The Western Star, September 30, 1921.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Griffith of this city was the scene on Wednesday of this week, September 28, of a happy wedding, when their daughter, Miss Marie, and Walter W. Ferrin of Wilmore took the solemn vows which made them husband and wife. The ceremony was performed at 4 o'clock p.m. by Rev. A. Frank Johnson jr., pastor of the First Presbyterian church of this city, and was witnessed by only the relatives and a few invited friends. It was a beautiful and impressive ceremony. The bride and groom started Wednesday afternoon on a motor trip to Wichita, where they will spend a few days.The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Ferrin who were pioneer settlers in this county. His father passed away a few weeks ago, and his mother still resides in Wilmore. Walter has lived in our county all his life, and hence he has an abiding interest in the county and his conduct through all the years of his young manhood has been such that the people have confidence in him. He is a young man of unimpeachable character and good habits - a splendid example of sturdy, ambitious and dependable young manhood, just such as the people unhesitatingly respect and honor. He was a member of the U. S. Army for over a year during the World War. At the general election in this county last November he was elected to the office of county treasurer, and he will enter upon the duties of that office on October 11.
The bride has also lived in this county all her life and hence is well known to many of our people. She is a graduate of the Coldwater high school, class of 1915. Since her graduation she has done considerable clerical work in the office of the county treasurer and the county clerk, and as a book-keeper in Allderdice's store. She has won many friends, and they now join in extending to her and to him who is to be her life companion, the most sincere good wishes. They deserve well, and it is the hope of the Star that their every ambition for success and happiness may be fully realized.
The Western Star, 28 August 1975. Walter W. Ferrin, Coldwater City Clerk and for many years a Comanche County official, passed away unexpectedly about 9:30 p.m. in the Comanche County Hospital where he had been taken in the ambulance.
After treatment in Wichita recently, his health was improved but he became progressively more ill Tuesday, August 26. His son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Veatch of Wichita were called to take him to a hospital in that city but soon after their arrival about 9:00 p.m. he took a turn for the worse and lost consciousness.
It was determined that he had suffered a blood clot.
Funeral services will be held in the Presbyterian church in Coldwater Friday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. An account of his life will be published in the Star next week. He was 79 years of age.
The Western Star, 11 September 1975. Funeral services for Walter William Ferrin were held at the United Presbyterian Church in Coldwater, Kans., on Friday, August 29, 1975, at 2:30 p.m. with Rev. Floyd Starr in charge.
Rev. Gib Clark sang "How Great Thou Art" and "The Lord's Prayer" accompanied by organist Francis Jackson.
Pallbearers were Garth McMillen, Jerry Allen, Warren Bransom, Junior Cline, Eldon Hecht and Delmer Ferrin.
Interment was in the Crown Hill Cemetery, Coldwater, Kans.
OBITUARY Walter W. Ferrin was born December 6, 1895, and died August 26, 1975, in the Comanche County Hospital, Coldwater, Kansas, at the age of 79 years. He lived his entire life in Comanche County.
He married Marie Griffith in 1921. To this union a daughter, Roberta Veatch, Wichita, Kans., was born.
Walter W. Ferrin was county treasurer, county clerk, a retired employee of the People's State Bank, Coldwater city clerk, the treasurer of Camp Lark, treasurer of the Red Cross, a member of the American Legion, Coldwater Lion's Club, Masonic Lodge and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Walter also served for many years as elder in the Presbyterian church.
Walter is survived by his wife, Marie, of the home; a daughter, Roberta, and her husband, Harold Veatch, Wichita; two grandchildren, Linda Manske and Ron Veatch, Witchita; several nieces and nephews, other relatives and many friends.
MARIE E. FERRIN was born Sept. 10, 1896 at Coldwater, Kansas, and passed away July 8, 1980 at the Comanche county Hospital, Coldwater, Kansas, at the age of 83 years.
Marie lived most of her life here in Coldwater.
Marie and Walter W. Ferrin were united in marriage Sept. 1921 at Coldwater, Kansas, and had the priviledge of celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversay.
Walter Ferrin died Aug. 16, 1975.
To this union a daughter, Roberta Veatch of Wichita, Kansas, was born.
Marie spent many years of service in county govenment. She started working as a Deputy county...(words missing from copy)... J.M. Griffith in 1913. She also worked as a Deputy County Clerk for her husband, Walter Ferrin, in 1939 to 1948, and as County Clerk from 1948 to 1960, a total of 38 years service through the years.
She was a lifetime member of the Coldwater Presbyterian Church, Lydia Night Circle, PEO, and was a former BPW member.
Marie is survived by a daughter, Roberta and her husband, Harold Veatch, of Wichita, two grandchildren, Linda Manske and Ron Veatch, Wichita, Kansas; several nieces and nephews, other relatives and many friends.
Funeral was at 2 p.m. Friday at Hatfield-Prusa Funeral Home, Coldwater. Family suggests memorials to the church.
--The Western Star, 17 July 1980.
COLDWATER -- Marie (Mrs. Walter) Ferrin, 83, retired Comanche County clerk, died Tuesday. Service 2 p.m. Friday, Hatfield=Prusa Funeral Home.
Survivor: daughter, Mrs. Roberta Veatch of Wichita. Memorial has been established with Presbyterian Church, Coldwater.
--The Wichita Eagle, Thursday, July 10, 1980, page 11B.
Gravestone of Walter William Ferrin and Marie (Griffith) Ferrin,
Crown Hill Cemetery near Coldwater, Comanche County, Kansas.
Photo by Bobbi Huck.
From family history notes: Walter Ferrin & Marie Griffith, daughter of J.M. Griffith, were married 21 Sept 1921 in Coldwater, Comanche County, Kansas.Walter Ferrin was the 200th man from Comanche County, Kansas, to be drafted for WWI service; his draft number was 447 of 591 draft numbers issued in the county. -- The Great Army Draft Has Been Made. Comanche County's Honor Roll, The Western Star, July 27, 1917.
Walter Ferrin was a Class I draftee, and was ordered to report for physical examination on January 30, 1918. -- WORK OF DRAFT BOARD. Physical Examination to Begin Soon, 84 in Class I So Far., The Western Star, January 25, 1918.
The Wilmore News, February 18, 1915 Ridge Summit News
Ernest Ferrin butchered hogs Wednesday of last week.
Monday afternoon, while Walter Ferrin was plowing, a bolt came out of the doubletree letting it fall and hit the horses which frightened them and caused them to run. One horse was pushed into the fence and received some severe cuts which besides the tearing up of the harness was all the damage done.
(News article contributed by Shirley Brier)
The Western Star, June 26, 1925. "County Treasurer Walter Ferrin is a very busy man just now. The last half of the taxes for 1924 are being paid."
(News article contributed by Shirley Brier)
The Wilmore News, November 11, 1932. Sunday, November 6, being the birthday of Mrs. Loren Ferrin, her children gathered in to help her celebrate with a big dinner. Each of the families brought well filled baskets and as they all filed in at dinner time Mrs. Ferrin was happily surprised. They all enjoyed the good dinner together.A FAMILY REUNION
The birthday cake was decorated with candy flowers and a candle for each ten years that has passed. Mrs. Ferrin is now 72 years of age and is enjoying reasonably good health.
Those present were Ernest Ferrin and family, Esther Bigbee and family, Walter Ferrin and family and Nelly Ely and family. This is all of the children except Maude, who now lives in Ohio.
The Wilmore News, April 15, 1938. Walter W. Ferrin announces this week as a candidate for the office of County Clerk of Comanche county, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the August primary.ANNOUNCES FOR CLERK
Mr. Ferrin is a son of Mrs. Loren Ferrin of the Wilmore community, where he grew to manhood. Two years after he returned from France as a soldier during the World War, he was elected County Treasurer of Comanche county. Because of his record as a competent, accommodating and trustworthy officer, he was reelected to the office in 1923. He has the respect and confidence of all with whom he has come in contact, and is well fitted for the office he seeks.
(News article contributed by Shirley Brier)
Walter W. Ferrin, popular county clerk has announced that he will be a candidate for re-election. Mr. Ferrin was born and grew up in the Wilmore community and is well known to practically every resident of the county. He has served the county efficiently and well. The extra work that has fallen to the clerk due to the war emergency he has his handled willingly and capably. His popularity with the public has been demonstrated by the large vote received in past elections.
(News article contributed by Shirley Brier)
The Western Star, June 5, 1942. ANNOUNCES FOR COUNTY CLERK
County Clerk Walter W. Ferrin this week announces that he ia a candidate for re-election to the office of County Clerk of this county, subject to the will of the Republican voters at the August Primary.
Mr. Ferrin, who was born and reared in the Wilmore community, is well known over the county and has proved to be an efficient and painstaking officer. The county commissioners state that they believe he is one of the most valuable county officers the county has ever had. Read Mr. Ferrin's announcement under the heading, "Political Announcements."
(News article contributed by Shirley Brier)
The Western Star, September 19, 1947. Walter W. Ferrin Resigns as Co. Clerk
County Commissioners held the first of September, Walter W. Ferrin, who served as County Clerk during the past nine years, tendered his resignation, which was reluctantly accepted. His resignation will become effective November 1.
At the board meeting on Monday of this week the commissioners appointed Mr. Ferrin's wife to fill the unexpired term as County Clerk. Mrs. Ferrin has served as her husband's deputy in the office for a number of years and is fully capable of carrying on the duties of the office.
Mr. Ferrin, a veteran of World War I, has been one of the county's most efficient and popular officers.
He resigns his position in order to accept a position with the Peoples State Bank of Coldwater, one of the county's strong and growing banking institutions. The bank officials are pleased to add Mr. Ferrin to their personnel. He will begin his new work at the bank November 1.
(News article contributed by Shirley Brier)
At left: Loren & Alcana (Wagner) Ferrin with their children: from left, Nellie, Maude and Ernest. Loren holds Walter. West Powell Township, Comanche County, Ks, circa 1890.Walter William Ferrin was born 6 Dec 1895 to Loren and Alcana (Wagner) Ferrin at the Ferrin homestead in West Powell Township five miles northeast of Wilmore, Comanche County, Kansas, the fourth of their five children.
Children of Loren & Alcana (Wagner) Ferrin:
Maude Mae (Ferrin) Watkins (19 Sept 1884 - 9 Dec 1961)
Ernest Leroy Ferrin (8 Feb 1886 - 13 May 1974)
Nellie Mabel (Ferrin) Ely (17 Nov 1888 - 13 Feb 1975)
Walter William Ferrin (6 Dec 1895 - 26 August 1975)
Esther Irene (Ferrin) Bigbee (30 Dec 1903 - 14 Nov 1942)
Draft Registration card: Walter Ferrin of Wilmore, Comanche County, Kansas.
(He was registered by his cousin, Earl Ferrin.)
United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. M1509, 4,582 rolls.
Also see:
Loren & Alcana (Wagner) Ferrin Parents of Walter W. Ferrin.
Alcana Ferrin Mother of Walter W. Ferrin.
Arthur & Alice (Eyerly) Ferrin Uncle and Aunt of Walter W. Ferrin.
Reuben & Hannah Philura (Murch) Ferrin Grandparents of Walter W. Ferrin.
How Loren & Arthur Ferrin Came to Comanche County, Kansas
Mary A. (Horner) Wagner Maternal Grandmother of Walter W. Ferrin.
A Brief History of Newton, New Hampshire (A New Chronology of the Life & Times of Jonathan Farren)
Walter W. Ferrin was an 7th generation descendant of Capt. Jonathan Farren of Amesbury, MA, & Newton, NH, as follows: Walter W. Ferrin 7, Loren Ferrin 6, Reuben Ferrin 5, Zebulon Ferrin 4, Zebulon Ferrin 3, Zebulon Farren 2, Jonathan Farren 1.
Ferrin Gravestones in the North Jay Cemetery, Essex County, New York.
Comanche-co's Eleven County Treasurers
The Western Star, February 4, 1927.
Red Cross Fund Oversubscribed, The Wilmore News, 28 June 1917.
Comanche County Officers, 1885 - 2007
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