Comanche County History, Vol. II
Douglas Alan Scherich
I was born to Larry "Dee" and Phyllis Scherich on March 29, 1963, in St. Joseph, Missouri. My parents were living in Troy, Kansas, where Dad was teaching science.
We moved to Inman, Kansas in 1964. I attended elementary and middle school there. We moved to the Merrill Ranch in 1976. I graduated from Coldwater High School in 1981. While in high school, I participated in football, basketball, wrestling, and track. I worked at the Merrill Ranch with my father, grandfather, and brothers.
After high school, I attended Kansas State University. During my college summers, I returned to the ranch to work. I graduated in 1986 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering. I worked for several companies as a project manager of industrial controls, automation, machine vision, robotics, and factory information acquisition and control. During that time, I became a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Kansas.
My daughter, Kieva Kristen Scherich, was born April 8, 1985, in Manhattan, Kansas. Kieva played the flute and saxophone and excelled at singing during school. She graduated from Salina Central High School in 2003. Kieva studied art at Fort Hays State University.
My son, Kyle Alan Scherich, was born December 9, 1986, in Omaha, Nebraska. Kyle excelled at basketball from third grade through high school. He graduated from Salina South High School in 2005. Kyle spent several of his high school summers working for Grandpa Dee on the Merrill Ranch. Kyle plays the bass guitar in a band in Lawrence, where he attends Kansas University. He is studying to become a pharmacist.
I married Barbara (Schmidt) Godsey on February 29, 2004, in Salina, Kansas. She was born in Chillicothe, Missouri on October 2, 1960, to Gerald and Eleanor Schmidt. She graduated from Baker University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. Barbara taught high school in Olathe, Minneapolis (Kansas), and Salina, and was the Director of Student Financial Services at Tabor College in Hillsboro, Kansas.
Barbara has two sons. Robert Cole Godsey was born April 27, 1988. Cole is a junior at Salina Central High School and participates in football. William Ned Godsey was born November 8, 1989. Ned is a sophomore at Salina Central and participates in football. Ned enjoys working on the Merrill Ranch during school breaks and in the summer.
Barbara and I attended Kansas Wesleyan University and graduated together in May, 2005 with our Master of Business Administration degrees. We are both employed by Measurement Incorporated, which is owned by my uncle, Hank Scherich. I am a Math Content Specialist and Barbara is an English Content Specialist. We live in Salina, but MI-Coldwater is our home base.
I enjoy going back to the ranch to help with cattle roundups and harvest. Ned and I always look forward to hunting at the ranch during the winter.
Submitted by Doug Scherich
Also see:
Larry "Dee" and Phyllis Scherich
Thanks to Phyllis Scherich for contributing the above historical article to this web site!
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