a late hour refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Those present were: Misses Arlee Murphy, Beulah Teter, Hazel Moore, Vivian Field, and Alice McCormick, and Messrs. Stewart Holland, Harold Murphy, Edgar Deck, Dee Griffith, Lee Griffith, Myrul Pike, George Carey, George Decker, William Wilkerson, and Glen Bond. -- The Protection Post, June 7, 1923.

July 6, 1923
BURNING CROSS - About 10 p.m. on the evening of the Fourth a fire alarm was turned in by some one in this city. The reports to central was that the fire was in the "eastern part of town." A large crowd quickly found its way to the scene of the "fire" which was found to be only the burning of a large cross, which had been erected in a pasture east of Peter Schneider's residence. The cross appeared to have been wrapped in gunny sacks, which had been thoroughly soaked with oil. Just who were the promoters of the demonstration, and for what purpose, has not yet been definitely learned. -- Western Star, July 6, 1923.

September 18, 1925
James B. Mooney, a former resident of this county, but who has lived in Wichita for a few years, visited here for a couple of days this week. John Adams, who lives 18 miles southeast of this city, is his brother-in-law. Mr. Mooney thinks that there is some prospect that a test oil well will be put down in the southeastern part of this county within the next year or two by a Wichita development company. -- The Western Star, September 18, 1925.

November 6, 1925
County Commissioner Earl Ferrin of Powell-tp., was in Coldwater last Friday having some dental work done. He was in the county seat again on Monday of this week, coming to attend the regular meeting of the board of county commissioners. -- The Western Star, November 6, 1925.

November 20, 1925
OLD TIMERS HERE - Milt Shultise, who was one of the pioneer merchants in Coldwater, visited with old time friends here on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. His home has been in Taloga, Okla., for several years. Mr. Shultise started a harness shop and boot and shoe store in this city in the year 1884. A few years later he and J. H. Allderdice formed a partnership and conducted a general store for several years, or until Mr. Shultise moved to Oklahoma, where he engaged in the mercantile business for himself. He prospered and was prominent in the building up of the town of Taloga. While here Mr. Shultise met a number of former acquaintances. He was accompanied here by Mr. Ruple, formerly of Avilla. -- The Western Star, November 20, 1925.

December 18, 1925
Another letter to Santa Claus - "Dear Santa Claus: I am glad that Christmas will soon be her I want a sewing box My sister want a doll and mother want some gloves and dady wants some socks and I and Norene want want a littl bible I want a Mother Goose book Thank you for the presents I hope you have a Merry Christams from Audrey Pauline Hackney." (sic - published here as it was printed.)

April 16, 1926
CAPTURE STILLS IN WOODS-CO. - Last Friday a deputy sheriff and two assistants from Alva, and County Attorney C. E. Baker, Sheriff J. L. Williams and two other men for this county made an important capture of a somewhat elaborate still outfit on Martin King's ranch, between three and four miles over the county line in Oklahoma, 25 miles southeast of this city. The still was found hidden away near the head of a deep canyon about three fourths of a mile southwest of King's house. The place was almost inaccessible, except on foot or on horseback. This find consisted of a double still and five barrels of mash. One still was still warm when the officers arrived. It was evident that the outfit had been in frequent use, and that it was so constructed as to be easily portable so that it could be used at one place and then another. The Alva official took the outfit to the Woods-co. county seat for safe keeping and as evidence. The people of this county, as well as those of Wood-co., will anxiously await further developments in the case. -- The Western Star, April 16, 1926.

September 2, 1927
CHILD STRUCK BY LIGHTNING AND KILLED -- Clearwater, Kas. Aug. 26. -- Eight year old Virginia Corr was injured fatally this morning when she was stuck by a bolt of lightning while sleeping on an open porch at her home near here. The girl staggered into the house, holding her head in her hands. Her father, believing the child had been injured while walking in her sleep, attempted to relieve her pain by applying cold towels. She died in thirty minutes. A physician pronounced death due to lightning. Three red marks on the child's neck were the only marks on her body. Virginia's 13 year old sister, Ruby, who was sleeping with her was uninjured. (Miss Corr is a cousin of Mrs. Lawrence York of this place. Mr. and Mrs. York and son, Junior, motored to Clearwater Thursday evening and attended the funeral Friday, returning to their home Sunday evening.) -- The Wilmore News, September 2, 1927. (reprinted from the Clearwater newspaper)

August 24, 1928
PEPPERD CAR RECOVERED -- W. J. Pepperd and son, Claire, went to Raton, New Mexico, Sunday and returned Tuesday with their Hupmobile car that was stolen from in front of the Chautauqua tent in Coldwater on the night of August 2. The car was found by the Police in Raton where it had been abandoned, it was damaged but very little, one bumper was torn off and one tire and rim was damaged some from being run with the tire down. The thief stole an Oakland car in Raton but wrecked it soon afterward. The police have a good description of the man and may be able to capture him yet. Mr. Pepperd was very fortunate in getting his car back as he did not carry insurance on it and it would have been a total loss. -- The Wilmore News, August 24, 1928.

September 13, 1928
TWO INJURED IN AUTO WRECK SUNDAY. -- "Shorty" Brown and Ed Wilcox, transients, were both seriously injured in an auto wreck on No. 12 highway at the corner one mile north of Protection Sunday evening at about 7:00 o'clock. Brown and Wilcox are both reported to have been drinking and in a Ford roadster borrowed from the Briggs ranch of which Wilcox had been an employee for a short time, they came to Protection and had spent some time in town. Leaving Protection at a high rate of speed they were unable to turn the corner at the Sibbitt farm and the car went into the ditch turning over several times. The car was practically demolished. Wilcox who was driving the car was pinned under the steering wheel but escaped with the least injury of the two. He suffered a broken collar bone and was seriously cut and bruised. Brown was knocked unconscious. He had seven ribs broken and was injured seriously internally, beside being badly cut and bruised over his entire torso. Passing motorists saw the wreck and brought the injured men to Dr. Ramey's emergency hospital in Protection where they were given medical attention until Monday morning. Monday, the Stevenson ambulance from Ashland took the injured men to the Ashland hospital where they are receiving treatment. For some days it was feared that Brown would not recover but last reports from him are that unless complications develop he will be out of the hospital a well man but his recovery may take some time. Wilcox is improving rapidly. -- Protection Post, September 13, 1928.

April 11, 1930
PIONEER REWARDS NURSE WITH FARM -- William Henry Minnick, an 87 year old pioneer at Sedgwick county died at his home in that county last Friday. His will disclosed that fact that Miss Ruth Botts, a young nurse in Wesley hospital of Wichita, was designated the heir to property estimated to be worth $14,000. Miss Botts had known Mr. Minnick for about three years and had acted as his nurse during an illness several years ago. Miss Botts is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Botts of Coldwater and is well known to Comanche county people. -- The Wilmore News, April 11, 1930.

April 11, 1930
WM. BOOTH'S BARN BURNS -- Monday morning the barn on the Wm. Booth place north of town was completely destroyed by fire of unknown origin. The fire was discovered by some of the neighbors very early in the morning but they were in doubt as to what was burning and did not give the alarm at once. The Booth family was not around until after the alarm was turned in and by that time the fire had gained so much headway that nothing could be saved. The wind being in the northeast prevented the fire from spreading to the house. In addition to the barn itself, a new cow shed recently built, a Shetland pony belonging to Fred, all of the harness, some feed, some meat, seed corn and a number of other articles were destroyed by the fire. The loss is partly covered by insurance. -- The Wilmore News, April 11, 1930.

January 15, 1932
EARL FERRIN REELECTED COUNTY COMMISSION HEAD -- Earl Ferrin of Wilmore was chosen chairman of the county commission for 1932 at the organization meeting in Coldwater Monday for the new year. Mr. Ferrin was re-elected to that post by the fellow members, W. P. Sanders, of Protection, and J. B. Stark, of Coldwater. His conduct of the office, the other members felt, was such that he should retain the post as presiding member of the commissioner's sessions. -- The Wilmore News, January 15, 1932.

July 21, 1932.
M. C. CAMPBELL DIES IN WICHITA LAST WEEK -- Prominent Rancher and Cattleman of Kansas Owned 20,000 Acre Ranch in Clark County -- M. C. Campbell, 83, pioneer rancher and cattleman of Clark county, passed away at his home in Wichita Wednesday, October 12, after a short illness. While Mr. Campbell has made his home in Wichita since 1879 his business interests in Clark County where he was owner of the Campbell ranch south of Ashland, has caused frequent visits to this territory where he made worlds of friends. His achievements in Kansas were many, entitling him to his unquestioned place as one of the state's leaders. For six years he was a member of the livestock sanitary board. He was one of the men who organized the National Bank of Commerce in Wichita in 1896. He served on its directory board until it was consolidated with the Kansas National Bank, forming the First National Bank, and he served on its directors board until his death. He helped organize and always has been one of the directors of the Kansas National Livestock Show, and is a charter member of the Kansas Livestock Association. Mr. Campbell was born September 6, 1849 at Crete, Will County, Illinois. He came to Kansas in 1874 and pre-empted land near Great Bend and broke virgin soil with walking plow and oxen. He was elected clerk of Barton County and married Sarah Ellen Smith in October of 1876. In 1879 the family moved to Wichita where its home has been since. In 1890 he established headquarters on the Cimarron River southeast of Ashland where his 20,000 acre ranch, devoted to stock and wheat raising, is located. In 1918, Jesse C. Harper, head of the Notre Dame athletic department, who had married one of Mr. Campbell's daughters, left the school to take charge of the ranch. Mr. Campbell is survived by two children, one brother, two sisters, five grandchildren and three great grandchildren. -- The Protection Post, October 20, 1932.

July 21, 1933
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cash and daughter, Clara, whose home is in Belleville, N. J., also Allen's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Newby of Oklahoma City, arrived in Coldwater on Wednesday evening of this week on a few days visit and to look after business matters. Allen is still employed on a New York newspaper. He and his sister still own a good tract of land located a few miles southwest of this city. Their father, W. M. Cash, now deceased, was editor and owner of The Western Star for 14 years. -- The Western Star, July 21, 1933.

February 11, 1938.
BARN AND STOCK BURNED -- On Tuesday evening of last week the barn at the B. E. Sweeney farm 11 miles northwest of Coldwater was burned to the ground. In addition to the barn, Mr. Sweeney suffered a heavy loss by the burning to death of seven milk cows and two calves which were in the barn; also about 250 bushels of wheat, considerable seed and quite a large amount of feed. After Mr. Sweeney had done his chores and the milking and had fed the cows in their stanchions, he went to the house where he separated the milk, then sat down to read until time to turn the cows out. Soon afterwards he noticed the reflection of the fire on his paper. Upon arriving at the barn and jerking the door open he found the entire interior in flames. One small cow got loose from her stanchion and rushed out, but was so badly burned that it was necessary to shoot her. It is understood that Mr. Sweeney had some insurance on the barn, but none on the stock or contents. At the time of the fire, Mrs. Sweeney was in Dodge City with her daughter, Juanita, who was recovering from a recent appendix operation. -- The Western Star, February 11, 1938.

December 13, 1935.
Mrs. Clara Ridge, Mrs. R. E. Terry and Mrs. Geo. Brown spent Monday evening quilting at the home of Mrs. Barnett and Geneva. Mrs. C. B. Austin also spent the evening at the Barnett home. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Baker, Geneva Barnett and E. L. Ferrin spent Saturday in Medicine Lodge. Mr. Baker and Miss Geneva took the civil service examination for the post master. -- The Wilmore News, December 13, 1935.

February 20, 1942
DID YOU KNOW... That there are 343 bridges in Comanche county with a water carrying span of five feet or longer? That there are 11,400 feet of bridges eight feet long or longer? That the longest bridge in the county, across the Cimarron river south of Protection, is 500 feet in length? That Comanche county is 30 X 27 1/2 miles square? That there are 512,000 acres and 547 farms in the county? That the county now has a population of 4457 people? That it is said that no county in the state has more miles of running streams than this county? That it has 67 miles of state and national highways? That Comanche county ranks near the top in per capita wealth? That Comanche county is hard to beat? Well, it is! -- The Western Star, February 20, 1942.

July 7, 1944
Gwinn Ferrin, son of H. H. Ferrin of Oklahoma City, is helping Valtos Richardson harvest. He and his friend are going to make harvest through different states. This is their second stop for harvest. Gwinn is Valtos' nephew. -- The The Wilmore News, July 7, 1944.

February 7, 1947
Coldwater Girl Leaves for Japan: Must Report to Chicago To Reach California Port -- Miss Dorothy Betzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Betzer of this city, left Coldwater Thursday morning for Chicago where she will be given transportation by the War Department to the west coast and there will board a ship for Japan. She will later be sent to Okinawa where she will be stationed as a civil service employee in Army Personnel work. During the past year Miss Betzer has been employed in the Braniff Air Lines traffic control office in Kansas City. She previously was with the Continental Air Lines in Denver and spent nine months at the Army Air Base in Pratt. She will remain overseas at least two years. She is looking forward to her trip to the Orient with great anticipation. -- The Western Star, February 7, 1947.

March 7, 1947
Coldwater Places First In National Contest -- S. Frank, owner of the Chief Theatre, Coldwater, was a much surprised man one day last week when he received a telegram which stated that his theatre had placed first in the Motion Picture Exhibitors' March of Dimes contest during the week beginning January 24 and ending January 30. The first prize is a Victor Animatophone 16mm sound movie projector, which will be used to show 16mm pictures to the public here. Theaters in the United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Porto (Puerto) Rico and the Panama Canal Zone ran a short movie during the week showing the work done to prevent infantile paralysis and aid to those thus stricken. The collection for the March of Dimes fund taken in the theater here totaled $237.80, which topped the entire nation in this contest. Mr. and Mrs. Frank are very appreciative of the generous response of the people of Coldwater and vicinity. The movie projector will be presented the Franks by County Chairman Harry B. Cloud. -- The Western Star, March 7, 1947.

May 16, 1947
Gives $100,000 to Start Children's Home -- The following article concerns a well known Comanche county woman, Mrs. A. A. Carpenter, whose husband, a Protection banker, died a few years ago. We quote as follows from the Associated Press. A gift of $100, 000 in cash for the establishment of a Church of Christ Children's Home by Mrs. Maude L. Carpenter, Protection, Kans., widow of a banker, and landowner, was announced Sunday. The home, when completed will accommodate 150 homeless children and construction will start as soon as materials are obtained it was reported. The board of trustees voted to name the home the Maude L. Carpenter Children's Home, Rev. G. K. Wallace, Wichita minister and fiscal director of the home, said. The home will be a joint project of the Churches of Christ and Rev. Wallace reported some $75,000 already had been subscribed. -- Western Star, May 16, 1947.

June 4, 1948
ADOPT BABY BOY -- Mr. and Mrs. John P. Barlow of Coldwater announce the adoption of a son, William Robert, born Thursday, May 12, 1948. Mr. and Mrs. Barlow went to Wichita Wednesday of last week and brought the baby home. -- The Western Star, June 4, 1948.

June 18, 1948
CONTEST TO FIND PARODY TO THE OFFICIAL STATE SONG -- A contest to find a parody to the official state song of Kansas, "Home on the Range," is being sponsored by the Kansas Industrial Development Commission. Maurice E. Fager, director, announced today. "We want one or more stanzas written to the tune of "Home on the range," that definitely identify the song as Kansas," Fager said. "The new stanzas should paint a word picture of Kansas - its bountiful agriculture, diversified industry, vast and varied natural resources, scenic beauty, the fine people of our state and various sections of the state such as the rich Flint Hills area." The contest will close at midnight, October 1, 1948 and the winner will receive $100. Judges for the contest will be announced later. Entries should be addressed to Home on the Range contest, Kansas Industrial Development Commission, 801 Harrison, Topeka, Kans. "Home on the Range was written in 1872 by Dr. Brewster Higley in his cabin on the banks of East Beaver Creek near Smith Center, and became the official state song by an act of 1947 legislature. Fager said the new stanzas to the song would be sung for the first time at the second annual Kansas Manufacturers Show in Wichita, October 19-21. -- The Western Star, June 18, 1948.

June 27, 1947
A Strange Coincidence In the Purkey Family -- A very unusual coincidence occurred in the Purkey family, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Purkey announce the birth of a son, born June 17, 1947. This is the third son born to these parents on this date. The first, Jimmie Marvin, was born June 17, 1941; the second, Chester Floyd Jr., June 17, 1943, and the third, Harold Edward, June 17, 1947. Mrs. Purkey is a daughter of Marvin Downing of Wilmore and Mr. Purkey is a grandson of Mrs. Carsten Nickelson, also of Wilmore. -- The Western Star, June 27, 1947.

October 8, 1948
One Is Killed, Four Hurt, In Crash: Head-on Collision Near Ashland Occurred Sunday Night -- Melvin Knierlhm, 16 year old Junior in the Ashland high school, was killed and four other persons were injured about 7 o'clock last Sunday evening in a head-on collision on U. S. 160 two miles east of Ashland. Three brothers - Alfred Nutter, 20; Jimmie Nutter, 21, and Shorty Nutter, 17 - who work on farms around Coldwater and Protection; also Mrs. Ruth Mull, Ashland former school teacher, were injured. Sheriff Wilbright of Clark county and Tom Glasscock, highway patrolman, reported the 1948 Packard driven by Mrs. Mull and the 1935 Ford belonging to Jimmie Nutter of Protection collided. Mrs. Mull is said to have turned from the highway onto the curved road leading to the Ashland cemetery where her husband is buried, as the Nutter car came over a low slope from the east. Frank E. Daily Jr., County Attorney of Comanche county, was among the first motorists to come along after the accident. The two cars involved in the accident were found parallel at the north edge of the highway, and as motorists stopped to investigate, an added hazard occurred as cars coming from the east could see no traffic jam until they topped the hill beyond which the cars had congregated. A Harden boy from Protection upset his car in a ditch rather than strike some motorists who were standing outside their cars on the highway. Mrs. Mull suffered an injured leg, serious cuts and bruises and a severe shock. Melvin Knierlhm, who was fatally injured, suffered a broken neck when he was thrown from the right front seat to the steel frame above the windshield. His parents live on a farm near Selman, Okla., but the boy recently moved to Ashland to attend school. The front ends of the cars, particularly of the Ford, were practically demolished. -- The Western Star, October 8, 1948.

December 17, 1948
MOUTH MUTILATED BY RIM OF A TRUCK TIRE -- While Bob Brigham was working with a truck tire early last Saturday morning the rim of the truck wheel of the tire truck hit him in the mouth after blowing up while he was inflating the tire. Mr. Brigham's upper lip was cut nearly in two and required seven stitches to close the wound. The concussion of the exploding tire was so great that his lower gums were torn loose from most of the lower teeth. Dr. H. S. Schultz, dentist, was called to the Shelley office where the upper lip was stitched, and the dentists took two stitches. Mr. Brigham is making a satisfactory recovery but his mouth is covered with bandages. He is used to punishment, however, having been a prisoner of the Japanese three and one half years. In the prison camp of the Nips he was so nearly starved that he lost about 60 pounds in weight. Mr. Brigham is a valued and dependable employee of the Coldwater Co-operative Oil Company and has many friends. He is a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Huck of this city. -- The Western Star, December 17, 1948.

December 2, 1949
TOGETHER FIRST TIME IN MORE THAN 45 YEARS -- Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Malone of Coldwater were Mr. and Mrs. Charley Young of Wellington Kans., Mr. and Mrs. Newt Hutchinson and son, Ralph, of Barker, Texas, Mr. D. A. Hutchinson of Booker, Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson of Parkbeg, Saskatchewan, Canada. Afternoon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Scholle and children and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Malone and Jerry. Mr. Lawson is a brother of Mrs. J. H. Malone, Mrs. Hutchinson and Mrs. Lawson. They have not been together in more than 45 years.Mr. and Mrs. Lawson visited in Booker, Texas, Oklahoma City and in Freeport, Kans., Mr. Lawsons's old home, before returning to Canada. -- The Western Star, December 2, 1949.

December 2, 1949
TELEVISION IN COLDWATER -- On Wednesday evening of last week Junior Cline of Cline's Radio Shop installed at his home a television aerial and receiving set and with a number of eager visitors witnessed their first television reception in Coldwater. An Oklahoma City station is the only one in this area which can be brought in, it is stated. Coldwater is on the fringe of that area, being more than 200 miles distant, instead of the recommended 75 miles limit. The reception was fairly good Wednesday evening, but Junior says that the next evening the condition of the clouds affected the fading on the screen. He states that good reception about 50% of the time may be expected until television is broadcast from Enid , Wichita or closer points. Mr. Cline is using a 12 1/2 inch picture tube in his reception. He expects to install a television set at his shop on Main Street some time in the future. -- The Western Star, December 2, 1949.

May 25, 1951
JACK LINDSEY SHOOT WINNER - Jack Lindsey of Protection was high over all at the Southern Zone Shoot held at Anthony last Saturday and Sunday, May 19-20. He broke 387 out of 400 rocks. In the singles he scored 99 out of 100 in two rounds, a total of 198 out of 200 birds, in the doubles he broke 95 out of 100 and in the handicap 94 out of 100, winning the Calcutta, also. -- The Western Star, May 25, 1951.

February 20, 1953
Comanche County Has Four Firsts at Sale - The annual Barber-Comanche County Hereford Bull Sale was held February 17 at Kiowa. Eighty bulls were consigned by 20 breeders. George Deewall, Coldwater, had the champion individual bull and Fred Root and Son, Medicine Lodge, had the reserve champion. Roy Ellis, Coldwater, had the top pen of two bulls and Robert Shore, Coats, had the second pen of two bulls. George Deewall's champion bull was the top selling bull and his six bulls had the highest selling average. Of the seven classes shown for individual honors Comanche county had four blue ribbon winners, George Deewall, Roy Ellis, and Parcel Herefords with two, were the blue ribbon bulls. The average selling price for the 80 bulls was $376.84. -- The Western Star, February 20, 1953.

February 20, 1953
Coldwater Locker Plant Changes Hands - Harold Northern and Lem Herd New Owners -- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harris, who have operated the Coldwater locker plant during the past seven years, have sold their business to Harold Northern and Lem Herd. The new owners took charge on February 10. Mr. Northern has during the past six years been a salesman for the Swan-Finch Oil Corporation of Santa Ana, Calif. Previously he was a meat cutter, working in markets in Kansas City, Garden City, Dodge City, Liberal and Coldwater, working in Anderson's market in this city during 1947. Mrs. Northern is the former Miss Leona Herd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Herd of this city and a sister of Lem Herd. Mr. and Mrs. Northern have two sons, Gary, 16, and Ricky, six years of age. Lem was born and reared here and during World War II was a fighter pilot in the South Pacific. He spent two years afterward in active duty as a naval reserve officer, six months of the time as a pilot of a F4U fighter bomber in the Korean area and was a flight instructor in Florida until last July, when he was released from active service. Mr. Harris and family plan to remain in Coldwater but have not yet announced their plans for the future. -- The Western Star, February 20, 1953.

November 27, 1953
BUYS BUGGY IN 1923, PAYS FOR IT IN 1953 -- Diogenes, get your lantern! Old fashioned honesty which sometimes is said to be a thing of the past, crops up every once in a while and came into focus at Coldwater last week. Thirty years ago Clarence Coles sold a buggy to a man whom he considered honest, though poor, and, as he could not pay for the buggy at the time, Mr. Coles told him to pay for it when he could. The man agreed. Last week, nearly a third of a century later, Mr. Coles received a letter from another part of the state and when he opened the envelope, out tumbled a check for $30. The writer stated that he now could pay for the buggy bought back in the depression years of the 20's and thanked Mr. Coles for his faith and patience. -- The Western Star, November 27, 1953.

February 22, 1957
While tearing down their old barn on their place at the extreme south edge of town one day last week, La Voc Little fell in such a way as to receive a leg injury. Removing this building is removing one of Coldwater's old landmarks.

Mrs. Darlene Williams, daughter of Mrs. Ray Little, went to work at the Highway Cafe at Greensburg. Monday Miss Myrna Pepperd took her to Greensburg. Mrs. William's husband is stationed at Camp Carson, Colo.

Mr. and Mrs. Merle Richardson and Troy have moved to Mulvane, where they will be close to Merle's work in Wichita. Terry and Teddy are staying one more week in the Coldwater school and are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Richardson, this week. -- The Western Star, February 22, 1957.

February 22, 1957
RECEIVES PROMOTION -- Jerry McCay, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McCay of the New Eden community, was recently promoted to associate engineer at the Boeing plant in Wichita. He has been in the engineering department since he began working in the plant a little more than three years ago. Jerry belongs to the Boeing choral group which sings at Boeing functions. They have also appeared on local TV and radio stations and have entertained at the various hospitals in Wichita. -- The Western Star, February 22, 1957.

February 22, 1957
FINISHING RECRUIT TRAINING -- San Diego, Calif. (F H T N C) - Jerry L. Heft, son of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle J. Heft, of Coldwater, Kans., is scheduled to graduate from recruit training February 23 at the Naval Training Center, San Diego, Calif. The graduation exercises, marking the end of nine weeks of "boot camp," will include a full dress parade and review before military officials and civilian dignitaries. In the nine weeks of instruction, the "raw recruit" is developed into a Navy Bluejacket, ready for duty with the fleet. -- The Western Star, February 22, 1957.

24 May 1957
TWO SONS IN THE NAVY -- Richard E. Bain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Bain of Coldwater, in now attending a naval sonar school in San Diego, Calif. He enlisted in the navy last January. His brother, laboratory technician second class Donald Bain, is working in the navy dispensary in Seattle, Wash., and will soon complete his fourth year in the service. The young men are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Bain of Coldwater. -- The Western Star, May 24, 1957.

June 7, 1957
SENTENCED TO 5 TO 21 YEARS IN PENITENTIARY - On June 5, motion day in district court in Comanche county, Judge Ernest M. Vieux overruled the motion for a new trail for Ira Ledbetter and sentenced him to the State Penitentiary in Lansing for a period of from 5 to 21 years. His attorneys signified that the case will be appealed to the Supreme Court of Kansas. -- The Western Star, June 7, 1957.
(For more information about this case, see The Western Star, 8 Feb 1957, 22 Feb 1957, 24 May 1957, 31 May 1957 and 14 June 1957.)

July 2, 1970
Jerry Ferrin of Tucson, Ariz., spent a few days last week at the Ernest Ferrin home. -- The Western Star, July 2, 1970.

June 11, 1979
REUNION OF THE PEPPERD FAMILY - In honor of their son and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Pepperd entertained Sunday noon at the reunion of the Pepperd family. In attendance from Harrisburg, Pa. were William, Cora, Dick, Sandra, and Brian Pepperd. From Manhattan, Mrs. Leona Pepperd. From Goddard, Dwight and Shirley, Paul, Vivian, Travis, and Tricia Pepperd; Greg and Jennie Bilbo. From Coldwater, Mrs. Bessie Pepperd, Mrs. Audra Pepperd, Gary, Rose, Basil and Dawn Pepperd, Lee and Myrna Brown and Mike Jesseph. It was the largest gathering of the Pepperd clan in many years and the event was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone present. -- The Western Star, June 11, 1979.

March 23, 2008
The city of Protection in Comanche County took a direct hit from a tornado Friday, although the damage seemed mostly limited to overturned trees and power lines. The worst destruction occurred at a manufacturing plant, a Comanche County Sheriff's dispatcher said... The city of Greensburg, Kansas, which was largely destroyed a year ago by a massive twister, reported minor damage when a tornado hopped from the western edge to the eastern edge of town Friday. "The funnel cloud went directly over the top of Greensburg," said Ray Stegman, Kiowa County emergency preparedness manager. " -- More tornadoes strike Kansas, Oklahoma, Associated Press, 24 May 2008.

Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing all the above news article to this web site (unless the contributor of the item is otherwise noted)!

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