Funeral services were held at the Federated church in Wilmore on Wednesday, July 24, 1963, at 2:30 p.m. for Earl Ferrin. Rev. Ernest Lawrence officiated.A quartet composed of Mrs. F. H. Moberley, Mrs. A. L. Martens, A. L. Martens and Roderick Baker sang "Abide With Me" and "Does Jesus Care,"
Mrs. Ernestine Zeigler was the organist.Active pallbearers were Myrl Dellinger, Weldon Trummel,
Carl Snyder, Jr. ,August Metzger , Fay Smith and Charles Booth. Honorary pallbearers were George Kennedy, John Wright, Albert Oller, Marvin Downing, Tom Pepperd,F. H. Moberly , Alva Trummel,L. W. York ,C. O. Masterson and Harold Wood.Interment was in the Wilmore Cemetery at Wilmore, Kansas.
Obituary The passing of Earl Ferrin, former farmer and stockman, closes the career of another Comanche county citizen. Earl has lived in the Ridge Summit Community and in Wilmore for seventy-seven years.
He lived a quiet life, doing for himself and others as he felt best. He loved visiting with his friends, and had a special fondness for children.
Earl was born in Holt county, Missouri, on November 15, 1881, and passed away in the Allen Memorial Hospital in El Dorado, Kansas, at 7:30 a.m. July 22, 1963, at the age of 81 years, eight months and seven days.
In 1886 Earl, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ferrin, a brother, Eugene, and sisters, Carrie and Elsie, came by immigrant train to Kinsley, then on to Comanche county where they settled on and proved up a claim five miles northeast of Wilmore, where they helped establish and build the Ridge Summit Neighborhood.
When the Ferrin estate was settled Earl bought the farm from the other heirs, and remained on it until 1957 when he bought a house in Wilmore, a home he enjoyed to the fullest.
Earl went to El Dorado the first of June to stay in the J. R. Brammer home, where he could be properly cared for. On July 1, he entered Wesley Hospital in Wichita for a cataract operation, but since that time has been in declining health.
He very capably served Comanche county as the commissioner from Powell Township from 1924-1932.
He was preceded in death by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ferrin, and by one sister, Carrie E. Holmes.
Survivors include: Eugene Ferrin, Compton, Calif.; Elsie Fisk, Steele, Mo.; Cora Rockefeller, Milwaukee, Oregon; Fred Ferrin, Pratt, Kansas; Hazel Brammer, El Dorado, Kansas; Horace Ferrin, Oklahoma City, Okla.; several cousins and a host of friends.
The Western Star, July 30, 1920. J. Berry Ware, Earl Ferrin and Wm. Barlow left for the Wichita oil fields Tuesday morning to look over a business proposition in the AI pool.
The Western Star, November 6, 1925. County Commissioner Earl Ferrin of Powell-tp., was in Coldwater last Friday having some dental work done. He was in the county seat again on Monday of this week, coming to attend the regular meeting of the board of county commissioners.
Earl Ferrin of Wilmore was chosen chairman of the county commission for 1932 at the organization meeting in Coldwater Monday for the new year.
Mr. Ferrin was re-elected to that post by the fellow members, W. P. Sanders, of Protection, and J. B. Stark, of Coldwater.
His conduct of the office, the other members felt, was such that he should retain the post as presiding member of the commissioner's sessions.
Draft Registration card: Earl Ferrin of Wilmore, Comanche County, Kansas.
United States, Selective Service System. World War I Selective Service System Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration. M1509, 4,582 rolls.
Also see:
Alice (Eyerly) FERRIN: "Early Day Memories", The Wilmore News, October 31, 1939.
A Mother's Day Letter, 1919:
from Fred A. FERRIN to Alice (Eyerly) Ferrin
On Mother's Day, May 11th, 1919, six months after the Armistice of World War I was signed, many American soldiers were still with the American Expeditionary Forces in France. Among them was Sgt. Fred Ferrin of Wilmore, Ks.
Fred & Fern (Humphrey) FERRIN Son & daughter-in-law of Arthur & Alice Ferrin.
Gordon FERRIN Grandson of Arthur & Alice Ferrin.
Loren & Alcana (Wagner) Ferrin
Reuben & Hannah Philura (Murch) Ferrin
How Loren & Arthur Ferrin Came to Comanche County, Kansas
Elza Orville Holmes, Sr. Husband of Carrie Ferrin.
James Rolla & Agnes L. (Wallace) Doig, a family history which mentions schoolteacher Jeanne Doig boarding with Arthur & Alice Ferrin's family during the school year.
Ferrin Gravestones in the North Jay Cemetery, Essex County, New York.
A Brief History of Newton, New Hampshire (A New Chronology of the Life & Times of Jonathan Farren) Earl Bryant Ferrin was a 7th generation descendant of Capt. Jonathan Farren of Amesbury, MA, & Newton, NH, as follows: Earl Bryant Ferrin 7, Arthur Ferrin 6, Rueben Ferrin 5, Zebulon Ferrin 4, Zebulon Ferrin 3, Zebulon Farren 2, Jonathan Farren 1.
Cora (Ferrin) Rockefeller tells of flood in Pueblo, Colorado -- From The Western Star, June 24, 1921.
Richard Royce Ferrin, a virtuoso violinist and violist who has celebrated his 30th anniversary as a violist with the Chicago Symphony, is the son of Fred Arthur Ferrin and the grandson of Arthur Ferrin.
Red Cross Fund Oversubscribed, The Wilmore News, 28 June 1917.
The 1924 Pocket Directory of Wilmore, Kansas
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