I have a LOT of material I've extracted from the Uniontown papers from microfilm from the Kansas Historical Society. I was interested mostly in the Holt-Ramsey-McKinnis-Kent-Tennison-Duerson names, who are my ancestors, but that covers a great many (more than I realized) of the Uniontown area population. Nancy [Holt] Elofson

Uniontown Cicerone & Redfield Ledger, Reel U53

January 21, 1926

Died  William Bowers, here since 1857  For many years he lived near town but a few years ago moved to Bronson, where several members of his family resided.  He was a native of Ohio and was aged 85 years, 9 months, 5 days.

Archie Wolf severely injured when his coat tail was caught in a buzz saw. Hisback was broken.

February 4, 1926

Walter Huss, of near Harding, who Thursday night was caught by Undersheriff George Hessong and Gola Roberts in the act of stealing some baled timothy hay . . .

S. McKinnis purchased  truck sometime ago which was equipped in all ways to transport livestock .. now has it ready for business in case he should need to go after some of the stock he buys.

February 11, 1926

Died: Fannie Newman, sister of Mrs. Al Ramsey and Jasper Newman, born 1869

S. McKinnis headed another party for Texas last Friday night, it being composed of Mrs. Osee Thompson, of this city, Mrs. Robt. Redding of Humboldt, Lotter, of Fort Scott, and C. W. Kirker, of this city.  They will be absent about a week.

Sheriff Hessong is a real believer in the law.  With a whole quart bottle of whiskey in his hand Monday night he positively refused to even allow anybody to smell it.

March 4, 1926

Sam Holt will occupy the farm lately vacated by George Jones.

March 18, 1926

Marshal Holt and family have moved to the L. E. Holt farm just east of town. The place is being cleared of surplus timber and other improvements are being made.

March 25, 1926

I will carry a full line of Spring and Summer Hats at the Drug Store, prices ranging from $1.00 to $5.00 — Maud Ramsey

April 8, 1926

Died: Sarah J. Wells, widow of Robert J. Wells, mother of Perley Wells, Mrs. Jas. Kirpatrick, step children Mrs. M. Teague, I. N. Wright, Mrs. Sherman Ramsey, Willis Wells, Sheriff Robert Wells a grandson.  Age 76, born Greenville Tennessee, here 50 years.

April 15, 1926

Died: Sarah Francis Morrison, made her home with cousin Georgia Anderson, married Hirth, born Greencastle, Indiana 1851.

April 22, 1926

Death by drowning, Mary Culbertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Culbertson, found in old well

Died Nancy  Anderson (Ben Shinn), in Bourbon County since 1855, born Clay County Indiana,  lived between Bronson and Uniontown. Married 1874.  Sister of Gipson Anderson of Oklahoma City, Will Anderson, Xenia, Georgia Anderson, Uniontown, buried Turkey Creek. 

Turkey Creek notes:

Miss Ruth McKinnis will teach the Walnut Hill school next winter.

The Colony State Bank was closed last Monday.

Miss Fern Holt has been among those on the sick list during the week.

April 29, 1926

No Wonder at this Failure!

(Moran Herald)

Last Saturday afternoon the sale of advertised notes of the Moran State Bank was held in front of the office of Assistant Receiver C. A. Dickinson. A large crowd was on hand but evidently they did not put as high a value on the notes as the bank did who had loaned the depositors money for only two men bid on the lot and they were knocked off by Mr. Holmer, of the State Banking Department, to a Mr. Sanders for the sum of $525, or less than 1 cent on the dollar, as the total amount of notes sold was $53,385.88.  This was a severe blow to the depositors, many of them widows and old folks who had all their life´s savings deposited in the bank.

Died: Mrs. R. W. Ramsey, one of the oldest residents of this section.

May 6, 1926

S. McKinnis headed another party of people who went to Texas last Saturday night.

Funeral for Mrs. Robert Ramsey, born Mahala Truitt Edgar County, Illinois, 1851, came west in 1866.  Married Robert W. Ramsey 1867.  6 children, 2 died in infancy.  Mrs. Emma Smith of Lansing, Mrs. H. E. Duerson, Maud Ramsey and Calvin Ramsey, 3 sisters, Mrs. Mary Wagy of Wichita, Mrs. Harriet Stiers of Fort Scott, Mrs. Sarah Bell of Illinois, 2 brothers George Truitt El Campo, Texas and Harrison Truitt of Elk City, Kansas.

Rev. Oskee and family and Charles Roweth and family have returned to their homes in Colorado after being called here for the funeral of Mrs. R. W. Ramsey.

May 13, 1926

FOR SHERIFF!  Sheriff R. L. Wells, whose term of office expires at the close of the year, is very strong in his recommendation of his UnderSheriff, Geo. W. Hessong, to be chosen as his successor.

USB Display ad (partial text) THINGS HAVE CHANGED SINCE THEN!About sixteen years ago our depot and platform was crowded with our people who were going to Fort Scott on the train to see Buffalo Bill´s Wild West Show.  A few people drove down in buggies.  Now, sixteen years later, our people have no desire to see a circus of any kind and very few ride on trains.

May 20, 1926

Monday evening May 17 an informal reception was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kent in honor of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Kent, who were married May 1st at Nevada, Mo.  Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. George Cowsn, Mr. and Mrs. Siegel McKinnis, Mr. and Mrs. Al. Ramsey among the guests.   The bride who was formerly miss Lulu Forgy, of Eldorado Springs, is a pretty, unassuming lady of culture and refinement . . .

May 27, 1926

Miss Virgel Holt is acting as cashier in the bank while her sister, Miss Fern, is taking her vacation.

Miss Neva Ramsey has gone to Kansas City to visit her sister, Eithol, and will perhaps accept a business position while there.

Mr. James McKinnis and family and Mr. Harvey McKinnis of Stonington, Colorado are expected most any day for a summer vacation with the home folks.

June 3, 1926

Died: J. P. Ralston, pioneer resident, lived Rockford Valley, buried Hatch Cemetery. (obituary June 10) — born 1837 Greenfield, Mo., son of David and Pollyann Ralston. Married Lucy J. Ward 1876.   

Miss Helen Kent has returned from Pittsburg, where she is enrolled for the summer term of school.

W. A. Stroud and S. McKinnis spent Tuesday night at the Ft. Scott hospital with Butler Kegerries, who at the present writing, is reported to be very low.

June 10, 1926

Message received of the death of Mrs. Geo. Truitt at ElCampo, Texas. Born Trenny Britton, sister of Mrs. H. M. Griffith and Mrs. Deb Rogers.

Died: Butler Kegerries, age 76, lived Rockford Valley 40 years.  Born Pennsylvania.  S. McKinnis a pallbearer.,

June 24, 1926

Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKinnis and family returned to their home in Colorado, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. McKinnis accompanied them.  They will return home by rail.

July 1, 1926

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Holt started to Dewey, Okla., Saturday, to be at the Round-UP which came off there.

July 22, 1926

One night last week some miscreant visited Jay Underwood, stole both of the back tires of his car, all the coils but one and everything else they could pry loose.

Mr. and Mrs. Frazier Tennyson and son of Texas, and Mr. Willis Tennyson of Iola, were the uests of MR. and Mrs. Irl Miller last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Milt McKinnis and Mrs. Osee Thompson motored to Parsons Sunday. They were accompanied home by their mother, Mrs. Ella Chamberlain, who will make an extended visit with them.

August 5, 1926

Long article by L. E. Holt on 25th anniversary as a Village Banker.

August 12, 1926

Curtis Holt left Tuesday on his annual vacation which he plans to spend in the Ozarks. Lloyd Cowan, of Tulsa, will join him at Pittsburg, and they will hunt bear, fish and have a good time for a month.

While assisting with the work of moving a windmill on the L. E. Holt farm . . . Jesse Shoemaker became ill and lost consciousness.

August 19, 1926

While cranking her Chevrolet car early this week, Miss Maud Ramsey suffered a broken arm.

One of the Big Attractions at the fair . . . will be a mule race. Four riders, including S. McKinnis and Jesse Kent.

Uncle Bob Ramsey celebrated his 90th birthday.

August 26, 1926

Text of Uniontown Grain and Lumber Co. ad:  Anyone that is interested in a good Dairy Barn and equipment should take  a look at the new barn on the L. E. Holt farm west of town.

The tomato crop in this section is a wonder but, as Banker Holt says, the people are allowing them to rot on the vines when they should be canned, preserved or souped.

September 2, 1926

Married: Earl Kirkerto Ruth O´Byrne, of Baldwin. Norman McKinnis, nephew of the groom, carried the ring in a rose.

The Rev. M. B. Oskee and wife are now located at Kim, Colorado, where Mrs. Oskee has entered newspaper work, while her husband is engaged in the automobile business when not occupied with church work.

September 9, 1926

Mrs. Delta Morris, of Iola, was here for the picnic and favored us with a call.

Sammy Holt will have a public sale during the month.

Mrs. M. D. Kirker has lately become wealthy through oil being found on some land left to her and her brothers and sisters at Eureka.

September 23, 1926

Banker L. E. Holt, who clerked the Mix-Love sale met up with two cows and was quite badly, though not seriously injured.  Two of his ribs were broken and he suffered several bruises and scratches. . .

The most careful drivers have their mishaps and Curtis Holt is no exception. In an effort to be careful he missed his distance at a curve near Redfield Friday night. He was accompanied by the Misses Russell and Kent. None of the party were very badly hurt.

Visiting candidates today re Geo. W. Hessong, for sheriff . . .

October 21, 1926

USB Display ad:  subject is "Our former farmer boy, now a professor at Johns Hopkins University of New York(?), the specialist who discovered Vitamin A.  Born and raised just one mile north of the Woods cemetery, a nephen of Benton Kidwell.

November 4, 1926

Died: Mary Emma Schmidt, widow of Pape. Born Hagerstown, Maryland 1844, lived Pennsylvaniaburg, Ind., later Memphis, Tenn, where she married Robert E. Clark, who died, then to Bloomington, Ill., where she married William Pape 1868. To Kansas 1884.

Fred McKinnis had a big smash-up with his car one night last week when he was returning from Ft. Scott.  No on e was seriously hurt.

November 11, 1926

Mr. and Mrs. Siegel McKinnis, Mr. Chas. Kirker and Mrs. Osee Thompson left Tuesday morning for Kansas City to take in the Royal Live Stock Show there this week.

Uniontown school children who went to Fort Scott to hear the Navy Band included Virgel Holt, Warren Ramsey, Ray Cowan, Mary and Effie McKinnis, Fay Holt, Virgina and Maxine Holt

Bronson Holt arrived Monday from Colorado for a visit with home folks.

November 25, 1926

Mr. Siegel McKinnis took a severe cold while attending the stock show in Kansas City last week which terminated in neuralgia and has been confined to his home since his return . . .

December 2, 1926

Ray Hartman, Rena Ruthrauff wedding copied

Ozark School Pie Supper : program included song by Irene Chandler, Nellie Kent and Erma Baptist, Dorothy Rogers received the chocolates for being the most popular lady present.  Helen Kent, teacher.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Duerson entertained for Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ramsey and daughter, Miss Maud, and Mr. and Mrs. Lynne Duerson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McLane and Mr. and Mrs. Authur Duerson, of Chanute.

Mr. C. W. Kirker went to Kansas City, Monday, and met his daughter, Miss Grace, a Baker University studeyt, and together they attended the Miracle show Monday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Holt and children of Wheeler, Texas, spent Thanksgiving with relatives here.

December 9, 1926

Died: DeWitt C. Stevens, pioneer resident, father of Lloyd Stevens.  Buried Dunkard.

Turkey Creek news:

We understand that Ray Hartman has rented a farm south of Redfield and will live there next year.

The neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hartman surprised them the other night with a :shower.:  They received many nice and useful articles . . .

December 16, 1926

Died: Mrs. Sarah Underwood, born 1856 Cochockton, Ohio.  Husband L. G. Underwood.  Sister of W. H. Kirker, M. D. Kirker of Uniontown.

Mrs. Delta Morris, of Iola, is using The Cicerone to make Christmas presents to J. F. Tennyson, Crossett, Texas and to Mrs. Katherine White, Fowler, Colorado.

Mr. Siegel McKinnis returned from Texas last Tursday. As proof of the delicious edibles served in the Rio Grande Valley at this time of the year, he brought home a mess of roasting ears.

December 23, 1926

Died: William J. Boler, pioneer resident, buried Hatch

Mrs. Osee Thompson is the recipient of a crate of delicious oranges from her aunt, Mrs. Bertha Roy — nee Kent, of Los Angelos, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Roy have an orange grove of one acre containing 75 trees.  . . They plan to build a house on this land and will be neighbors to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Konantz.

Mrs. Ollie Oskee and baby, of Kim Colo., are here to make an extended visit with her grandfather, Robert Ramsey, and her aunt, Miss Maud Ramsey.

A baby daughter arrived Monday night to gladden the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wyant.

December 30, 1926

Mrs. Osee Thompson spent Tuesday at the Fort Scott hospital with her sister, Mrs. Milt McKinnis, and reports her condition good.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. S. McKinnis was the scene of a family dinner on Christmas day.  All the children with their families were there, excepting Jas. McKinnis and family and Harvey McKinnis of Colorado.  Mr. C. W. Kirker and daughter, Miss Grace and Mrs. Osee Thompson also enjoyed the occasion as invited guests.  The long table was arranged in the basement and beautifully decorated with streamers and bells.  Like all former gathering at the McKinnis home it was a day of joy happiness and fun. Presents were exchanged and the day was ended as all such perfect days are.

Earl Kirker and wife arrived to spend holidays with home folks. Earl is working in the interests of the Board of Education of the Methodist church.  For the past several months he has been located in Cincinnatti, Ohio. After the first of the year he will be located in Kentucky.

Mrs. Milt McKinnis is in the Fort Scott hospital recovering from an operation which she suffered last Monday.

January 6, 1927

Two Bronson young men, Dale Martin and Verne Newton, were arrented Monday by Sheriff Wells on the charge of having stolen two automobile tires from cars belonging to Curtis Holt, of Uniontown, and Elza Goodno . . . while the owners witnessed the basket ball game between the Uniontown and the Bronson high school teams last Friday night.  Both stoutly maintain their innocence . . . the tires were found sunk in water near the Perry bridge southwest of town Sunday . . (Bronson Pilot)

January 13, 1927

MR JEDKINS WANTS OUT!  Sister of Man Who Robbed The Union State Bank Here Seeking a Parole!Last week a sister of Roy Jedkins, with a former officer who accompanied her to uniontown in hopes of securing a letter from the cashier of the Union State Bank, recommending that the Parole Board grant her brother a parole so he could go to the bedside of his father hwo has broken down and is not expected to live. Her pleadings were pitiful, for she was like any sister who has a wayward brother, one who chanced to get in bad company in early life.  Mr. Jedkins had all the appearance of a good man and a good father. Even at the trial of his son, he naturally would show a fatherly love for his son, but he realized he had done wrong and it was too late for him; he must pay the penalty.  His mother, of course, tried to believe her son would not commit such a crime as he was charged with.  She seemed to think her son´s pal would not lead her son astray and not until her boy was sentenced did she show any emotion. It was quite different with the father; while he appeared calm, he felt the hard blow, and, no doubt, his life has been shortened many years.  It is a sad case, indeed.  There is another side to the story, too.  This son of Mr. Jedkins and his pal, Frank Brennan, without any excuse whatever, went into the bank and with large revolvers loaded to the brim with nothing less to do but to touch the triggers of these guns and the banker´s daughter and son, two innocent and helpless children, would have been murdered in cold blood. Just picture this scene and see if you could justify yourself or anyone else in even suggesting a parole. . .

January 27, 1927

Died: Clark Britton, Winfield, Kansas, brother of Mrs. H. M. Griffith

Rolla Ramsey returned home from his trip to Virginia, Thursday. He had bad luck at Cinncinati, Ohio. He fell in with a couple of confidence men who relieved him of about $13.00, mostly in travelers checks, which they compelled him to sign over.

Long story — Marshall Holt, looking for a stray old cow, stumbled on a cache of whiskey, but a plan to catch the bootleggers failed. A similar incident happened near the Milt McKinis place.

February 3, 1927

The news has been received here that Frazier Tennyson had met with a bad accident while shooting an oil well.  Both his jaws were broken and one of his hands injured.

Andrew Clark Britton, born Cambridge Ohio 1867, to Kansas 1871.

February 10, 1927

Died: Lydia Stewart, m. Ed Wolf, born 1868 Tennessee, to Kansas as a baby

Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hartman have rented the Fin Byers farm south of Paint Creek and will move there March 1st.

From Uniontown Grain and Lumber Co. ad — Marshal Holt is reflooring his country home with oak

1918 | 1918 | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS


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