I have a LOT of material I've extracted from the Uniontown papers from microfilm from the Kansas Historical Society. I was interested mostly in the Holt-Ramsey-McKinnis-Kent-Tennison-Duerson names, who are my ancestors, but that covers a great many (more than I realized) of the Uniontown area population. Nancy [Holt] Elofson
Uniontown Cicerone & Redfield Ledger, Reel U53
January 4, 1923
Turkey Creek:
Christmas passed off very quiet on the Creek
M. E. Holt and family and Joseph Bowers spent Christmas with their daughter Mrs. Herschel George.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bowers and Miss Mattie Bowers spent Sunday at Mrs. Joe Holts.
January 18, 1923
Turkey Creek
Sam Holt, wife and twins spent Sunday at M. E. Holts.
January 25, 1923
Turkey Creek
Fred McKinnis visited his friend Howard Wade Sunday.
February 1, 1923
The many friends of Mrs. Hazel Underwood are sorry to hear of her being in very poor health and hope to hear of her being better soon.
February 8, 1923
Turkey Creek
Mr. Duzan and wife of Spring Valley were guests of Joseph Holt and wife.
February 15, 1923
Turkey Creek
Fred McKinnis is out of school this week, being ill with mumps.
Mrs. Cora Holt entertained her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bolyard, Joe Bowers and baby and Sam Holt and family at dinner last Sunday.
February 22, 1923
FAREWELL TO OLD TIMERS Mr. and Mrs. Jesse l. Kent Given a Rousing Farewell Party Last Wednesday Night. (by Royal Neighbors and their husbands. Mr. and Mrs. Kent will leave us next week for Ft. Dodge, where Mr. Kent has a responsible position at the Soldier´s home.
Mrs. J. W. Tennyson lately underwent a surgical operation at Iola. She is reported to be improving.
Uncle Bob Ramsey is among the sick.
March 1, 1923
Sheridan Ramsey went to Redfield Wednesday to see the Rev. Francis Ramsey, who is reported quite ill.
J. L. Kent and wife left Wednesday for Fort Dodge, where they will remain for the next two years, at least.
Both Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ramsey are confined to their home with flu.
Thos. Kent and Charley Williams are among the Rockford Valley people who have the flu.
March 15, 1923
Turkey Creek
Mrs. Cora Holt is at her son´s Sam, helping care for one of the twin boys who is very low with croup.
A Baby Passes On
James Samuel Holt, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Holt, was born on August 22, 1922 and passed on to his eternal home Monday night, March 12, 1923 after a brief illness, aged only 6 months and 18 days. He is survived by his parents, and Milton Lynne, his twin brother. Also by his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Holt and Mr. and Mrs. Siegel McKinnis, and his great grand father, Mr. Samuel Bolyard. Besides these he leaves five uncles, eight aunts and a number of cousins and other relatives.
Oh, how brief the stay, as beautiful as fleeting,
The time, that baby came to dwell with us;
Just long enough to give us a happy greeting,
Just long enough to bid us all farewell.
Funeral services were conducted at the home Wednesday, March 14th, by their pastor, R. D. Webster. [Methodist pastor] There was a beautiful floral offering. A quarteete composed of Mrs. Dr. Miller, Mrs. Anna Hula and Messrs. Konantz and Webster sant "Fade, Fade, Each Earthly Joh," "Asleep in Jesus" and "It is Well".
Obituary Josephine Letitia Tennyson.
Josephine Letitia Atkisson was born in Xenia, Kansas on March 7, 1857 and died in the St. John´s Hospital in Iola, Kansas on March 2, 1923, aged 65 years 11 months and 25 days. Xenia, the place of her birth and happy girlhood days is the most picturesque place in eastern Kansas and rivals in natural beauty the far famed Ozarks in Missouri . . . She crossed the plains in a wagon train at seven years of age, when at Ft. Bridger, Wyo., her mother died and was buried in the National Cemetery. The father united in marriage again when she was twelve years old. She was the oldest of eleven children, of which four brothers and five sisters are still living. . . . On February 7, 1875 she was united in marriage to J. W. Tennyson at Xenia, Kansas. They lived on the Tennyson home place near Uniontown, where their eight children were born, three of whom died in infancy. The other five are: Mrs. Delta Morris, Iola, Kansas; Mrs. Gertrude Sutton, Stacy, Mont; Mrs. Katherine White, Fowler, Colo., Mr. J. Frazier Tennyson, Ranger, Tex., and Mrs. Cora Miller, Uniontown, Kansas. She also has ten grandchildren. The children were all at her bedside except the daughter living in Colorado, who was unable to be here. Ten years ago the Tennyson family moved to Iola, and very soon Mrs. Tennyson found a large place in the good work of the various organizations of the city. . . . Funeral services in Unity Church on Sunday, March 4th.
The Bankers Ads Abroad:
The March number of the Trans-Mississippi Banker, a magazine in its 23rd year and devoted to the banking business, devotes nearly two pages to our banker and his style of human interest advertising. Listen to this:
L. E. (Emet) Holt, cashier of the Union State Bank, Uniontown, Kansas, is the philosopher and friend of the farmers in the rich agricultural community in Bourbon County, Kansas, of which his little village is the hub. To him life is one great joy after another. Like many country bankers, his peace of mind and ever contentment is the result of constantly serving others.
The extraordinary pulling power of Emet Holt´s ads may be attributed to the fact that they are different from the selling talks of professional ad writers so frequently dubbed as canned ads. As an aid in sustaining the reader´s attention he almost invariably weaves into his ads interesting incidents about people prominent in his community. His many years of experience as an ad writer has taught him that the most effective subjects to treat should be confined to the simple, every day happenings of life to actual occurrences calculated to make a special appeal to at least a few of the readers of the Uniontown Cicerone. His versatility is such that he never repeats the same idea in an ad and he insists that no two ads be alike. He never knows in advance what he will play upin his next story to his patrons, present and prospective.
As the space allotted to his ads is more or less limited, he confines his[sic] up in his next story to his patrons, to put it over.
As an evidence of his effective advertising methods, Mr. Holt frequently displays a banner line or streamer on the first page of the Cicerone. The banner line is that line in a newspaper between its name and its date line. To be exact, it is the second line from the top of the page.
There are so called publicity experts in New York and Chicago and in other large cities drawing from $10,000 to probably $50,000 a year for writing advertisements who cannot turn out nearly as effective copy as is being written by Mr. Emet Holt. Mr. Holt´s advertisements have the peculiar quality of being news, interesting to the people of his community, and at the same time setting forth his service in such a way as to commend it to the public. Incidentally Mr. Holt is recognized by bankers in his section of Kansas ands a real banker. As an ad writer he is a prodigy. We have kept a watch on his propaganda for some tmie. He continues to interest us.
Card of Thanks S. E. Holt and Wife
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ramsey are reported very low as we go to press.
March 22, 1923
J. W. Tenyson and daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Sutton, arrived Tuesday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller.
Turkey Creek: Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Holt´s friends on the Creek sympathize with them in the loss of their little boy.
March 29, 1923
Uncle Bob Ramsey is improving every day.
J. L. Kent met with an accident at Ft. Dodge when a large barn door fell on him.
Turkey Creek: Mrs. Gertrude Sutton visited her cousin Mr. and Mrs. Miles Holt last Thursday.
J. W. Tennyson and daughter, Mrs. Sutton, returned to Iola, Friday after a visit with relatives and old friends here. Mrs. Sutton expected to start for her home at Stacy, Mont., last Monday.
USB Display ad copied
April 5, 1923
Turkey Creek:
Mrs. M. E. Holt and daughter Alice drove to Fort Scott Friday to see Mrs. Holt´s nephew, Great Britten, before he left for the sanitarium at Horton, Kansas. [ex service man, suffering from tuberculosis. Sent to government Hospital -have been at Norton, not Horton]
Joe Bowers and daughter Betty and Mrs. Etta Bowers from Bronson visited with Miles Holt and family Sunday afternoon.
April 12, 1923
Mrs. T. B. Kent desires to express her sincere thanks to all those neighbors who assisted her with farm work while her husband was unable to work. He is now in the Fort Scott hospital.
Tom Kent is now taking the six weeks rest cure, at the Fort Scott hospital.
Death of Great L. Britton, age 25, of tuberculosis. Served at Argonne and other battles. Grandson of Samuel Bolyard (father of Cora Holt).
April 19, 1923
S. McKinnis, always a booster for Uniontown, had a conference last Wednesday with Mr. Frank M. Stone, President of the Ft. Scott Public Untilities Co., in which Mr. Stone stated that his company is agathering data upon an electric line from Frot Scott to Uniontown and Redfield and farmers along the way . . . Mr. McKinnis was informed that we could have electricity by fair time. Now, let every man, woman and child become as good a booster as is Mr. McKinnis and we´ll enjoy the results.
USB Display ad concerns the loss of two gallant soldiers, Mr. L. D. Bulla of the Civil War, who witnessed the battle between the Merrimac and the Monitor, and Great Britton.
April 26, 1923
Turkey Creek:
Joe Holt is improving and spent Sunday at M. E. Holt´s.
May 10, 1923
USB Display ad [partial text] subject is beautiful landscapes in this section.
Go to the Mounds and you have Walnut Hill Valley before you. At the head of Turkey Creek you see the territory of some of the earliest Kansas settlers, and where prairie schooners passed by the hundreds in our grandfather´s time.. . Then go to the hill on the McKinnis farm and see if you do not think there is one of the prettiest drives you ever saw. Coming east to the top of the Ramsey Hill and there you will have a landscape, another view of the beautiful Marmaton river as it winds its way to the father of waters. In this valley is a little village, called Uniontown. Should you chance to come by train, take a look at the hills on the south and see if you do not think it would be ideal for a landscape painter . . .
May 17, 1923
Some have said that the fifty dog tax tags ordered by the city would not be enough that S. McKinnis, S. E. Holt and C. W. Kirker would use that many.,
Turkey Creek: Mr. and Mrs. Milt McKinnis gave a party to the young folks Thursday evening.
May 31, 1923
Methodist Church notes: Every old soldier of the civil war in our community was present for Sunday Memorial services Uncle Bob Ramsey, Uncle Ethan Drake, and their comrades Stroud, Bryant, Hite and Wesley Hartman.
Mrs. Delta Morris of Iola arrived Tuesday afternoon to attend to the decorating of her mother´s grave.
S. McKinnis attended the dog races at Nevada.
June 14, 1923
S. McKinnis and party found some high water at Ford, Kansas while enroute to Colorado. None were drowned, however.
An airplane passed over town Wednesday but attracted no more attention than would a passing automobile.
June 28, 1923
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Irl Miller, son
Turkey Creek:
Joe Holt has been real ill the past week.
Miles Holt was kicked by a horse last Thursday. His jaw was broken. He was taken to the hospital at Fort Scott and jaw set. The last reports were that he would have to stay for two weeks.
Owing to the accident to his father Sammy Holt has quit the banking business for a while and is helping with the farm work.
Banker Holt, wife and daughter were in Fort Scott Monday.
July 5, 1923
Mrs. Osee Thompson and Miss Goldie Cash left Monday morning for Chicago and other Eastern points. Mrs. Thompson will visit her sister, Mrs. Scharff, at Grass Lake, Mich., and other relatives at Benton Harbor.
July 19, 1923
The Ramsey Celebration
July 10th, 1923, was a day long to be remembered by the Ramsey family. . . the family gathered on the Crosby lawn on their farm near Redfield . . .. it might be said that there were one hundred and twenty members of the family registered for dinner; many, as usual could not attend owing to the distance from the place of meeting. In the afternoon most everyone in this great family went to the river, many crossing the swinging bridge. Just think of a hundred and twenty Ramseys, more or less, dressed in bathing suits, floating up and down the Marmaton River. It was a sight that will perhaps never be witnessed again. After everyone had learned to swim who did not know how before, which were very few, because sall of the Ramsey´s were raised within a few rods of the river. There were several senior Ramseys present and all took an active part. Uncle Bob and Uncle Francis Ramsey were the oldest members present. Uncle Bob, as everybody calls him, was the spryest member of the class . . . Many came a long distant . Mr. and Mrs. Stout from Peoria, Ills., Mr. and Mrs. John Ramsey from Sand Point, Idaho, Mrs. Lavinia Ramsey, from Lawrence, Kansas; Mrs. Nixon, from Canada, Robert Ramsey, from Tulsa, Oklahoma.
S. McKinnis and wife left Wednesday for Eldorado, Mo., where they will pick, can and crate enough berries to furnish a crate to each of their children.
Turkey Creek:
Miles Holt came home last week from the hospital. He is getting along as well as can be expected.
July 26, 1923
Banker Holt drove out to his farm this morning and brought in a car of honey.
Miss Daisy Ramsey, of Oklahoma, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Lute Ramsey.
August 16, 1923
The Misses Holt, of Parkville, Mo., daughters of H. W. Holt, are visiting relatives here.
Sammy Holt, wife and son and Mrs. Bowers and son have returned from a visit to relatives at Stonington, Colorado.
Turkey Creek news:
Miss Ruth McKinnis spent the week at a Bandera camping party with her girl friends at town.
August 23, 1923
M. M. Holt and family are on their vacation and are visiting relatives in Arkansas.
August 30, 1923
Miss Grace Kirker underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils last week at a Ft. Scott hospital.
September 6, 1923
Mrs. Delta Morris, of Iola, and Mrs. Frazier Tennyson, of Ranger, Texas, were among the visitors attending the picnic.
Earthquake in Japan killed 200,000.
Turkey Creek news; School opened Tuesday with Miss Rena Ruthrauff, of Redfield, as teacher.
USB Financial: $251,213.10, M. E. Holt, M. M. Holt, Daisy Holt, L. E. Holt, directors.
September 13, 1923
Francis Marion Ramsey, 89 years and 9 months of age, and a resident of this county for over 60 years, died at his home in Redfield last Saturday, as the result of bladder and kidney trouble with which he had been suffering the past several years. His funeral occurred last Sunday and was largely attended. Burial wsas made in the Woods cemetery.
Earl Kirker, Harvey McKinnis, Miss Mary Read and Glenn Rogers have tone to Baldwin to school.
Miss Fern Holt has taken a place in the Union State Bank. Will she be a banker or a banker-ess?
A farewell surprise was tendered Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Holt Wednesday night before their departure for their new home in Colorado. They leave many warm friends here. Mr. Holt goes to a responsible position in a bank out there.
Turkey Creek News
Miss Mattie Bowers, of Bronson, spent last week at Joseph Holt´s.
Union State Bank Display ad: Sam and Rosa are leaving us. Our best wishes go with htem. Sam has been working in the bank since he was 16 years of age.
September 20, 1923
With his head bookkeeper on the sick list and his assistant cashier gone to Colorado, banker Holt is showing some speed as a banker. All the help he has had for several days has been his son and daughter, neither experienced in the business. But he seems to be getting along first rate.
Turkey Creek news:
Quite a number from the creek attended Sam Holt´s dog sale.
M. E. Holt and wife were in Ft. Scott, Saturday afternoon, consulting the doctors on Mr. Holt´s condition which seems to be improving.
W. H. Johnson who lives on the Holt farm north of town will have a sale soon, after which he and his wife will go to Kansas City where they will make their home with their daughter, Mrs. Keel.
The prize fight returns were received for the Uniontown fans over banker Holt´s radio.
Thomas Street is giving the Union State Bank some extra fine interior work in white and pea green paint.
Banker Holt has Mr. Shoemaker at work trying to find a good well on his city residence property. He was down 100 feet Saturday night.
October 4, 1923
Bad Auto Accident! At the turn of the road leading into Redfield, Will Steele collided with Ray Beaman, badly injuring Mrs. G. N. Beaman.
Turkey Creek news:
Dr. Thomas Holt visited his brother, Jos. Holt, and other relatives last week.
S. McKinnis and John Hartman were in Oklahoma, Monday and Tuesday.
H. V. Cowan will acct as sales clerk in this section for the Union State Bank, succeeding S. E. Holt, who lately moved to Colorado.
Banker D. E. Holt, of Wheeler, Texas, arrived Thursday of last week to attend to some business and take in the biggest fair in southeastern Kansas. He was successful in all of it except the latter which was "rained out" entirely.
Jim McKinnis and family of Stonington, Colo., arrived last week for a visit with relatives here.
Mrs. H. E. Duerson was taken to a hospital in Fort Scott Saturday for treatment.
Octrober 11, 1923
Letter from Sammy Holt
Branson, Colo., Oct. 4 ë23
Mr. R. W. Ramsey, Uniontown, Kansas
Dear Uncle BobóI will write you a few lines to let you know I have not forgotten my oldest friend. How are you and how did you enjoy the fair this time with all the young fellows of your age. We do not have very many old people here, or, if there are any, they do not show themselves very often, so we think of all you old fellows back home. We are in a very nice little town of 500 people, altitude 6600 ft. This morning the clouds were down lower than the mountain peaks, and it has been raining all day. We have four trains daily, as this is on the main line between Denver and Ft. Worth. We were down in New Mexico Sunday. It is only a mile south of here to the line. There is lots of beautiful scenery here and in New Mexico. The road leads right down thru the canyon. There is still the two large rocks on each side of the trail where they had the toll gate years ago. New Mexico has fine grazing, better grass than right here. They have fine Herefords fat enough for a stock show; some the same way here but not so many. We have an ice cave a mile from town where we have ice the year through. Runs back in the mountains we know not how far as there has been men who went in a distance of 400 feet. This seems to be a very good country for beans, as it is so day that nothing else will stand the dry weather as well as beans. They make 15 5o 25 bushels per acre. Write and tell me all the news when you have time. Take good care of yourself this winter and do not get down in bed like you did last winter. How is your foot. I hope it is well. Goodbye, S. E. Holt
Turkey Creek news
Dr. Thomas Holt returned from Kansas City, Monday, and is with his brother, Joe Holt, who is quite poorly.
Mr. and Mr. Herschel George have the sympathy of their friends in the death of their little boy, Thomas.
Married: Loran Ramsey to Eva Wilson, at Iola.
October 18, 1923
Joseph Holt, one of the oldest settlers in this section, died at a Kansas City hospital Saturday night, Oct. 13th, of a complication of diseases. He has been in poor health for the past several years. He leaves a wife, one son, one daughter, and several other relatives to mourn his loss.
October 25, 1923
A letter from Sam Holt of Branson, Colo. Says it isn´t half as hard to catch jack rabbits there as in Kansas. Out there the citizens gather and herd the rabbits into the lumber yard and there are so many of them that each one can take his choice. Sam was always "telling em" when he lived here, but we believe he has improved somewhat he´s making them larger now.
M. E. Holt had planned to have his sale Oct. 24th, but Friday it was discovered that his daughter, Miss Alice, had an attack of diphtheria and the sale will have to wait awhile yes, quite awhile; if it takes as long for the doctors to raise the quarantine as it does in some cases.
Turkey Creek news:
Mrs. Margaret Holt and son Hubert went to Fort Scott last Thursday on business.
Miss Iva Holt, who has been sick with diphtheria, is much better.
21 members of the Dorcas Class met for a most enjoyable time at the home of Mrs. L. E. Holt. The rooms were tastefully decorated in the Hallow´een colors of orange and black. , , Virgil Holt gave a reading, Cherry pie a la mode and coffee were served.
November 1, 1923
Shower given for newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Loran Ramsey at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Ramsey. Mrs. L. E. Holt´s gift was a set of plates.
Miss Fern Holt assisted Miss Lottie Cowan in entertaining the Pathfinder Class of the M. E. Sunday school. The centerpiece was a large vase filled with roses and asparagrass.
November 8, 1923
The bad weather last Saturday caused a postponement of the sale of the Tom Kent livestock which it had been arranged to bring into town. Mr. Kent is in poor health and his neighbors had planned to help him.
Turkey Creek:
Word was received here last Saturday that Gip Holt had been operated on at his home at Hantson, Kansas. He is a half brother of the late Joseph Holt.
The Kluxers held a meeting at the Passtime Tuesday evening. There was a good audience. We did not learn the name of the speaker.
November 15, 1923
The Tom Kent sale increased the usual Saturday afternoon crowd.
November 22, 1923
S. McKinnis is driving a new Chevrolet coupe.
December 13, 1923
Be careful! Every little scratch on the flesh seems to develop into blood poison. Just now Miss Grace Kirker, H. V. Cowan and the editor are afflicted not seriously, but very uncomfortably.
Sheridan Ramsey was in Fort Scott last Thursday on business pertaining to the estate of F. M. Ramsey, of which he is the executor.
December 20, 1923
Mrs. Maggie Holt has had a fine monument erected at her husband´s grave.
Miss Daisy Ramsey and Mr. Johnnie Howe were lately married in San Francisco.
S. E. Holt and wife are expected to arrive from Colorado and spend the holidays with relatives and friends here.
December 27, 1923
Banker Holt and wife entertained with a Christmas dinner and Christmas tree.
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