I have a LOT of material I've extracted from the Uniontown papers from microfilm from the Kansas Historical Society. I was interested mostly in the Holt-Ramsey-McKinnis-Kent-Tennison-Duerson names, who are my ancestors, but that covers a great many (more than I realized) of the Uniontown area population. Nancy [Holt] Elofson

Roll U52

Uniontown Cicerone and Redfield Ledger, August 16, 1918 — December 28, 1922 H. M. Brainerd

January 3, 1919

Married: Samuel Heron Cameron and Miss Clara Marie Maxwell

Died: Laura May Koch, born 1887, wife of Archie Wolf. 

Three children, Esther 6, Lawrence 4, Ida May 7 months.

Of flu.

Turkey Creek news:

Mrs. Cora Holt improving.

We are sorry to hear that Herbert Holt has sold his farm and going to leave. We do not know who will move on to his farm.

Mayor Kent, has lots of work now.  He is trying to keep the city fire apparatus from freezing. He doesn´t sit up with the job but puts a good fire in the engine house, every night.

The Union State Bank has lately added to their equipment a large cabinet of safety deposit boxes, all provided with different keys for each box, so that every box customer has his own key.  It will prove mighty handy for a good many people who have valuable papers they wish to keep in a safe place.

January 10, 1919

A Fort Scott man, Mr. Frary, has lost five members of his family from the effects of the flu; also his brother-in-law and wife, have both died from it and there was still another child in that family not expected to live Wednesday.

Public Sale:  H. W. Holt (having sold my farm and am moving to Bronson), 2 Ω mi No. Uniontown:

H. W. Holt, who lately sold his farm to H. V. Cowan, has decided to move his family to Bronson where he owns a nice residence property. He will work for the W. C. Gunn Company out of Fort Scott and will be able to be at home frequently.

Mrs. J. O. Underwood has been in the country most of the week caring for her son, Jay, and family, who are afflicted with flu.

West Bethel news:

Miss Daisy Ramsey spent Sunday with her cousin Bertha Ramsey.

Clarence Ramsey and family visited one day last week with his brother Claude and family.

January 17, 1919

H. W. Holt had a fine day for his sale, Thursday.

Influenza has caused 133 deaths in Kansas up to Monday.

All the bank forces, except Miss Holt, attended the sale Thursday.

Miss Ruth McKinnis is having a vacation this week her school having been closed owing to influenza in the district.

Died: Martha J. Hartman. Obituary:One of the oldest settlers of Bourbon County, passed away at her home in this city, January 12th.  She was the wife of John H. Hartman, who died 5 years ago at the age of 92.  They had lived here since the civil war, she being one of the few women who had the privilege of accompanying their husbands during the war.  She leaves two children, Frank Hartman and Margaret Kerns, both of this city. Also 13 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren.  She remembered everything to the last.  Her eyesight was like youth so with her departure Uniontown loses one of the best of mothers and neighbors and we all mourn her loss.

Roy McKinnis was taken to Ft. Scott, Monday, where doctors used the X-Ray machine in an effort to determine what was the matter with one of his shoulders.

Turkey Creek news:

Mrs. Cora Holt does not improve as fast as her friends would like her to.

Sunday morning we heard the sad news that Aunt Martha Hartman had passed away — she has been very poorly for some time and took pneumonia. Every one knew Aunt Martha as she was called and she will be missed by everyone as she always had a joke to tell and was good natured. We extend our sympathy to the family.

Paint Creek news:

Died: Floyd Hamm, 4, Redfield, followed four days later by his mother Mrs. Carl Hamm, of influenza and pneumonia. Buried Mount Zion.

January 24, 1919

Rockford Valley news: 

Several from this locality attended the sale of Mr. Holt´s Thursday.

Paint Creek news:

Mr. and Mrs. Will Russell and children visited at Roy McKinnis´ Sunday.

Public Sale, P. B. Dolan, 5 mi.  S Uniontown, Cols. Duerson & Harlan, Auctioneers, L. E. Holt, Clerk

Col. Duerson was here from Bronson over last Monday and had a fine business listing a total of eight public sales which he will cry during this and the coming month.

January 31, 1919

Letter from Mrs. Alta Jones [Mrs. Shannon Jones]  of Modesto, California to Mrs. Daisy Holt — glad that Holt family were well, much flu there.

February 7, 1919

Some little time ago, there was born on the McKinnis farm a Holstein calf, which weighed an even one hundred and twenty pounds when not over an hour old.

H. W. Holt, expects to get his family moved to Bronson sometime during the next week.

Wesley Hartman was purchaser of a Graphanola piano.

Turkey Creek news:

Maggie Holt spent Friday night in Bronson with her father.

Ms. Cora Holt better.

Joe Holt and family visited at Mr. Kennedy, Sunday, at Devon.

February 14, 1919

Jake Underwood says the crop of peaches this year will be very small as the buds were blighted by the late freeze.

S. McKinnis offers 240 acres 7 miles south of Uniontown, M. E. Holt offers hay and horses for sale.

Died: Owen B. Mason. Age 77. Born 1842. To Bourbon County as a small boy, enlisted in the 10th Kansas Infantry at 19.

Moved to Modesto, California with daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Jones. 7 children O. R. Mason of Kansas City, Sherman of Cheyenne Wells, Colorado, H. B. and George of Reymond, California, Grace and Mrs. Shannon Jones of Modesto, California, and Mabel Perry of San Jose, California.  Also brother A. S. Mason of Rockford Valley and Mrs. Wm. Jackman of Savonburg.

Public Sale:  2 mi W. Petersburg, C. O. Cowan, Col. s Duerson & Harlin, L. E. Holt   (items include a croquet set)

February 21, 1919

Public Sale: E. O. Wright, 1 mi E 4 Ω mi S Uniontown

Turkey Creek:  Morris Holt left for Springfield, Colorado Saturday for a two weeks visit.

Mrs. Maggie Holt spent Monday afternoon with Creta and Mary Hartman.

Mr. W. H. George and family and Marshal Holt and family visited at Roy Neville´s Sunday.

Marshal Holt, Mr. Hillman, Herald Neville and Craig Bowles sold horses to Mr. Brennem, Monday.

Married: Ref. R. G. Anderson pastor of Methodist Church of Uniontown to Miss Evelyn Fern Hunt, teacher of English in the Uniontown High School.  Married by president of Baker University.

Married: Mr. Walter Ramsey to Miss Josie Smith. 

February 28, 1919

Wolf drive organized, including Bronson, Uniontown, Fairview, Petersburg, Dry Ridge, Berlin and other points.  S. McKinnis, John Hartman, and R. L. Kent are captains of the East section, Lute Ramsey a captain of the West section.

The McKinnis boys captured two good sized wolves near their farm last Sunday. Reports are coming in every day of these pests being caught but it seems there are so many this year that there is no evident decrease.

Turkey Creek news:

Mrs. Eva Neville and Maggie Holt spent last Wednesday with Mrs. Marshal Holt.

Ed Hartman, Willis Wells and Marshal Holt helped Herbert Holt move to Bronson, Monday.

Joe Holt received a telegram Monday saying his son, Morris, was sick at Stonington, Col.  He left for Stonington, Tuesday noon.

Election proclamation signed J. L. Kent, Mayor

Died: Samuel Wright, 69, 6 mi. north of Uniontown.  Native of Indiana. Daughter Mrs. Sackett. Of general debility.

Frank Weyant, Company G 137th Infantry 35th Division has returned from overseas and received discharge at Funston.  Received a foot wound from a machine gun in the Argonne Forest.

March 7, 1919

Lately there has been much talk of electricity for the city and it may develop into some real action being taken.

H. W. Holt was in town Monday.  He now has his family permanently llocated in Bronson.  He expects to return to his old position with the W. C. Gunn Company in Ft. Scott, soon.

Sheridan Ramsey was a business visitor to Redfield Tuesday.

Jos. Holt and wife left Saturday noon for Stonington, Colo., called there by the serious illness of their son, Maurice, who lately went out there to take a position in Bronson Holt´s bank.

Died: Count Sobieski Steele, 84, of senile decay.  One of the oldest settlers of Bourbon County.  Born New York, married Elizabeth Collins 1858, to Bourbon County 1858. Second wife Emma R. Pullian. Four daughters.

Died: Maurice Holt. World has been received that Maurice Holt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Holt, is dead at Stonington, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Holt left for that place last Saturday and were at his bedside when the end came.  Report has it that death was caused from scarlet fever and that it may not be possible for the parents to bring the remains home for internment. Everybody in this section extend their sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Holt.

Public Sale, Uniontown, W. A. Hite

Rules and Regulations of the Uniontown Library — dues $1.00 per year.

March 14, 1919

S. McKinnis, Bankers L. E. Holt and Bronson Holt were all in Kansas City Tuesday where they took Roy McKinnis to a specialist to determine the cause and cure of an affliction of one of his shoulders.

Rolla Ramsey is among the soliders arriving home this week.

Bronson Holt, who is here visiting, was one of those Colorado people who went through a siege of the flu.  He lost 25 pounds in less than a week and has not yet began to gain it back again.

The remains of Maurice Holt who died at Stonington, Colo. Were received here last Friday night, and were interred in the Uniontown cemetery Saturday afternoon at 2:30.  Owing to the extremely sad affair and the prominence of the family there was a large crowd in attendance.  The young man died of scarlet fever, which, being a contagious disease, it was necessary to use a metallic casket and wrap the body in disinfectants before it could be shipped home.  This precaution prevented the opening of the casket after it was sealed, and for that reason none were permitted to view the remains.  With their hosts of friends we join in extending our sympathy to the afflicted parents, other relatives and friends.

The wolf hunt advertised for last Saturday did not come up to expectations. It was a miserable day, muddy and rainy, and the drive was not the fun it was thought it would be. One wolf a big one, however, was caught, which will help some anyhow.

Bronson Holt wife and son of Stonington, Colo. Were here to attend the funeral of Maurice Holt last Saturday.

Notice. I have succeeded Fred L. Kent in the insurance business . . . A. A. Stiers

March 21, 1919

J. L. Kent re-elected mayor.

Feed for sale — L. E. Holt

Col. Duerson to Flagler, Colo to clerk a big sale.

Ramsey residence occupied by L. S. Millan, the new barber.

H. E. Duerson and family visited the tractor show on Thursday afternoon.

Died: Lydia Embry, 19, Mapleton, of tuberculosis. 

March 28, 1919

Mrs. Cora Scharf and baby, of Gregory, S. D. are here to visit with her mother and other relatives.

Married: Ira Steele to Miss Bessie Marie Brainerd

The young folks who went out to serenade the newlyweds Monday night, met up with some bad results.  Miss H

. lmes feel into a pit and received a few scratches, likewise Bob Read. Miss Ramsey got out with the hogs and suffered a few bruises by falling in the trough. Others were more or less maimed and mangled. The Steele farm is not lighted with electricity and it was an extremely dark night. Everybody had a good time, anyhow.

Sammie Holt and sister, Miss Grace are in Ft. Scott today.

April 4, 1919

Surveyors for rock road from Woods cemetery on west to the Allen County line.

Died: Veach Byers, Redfield, old resident of this section.  Buried Hatch cemetery.

Married: Charles Smith to Ruth McKinnis

Miss Ruth McKinnis, fourth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. McKinns, and Mr. Charles Smith drove to Ft. Scott last Saturday afternoon and were united in marriage by Probate Judge Crider.  The young folks returned to the home of the groom on the H. V. Cowan farm, where they expect to make their home for this year, at least. They are among our best young people and we extend hearty congratuiations.

Married: William Rhoton to Evelyn McHenry. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert McHenry.

Willie Johnson and wife and Sheridan Ramsey and wife were all in Ft. Scott Saturday afternoon.

April 11, 1919

Union State Bank masthead reads:  About Sixty Days Until Harvest!  Are you prepared for it?  Seasons are not all alike - - - Union State Bank.

Father and Son banquet given at Baptist church:

Mayor Kent, first speaker, made one of the best speeches he ever made. Several other speakers, including L. E. Holt:

Banker L. E. Holt was one of the speakers.  Below are a few extracts from his talk, which has been the sign posts on the road he has been trying to follow through life. They may be of some benefit to some one who might get started the wrong road.  In traveling, a marked road is a great help.

Tell the truth in all your dealings.  Trickery don´t pay. 

Cultivate good habits.  It don´t cost anything and pays well.

Gambling has a fascination that is apt to grow on us and ninety nine cases out of a hundred is not profitable.  So I would advise you boys to not get in the habit of gambling.

Swearing is another useless habit.  It won´t make you any money but it might lose you money or a good job. One thing certain, it won´t buy you anything.

Do not misunderstand me to say that people who have bad habits are bad people. No man or boy is perfect, but if he tries he can cut a good many of the bad things in life.

Be industrious.  Laziness is not good for you or anyone else.  It may land you in the poorhouse.

Do not get discouraged and do not worry.  Both will get you old long before you should be.

Help your parents in every way you can.  Do not ask them to do so many things for you, but see if there isn´t something you can do for them.

Save a part of what you earn but don´t be a miser.

It is not what you can do, but what you do do , that counts.

If you should ever hire any help, try to help them.

If you should work for others, try to make more for them than you earn.

Boys, I have a boy,and just a few years ago was a boy myself. Your fathers were boys too, and know what boys used to do for fun and know how they lived and how hard they had to work. They were just like the boys that you see every day.  These same boys now are owners of large farms and have lots of cattle and horses and mules and are enjoying life.  They had no more than you have when they were your age.

Every one of you can be better off than your fathers, when you are old as they, if you will only make an effort.

If I would talk to you a month it would do no good unless you did something. Things are more easily said than done.

Dodge car for sale:  Almost new Dodge car, run less than 300 miles, for sale to quick buyer. Has all the latest equipment, good tires, and has been used very little.  Reason for selling, do not understand it and have no one to learn me. E. C. Julian

Banker Zimmerman and Mayor Noble of Bronson bought Mrs. Zimmerman´s car for $1,050.

Fair meeting:  S. McKinnis on Board of Managers

It was reported that the town of Pawnee was destroyed by fire during the storm Tuesday night.

Died: Jack Lasater (Uncle Jack) — came to this section many years ago.

Oil and Gas Company formed, capital $2,500, will drill on the Wolf farm. Siegel McKinnis on Board of Directors.

April 18, 1919

Reception given by S. S. Smith and wife for son Charles and bride [Note: Ruth McKinnis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Siegel McKinnis]. Among guests (with gifts listed):Mr. and Mrs. Siegel McKinnis — bedspread, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McKinnis — aluminum teakettle, Mr. and Mrs. Milt McKinnis — aluminum teapot, Rena Joyce and Tom Hartman — tablecloth, Grace and Mary Holt — set of plates, Mr. and Mrs. Emet Holt — aluminum kettle, Mr. and Mrs. Will Russell — aluminum percolator, Rosa McKinnis — set water glasses, Mr and Mrs. Jay Underwood — pig, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kent — six hens.

At a bridal shower for Mr. and Mrs. Rhoton, guests included Rosie McKinnis, Grace Holt, Mary Holt, Sammy Holt, Eddie Holt

T. B. Kent subscribed to the Cicerone, with note about subscription being cut off because of war rules (had not paid as required?)

Fire at home of the editor, put out by quick action of Thomas Hartman and Mrs. Alta Underwood.

April 25, 1919

A Sixty Thousand Dollar Deal

S. McKinnis closed a transaction Wednesday in which he disposed of his fine farm west of town for a consideration of sixty thousand dollars. The purchaser is a Mr. Lane, the gentleman who lately purchased the old Dr. Fulton 700-acre farm. All the cattle, horses, mules, hogs, poultry, and all the farming implements were also taken in the sale, so that it was a complete "clean up" so far as farming is concerned. Mr. McKinnis has reserved only his city residence, his cars and a 25-acre tract of wheat on the Julian farm. After school closes he will take a trip to Colorado, where his son Harvey, will enter a bnak to learn the business with his brother, J. K.  From there he will visit in Texas and Oklahoma, looking over that country, but says he expects to always claim Uniontown as his home, which makes us all glad, because Uniontown cannot afford to lose S. McKinnis.

Married: Mr. Ralph McAfee to Miss Addie Hartman

S. McKinnis has had workmen cut out a lot of dead limbs on the trees at his house.

Mayor Kent is the "handyman" in this town.  He handles the meat market, the hardware, the cafÈ and in fact almost any business the owner wants to be away for a day. It will be alright so long as Doc Miller don´t ask for a day off when we´re full of flu.

May 2, 1919

Commencement: address by Mayor Kent

New Cicerone subscribers:  A. C. Hartman, Jake Ramsey, Jay Underwood, Roy McKinnis, Wesley Hartman, Daisy Ramsey

H. W. Holt of Bronson was in town Wednesday.

S. McKinnis left for a visit to Kansas City and elsewhere in Missouri.

May 9, 1919

D. E. Holt and wife of Wheeler Texas are here this week visiting relatives.

Married: Glen R. Griffith to Grace M. Konantz, parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Konantz, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Griffith

Eighty-five thousand German helmets, captured by allied troops in Coblenz, are to be awarded as prizes by Federal district committees in the Victory Liberty loan campaign.  They will be given to Victory note salesmen making the best selling records under competition in counties and cities.

May 16, 1919

The Union State Bank has received one of the German helmets and has it on exhibition in their front window.  The lining shows much wear, so we guess it is a genuine sure enough German helmet.

Ad: BUY THIS BARGAIN — a fine farm on Turkey Creek, where all the Holt´s Hartman´s, Palmer´s, Kirkers and many others you know, became wealthy is now on the market at $77 per acre.  See the editor.

Col. J. B. Cuerson is regaining strength after his long weakness following his attack of the flu.  Tho he is not yet his old self.  He contemplates taking a trip to Arkansas or maybe to California for a rest — from Bronson Pilot

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Adrain Cash, daughter.

Born, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wiggans, son

Born: Mr and Mrs. Lee Shull, daughter

Born, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vanlandingham, daughter

E. T. Holeman and Dick Holt were business visitors in Kansas City last week.

May 23, 1919

Born: Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Earnest, son

Card from Fred Kent received with his street number.

Banker Holt and family and W. A. Hite and family were all in Fort Scott Sat.

Mrs. A. F. Hartman has lately been visiting her daughter Mrs. Olga Kerns at St. Joe, Mo.

S. McKinnis Vice President and J. L. Kent Secretary of Uniontown Oil and Gas Company.

Union State Bank Financial - $206,651.77, L. E. Holt Cashier, M. E. Holt, M. M. Holt, L. E. Holt Directors

May 30, 1919

Major story — Fred Anderson, brother of Uncle Jake Anderson, assaulted and knocked unconscious in his work at the State Reformatory at Hutchinson.

The Draper farm has been sold this week to a gentleman of Rich Hill, Mo., S. McKinnis was the agent and pulled down a real nice commission.

June 6, 1919

Mrs. S. McKinnis visited friends in Iola, Monday.

Banker Holt and S. McKinnis left Monday for Springfield, Colo, where they went to visit with Sam Holt, cashier of the bank there, who has been in poor health for sometime.

June 13, 1919

Last census, Uniontown gained 108 population, Bronson last 50, Redfield gained 16.

Mrs. Rose Kent just returned from a visit to relatives near Savonburg. While there she attended the Savonburg Chatauqua and reports it the finest ever . . .

Fred Kent is reported to be quite sick from what appears to be blood poisoning. He was just lately vaccinated but it didn´t "take".  Doctors say his present trouble was caused by this.

Banker Holt and S. McKinnis returned from their visit to Colorado.

Married: Wayne Abbott to Miss Opal Ramsey

June 20, 1919

One of Roy McKinnis´ horses died from heat Wednesday while at work in the harvest field.  Horses, generally, are reported "soft" and not able to stand the heat this season. The reason is said to be that we have more moisture than usual.

Ira Jones and S. McKinnis went to Kansas City Wednesday night, were Mr. Jones expected to purchase a complete threshing outfit.

S. McKinnis is the sales agent for this section for several fine tracts of Texas land.

Willie Johnson, wife and children and Mrs. Sheridan Ramsey were in Ft. Scott, Wednesday.

Banker Holt and Rev. Anderson are among the town men helping with the harvest.

Cashier Sam Holt, of the Springfield, Colorado State Bank was here over Tuesday visiting relatives.  He was accompanied by his son.

June 27, 1919

Mr. Cutler disposed of his farm to Perley Wells, S. McKinnis pulls down another nice commission.

Died: Harry H. Winn, 46 of accidental gunshot while hunting, pulling gun through fence. — from Hepler

Dr. George Lambeth has decided to locate in Bronson for the practice of his profession; that being his location before enlisting in army service — from Moran Herald

S. McKinnis made another good real estate deal Thursday afternoon when he sold the Mueller farm to Leonard Tanner of the Mapleton neighborhood . . $75 per acre.

July 4, 1919

Miss Winifred Hartman and Miss Anna Moore are taking care of the telephone office in Mrs. Dark´s absence.

Both S. McKinnis and Ed. McHenry expected to finish the job of threshing their wheat crops yesterday.  The yield is reported good at both places.

Robert Wells, 26 year old son of Willis Wells, appointed undersheriff after serving in France.

Banker Holt and Geo. Barlow have secured a ferris wheel and will try to save the wheat crop on the banker´s wife´s farm west of town.

July 11, 1919

Miss Maud Ramsey has mastered the art of driving a car and is in town quite frequently.

Public Sale:  household goods and house, J. M. Kerns.  Includes one victrola with 29 pieces of music.

The little baby of Mr. and Mrs. Glee West is reported dangerously ill.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Jay Underwood, son, 11 pounds.

Married: Mr. Post to Miss McHenry

Notice of election to create Rural High School district, Redfield.

July 18, 1919

S. McKinnis and family started to Colorado Monday for a two weeks visit with relatives.

Another farm deal, Mrs. E. C. Julian sold her Paint Creek farm to L. L. Lambert for $50 per acre, S. McKinnis made the deal.

Walter and Archie Wolf, J. W. Hartman, Roy McKinnis and Ira Steele have this week purchased tractors through the Goodlander & Konantz agency,.

Chatauqua Boosters:  Maud Ramsey, I. M. Duerson, Mrs. M. Ramsey, Thomas Hartman, G. L. Ramsey, M. L. Ramsey, Frank Wyant, Sherm Ramsey, J. L. Kent, A. F. Hartman, Miss Myrtie Bryant, Joe Holt, Roy McKinnis, Milt McKinnis, Fred Ramsey, J. W. Hartman, M. M. Holt

July 25, 1919

Group gathered to welcome Fred Tippie home to Elsmore from overseas included Alva Hartman and family, J. Hartman and family, Ed Hartman and family, Wesley Hartman and family.

Additional Chatauqua booster:  R. W. Ramsey

Banker Holt has spent most of his time during the past month in the harvest field helping everybody he could.

August 1, 1919

H. W. Holt was here from Bronson, Wednesday.  He has been working at Pittsburg but got sick and came home for a short rest.

A Bad Accident — G. N. Beaman, who with Ira Jones, operates a threshing machine, met with a serious accident last Wednesday about noon. One of his arms was caught in the machine . . . hurried to town in a car, taken with Dr. Miller to Fort Scott where a surgeon was waiting.  Not much hope for his recovery.

August 8, 1919

Our Bank´s Birthday

Union State Bank Established 18 Years Ago

By L. E. Holt, Cashier

Eighteen short years ago we began banking In Uniontown and to us they were very short years.  To look forward, eighteen years is a long time, but to look backward, it seems but a few weeks.

We might mention a few things of interest.  Our first depositer, R. L. Kent, is still living in Uniontown. The first checks paid were drawn by H. M. Griffith, who was shipping hogs on August 1, 1901. He is living in Uniontown.

With the exception of one stockholder, every stockholder, in this bank was born and raised in Marion Township.

Many of our depositors at the present time were babies in their mothers arms when the bank was started.  Many boys and girls who were going to school at the time when we began business, now among our most prosperous farmers.  We do not like to say that we were the means of our people´s success, but have always had a deep interest in their welfare.

The old people who are still around here are doing business with us, and it is needless for us to say we take a special pride in their welfare. Many of them are gone, such as Mr. Ledbrook, Mr. Moore, Mr. Kent, Mr. Griffith, Mr. Hartman, Mr. Cowan, Mr. Lasater, Mr. Hollingshead, Mr. Eves, Some of the Anderson family, Mr. Teague, Mr. Britton, and many others including our own father and mother, and all of the older Ramseys such as Austin Ramsey, Uncle R. H. Ramsey, leaving but two of the older set of the Ramsey´s and none of the older set of Holt´s left. Some of the older residents widows are still with us and proud to say they are customers of ours. Since writing the above we recall many others of our older customers who have passed and gone, such as Mr. Julian and others.

We might say that the Cashier who began serving the banks customers on the morning of August 1, 1901 is still serving our customers.  At the beginning, he did all the work in the bank with pen ink, but now has two assistants, with two adding machines, one being a posting machine which posts the books, posts statements and all of the book work. Pass books are used only as a convenient receipt book.  A machine is used for dating and printing your name on your statement and addressing your envelopes.  This is all done more quickly than an envelope could be inserted in a typewriter. We now have steel cabinets and safety deposit boxes for keeping valuable papers.

Our help has always been the best, and they were all home grown, and known how to work. We are proud of every one of them.

Practically all of our present business men have been with us since our banks tarted. They might not be in the same business but they are with us and ever.

We might mention a few things that has happened or transpired. We might say that Uniontown has a Fair that is a credit to many large . . . . [illegible] awake people who know how to do, and do it. We have a lumber yard, two grain elevators, one of which makes a specialty of all kinds of grains, hay and seeds.  We have two good general stores, who look after the interest of our community, two good hardware stores, one barber shop, two confectioneries, one restaurant, two garages, doctors office, two churches, one telephone exchange, boarding houses, etc. also one bank with over two hundred thousand dollars in deposits. One complete job printing office, one newspaper completely equipped with a machine which makes the type and sets them same as is used in large cities.  Might add we have one of the best undertaking establishments in the state.  Our schools are among the best.

We might say that since we have been in business in Uniontown that the automobile was invented also the pneumatic tire, the flying machine, the truck, the tractor, and the storage battery.  The book-keeping machine and type setting machine are late inventions.

A few things have been done, such as building the Panama canal; a great war has been fought and won, and a great debt has been placed on the people of many nations. Our bonded debt has been increased from two billion to twenty-six billion, several billions are due us from foreign countries.  Uniontown and vicinity has always carried their portion of the war debts an other patriotic duties.

When one looks back over eighteen years, and then on back to the time he roamed the prairies for miles, and miles he should thank his creator and his friends and be thankful for the blessing bestowed upon . . . owe our success to . . . want our customers to claim their share of the credit for our success.

We thank you.

Walter Ramsey has purchased the residence property where Ira Jones now resides.

J. O. Davee of Redfield, was here Monday.

Public Sales H. E. CChambers, M. J. Bates

August 15, 1919

Died: Claud Jones, about 30 son of A. H. Jones, Redfield, boating accident in Eldorado.

D. E. Holt and son of Olustee, Oklahoma arrived last Saturday for a short visit with their brother and uncle, Joe Holt and family, north of town.

Public Sale J. H. Mueller:

Died: Mrs. Lottie Smith, wife of Henry Smith, a pioneer farmer of the Rockford Valley neighborhood. Sons Henry and Samue, daughters Mrs. George Cowan and Mrs. Harry Cowan. 

Public Sale:  Marvin Burriess, at Redfield, at what is known as the Francis Ramsey property.

August 22, 1919

Dentist Ramsey at Dr. Miller´s office, daily except Sunday.

The Fair Book is out and in the hands of the people all over the county. J. L. Kent, by auto, has spent most of the week distributing the books and much other advertising.

S. McKinnis and H. M. Griffith will represent Uniontown on the dairy excursion to Wisconsin.

Public Sale:  G. H. Bolinger.

Ad for Dr. A. L. Ramsey, DENTIST, Uniontown, Kansas

Turkey Creek news:

Hurbert and Verle Holt visited relatives and friends on the Creek Saturday afternoon.

August 29, 1919

Born: Mr. and Mrs. John Sessler, son, 11 Ω pounds

Sheridan Ramsey left Tuesday for Western Kansas and Colorado points to be absent three weeks visiting relatives.

There will be an all day meeting next Sunday at Unity church west of town. . .

A boomlet has hit Uniontown right between the eyes.  It is confined to residence property and the prices being paid are astonishing and several people have made pretty fair money on their investment.  (example, $1,200 to $2,000 in five months).

Public Sale:  Fred Hall

Turkey Creek news:  Mrs. Maggie Holt was called to Bronson Sunday to be at the bedide of her father. He passed away at 7 p. m.

Died: Michael Bowers, born 1835, Bourbon County pioneer in MillCreek township near Berlin."Of noble character"Three sons, John, Will, Robert, five daughters Miss Samantha, Mrs. A. T. Duzan, Mrs. Joseph Holt, Mrs. D. E. Holt, Mrs. R. B. Holt. Buried Bronson. It is expected that remains of Mrs. Bowers and one daughter who passed away several years ago and were buried in Walnut Hill cemetery will be moved and placed by the side of husband and father.

September 5, 1919

J. L. Kent, Harvey and Mrs. S. McKinnis all attended the Iola fair Wednesday.

At the last minute, so to speak Dr. Miller and Banker Holt, concluded to join the dairy excursion to Wisconsin.

Turkey Creek news:

Misses Alice and Iva and Eddie Holt spent Saturday night and Sunday with their sister Mrs. Herschel George, at Redfield.

Miss Edith Hartman´s party guests included:  Mary Hartman, Grace Holt, Ruth McKinnis, Sam and Eddie Holt, Charles McKinnis

Public Auction:  W. W. Gentry

September 12, 1919

Turkey Creek news:

Mr. Joe Holt and family spent Sunday with Bill Bowers north of Bronson.

Mrs. Cora Holt´s friends sympathize with her in the loss of her sister, Alice, who was buried Monday [daughter of S. Bolyard?]

Jim McKinns and family , of Stonington, Colora., came in Sunday afternoon to be present at the fair.

Siegel McKinnis offered $100 for 20 head of Holsteins at one of the Greene county farms.  The owner held them at 110.  Perhaps we shall see again in Bourbon County many of the dairy cows seen here today — From Dairy Trip Cow Bell.

September 18, 1919 (changed from Friday to Thursday)

J Shoemaker Goes Up

Two Thousand Feet In Air — Description of ride over Uniontown in airplane.

Sammy Holt is taking his vacation in Colorado having started Monday in company with Jas. McKinnis for Springfield.  Mrs. McKinnis went as far as Wichita by rail and waited there for her husband and then finished her journey by car.

Died: Alice Irene Schmacher, 31, Seattle, daughter of Mrs. S. Bolyard, sister of J. S., S. F. , A. E. Bolyard and Mrs. M. E. Holt, Mrs. J. J. Hubbard and Mrs. J. B. Cooper. Buried Uniontown

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Fay Keith, daughter

Pulic Sale:  Henry Counts

Turkey Creek:

Mrs. Cora Holt is entertaining relatives, her sisters from Oklahoma

Joe Holt and family visited with Ray Smith´s, at Bronson, Sunday

Born: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mueller, daughter

Ots Barnhard and wife and G. Ramsey and family all left Wednesday for an outing in the West — the former to California and the latter to Colorado. The Ford is carrying both parties.

Charley Smith also took in the sights by air plane during the fair.

Public Sale:  H. Wray, H. Vanarsdale

September 25, 1919

Telephone company forced to seek new quarters for central office owing to Mrs. Dark selling her residence property.

H. W. Holt was here from his home in Bronson, Saturday.

Public Sale:  J. A. Rhoton

October 2, 1919

Tommy Hartman has gone to California, where a good position awaits him.

S. A. Chandler expects to remove to Nebraska after he has his sale October 14th.

Public Sale:  W. E. Wormley

Sherd Ramsey and wife came up from Uniontown Saturday.  Mrs. Ramsey remained several days to visit her sister, Mrs. Ritter. Bronson Pilot

Born: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hull, daughter, 10 pounds

Public Sale:  W. W. Wells

Public Sale:  Jacob Jacobson

Public Sale:  S. A. Chandler, 4 mi S. 1 Ω mi. W Uniontown

Turkey Creek news:

Mr. Joseph Holt went to Gueda Springs last week to visit his mother, Nancy Holt. He found her very poorly.

Mr. Lute Ramsey and family of up the Marmaton spent Sunday at Mrs. Howertons.

Mr. John Carpenter and daughter Maud and Gip Holt of Hanston, Kansas visited at Willis Wells last week.

Telephone Company Board of Managers elected:  Lute Ramsey, Sherman Ramsey, S. McKinnis listed.

October 9, 1919

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keith, daughter

Mrs. Osee Thompson, of Hepler, was a guest of relatives here Friday.

Uncle Bob Ramsey has moved into his town property, which makes it very convenient for his daughter, Miss Maud, teacher of the primary department in our city schools.

It is announced that Mrs. Osee Thompson, of Hepler, has been secured as chief operator for the Central Telephone office and that her assistant will be Miss Anna Moore.  Both are good, and satisfaction will be general.

G. N. Beaman, badly injured in threshing accident, was able to leave the hospital.

Marshal Holt has sold his farm to Mr. J. M. poor, of Novelty, Mo., who mill move here with his family about Feb. 1st next.  We do not know Mr. Holts intentions.  S. McKinnis made the deal and the price paid was $18,750.

Public Sale:  E. W. Rogers, R. S. Elliott

19 year old, possibly riding rails, cut in two by train near Moran.

Public Sale, J. M. Vaught

October 16, 1919

Claude Ramsey will have his public sale October 29, after which he will move to town and occupy the W. H. Kirker residence lately purchased by him.

Sammy Holt, of the Union State Bank, has returned from his vacation which he spent in Colorado and Texas.  He reports having a fine time and lots of entertainment wherever he went.

October 23, 1919

They Say [column] that S. McKinnis is the "livest" real estate agent that ever graced the profession in this section.

Display Ad:  If you can´t find a farm or ranch to suit you in Kansas or Missouri, write to R. B. Holt, Stonington, Colo, care Colorado State Bank.

October 30, 1919

Too much rain!

The first sale Col. Duerson ever cried was that for S. B. Holt, many years ago.

S. McKinnis returned Wednesday from a business trip to Newkirk, Oklahoma

Public Sale:  John Hula, F. F. McCutcheon, M. W. Northcutt

L. E. Holt has purchased six acres of land, the former site of the Walnut Hill church.

J. F. Coburn recently purchased the barber shop fixtures from Mr. Burt.

Miss Leila Ruthrauff, one of teachers at Uniontown school.

November 6, 1919

Miss Grace Holt went over to Iola, Monday, for a visit with relatives.

Mrs. M. Holt and daughter Grace, and Mrs. D. Shoemaker were visitors to Iola Monday.

Farewell party to Mrs. L. V.  Dark who is moving to Oregon given by  the Methodist Ladies Aid and the O. E. S. Jennie Kent read an original poem full of beautiful thoughts and kindly expressions, entitled "A Parting Shot"

FOR SALE — Two English Bob Hound Pups.  Dam, Juda, full blood Bob Hound.  Sire, full blood Red Bone — Sam´l. Holt, Uniontown, R. F. D.

November 13, 1919

Marshal Holt has his bills out for his sale which will be held Nov. 20th. Asked his future intentions he said he was undecided, but Dr. Miller who was nearby, predicted that Mr. Holt will become a fruit grower in Arkansas, which is a paying business there.

Public Sale:  M. M. Holt, 1 Ω mi. N Ω mi. E Uniontown

Public Sale:  J. G. Frary, Roy Horning

Banker L. E. Holt a visitor to the County Seat.

November 20, 1919

Uniontown High School defeated Bronson in basketball 37-7. Harvey McKinnis might be the best floor guard we have. The girls won 39-21, Alida Hartman (fast and shifty) starred.

Roy McKinnis is at the Mayo clinic for his shoulder problem, which resembles a "Sweeney" such as horses have.

Turkey Creek news:

Ralph McCutcheon is working for Joe Holt

Report is that A. F. Hartman has sold his blacksmith shop to R. B. Mason, of Fort Scott.

Archie Ramsey slipped away to Missouri last week and surprised us all by returning with a young lady who has promised to help him win in all life´s battles. She was Miss Nellie Deane Kelley. The wedding took place at the bride´s home at Anderson, Missouri, Sunday November 9. We extend our best wishes

Public Sale:  H. C. Toothaker

November 27, 1919

Banker Holt and wife entertained M. E. Holt and family at dinner Thanksgiving Day.

Thanksgiving guests at the Albert Hartmans were Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Underwood.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Cowan and family were Thanksgiving guests of Rockford Valley relatives.

December 4, 1919

L. E. Holt, the Uniontown banker, was a Bronson visitor Saturday evening — Bronson Pilot

Married: Thomas Hartman to Grace Tanquarry of Fort Scott

Sale: Late Dr. R. W. Lease, Uniontown

December 18, 1919

John Bowers came down and butchered a beef for Joe Holt

December 25, 1919

Married: Ray Hillman to Lillie Graham

Mrs. J. M. Sample and Mrs. O. E. Ramsey were called to Piqua, Ohio due to the illness of Mrs. Ed Neth, formerly Myrtle Sample.

1918 | 1918 | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS


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