I have a LOT of material I've extracted from the Uniontown papers from microfilm from the Kansas Historical Society. I was interested mostly in the Holt-Ramsey-McKinnis-Kent-Tennison-Duerson names, who are my ancestors, but that covers a great many (more than I realized) of the Uniontown area population. Nancy [Holt] Elofson
Uniontown Cicerone & Redfield Ledger, Reel U53
January 3, 1924
Mrs. Sim Ramsey, of near town, was stricken with paralysis Friday afternoon while doing some trading at Stroud´s store.
USB display ad Ö partial text we look back over a period of 50 years; we remember how boys wore boots with the heels run over so badly the boy was walking in the leg of the boot . . . Styles have always been about the same with the boys.
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weyant, son.
January 10, 1924
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, 9 pound baby girl
S. McKinnis and J. W. Hartman have entered the market for mules and have purchased several head of fine ones.
January 17, 1924
Died: Jenneth Vera Baptist, 16 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Baptist,
Miss Virgil Holt entertained her school mates at a birthday party at her home last Monday evening.
January 24, 1924
Tom Kent, who has been in a sanitarium at Kansas City, has returned home considerably improved.
Turkey Creek news:
Mrs. Daisy Holt and children, and Mr. Bolyard, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Holt.
January 31, 1924
S. McKinnis & Sons have had on feed for some time past ninety head of young mules, fine ones, which they were holding until market conditions would justify a sale . . .[mules sold] . . . Mr. McKinnis and his boys did considerable hard work in caring for so large a herd but are amply repaid in this sale.
February 7, 1924
Miss Holt´s Party
The beautiful home of Banker Holt was the scene of a merry party a few evening ago, the occasion being the birthday of his daughter, Miss Virgil. Pink and White were the chosen colors, and it was carried out in every detail, even to the window draperies. The places were marked by pink and white nut cups, and the menu white and tied with pink satin ribbon. The table was centered with a bouquet of beautiful pink carnations. The large birthday cake was in the pink and white checkerboard effect and was topped with the birthday candles. As the guests stood behind their chairs around the long, shining table, they blew out the candles as they each expressed a birthday wish for their little hostess. Those present included the schoolmates of Virgil in the Seventh and Eighth grades, with their teacher Miss Goldie Cash. It was an evening long to be remembered by those present.
Our boys and girls surely do grow fast. A few years ago Banker Holt had to hire bookkeepers and cashiers for his bank. Now he has a young lady daughter and a young man son, both equipped with a good education and we may add, good sense enough to realize that they can help him a lot. Both are in the bank now and doing fine. Miss Wells, bookkeeper, has lately married and left the bank.
Married; Miss Delta Wells of Uniontown to Mr. George Brown, farmer south of Redfield.
Funeral for Mrs. P. S. Ramsey, who died from a second stroke of paralysis. Burial Uniontown cemetery.
USB Display ad:
Once more this bank has suffered the loss of a mighty good girl. Everyone who has had business at the bank during the last few years will testify to the same thing. Miss Wells is the kind of a girl any father or mother should be proud of.
The following is a list of our former employees who have left us after staying with us for a long time, and our best wishes go with them:
Miss Cora Chamberlain, now Mrs. Cora Scharff
Miss Osee Chamberlain, now Mrs. Thompson
Miss Mamie Holt, now Mrs. J. K. McKinnis
Miss Cora Tennyson, now Mrs. Irl Miller
Miss Lunda Gideon, now Mrs. Pittman
Miss Delta Holt, now Mr. M. H. George
Miss Grace Holt, deceased
Sam Holt, married Miss Rosa McKinnis
Miss Delta Wells, now Mrs. George Brown
February 14, 1924
D. R. Holt of Olustee, Okla, arrived Friday for a visit with his relatives and old friends here. Somehow the writer has always called him "D. E. Holt" when he visited here which has been frequently, but Mr. Holt says D. R. is right, and that it came about in t his way. When he and Dennis Holt were named the parents named both "Dennis" and gave them no middle names. Time went on and after awhile the boys had girl correspondents and the postmaster would invariably give Dennis´ girls letter to the wrong Dennis. O much confusion was caused that the boys finally chose a middle name for convenience and make certain he would get the letters intended for him. So one is " D. E." and one is "D. R." Whiel here Mr. Holt had the pleasure of meeting Charley Anderson with whom he used to play when a boy but whom he had not met for over twenty years.
12 year old Ony Reeder, ill with appendicitis, was transported over 4 miles of dirt road from her parents home(Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Reeder), byattaching a car to the rear of a wagon. [funeral of this child reported the next week]
Turkey Creek news:
M. E. Holt and family and Mrs. Mary Weyant and baby spent Sunday in Uniontown with L. E. Holt and family.
February 21, 1924
All the livestock in the McKinnis barn was either turned loose or got loose themselves Sunday night and did considerable damage to lawns and gardens. Mac says the mules were especially well haltered . . .
S. McKinnis announces that he will begin work on a modern home on the Waters property lately purchased by him just as soon as the title can be perfected.
Died: Dorothy Lucile Draper, 12, only child of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Draper. Stricken with infantile paralysis at 18 months and never regained her speech. Her brother died several years ago.
February 28, 1924
The pelt of the gray wolf caught and killed last Thursday by S. McKinnis and his pack of hounds brought $5 as bounty. The hide is a fine one and Mr. McKinnis will have it made into a rug.
Marriage license issued to James L. Wilson and Miss Juanita Davee, both of Redfield.
J. W. Tennyson, of Iola, was here last week on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Irl Miller, west of town.
Mrs. Osee Thompson and Mrs. Milt McKinnis have returned from a visit to their mother, at Parsons.
March 6, 1924
Men with teams are busy clearing away the rubbish, etc. from the Waters property, lately purchased by S. McKinnis. In a short time he will start the erection of a modern home. Won´t that be a big improvement on that corner?
March 20, 1924
Redfield news: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Davee left last Wednesday for their home in Wyoming after several months visit here with Mr. Davee´s mother, Mrs. Francis Ramsey.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Davee and sons, Russell and Tommie were guests at the R. H. Matthews home.
S. McKinnis reports that somebody has been helping themselves to his wood pile at night.
March 27, 1924
Now what is the banker´s wife to do? Newspapers all over the country are claiming her husband, but up to press time, she was still in peaceable possession. The Tribune claimes to have "found" him about a year abo; the Bourbon New found him late last fall, the Cedar Vale County Liner some two years ago, the Topeka Capital, the Bronson Pilot and several others all lay claim to the "find." An effort is being made to hire him and his services are said to be worth from $10,000 to $50,000 per year. The home paper lays claim to being the first to discover Mr. Holt´s ability and more than eighteen years ago, told him of it. Of course these other little sheets now want to claim the credit.
S. McKinnis, real estate dealer, reports a very serious situation in this section. He says there are many farms without tenants and there are no applicants for farms to rent . . .
. . . just now the merchants out at Stacy, Mont. Are swearing at the Uniontown merchant who lately received a nice order from one of their patrons . . . a former Uniontown girl . . . as a girl she was Miss Gertrude Tennyson. Now she is Mrs. Gertrude Sutton.
Postmaster Stiers has received a letter from Fred L. Kent, a former postmaster here, . . now a flour salesman at Everett Washington. The picture shows him standing at the side of his snow white car.
Banker Holt has been getting some wide publicity on his way of advertising. A big farm magazine with a national circulation has lately devoted two pages of its space to a write-up of Mr. Holt and used several of his ads as illustrations.
Miss Samantha Bowers, after a lingering illness of several years and after an operation at the Fort Scott Hospital, died Sunday morning, March 23rd. Death came as a surprise to most of her relatives and friends, who felt that she was recovering . . . Miss Bowers was born on a farm near Berlin, Kansas, where she lived until fifteen or twenty years ago when they moved to Bronson, this county. She is survived by three brotners, John and Will of Bronson, Kansas, and Robert, of Branson, Colo., four sisters, Mrs. Asa Duzan, Bronson, Kansas, Mrs. Joseph Holt, Uniontown, Kansas, Mrs. D. E. Holt, Wheeler, Texas, Mrs. R. B. Holt, Stonington, Colo., all of whom were in attendance at her funeral except Mrs. R. B. Holt, who could not come on account of snow being so deep in Colorado at the time the message reached her.
April 3, 1924
In a wolf hunt last week S. McKinnis met with some hard luck. He hired a car and in the chase got stuck in a muddy field and broke an axle of the car. He had to be towed in on a pole and pay the extra expense. But the worst of it is the wolf got away, so there is no pelt to pay these expenses.
Banker Holt has received a request from Editor Marble, of the Ft. Scott Tribune, for several copies of his home newspaper containing his advertising. Mr. Marble, we understand, want to exhibit it to various editorial associations both at home and abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKinnis are the parents of a new girl, born last Thursdayl.
April 10, 1924
Bank Robbery ad copied
The new McKinnis residence is tobe built of tile and the material is now on the ground.
April 17, 1924
Mrs. L. E. Holt, who is in the Fort Scott hospital, is reported to be recovering nicely from her injuries received in a fall a short time ago, and will soon be able to return home.
The question of the reward for capturing the bank robbers who operated her Monday of last week is just now a subject of much interest . . . in view of the fact that Mr. Brennen and his pal both stoutly deny that they are the guilty parties . . .
Curtis Holt and Kenneth Kirkpatrick were guests of Banker Kennedy at Devon last Sunday.
USB Display ad: You Can´t Tell What is Between the Covers Unless you Look
Many a beautiful song has been sung that we have never heard! Many interesting articles have been written that we haven´t read! Many good words can be spoken of you, you do not know anything about as long as you live. So, life goes along from day to day, and you get lots of papers, but you do not read all there is in them. You hear many things said but you do not remember them. We write many ads and do not know who reads them. A few days ago we picked up a fine looking journal published in New York, and to our surprise we noticed in black face type, Union State Bank, which attracted our attention, and then we looked more closely and found that they had taken almost two full pages telling things about Uniontown, your bank and your servant. The article was so full of feeling from people we never knew, it seemed like they must know us. You, good people, are responsible for all such comment, for you are the very ones who furnish the material. WE THANK YOU! The Union State Bank
The new McKinnis residence is to have a six foot basement which will contain a heating plant and possibly a lighting plant.
We understand Jesse Shoemaker and family will move to the Mrs. L. E. Holt farm, just west of town.
April 24, 1924
Mr Brennan, charged with robbing our bank, has had a hearing and his bond fixed at then thousand dollars. He smilingly inquired of the court if a cash bond would get him out. No man who would do such a bum job of robbing as was done here ought to be out of jail on any kind of bond.
S. McKinnis and wife motored over to Eldorado Springs last week presumably to see about the blackberry crop prospects.
Ad for Turkey Creek Valley Farm, M. E. Holt, Owner, The Home of 20 Head of Fine Jacks.
May 1, 1924
Mrs. S. McKinnis was reported to be quite ill both Friday and Saturday but was some improved on Sunday. Her chief trouble seems to be nervousness.
May 8, 1924
Banner text The trial of Brennan and Jedkins is set for Tuesday, May 13th Union State Bank.
Before the big celebration at Bronson next Monday, Col. Duerson should send over his son Ikey . . . and repair the front of their building that was about demolished by the Armenian who ran amuck a short time ago.
The first case for trial on the criminal docket at the May term of district court is that of Mr. Brennan and Mr. Jedkins, who robbed our bank a short time ago. If the jury is composed of Uniontown men, we could correctly prophesy the verdict right now.
S. McKinnis and Mrs. Geo. Shull started the work of putting down a new cement walk in front of their residence lots Friday.
Mrs. L. E. Holt, who is in a hospital at Fort Scott, continues to improve and is expected home shortly.
Mrs. L. E. Holt has so far improved from her recent injuries that she was able to be brought home last Saturday.
May 15, 1924
Most of the population went to Fort Scott Tuesday, many of them witnesses in the bank bandit trial.
For A Visit to Lansing
Both Frank Brennan and Guy Jedkins were found guilty of robbint the Union State Bank, of this city, April 7th, in District Court this week. It is said the largest crowd in the history of Bourbon county attended the trial every day. The jury was out but thirty minutes in the Brennan case. Judge Gates today sentenced both Brennan and Jedkins ten to fifty years on the first count, which was for bank robbery, and one to five years on the second count, which was for grand larceny, at hard labor in the state penitentiary. Also to this was added all the costs of the prosecution, which will be quite large, there being so many witnesses and attorneys for the defense, the two sets of jurymen with all the finishing. The total costs to the defendants is unknown at this time.
What a waste of money in the Brennan-Jedkin trial! Neither ddeserved the time it required to hear their lies. Their positive identification by Fern and Curtis Holt and Mayor Kerlee was lots and much more convincing than many men have dangled at the end of a rope for. Of course, law is law, and all men are innocent until proven guilty. Neither Mr. Brennan nor Mr. Jedkin are even fairly good liars, but it required three days of their best effort before they were found to be guilty in the eyes of the jury. But there is satisfaction that the bandits will have to pay it, according to their sentence as rendered by Judge Gates today.
Miss Ramsey Improving.
Miss Mildred Ramsey, who was so seriously injured last Sunday by a "speeder" is reported so much improved that operation will not be necessary and it is hoped condition will be such that she will be able to take up her work in our schools for which she had lately been engaged.
Mrs. Al. Ramsey accompanied Banker Holt and wife to Fort Scott today.
Sammy Holt and family are returning to Uniontown and will make this their home.
Elija Holt, uncle of Banker L. E. Holt and the other Holt boys, died at Vernon, Texas, May 12. He had been in poor health for several months, but was bedfast only four days. Owing to so many other important matters none of the relatives here could attend the funeral.
May 22, 1934
Sammy Holt and family arrived home fro Colorado Tuesday afternoon.
Misses Grace Kirker and Miss Baptists will attend summer school at Pittsburg.
The S. McKinnis new home is fast nearing completion. In case we fail to get electricity via highline Mr. McKinnis will install the Delco system for light, fans and laundry purposes.
May 29, 1934
Turkey Creek news:
Miss Holt, daughter of Dennis and Hattie Holt, of Wheeler, Texas, is visiting friends on the creek.
Police judge Fred Ramsey has handed his resignation to the City Council.
Our high school had eleven graduates this year as follows:Francis Bulla, Lyle Chamberlain, Floyd Dadisman, Blanch Hart, Velma Kibble, Fern Kent, Dorothy Reynolds, Dorothy Rogers, Nellie Stone, Verda West and Benita Willis.
Banker Holt (dem.) concedes that Ben Paulen (rep.) would make a fine governor.
S. McKinnis says people should cease buying small electric plants now, as the high line will go right through this section and all you have to do is hitch on. The cost will not be near so great and besides you will have light and power you can rely on when you want it.
Banker Holt and brother, Marshal, attended the bankers´ convention at Kansas City last week. Between sessions they went over to Parkville where their brother, H. W. and family reside. H. W. is engaged in farming nad last year raised some extra fine yellow corn and has not on hand about 3000 bushels. The banker brought some of it home with him.
USB Display ad: partial text . . . Marshal Holt and writer recently went to Kansas City, and also to Parkville, Mo., to pay H. W. Holt´s a visit before returning. The writer lost his purse, after which he was ready to return to Uniontown on the first train. We had bought return tickets and felt safe, but upon arriving at the gate at the station, was asked to show our tickets. The writer presented his ticket, but Marshal Holt had none. We searched him but no ticket could be found. He was the only one who had any money so he bought another ticket for return. One should not carry much money at any time, whether at home or traveling. We have learned two good lessons. Union State Bank
June 5, 1924
Died: Rachel Louise Denton-Smith, born Cherokee County, S. C., 1838, mother of Mrs. Walter Ramsey (Josephine). Moved to East Tennessee as a child, to Harrison County, Mo, married there to James Smith 1861.
Turkey Creek news:
Bronson Holt and wife, of Stonington, Colo., are visiting here a few days.
Sheriff´s Sale notice, One Ford Touring Car, Engine No. 8,890,104 to be sold, belonging to Frank Brennan and Guy Jedkins, to satisfy judgment and costs.
S. E. Holt and wife, who lately returned from Colorado, will move out and have charge of the Holt farm north of town. M. E. Holt and family will move into town.
June 12, 1924
Turkey Creek news:
M. E. Holt and family drove up to Bronson Sunday in their new Dodge car.
Mrs. Delta Morris, of Iola, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Irl Miller, west of town.
S. McKinnis has purchased a new player piano.
Harvey McKinnis left Sunday for Springfield, Colorado, where he has accepted a position in a bank.
USB Display ad subject "Thirty years ago"partial text: Then go to some of our farms and compare the stock with those long horns that used to roam our prairies. Then go to some of our alfalfa fields and compare the crops with the slough grass we used to find all over this country. Go to our pastures where the cows are grazing and compare the white clover and blue grass with the wire grass and water grass we used to have. . . Go to the elevators and see how they are equipped a compare them with the old mill . . . Go to the bank, and there you will find money sorters, money counters, posting machines, adding machines, addressing machines, electric lined vaults, safety deposit boxes, burglar proof safe, with burglar alarm systems. We might also add that there are also three typewriters almost in constant use. An extra good radio has been in use in the bank for a long time, keeping customers of the bank posted on the markets up to the minute. Also this is connected with the telephone for the benefit of customers who are not able to come to town. . .
June 19, 1924
Uncle Bob Ramsey and wife and Miss Maud Ramsey, have returned from a visit to Rev. Oskee and wife at Ottawa.
June 26, 1924
Mrs. Robert Bowers and children, of Branson, Colo., arrived last week and are visiting relatives in this section.
Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Pike and son, and Miss Varner, all of Chanute, were here Monday visiting relatives and friends, among whom were Judge Kent and Mrs. Osee Thompson.
Sixty-three Young!
The home of Mr. and Mrs. S. McKinnis last Monday evening was startled out of its usual quietude, to say nothing of astonishment of Mr. McKinnis, when all of his children and grand-children arrived early in the evening with all kinds of cake and a big freezer of ice cream to remind him that this was his sixty-third birthday and they had come to help him celebrate the wonderful event. The parlor, dining-foom and the porches were filled with guests all McKinnises and a happier, merrier and more jolly affair could not be beat by any family in Kansas. Mack was completely surprised and the pleasure and pride he expressed not in words, but in actions was fully justified. Every one was pleased to note his appreciation of their love and their thoughtfulness. The members of the family present numbered thirty-six. It was regretted that Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKinnis and family and Harvey McKinnis, of Colorado, could not be there. Those who were outside guests were Mrs. Sample, Mrs. Kate Shepard, Mr. Bob Duggins and Mrs. E. R. Steel.
Died: Eathan A. Drake, born Marshal County, Ill 1836. A Civil war veteran.
July 3, 1924
A gallon jug of whiskey was unearthed by Deputy Sheriff Hessong on the old Draper farm last Friday. The tenant claimed it was not his property and that he had no idea to whom it belonged. He was taken to Fort Scott, anyhow, along with the booze . .
Three Young Men Drowned (Pattonsburg, Missouri) Rob´t. McKinnis one of three drowned of six who went swimming in Big Creek.. . . Robt. McKinnis was a nephew of S. McKinnis, of this city. On receipt of this sad news, Mr. McKinnis went at once to Pattonsburg to render any assistance possible.
July 10, 1924
The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Irl Miller is suffering with a broken arm, the result of being kicked by a cow.
Miss Mildred Ramsey continues to improve from her late injuries by an automobile and will be able to take her place in our schools in September
On her birthday, thirty-two relatives went in and greatly surprised Mrs. Will Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. McKinnis of this city . . . Pictures were taken of the group . . . Those present: Mrs. S. M. McKinnis, Mrs. T. B. Kent and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Milt McKinnis and family, Mr. and Mrs Roy McKinnis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Underwood and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Holt and son Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. Will Russell and family.
Up to Friday work on the new McKinnis home had progressed without injury to any one of the many men working there, but Friday Mr. McKinnis himself badly lacerated one hand by coming in contact with a nail in a board.
Miss Ethel Ramsey of Uniontown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Ramsey, ahs completed her course at the Chillicothe Business College of Chillicothe, Mo., and has just been palced with an office position with the Ditto company of Kansas City, Mo.
July 24, 1924
Died: Nella Marie Woods, a Red Cross Nurse of Detroit, Michigan, niece of A. A. Stiers of Uniontown, pallbearers were R. L. Kent, H. V. Cowen, W. S. Miller, C. H. Konantz, L. E. Holt and C. W. Kirker. Burial Dunkard.
F. H. Keeney, of the Redfield Lumber Co., was here last Fridan and in conversation over the new McKinnis residence said it was very liely that it would cost more than most of the finest residences in Fort Scott.
July 31, 1924
The Farlington State Bank has been closed, but later opened. Ray Philipy is the president and Elmer Pool, cashier. Like most other bank failures, the officials are not telling much about it, so we don´t know whether Mr. Pool took enough to be classed among gentlemen burglars, or just a common looter.
J. Willis Tennyson, of Iola, came last Saturday for an over Sunday visit with his daughter, Mrs. Irl Miller, west of town.
The S. McKinnis new residence is beginning to assume a home-like appearance and "Mac" will be "at home" there before cold weather sets in.
August 7, 1924
Ed Crosby, of Redfield, has established a tourist camp on his farm which he has named "Wild Rose Camp."
The painters are working on the new McKinnis residence. Thus, gradually, the new home is nearing completion..
So far the new Bishard bus has made but one trip through town. It is so large and heavy that it is not likely it will leave the rock road and passengers will have to go to the north end of town if they want to ride it.
The entire population was awakened about midnight Saturday night by the clanging of the burglar alarm in the Union State Bank and most of us thought a third attempt to rob the institution was in progress. Banker Holt soon arrived and discovered that something was wrong with the wiring, which he adjusted and went back to bed.
Charley Smith has quite carpenter work and is now employed by the Standard Oil Co., which is erecting several large tanks in the east part of town.
Electricians for the Utilities Company are wiring Uniontown residences and business houses today!
August 14, 1924
Report has it that you can ride the fine, new Bishard bus to Fort Scott for 50 cents.
City State Bank Robbed in a bold daylight bank robbery.
In their zeal to capture the bank robbers Tuesday afternoon farmer officers held up a tourist party near the Walter Wolf home west of town.
The new Bishard bus went thru town Monday afternoon and was admired by everybody.
August 21, 1924
Milton, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Holt, north of town, was bitten by a copperhead snake last Thursday night and is not yet out of danter. He was brought to town at once and everything possible done for him. Friday it was decided to take him to a hospital in Fort Scott for treatment. The Tribune further says of the bad affair, "As the result of being bitten by a copperhead snake Thursday evening, Milton Holt, the 2 Ω year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Holt, of Uniontown, is lying at the Fort Scott hospital in a very serious condition. When he was brought to the hospital yesterday afternoon, very alarming symptoms had developed, and his life seemed in grave danger. The worst symptoms had subsided today, but the child´s condition was reported still to be dangerous. The child was bitten on the left shin by the snake as he was playing barefoot in the dooryard Thursday evening with his dog. He was discovered crying, and when asked if the dog had bitten him, he replied that it wasn´t the dog, but a snake. The child was able to point out the snake and it was promptly dispatched. It was about two feet long. One report is that the child tried to pick the snake up. The child was given treatment by the family physician, but in spite of all that could be done, it continued to grow worse, until it was deemed best to bring it to the hospital here."
The new Bishard bus hauls you to Fort Scott for 50 cents and if you want to come back the same day the round trip will be 75 cents. This is not an advertisement but we feel it is due the public to know they can obtain a rate like this.
Mr. Frank Ramsey and Miss Leona McHenry were married in Fort Scott last Friday. They are now "at home" on the Lute Ramsey farm.
August 28, 1924
Sherman Ramsey is counting on 75 bushels of corn to the acre on his farm this year says it´s the best crop he ever had. Johnnie Ramsey has a fine field from which he expects to get 60 bushels to the acre.
Miss Grace Kirker will attend Baker University the coming school year.
September 4, 1924
Mrs. Olive Roweth-Oskee (Mrs. Mark Oskee) and Miss Mildred Ramsey are teachers in the Uniontown schools.
The mayor has appointed Samuel Bolyard Police Judge. The appointment is a good one for Mr. Bolyard (excepting Banker Holt) knows more law than any man in Uniontown.
September 11, 1924
Raymond Holt, of Wheeler, Texas, is visiting relatives here.
September 18, 1924
Mrs. Jos. Holt has been bed fast for the past week but is some improved.
Died: Mrs. Jane Brown of Dry Ridge neighborhood. Born Jane Perkins in Bourbon County in 1853. Married to Clay. A. Brown, 1889.
September 25, 1924
James McKinnis and family of Stonington, Colo., arrived Sunday afternoon for a visit with their relatives and old friends.
We understand C. W. Bayless and family will occupy the McKinnis residence just south of the square as soon as Mr. McKinnis can get moved into his new residence.
S. McKinnis is remodeling one of the buildings he purchased of Mrs. Waters and will use it for a garage.
Hiattville State Bank was robbed.
The copperhead snake seems to be the only reptile that is after the human being this year. There have been a number of people bitten during the last few months.
October 2, 1924
Banker Holt gave the finest prize of any at the fair it being a fine Elgin watch valued at $50. Barber George DeLong held the winning number and is the proudest man in town. This is the first watch he ever owned.
Among the Iola visitors at the fair last Thursday were E. O. Morris and J. W. Tennyson, both former residents. Mr. Morris is engaged in the new and second hand business in Iola and reports a good business. Mr. Tennyson conducts a collection agency.
Jas. McKinnis and family returned to their home at Stonington, Colorado last Monday.
Harvey McKinnis visited his parents and attended the fair.
Miss Irene Duerson held the lucky coupon that won the silverware offered by the Woolsey Music House.
October 16, 1924
Died: Mary Louisa Hitt, born Haswell County, Illinois March 29, 1837, died Xenia, Kansas. Married in Illinois to Charles Thomas McQueen in 1855, who died during the civil war. Mother of Mrs. Josie Anderson of Xenia. To Kansas 1872. Buried Turkey Creek.
A wedding not entirely unexpected occurred last Sunday when Mr. Charley McKinnis and Miss Lottie Cowan were married at Arcadia. Mr. McKinnis secured his license Saturday afternoon and Sunday the couple accompanied by Mr. Clark and Miss Roberts, started out to find a suitable place to have the knot tied. Arcadia seemed just the right location and so they were married. They are both "home-grown," popular and deserving and we join their many friends in extending best wishes.
USB display add is titled "Ever Been Sick"
Banker Holt is up and going good again.
Octob er 23, 1924
Just at present, S. McKinnis and wife are having to sleep in their garage. Painters are at work in the new home and the odor is such that sleeping there is out of the question.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKinnis, newlyweds, will occupy the H. V. Cowan farm next year.
October 30, 1924
Reception for Newly-Weds
On October 12th a reception was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Cowan in honor of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McKinnis, newly-weds. Many beautiful and useful presents were received of which the bride and groom are very proud. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served. Those presents were: Mr. and Mrs. S. McKinnis, Mr. and Mrs. Milt MckInnis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Holt and son, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kent and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Underwood and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rolla Mason and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Duerson and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith and daughter, Mrs. Blanche Johnson and sons, Mrs. Cora Cowan, Grandma Cowan, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cowan and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cowan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Will McCallister, Mrs. Osee Thompson, Mr. Alton Clark, Miss Ellen Roberts, Mr. Ray Cowan, Mr. Marshal Poore, Miss Priscilla Asbury. The evening was spent in music and social chat and at a late hour they all departed, wishing Charlie and Lottie a long and happy life.
Well, Mr. McKinnis and wife have finally gotten all their belongings into the new home and seem happy. Mac tried out the heating plant one evening last week and got such good results on short notice that he was almost compelled to vacate.
November 6, 1924
RECORD OF BANK FAILURES GROWS Bank failures in the first six months of 1924 were nearly three times as numerous as the bank failures during the entire last three years of the second Wilson administration.
Jesse Kent is a firm believer in the saying: "To the victor belongs the spoils." He had a good job under the Gov. Davis administration at the Soliders Home at Fort Dodge. Having learned that the governonr lacked several votes of re-election, Jesse has handed in his resignation and is headed for home.
S. McKinnis has moved his large barn from its former location on Sherman street to his lately completed residence property at the northwest corner of the square.
Sherman Ramsey estimates his corn crop at 2500 bushels. He has a force of men gathering it.
November 20, 1924
Uniontown had much excitement Sunday night . . . Officers Kerlee and Ramsey get two (car thieves) here Sunday night!
Dr. Lambeth, who used to live at Bronson and had a large practice here, suffered being slugged one night last week. The Moran Herald tells about it in the following:Dr. George Lambeth was slugged a week ago Wednesday evening by a man whom he caught in the act of stealing tires off his car in the garage at his home . . . The robber escaped .
Arthur Duerson and wife, of Chanute are both reported to be seriously ill.
Turkey Creek
Miss Rena Ruthrauff spent Saturday and Sunday at Ed Hartman´s.
November 27, 1924
Turkey Creek news
As Ruth McKinnis was coming home from Fort Scott Friday evening she lost her suit case containing her clothes, but she was lucky in getting it as an honest person found it.
Eddie Holt is reported as one of those on the sick list.
December 4, 1924
M. E. Holt Dead
Death Came Suddenly Sunday Morning, November 30, 1924
The funeral for Miles E. Holt was held at the M. E. church Tuesday, December 2, at 2:30 p. m.. . The pall bearers were four brothers, D. E. Holt, Wheeler, Texas; R. B. Holt, Stonington, Colo.; H. W. Holt, Parkville, Mo., M. M. Holt, Uniontown, Kans., and two sons, Samuel and Edward Holt. Miles E. Holt was the second son of the late Samuel Holt and was born January 11, 1872 and died November 30, 1924.. . Left to mourn their loss are his wife, two sons, five daughters, five brothers and one sister. . .
Dr. George Lambeth and wife and J. W. Tennyson, cousins of the late M. E. Holt, who were here to attend the funeral, have returned to their homes in Iola.
USB Display ad:
A Card of Thanks
To our many friends We wish to thank our many friends for the many courtesies shown us and the family of M. E. Holt during this, the sad hours of their lives. Many offered their services in so many innumerable ways, including places to sleep and rest for relatives coming from four different states. No one knows the value of true friendship. To the Children You have lost your good father; his work is done. His advice given you will always be remembered. You have done all you could possibly have done for him, and now you will all give your undivided attention to your faithful mother. Union State Bank
December 11, 1924
Eddie Holt is afflicted with appendicitis and was taken to a hospital in Iola last week and underwent an operation last Saturday. He is improving rapidly.
December 18, 1924
Miss Ruth McKinnis is reported very ill with the flu.
Mrs. Osee Thompson went to Fort Scott Sunday morning, where she will remain and care for Miss Ruth McKinnis, who has been taken to a hospital there suffering with flu.
Indications are that we are to have another siege of the flu equal to that of about five years ago though in a more violent form. Dr. Miller is alarmed to the extent that he has advised closing the schools and says that no public gathering should be permitted.
Well, Jesse Kent is still hanging on to that job out at Fort Dodge . .[after he is relieved] Mr. Kent and his wife expect to spend several months in Washington state, visiting their son Fred and family.
Mrs. Hazel Underwood is reported as among those suffering with the flu.
Mrs. Ethel West (nee Ramsey) died at Iola last Friday morning. She has been in poor health for some years but it was not known she was dangerously ill. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Ramsey. She leaves a husband and one son. Her funeral occurred Saturday at Unity church and was largely attended.
Turkey Creek news
The friends of Ruth McKinnis are sorry to hear of her being so sick at the hospital and hope she will soon be well again.
Little Effie McKinnis, who has been very sick the past week is better and also her father is much better.
December 25, 1924
Miss Ruth McKinnis of Uniontown was brought to the Ft. Scott hospital last Monday for treatment. Miss McKinnis was only recently discharged from the hospital; a relapse forcing her return Bourbon News
Fatal auto accident at Turkey Creek bridge. Victim was Mrs. Eva Donoho, 19, of Sedan, N. M.
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