I have a LOT of material I've extracted from the Uniontown papers from microfilm from the Kansas Historical Society. I was interested mostly in the Holt-Ramsey-McKinnis-Kent-Tennison-Duerson names, who are my ancestors, but that covers a great many (more than I realized) of the Uniontown area population. Nancy [Holt] Elofson

Uniontown Cicerone & Redfield Ledger, Reel U53

January 1, 1925

Moran has suffered two business failures in the last sixty days, one a bank and one a drug store.

We understand Mr. Brennan and his pal, who held up our bank, is trying hard to secure a pardon from Governor Davis.

S. McKinnis, or rather his son, Harvey, is driving a new Dodge coupe, having traded off the Chevrolet.

Died: Elva Almeda George, daughter of William and Eliza George, age 30, married to Winfield Duggins, of burns after a household accident when her clothes caught fire. Brother William, Hotchkiss, Colorado. (Also Herschel, Samuel, Thomas, Ed, Sterling, sisters Martha Hartman, Francis George, Julia Endsley)

January 8, 1925

Banker L. E. Holt has been compelled to enter a hospital at Fort Scott for treatment of ear trouble.  He went today.

Miss Virgel Holt is reported as afflicted with the flu.

Mrs. J. O. Underwood was taken suddenly ill Wednesday night and Dr. Miller was called and remained with her four hours.

Mrs. Delta Morris is reported to be so ill that it has been necessary for her to enter a hospital at Iola.

January 15, 1925

Miss Ruth McKinnis, who had a serious attack of flu, is now fully recovered and going to school.

S. McKinnis drove Banker Holt to Fort Scott, Wednesday, for another treatment at the hospital.

Miss Virgil Holt, who is afflicted with flu, is taking the "rest cure" by order of her physician.

Mrs. Cora Holt is reported as among the sick folks.

Mrs. Mary Weyant and children, of Stonington, Colo., who were here to attend the funeral of her father, the late M. E. Holt, have returned home.

Janaury 22, 1925

Memories of Childhood poem (by Mark Scobey of Chicago, who used to romp with the Holt and Hartman boys)

The Bank of Blue Mound is in the hands of a receiver.  Bad loans and unpaid notes.

January 29, 1925

Banker Holt has so far recovered from his late illness that he is able to be up and attending to business.

February 5, 1925

The Mutual Telephone Co. seems to have about as hard a time to keep a good lady operator as does the bank to keep a good lady bookkeeper. They all get married.  Miss Bobbitt has just married and Miss Alice Holt has been selected to succeed her at the switchboard. . .

The first day of the month sometimes falls on Sunday and when it does, makes confusion and a lot of work that must be done at that time even if it is Sunday. This was the case with the Union State Bank and the whole force and one assistant put in part of the day folding and mailing out statements to their customers.

Dr. Miller was called to see S. McKinnis Saturday evening and reports his threatened with flu and having some trouble with his heart.

Mrs. Dr. Ramsey has been brought home much improved from a hospital in Fort Scott.

Mrs. Cora Holt is still amont the folks in poor health.

February 12, 1925

Charley McKinnis and wife are now "at home" on the H. V. Cowan farm, having moved out there last week.  They expect to grow a big crop and expect to work early and late to do it.

Turkey Creek news:

We understand that Sam Holt will move onto the Jacob Anderson farm the first of March. Frank Weyant and Eddie Holt will live on the Mrs. Cora Holt farm.

February 19, 1925

Turkey Creek news

Frank Weyant and family arrived from Colorado Monday, will make their home here.

February 26, 1925

Died: Col John B. Duerson, born Missouri 1850, to Kansas with his widowed mother in 1863, lived Chanute and Uniontown.  Widow Mrs. Nanny Duerson, daughter Mrs. Ida Kidwell, sons E. H. Uniontown, Arthur, Chanute.

At the Corcass Class meeting, Mrs. Daisy Holt gave a reading "Down to Old Aunt Mary´s"

J. W. Tennyson, of Iola, came over Friday for a visit with his daughter, Mrs. Irl Miller, west of town.

March 5, 1925

Miss Grace Kirker is in a Ft. Scott hospital, where she is recovering from the effects of an operation for appendicitis.

March 12, 1925

Turkey Creek news:

Sam Holt moved last week to the Jacob Anderson farm.

March 19, 1925

Show the commissioners that you are interested in having the Ramsey hill cut down to man´s size.  Now is the right time.  Get busy!

March 26, 1925

Died: Joseph Compton, born Hillsboro, Illinois, October 15, 1840.  Moved to Mapleton in early manhood, married Martha Casteel 1878. Buried Uniontown

Miss Ethiol Ramsey . . . has received a civil service appointment as government stenographer and has been assigned to the recently established Veterans Bureau office at Wichita.

Died of flu, 2 week old baby of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. McCollum.

Banker Holt has traded in his used Four Coupe on a brand new one.

April 2, 1925

Mrs. Iva Duerson announced her candidacy for School Board.

S. McKinnis was called to Ft. Scott, Thursday, by the serious illness of his daughter, Mrs. Will Russell.

USB Financial:  $245,022.07. Directors M. M., Daisy, L. E. and Cora Holt

Mrs. S. McKinnis was taken ill with flu last Sunday and is not much improved today.

April 9, 1925

Flu is raging in this section to the extent that Dr. Miller has been having his son drive him about over the country to see his many patients. By actual count he made twenty-five calls one day last week.

The business which brings J. L. Kent home from Fort  Dodge is that of making final settlement of his mother´s estate of which he was appointed administrator about two years ago.

April 16, 1925

Uncle Bob Ramsey is still spry enough to attend school meeting and city elections.

G. O. Cowan, Mrs. Cowan and their son have all been quite sick with the flu. The little fellow was "seeing things" Thursday and called to his mother to "see the big tree with black apples all over it." 

J. L. Kent and wife got back from Fort Dodge and both have the flu at home.

April 23, 1925

YES WE HAVE HAD THE FLU — beginning of ad from Cowan Hardware CO.

Elmer Ramsey and wife, now of Topeka, are the parents of a new daughter, born last week.

Constable Fred Ramsey one of a number of flu victims listed.

Earl Hartman, Fred McKinnis, Helen Lunsford and Margaret Holt took the county examination at Uniontown last Saturday.

April 30, 1925

J. O. Underwood complains that worms are destroying his crop of gooseberries. We have loaned him our gun with arsenic of lead.

Miss Alice Holt´s friends on the creek are glad to know that she is improving nicely.

Card of Thanks — I wish to thank  [Sunday School] for the potted plants and cut flowers; Mr. Holt for the radio entertainment . . . and everyone for the many kindnesses to me during my sickness her.  Zoie Larue

May 7, 1925

Mr. and Mrs. Irl Miller are the parents of a baby boy, born Monday May 4.

Married:Herbert B. Holt to Beulah Marie Neth.    Son of M. A. Holt of near town, a very successful young farmer. Daughter of the late G. G. Neth and Mrs. Clara Neth.

USB Display Ad.  Copied. Letter from Dr. J. R. Newman re L. E. Holt´s nephritis.

The above letter explains itself:  A few years ago the writer on one occasion was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Chamberlain.  Mrs. Chamberlain was in bed with the foot of her bed elevated one foot higher than her head to remain for several weeks.  We felt sorry for Mrs. Chamberlian.  Little did we think that a few months later we would be going through the same thing as Mrs. Chamberlain.  Not only once, but twice.  Several months later our daughter, Virgil, had an attack of nephritis and was put to bed for several weeks on a strictly milk diet.  We all felt so sorry for her.  Then we heard of Miss Pape and just recently of Miss Alice Holt, who were afflicted in the same way.  Little did we eever think the writer would be afflicted with nephritis and live on milk alone, in addition to having twenth-two teeth extracted in order to relieve the trouble.  Dr. Miller has taken a deep interest in our case, as well has have Dr. Newman and Dr. Ramsey.  Leaving our case in such hands must be the best thing anyone could possibly do. Dr. Archie Ramsey will do the esxtracting while Dr. Newman will attend to administering the gas and care at the hospital.  Dr. Miller, our family physicial, being the original factor. We are going to get along alright. We must have patience and of course it will take a little time.  We are not worn out, but out of repair for the time being.  Feeling pretty good and will soon be back on the job as usual. We have good help as usual in the bank.  For the last twenty-four years we have always had good help, and help we could depend upon. For our friends, this homely face will soon greet you again, but the absence of those ugly teeth will be noticeable.

S. McKinnis took us for a drive Tuesday evening in his hew car.

May 14, 1925

Mrs. Nancy Holt, one of the old residents of this section, passed away at the home of her son, Dr. Holt, at Geuda Springs, Monday morning, May 11th . . . She was 94 years old.  Internment was in Turkey Creek cemetery.

Banker Holt is expected to arrive home today from the Ft. Scott Hospital. He is said to be getting along fine after the trying ordeal of having 22 teath extracted at one sitting, which will be fine news to his host of friends all over Bourbon County.

Cornerstone laid for new Jones Building, Judge Kent, S. McKinnis, J. L. Kent were among those who deposited money in the cornerstone.

Helen Kent read the Class Will at the Junior Senior banquet.

Miss Mildred Ramsey will give up school teaching and go to Ft. Scott Hospital, where she will take a nurse;s training course.

J. L. Kent and wife expect to leave Friday for Everett, Washington, where they go on a visit to their son Fred and his family.

Dr. Holt, of Geuda Springs, and D. E. Holt, of Olustee, Okla., arrived Wednesday with the remains of their mother, Mrs. Nancy Holt, who died Monday at the home of Dr. Holt.

Doctor Miller had to use his pills for "both the docile and the wild" [flu symptom]

Description of pulling teeth operation, copied (USB ad)

May 21, 1925

Banker D. E. Holt, of Wheeler, Texas, arrived Friday of last week for a short visit with his brothers and other relatives.

Banker Holt continues to improve.

High school graduates were Ona Baptist, Lillian West, Helen Kent and Raymond Mosier.

C. O. Stone last week drove out from Ft. Scott and traded Sam Holt a Ford touring car, taking in exchange Mr. Holt´s roadster, a very dilapidated affair, but still able to go.  Mr. Stone drove it into town and sold it for $30.

Curtis Holt and sister visited over Sunday with relatives at Baxter Springs.

June 4, 1925

Mrs. S. McKinnis and Miss Grace Kirker attended the closing exercises at Baker College.

Harvey McKinnis arrived home from College Monday night. He is pretty well scratched up, but tells us he was in a car smashup and that it was no fault of the college hazers.

Miss Alice Holt has so far recovered from her late illness as to be able to resume her place at the central switch board.

June 11, 1925

Report of Revival at the Baptist Church,  related story of baptism in the Marmaton of 28 people, including Milton McKinnis, Roy Ramsey, Curtis Holt, Mary McKinnis, and by the Methodist pastor 7 Hartmans, including Ray Hartman.

Sherman Ramsey says its entirely too hot to farm and he´ll let Arch do it.

USB Financial $244,376.94.  Directors: Fern Holt, M. M> Holt, Curtis Holt, L. E. Holt, Daisy Holt

June 18, 1925

C. I. C. class of the Baptist church hamburger fry, 23 attended, including Curtis Holt, Roy Ramsey, Ruth McKinnis, Grace Kirker,.

Miss Neva Ramsey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ramsey, was taken to a Fort Scott hospital and underwent an operation Saturday morning.

S. McKinnis and son Harvey have returned from a trip over into Missouri, where they attended a dog racing course.

June 25, 1925

His 64th Birthday

Tuesday, June 234d, Siegel McKinnis was reminded that 64 years ago today he attracted more attention than he ever did since.  The old ladies of the neighborhood were kept busy heralding the news of his arrival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McKinnis, Sr., and that he had come to stay.  It is a well-known fact that this wave of commotion has followed him through the path of life and no grass has been allowed to grow under his feet . . . description of party follows:  all the children and grandchildren present except the eldest daughter, Mrs. Tom Kent, and family, who was prevented from coming on account of the threatening storm, Jim McKinnis and family, of Stonington, Colo., and a grandson, Fred McKinnis, who is in Montana.

Miss Alice Holt has been ordered to bed by the family doctor . . .

Turkey Creek news:  Mrs. Eliza Wright to Lamar, Mo., after the death of her sister in law, Mrs. Lizzie Smith, an early settler and the daughter of Nancy Wright who used to own the Charles Cowan farm.

Notice of the sale of real estate from the Estate of Elijah T. Hodges, deceased, Wrights Addition, Bronson, Kansas,  R. B. Campbell, administrator.

July 9, 1925

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Ramsey, son.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKinnis are the parents of a babygirl, born last Sunday evening.

July 16, 1925

Marshal Holt, Mrs. L. E. Holt and children Virgil, Ray and Fay, have gone to the mountains for a vacation and to visit relatives at different points West and South.

July 23, 1925

Harvey McKinnis has been called to Springfield, Colo., to be one of the cashiers in the Holt bank there.  Every year just as soon as school is out and Harvey has had a few minutes breathing spell, comes a wire to "Come on; we need you."But then, we have yet to hear of a McKinnis that indulged in idleness.

The bobbed hair craze has struck Uniontown an awful blow . . .

USB Display ad:  RECREATION? Nearly everybody enjoys some kind of recreation or amusement.  A little fun or sport has a tendency to give you new life, although there are different ways of seeing things.  If one´s mind is on play or amusement to a great extent it might interfere with their future welfare.  D. E. Holt, of Texas, says Golf is a very fascinating game, but he said he could not feel right to be playing golf, while his customers passed by, who were working long hours in order to raise their crops and take care of their stock and had no time to spare.  Hence he put in his time out on the ranch with some of his customers. Sam Holt, of Colorado, has always been a very busy man. Nevertheless, he enjoys sports. Nothing delights him more than to have the opportunity of assisting his customers in roping and branding a herd of cattle.  He is considered to be one of the best cow men in the West . . .

July 30, 1925

Died? Prudence DeSelms Britton, widow of David, born 1836 in Ohio, to Kansas in 1870.

Milton McKinnis and family, Mrs. S. McKinnis and Sam Holt and family have all gone West for a short vacation.  They will visit in Colorado and Montana.

We are told that Ray Philipy, former Uniontown boy, lost more than a thousand dollars by reason of the Farlington bank failure.  He is the president of the institution. Elmer Pool and wife arrested charged with having looted the Farlington Bank.

Turkey Creek news

Mrs. Lottie McKinnis and baby returned home last Monday. Her sister, Essie, is staying with her.

August 13, 1925

RETURNS AFTER FORTY YEARS!  Mark C. Scobey Accepts Invitation to Visit his Old Home Extended to Him by Banker Holt last June . . . letter from Scobey, 2308 W. 11th St., Chicago, Illinois, is printed.  Begins "Friend Emmet"

August 20, 1925

Harold Boyer, 10, lost his leg trying to board a moving truck.

From Pattonsburg, Mo. Caller:  Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Zentz invited the McKinnis family to their country home for a Sunday dinner:  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Gom Kent and daughter Nellie of Uniontown, Kansas . . . W. W. McKinnis and wife, J. L. McKinnis and family , C. D. McKinnis and wife. [others, Frank Millstead, Andrew Foreman, Donald Duffey, Earl Duffey, Letitia Groomer, W. L. Warford. . . . Mrs. Kent is a niece of W. W. and C. D. McKinnis. This was her first visit here in 21 years.

Curtis Holt and Johnny Ramsey have returned from their vacation.

Fred Kent promoted to manager of the Seattle office of the Sperry Flour company.

August 27, 1925

Miss Fern Holt has gone to Baxter Springs, where she will spend her vacation.

True to his promise, Mark C. Scoby and daughter, of Chicago, arrived here last week for a visit with the former´s old friends and neighbors, after an absence of fifty years.  Mr. Scoby is now and has been for years, a cemetery sexton.

L. E. Holts regular radio ad is for a Radiola Super-Heterodyne, the lastest word in radio. 

September 10, 1925

J. L. Kent shot by Lloyd Stroud who believed him a burglar copied

Miss Grace Kent has gone to Baldwin, where she will resume her studies at Baker University.

September 17, 1925

Mrs. W. A. Stroud and Mrs. J. L. Kent returned home from Ft. Scott, Tuesday.  They have been helping care for Mr. Kent, who has been in a hospital there.

Mrs. Ivy Duerson will stay in Fort Scott during this term of school, having entered Miss Irene, her daughter in the Fort Scott City Schools..

Banker Holt was a visitor to Kansas City and the State Capitol during the week.

Dr. George Lambeth and family of Iola were here last Sunday, the guests of Mrs. J. W. Read and family.

October 8, 1925

J. L. Kent, who was accidentally shot a short time ago, was able to be out some alst week . . .

The Cowan Hardware Company has been dissolved.  H. V. Cowan has sold to his brother, G. O. Cowan, all his interest in the business and his residence property.

Notice of final settlement of the estate of Francis M. Ramsey, Sheridan Ramsey, executor.

October 15,  1925

Miss Alice Holt is much improved in health and is able to be at the central office part of the time.

October 22, 1925

Little Miss Fay Holt was taken to a Fort Scott hospital on Monday, suffering from appendicitis.

Miss Alice Holt did not have a very long period of good health and has been ordered back to bed by her physician.

S. McKinnis is planning taking several Uniontown people on an excursion to Texas sometime next month, the object being to sell them some Texas land.

November 5, 1925

S. McKinnis tried reviving the furnace fire by a small application of coal oil. The result was somewhat disastrous for it blew the soot from all the pipes which said dust alighted all over the living rooms and on the furniture.  Mrs. McKinnis and a helper put in all day Saturday "cleaning house."

Last week demonstrated pretty thoroughly that it pays to advertise, no matter what your line.  Banker Holt, who deals in radios, sold a total of seven to local people and has several prospects "on the string."  He is a persistent and logical advertiser and puts up a convincing argument to his prospects, generally with the desired result. Up at Bronson is a new dealer in furniture . . . was able to sell the entire furniture bill for the new W. E. Johnson home and a good sized bilol to Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Ramsey.

November 12, 1925

The infant son born last Tursday to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chandler died Friday.

Soot burning out of the flu at the Marshal Holt home Saturday night caused a rush of men to the scene.  No damage.

November 19, 1925

S. McKinnis is now driving a new Dodge Coupe, though it was only last summer when he purchased one.  But maybe he´s like Dennis Holt, who says that when a car begins to act up so that frequent trips to the garage are necessary, he prefers to buy a new car.

S. McKinnis and wife, F. M. Draper and wife and H. M. Griffith and wife will compose a party of Uniontown people who will leave Saturday for Galveston and other Texas points.  They may invest in Texas real estate on a liberal scale before their return.

December 3, 1925

We acknowledge a short call from Mr. Roscoe, in company with Mr. S. McKinnis, who presented to us a sample of Texas Grape Fruit, which is exceptionally fine both in taste and appearance . . .

All the visitors to Texas arrived home . . full of enthusiasm. Mr. Underwood, Mr. Wolf and Mr. McKinnis purchased land there as an investment . . .

December 17, 1925

TEXAS! Long article re Texas excursions being conducted by Mr. McKinnis and a Mr. Roscoe. Warns of danger of investing.

Story is under the USB Banner "Don´t get in too big a hurry about anything unless you are in danger --- Union State Bank

Mrs. Sheridan Ramsey held the right key to fit  the handsome kitchen cabinet given away by R. H. Owens, Bronson´s popular furniture dealer.  The cabinet is worth $50.00 of any many´s money.

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Duerson was taken to a hospital for treatment last week.

December 24, 1925

TEXAS! From this date we shall lay off on anything pertaining to Texas . . .

Tribune report, R. H. Lunceford report that Mary Anderson, died before 1861 in Xenia, born before 1800, grandmother of County Commissioner John A. Anderson of Bronson (now 86), wife of John Anderson, mother of 8 children, born in Tennessee in 1777 during the Revolution, came to Xenia with family in 1856, being at that time 79 years of age.

Jas. McKinnis of Stonington, Colo., and Harvey McKinnis of Springfield, Colo., have arrived to spend the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. McKinnis and other relatives.

December 31, 1925

1918 | 1918 | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS


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