Comanche County History, Vol. II
Henry "Hank" Scherich
Henry "Hank" Scherich grew up in Comanche County. He was born in Alva, Oklahoma, in 1938, when his parents, Virgil and Mildred Scherich lived on the Davis Ranch, now the Turner Z-Bar Ranch, in Barber County.
Hank was the only first grader in a one-room elementary schoolhouse at Aetna, Kansas, in 1944. Then, after his parents moved to the Merrill Ranch in Comanche County in 1945, he attended school in Wilmore for the remaining eleven years of his elementary and secondary education, graduating with the class of 1956.
After high school, Hank attended Ottawa University; he graduated in 1960. Next, he taught high school commerce and history and coached in Wakefield, Kansas, for four years. After attending the University of Illinois in 1964-1965 to obtain a M.Ed. in Guidance and Counseling, he returned to Kansas as a high school counselor in Junction City.
Southern Illinois University of Carbondale soon offered Hank a graduate fellowship in the fall of 1967. It was at SIU that Hank met and subsequently married Linda Rahming, an SIU graduate. After alternating work and graduate school for several years, he completed a Ph.D. in Educational Measurement and Statistics from the College of Education in 1975. A two-year stint with Houghton Mifflin and another two years with NTS Research Corporation found Hank in Durham, North Carolina, where he started his successful company, Measurement Inc. Hank and his wife Linda have lived in Durham since 1977. They are the parents of two sons, Nathan and Bryan, who were both born and raised in Durham.
Linda has worked for 27 years at Duke University Medical Center. Nathan is a 2000 graduate of Vanderbilt University and is currently living in New York City and is a singer and performer in Broadway type shows. Bryan is a 2004 graduate of Elon University and is currently living in Burlington, NC and is employed as a District Executive with the Boy Scouts of America.
Submitted by Henry "Hank" Scherich
Larry "Dee" and Phyllis Scherich
Thanks to Phyllis Scherich for contributing the above historical article to this web site!
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