I have a LOT of material I've extracted from the Uniontown papers from microfilm from the Kansas Historical Society. I was interested mostly in the Holt-Ramsey-McKinnis-Kent-Tennison-Duerson names, who are my ancestors, but that covers a great many (more than I realized) of the Uniontown area population. Nancy [Holt] Elofson
Roll U52
Uniontown Cicerone and Redfield Ledger, August 16, 1918 December 28, 1922 H. M. Brainerd
August 16, 1918
S. McKinnis and family attended the Chanute Fair, Wednesday.
Fred L. Kent and family started for Washington Thursday.
S. McKinnis purchased the piano for sale by Mrs. Waters and has had it removed to his home.
Lots of tourists are going through town now. A car from Henderson, Iowa was here Saturday.
Eager buyers soon took all the goods offered for sale by Fred Kent last Saturday afternoon. Good prices prevailed.
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Cowan, son
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Ramsey, son
Having "brought in" that fine well for S. McKinnis last week, Benton Kidwell is trying his luck on his home place this week. Here´s hopin´ he gets a gusher.
Franklin Township Delinquent Taxes: James M. Burris, SE º S 31 T23 R 22, 160 acres
Uniontown Delinquent Taxes: H. E. Duerson, Kent´s Add., lots 1 and 2, block 1, $9.98
John W. Hartman is sheriff.
Fred L. Kent is clerk of M. W. A.
E. E. Ramsey is secretary of Excelsior Lodge
Fred L. Kent is officer of Knights of Pythias
Turkey Creek news:
M. E. Holt is almost all the lucky man on the creek, as he was digging for water and struck plenty. Most every one in the neighborhood, are hauling water.
Miss Creta Hartman is in Fort Scott, She is quite poorly.
L. W. White is advertising a sale of his personal property and household goods in this week´s Herald. After the sale, which is Saturday, August 10th the family will leave for the west and will locate at some point which agrees with the health of Mrs. White and the little daughter, both of whom are afflicted with asthma. Moran-Herald
August 23, 1918
S. McKinnis went up to Bronson Saturday afternoon, taking along with him a number of fair books which he distributed there.
The Hall sale near Redfield cried by Col. Duerson last Friday is reported by him to have been an extra good one, everything selling extra well and bringing good prices mostly in cash.
Mrs. J. W. Hartman,Wife of our sheriff, last week took a crazy woman to the asylum. Those of us who knew her when she was Jennie Gribble never dreamed she would develop that much nerve.
Since Fred Kent has gone West Miss Bryant, who now has charge of the Post Office, has her dinner taken to her, hence is constantly on duty from eight in the morning until six in the evening. Everybody ought to be able to get their mail in that length of time each day.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. White and son, Loren, and the two smaller children left Monday in their car for some point in Colorado. The other boys will remain here until the folks locate some place personally. Cecil has gone to Uniontown to staywith an aunt and Clifford will stay with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson, at Iola. The White residence property was sold to S. C. Knight Moran Herald.
Mrs. Osee Thompson, of Hepler, has been here visiting her mother and other relatives this week.
Rolla Ramsey is home for a visit with his parents. He is stationed in Virginia but expects soon to cross the water and help the boys over there. In appearance there is a great improvement in Mr. Ramsey, soldier life seemingly agrees with him.
Methodist parsonage barn fire Uniontown´s fire company responded.
Attorney Chester Ramsey was here from Fort Scott Wednesday having with him a young lady relative who has applied for a position in our high school. It was not found practical to employ Rev. Anderson owing to some church regulations which will not permit a minister-student to teach more than half time; and the young lady will likely be given the place.
Public sale: Gardner farm 1 Ω mi. S. Uniontown, Milton Landreth (moving to Parsons)
Turkey Creek news: M. E. Holt and family visited Sunday out near Bronson. If jobs keep floating around out in Washington with no takers at high salaries, J. LO. Kent says he might take one himself.
September 6, 1918
Lute Ramsey and Walter Wolf went to Kansas City Tuesday afternoon for the purpose of buying a new car for the latter.
The new draft register gets close to home, Boze Undersood, Sheriff Hartman, Agent Pearson, C. O. Stone, L. V. Shriver, Thos. Hartman, H. V. Cowan, Marshal Holt, Dick Holt, Bronson Holt, now of Stonington Colo, Dennis Holt, now of Wheeler, Texas, Fred Cowan, and many more called to register September 12. In the Holt family all the boys except Miles, and Emmet, are called.
Our soldiers: List includes:
Rolla Ramsey, Frank Weyant
Turkey Creek news:
Morris Holt went to Fort Scott Saturday to regirets[sic]. He was examined and questioned the same day.
Mrs. Cora Holt is enjoying a visit with her sister from Colorado. Herschal George and wife spent Sunday at M. E. Holts.
Union State Bank Financial Statement, L. E. Holt, Cashier, $193,964.36.
September 13, 1918
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Horning, son, August 11
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel F. Bolyard, daughter, August 24
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Leotis Pitts, son, Aug. 5
Born, Mr. andMrs. H. C. Hermann, daughter, August 4.
J. K. McKinnis and family, of Stonington, Colo., arrived Sunday afternoon to visit relatives and attend the fair.
Mrs. Robt. Ramsey and Miss Ollie Routh went to Fort Riley last Friday for a short visit with Charlie Roweth.
Miss Ruth McKinnis started teaching her first term of school on Monday September 2nd.
Letter from Mary, Mrs. Fred Kent, about the family´s train trip west and new home in Washington. Julian family already there helped them.
Union State Bank Ad copy:
[note: Army]Registration in Uniontown
Guess we´re doing ours!
Farewell party for Samuel Cameron, entering army, guests included Rosa McKinnis, Mary Holt, Morris Holt, Lorren Ramsey, Samuel Holt
September 20, 1918
Died: George Washington Heckman, 75, born Pennsylvania. In Civil War. Married Nannie Kough 1868, 1869 moved to Bourbon County. 14 children, 7 died in infancy. Surviving Mollie Bailey, John, Charlie, Fannie Mason (Bronson), Andy (Chanute), Maud Pulliam and Alice Pulliam (Crowder, Oklahoma), brother Benjamin Heckman.
Turkey Creek news:
Miss Grace Holt went home with her aunt, Mamie McKinnis, for a two weeks visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson moved into Nancy Holt´s house last week.
Mrs. Cora Holt is enjoying a visit with her sisters. One lives at Eldorado Kansas and one in Oklahoma. They came home to attend the fair.
Public Sale, P. P. Clever, 1 Ω mi. E. Petersburg
September 27, 1918
Turkey Creek News:
M. E. Holt and family spent Sunday with their daughter, Delta at Redfield.
Joe Holt and family visited in Bronson Sunday with Mr. Bowers. He is quite poorly.
Sunday school party at Georgia Andersons, guests included Brenati and Helen Holt, Nellie Hartman, Earl Hartman
J. L. McKinnis and family have returned to their home in Stonington, Colorado. Miss Grace Holt accompanying them for a short visit.
Thomas Hartman has resigned his place at Stroud´s store and will leave next week for Coffeyvile, Fort Scott and other points for a visit with relatives before entering school with the government.
Mrs. H. E. Duerson and son visited Fort Scott.
From the Bronson Pilot:
Dennis Holt of Texas was a Bronson visitor the latter part of last week.
A year ago we were telling of the fabulous profits Banker Holt was making on fat hogs. No news in that line at present.
October 11, 1918
The little Metz car formerly owned by Charlie Smith and later by Philip Clever has been purchased by Benj. Keith, who is now in possession. The German name, "Metz" does not seem to effect its speed, which is said to be about as rapid as the Germans when the Yanks are after them.
Banker R. B. holt, of Stonington, Colo. Arrived Monday on a short business and pleasure trip.
Public Sale: Joe Ralston Farm, Kenneth Keith,6 mi. S W Uniontown
October 18, 1918
Turkey Creek news:
M. E. holt and wife and Bronson went to Fort Scott Monday.
Joe Holt and family, L. E. Holt and M. E. Holt, and families all went up to Bronson Monday evening to Mike Bowers to spend the evening with Bronson Holt and wife as they left for their home in Colorado Tuesday.
Ray Philipy has traded his farm near Redfield for a stock of merchandise at Farlington and expects to move there and take possession next Monday. He will have a public sale of his livery business Saturday. At this time there is no one anxious to get in and the liverybarn is likely a thing of the past in Redfield just as it is in Uniontown and hundreds of other towns. The automobile has supplanted that business and has its eye set on the railroads.
Rally to sell war bonds. Not enough sold yet.
Sometimes an editor writes very absurd things without knowing it. For example we said last week that Bronson Holt was here on business and pleasure. The fact was that he was suffering untold agony from toothache and was here to see a dentist.
School Miss Evelyn Fern Hunt of Baker [NOTE: relation of Ramsey mentioned earlier?] employed as teacher.
For sale used touring car, 40 h. p. engine. J. L. Kent
Married: Mr. Glenn Ruthrauff to Miss Goldie Mangold, at home of bride´s mother in Redfield. Dinner guests included Mr. and Mrs. William Ruthrauff, parents of the groom; his two sisters, Misses Leila and Rena, all of Redfield . . . Goldie and Glen are two of Redfield´s finest young people. The bride is a granddaughter of Uncle Joe Ralston, pioneer settler. The groom´s father and grandparents, now dead were of the earlier settlers of the community between Paint Creek and Marmaton, near the Paint Creek Brethren Church and were people of sterling character. His mother is an estimable lady from the Valley community. Glen lived south of Paint Creek, on his father´s farm until the past several years while he has been attending school.
October 25, 1918
Died: Flora Coyer, born 1840 in York State. Married David Lapoint, M. N. Murphy. To Kansas in 1878, Rockford Vallery in 1884.
List of sufferers of Spanish Influenza 20 names.
Died: Fred W. Mason, of Spanish Influenza. Son of Alvin Mason, Jr. Leaves wife and little daughter, father, brother and two sisters.
Lute Ramsey and wife have returned from a visit to relatives to Northern Missouri.
Lloyd Stroud and Charley Smith have both been called to Fort Scott for examination for service in the army.
S. McKinnis and son Harvey were in Bronson all day Wednesday, getting work harness repaired. The workmen there were so busy that Mr. McKinnis took off his coat and proved himself right handy at getting what he wanted.
Banker Holt put Uniontown "over the top" this time.
Turkey Creek news:
Mr and Mrs. Joe Holt went up to Bronson Monday afternoon to see Mr. Bowers who is very poorly with heart trouble.
Little Iva Holt spent last week with her sister Delta George.
Lute Ramsey and Charles Cowan were looking over Ira Jones´ farm Saturday. We understand Mr. Ramsey is thinking of buying it.
Public Sale:
B. Kidwell farm, W. L. Willis, 1 mi W Uniontown.
Letter to Mr. Holt from Roy Green, Somewhere in France, September 7, 1918.
15 cases of influenza reported by Dr. Miller to the county health officer Monday night.
Display ad copy Union State Bank:
Uniontown, Kansas, October 22, 1918
Dear Friends and Customers:
Our quota in the Fourth Liberty Loan was $33,000.00. Saturday night our subscriptions were $18,050.00. The banking department insisted that we raise our full quota. We guaranteed this amount and subscribed and made our first payment of ten per cent just like many of our subscribers have done this payment being $1,495.00
We appreciate what you have already done, and if you care to carry some of these bonds, we would appreciate it. This is for your consideration.
Later: We have received subscriptions since Saturday night amounting to $1,350.00
Again, we thank you for your loyalty in helping win the war. We are
Yours very truly,
L. E. Holt, Cashier
November 1, 1918
Killed in Action: Chester A. Miller, son of J. T. Miller of Hammond. Company G from Fort Scott.. Age about 20. Had a store at Petersburg at the time the war began.
Count S. Steel´s 84th birthday celebrated with old civil war comrades: L. D. Bulla, W. H. Bryant, S. H. Hite, L. Stroud, Jake Anderson, W. T. Cowan, R. H. Ramsey 10th Kans. Vol. Inft Co. E.
November 8, 1918
J. L. Kent talked politics Tuesday and devoted part of his time to selling lead pencils, giving a ticket for each pencil for the beautiful piece of fancy work donated by Mrs. Bates, the proceeds to be given to the Red Cross. $41.25.
Red Cross officers present and nominated include Mrs. J. L. Kent, L. E. Holt
Col. Duerson and daughter Mrs. A. B. Kidwell of Bronson were visiting here Saturday afternoon.
Armistice celebrated the church bells, the school bell and all the whistles that could, sounded out the long-looked for good news that the world-war was at an end.
Turkey Creek news:
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neville, daughter, Oct. 27
November 15, 1918
Thomas Hartman, Lloyd Stroud, and Maurice Holt got into the war just a little too late and had to return home. Mr. Hartman ahs returned to his former occupation that of clerk at Stroud´s store.
Jake Underwood has a 6 pound turnip that is still growing.
Big celebration with parade: Jess Kent, S. McKinnis, Joe Kerns, and W. A. Stroud were the leading men in the big affair . . .
November 22, 1918
Slackers who did not subscribe to Uniontown´s quota [war bonds] at the big rally should not be surprised if some morning they find their places liberally decorated with yellow paint. No business place in town is a slacker.
Turkey Creek news:
Maggie Holt spent Saturday night in Bronson with her father, Mr. Bowers, who is very poorly.
Mrs. Cynthia Barnhard spent a few days with Mrs. Joe Holt and done some sewing while there.
November 29, 1918
Turkey Creek news:
Misses Grace, Iva and Sam Holt are all down with the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardner spent Sunday with Joe Holts.
Dr. Cummings was called to see Ray Hartman and Charles McKinnis. They have the flu. Are getting along as well as could be expected.
Public Sale, Clarence F. Chamberlain, 2 Ω mi E, 1 mi S Uniontown
December 6, 1918
Masthead [in place of normal Union State Bank ad]: On behalf of Mr. H. W. Holt, his children and Mrs. Augustine, we extend out rhanks to our friends and neighbors who lent their services in this, their saddest hour The Union State Bank
Mrs. Edna Holt, wife of H. W. Holt, died Wednesday shortly after noon from the effects of the influenza, it having developed into pneumonia. Mr. Holt and all the children are also afflicted and they are in a sad plight, it being impossible to get any help, even Kansas City being unable to send a nurse. The funeral for Mrs. Holt will occur this afternoon at 2 o´clock. We extend our sincere sympathy.
Married: Prof. Harry Holmes Brown, U. S. Marines to Miss Maude Miller, only daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Miller of Uniontown. Groom former principal of Uniontown schools, bride teacher in Uniontown.
Col., Duerson has taken a partner in his auctioneer business, Mr. Harlan.
Flu raging. Just about put the bank out of business most of last week, both the bookkeeper and the assistant cashier were down with it. Also the Cicerone editor.
Golden wedding celebration William and Jane Griffith Bryant of Uniontown. Two children Harry of Pagosa Springs, Colo. And Myrtie Bryant, assistant postmistress at Uniontown. William, 74, veteran of civil war. Wife 68. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kent were guests.
December 13, 1918
S. McKinnis was the high bidder on the phonograph which ahs been on display at Mrs. Read´s drug store for the past two weeks. It was valued at $225 but sold for $87.50, we understand.
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Shoemaker, daughter.
Mrs. J. W. Tennyson, of Iola, is here staying with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Miller, who is ill with the flu.
Turkey Creek news:
Mrs. Cora Holt very poorly.
Miss Delta Wells is helping take care of Dick Holt´s children. They are improving slowly.
Since our last writing the death angel called our good friend and neighbor, Mrs. Edna Holt on last Wednesday, 2:30 p. m., when she passed away. Mrs. Holt was a kind lady, loved by every one and this is certainly a very sad death as she leaves six small children who need a mother´s care. The entire vicinity extend sympathy to the family.
Sarah Edna Augustine was born at Moran, Kansas April 6, 1884 and died at Uniontown, Kansas, December 4, 1918.
From earliest childhood she was a member of the Presbyterian Sunday School and Junior Endeavor at Moran and Laharpe, to which latter place she removed in 1900. January 1, 1901 whe was united in marriage to Herbert Wesley Holt. To this union seven children were born, the eldest dying in infancy.
She leaves to mourn their loss a husband a six children, a father, three brothers and many other relatives and friends to whom she left loving messages. A devoted wife and loving mother has passed to her reward.
Beautiful toiler, thy work is done´
Beautiful soul into glory gone,
Beautiful life, in the crown now won
God Giveth thee rest.
The Flu Today section:
At press time, Mrs. Earl Miller, who was expected to die since Tuesday afternoon, is slightly improved.
Mrs. Archie Wolf is very low but is improving.
Mrs. Sarah Wolf was taken with the disease Thursday evening and is quite sick.
H. W. Holt and children are all improving.
Mrs. M. E. Holt has been very ill but is recovering.
Also listed as ill H. M. Griffith, J. W. Moore, and the editor
December 20, 1918
December 27, 1918
Soldiers Ramseys, Konantz and Moore are late arrivals home.
H. V. Cowan has purchased the H. W. Holt farm. S. S. Smith and family will move there in a short time to farm for him. We do not know Mr. Holt´s intentions.
Married: Mr. Everett W. Henson to Miss Ethel Williams, December 24, 1918, at the home of the bride´s parents. Many of the invited guests were kept away by the blizzard that raged that day.
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