I have a LOT of material I've extracted from the Uniontown papers from microfilm from the Kansas Historical Society. I was interested mostly in the Holt-Ramsey-McKinnis-Kent-Tennison-Duerson names, who are my ancestors, but that covers a great many (more than I realized) of the Uniontown area population. Nancy [Holt] Elofson

Roll U52

Uniontown Cicerone and Redfield Ledger, August 16, 1918 — December 28, 1922 H. M. Brainerd

January 1, 1920

Died: Daniel Sherman, one of best known men in county, at his home south of town

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller, son (Earl Miller also owner of new Ford car)

Methodist church Sunday School officers:  Fern Holt, librarian.

Turkey Creek news:

Miss Alice Holt is spending the holidays with her sister Mrs. Delta George.

A. L. Hartman and wife, Mrs. George and daughter Frances, Edith and Ray Hartman spent Sunday at Mr. Hillman´s.

January 8, 1920

Obituary of Daniel Sherman:  Born 1879 in Republic County, Kansas.  Married Myrtle Payne.

Died: Bessie Cook, 34, born 1880. Buried Hatch cemetery. Unmarried.

Mrs. O. E. Ramsey returned from Ohio.  Her sister is improving and will recover.

Turkey Creek news:

Mrs. Siegel McKinnis spent Sunday with her son Milton.

Mrs. Maggie Holt has been suffering very badly with an infected jaw, caused by having a tooth filled.

Banker Holt and S. McKinnis went to Stonington, Colo. Saturday, where they went to attend the funeral of the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKinnis. They returned Tuesday afternoon.

January 15, 1920

Milton McKinnis and family were Sunday guests of Mrs. Osee Thompson.

S. McKinnis was on the sick list Friday, Saturday and Sunday. No wonder at all.  Thursday previous he sold a farm and his commission was paid on the spot, which is enough to make any really man[sic] take to his bed.

Turkey Creek news:

We hear that Marshal Holt has rented a house in town in will move there awhile.

Mrs. Maggie Holt´s condition remains about the same.

Mrs. Cora Holt went to Marmaton Friday to stay a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Delta George, and care for the new grandson, who was born on Thursday, January 8.

January 22, 1920

Marshal Holt has purchased the Willis Wells residence.

Mr. and Mrs. McKinnis were surprised on their 37th wedding anniversary when their children arrived at noon with well filled baskets for a celebration dinner. Present with families: Milt, Roy, Grace, Hazel, Ruth, also Osee Thompson and Frank Weyant.  [Missing:  Flora, Rosie, Harvey, Jim]

January 29, 1920

Born: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hartman, daughter

Public Sale:  John W. Hartman, 1 m. E Uniontown

Sale: J. M. Mason, L. Shoemaker

February 5, 1920

Mrs. Jane Kent, who has been in poor health for the past few weeks, remains about the same.

Charlie Smith and wife will soon go to Colorado.

February 12, 1920

Died: Adina Lavere Clites, 1 year old, Uniontown

Died: Catherine Elizabeth Shoemaker, 31, wife of Denver Shoemaker, buried Uniontown.

Joint Public Sale:  H. V. Cowan, Charley Smith

Bronson Holt of Stonington, Colorado spent Monday night with M. E. Holt

Sammy Holt, of the Union State Bank, makes a fine sales clerk which is much appreciated by the auctioneer as well as the parties selling out.

February 19, 1920

Frank Weyant is soon to go to Colorado

Miss Myrtie Bryant has resigned her position as assistant in the postoffice. We do not know her future intentions.

Died: Benjamin Shinn, old resident

Died: John Clarence Moore, born 1880 in Rockford Valley, buried Uniontown, brothers Jim and Will, also Harry

Union State bank Financial - $348,417.28

February 26, 1920

Miss Myrtie Bryant has accepted a place with the Uniontown Grain Company as assistant book-keeper.

Born: A colored babygirl was born down South on Feb 7th.  She weighed 11 pounds and her papa has named her "Natural."Evidently the old man is strong on the ivory finish.

A late letter from Fred Kent says he just purchased a new car and has been promoted to city salesman at a salary of $150 perr month and expenses. He bought the car from Wm. Goff., who seemed much surprised to get the pay for his car in the form of a check on the Union State Bank, of this city.  Mr. Goff resided here a number of years ago.  Mr. Kent reports him in poor health.

Redfield news:

F. M. Ramsey gave an interesting talk to the high school students last Thursday morning.  The occasion was to commemorate the birth of Abraham Lincoln.  Mr. Ramsey is a veteran of the Civil War.

Died: Walter Nichelson, a young farmer living near town, of influenza and pneumonia.  Buried Mapleton.

Died: Benjamin Shinn, born 1851, Iowa. Married Nancy Anderson 1874, one of earliest settlers, settled on Kansas homestead in 1871. Children Ella Wolf, Minnie Thompson, Cora Fowler, Myrtle Burt, Albert, Will and Orval. Buried Turkey Creek Cemetery. Pallbearers included John, Albert, Edward and Alva Hartman, nephews.

Charley Smith and wife and Frank Weyant all left Thursday morning for Colorado. They expect to locate near Stonington.

March 4, 1920

Died: Mrs. Sarah C. Morris, born Shy in Cole County Illinois, 1838.  Married Remus G. Morris 1854.  To Uniontown 1894.  Died in Wichita, buried Uniontown. Children Lizzie Woods, Nealie Newell, Bertha Coover, Manford, E. O., J. B., and A. R.

Turkey Creek news:

The Hartman twins have been on the sick list the last week.

The farmers are all getting their ground ready to sow oats. Jos. Holt has his oats all sowed.

Little Lisle Hartman was taken dangerously ill at his grandfather´s last Monday night and for awhile his condition was very serious. Dr. Miller pronounced him poisoned. He is improving.

S. McKinnis is in Ft. Worth, Texas

Mrs. Tennyson, of Iola, was here this week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Morris.

Died: Walter Hancock, at some point in Arizona where the young man has been located for some time. His father, M. L. Hancock, has gone out there.

Died: Infant Brillhart-Smith. Buried Mt. Orum. Mother reported improving.

March 11, 1920

Dick Holt arrived home from Pittsburg and Joplin Tuesday and is preparing to do some drilling in Bronson oil fields.  He was in Webb City one day last week but said he forgot to call on Dr. Thiel.

Mrs. J. M. McKinnis arrived last week and has been visiting relatives and friends around Uniontown.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bolyard, Jr., son

M. E. Holt returned from Colorado Saturday night.

Miss Mary Holt is staying with her aunt, Mrs. Sammy Bolyard, for a few days and helping care for the new baby boy.

Mrs. Joe Holt and son Herbert went to Bronson Monday and from there to Spring Valley to visit her sister, Mrs. Duzan.

Died: Walter Bryan Hancock, age 23. Born Archie, Mo. Working in hotel in Chandler, Arizona. Funeral Mout Olive Church at Petersburg.

Claud Ramsey and family expect soon to move back to the farm.

F. Hartman sold his residence property to Mrs. Hula.

Mrs. Anna Green received a telegram from her son, Leonard, that their little son, Robert, had passed away.  The cause of death was not stated.

March 18, 1920

Turkey Creek news:

Ed Hartman is building an addition to his house.

Mr. Will Bowers and family and Mr. and Mrs. Duzan, of Bronson, visited Sunday at Joseph Holt´s.

S. McKinnis has settled with the Government and according to their figures he owed $1,386 income tax.  He was in Fort Scott this week and settled the account.  He is said to have had to pay the second largest tax in Bourbon County.  [Note: S. McKinnis´s real estate business appears to be burgeoning.  Weekly listing of "McKinnis´s bargains" is more than a full column.

John Hartman has purchased a tract of land on the Mylius estate, east of town.

Mayor Kent has been confined to his home for several days owing to an accident to his foot.

March 25, 1920

Miss Creta Hartman was operated on at Mercy Hospital in Fort Scott, Monday. She is doing nicely.

S. McKinnis has purchased of Mrs. Julian the plot of ground lying directly east of her residence.  He will build a modern home there — some day.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hartman, daughter

Died: "Uncle Billy" Barlow of cancer.

April 1, 1920

S. McKinnis this week purchased the F. M. Wax farm, one of the finest in Rockford Valley.

F. M. Wax, Butler Kegerries and S. McKinnis expect to leave early next week for Arkansas.

Turkey Creek news:

Quite a number of men met at the school house Saturday night to try to get the rock roads from Uniontown to Bronson up by the Turkey Creek school house.

Ed and Alva Hartman, Joe Holt,  . . . were sent to Fort Scott, Tuesday, to meet the commissioners in regard to the rock road.

Grace Kirker participated in the County Spelling Contest in the 7th and 8th grade class.

April 8, 1920

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clary, daughter

April 15, 1920

Miss Grace Holt went to Kansas City last Tuesday to see the sights and met her uncle there, Bronson Holt.

S. McKinnis sold the Wax farm in Rockford Valley, to W. F. Newcomb.

April 22, 1920

Electric lights — some

Banker Holt has installed a small electric light plant in the building in the rear of the bank and is now supplying current for his own use also for the Underwood Garage and John Hula and it may be that he can spare enough of the juice to light the Cicerone Office and the Mutual central phone office.

Miss Delta Wells has accepted a place in the Union State Bank.

Turkey Creek School Report:

Enrollment 10 boys, 11 girls.  Ruth McKinnis, Nellie Hartman, Mary McKinnis, Margaret Holt received prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holt, Mr. and mrs. Ed Hartman, Mr. and Mrs. Milt McKinnis, Mrs. Miles Holt, Wesley Hartman, Herbert Holt, Charles McKinnis, Fred McKinnis, Ray Hartman, Ervin Hartman, Earl Hartman, Alice Hlt, Mary Holt, Iva Holt, Creta and Mary Hartman, Ruth McKinnis, Dorothea and Nellis Hartman, Effie and Mary McKinnis, Ruth and Ruby Hartman, Margaret Holt were among attendees at program.

April 29, 1920

Teachers engaged included Miss Maud Ramsey.

A wolf hunt Tuesday night was engaged in by C. W. Kirker, S. McKinnis, M. S. Boler, W. W. Wells, and others, and a number of dogs.  One wolf killed.

May 6, 1920

Banker Holt, Jas McKinnis and Milton McKinnis were business visitors to Kansas City on Wednesday.

Married: Mr. Joseph Bowers to Miss Grace Lulu Holt, in Fort Scott.

Jas McKinnis and family, of Stonington, Colo., arrived last Friday for a weeks visit with relatives here.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Abbott, daughter

May 13, 1920

D. E. Holt, of Wheeler, Texas, was here over Sunday.  From here he went to Colorado.

Jas. McKinnis and family returned to their home in Stonington, Colo. Monday after a weeks visit with relatives there.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Griffith, daughter

Bankers L. E. and D. E. Holt were business visitors to Fort Scott last Monday.

Jim McKinnis and family visited with Milt McKinnis and M. E. Holt´s a few days last week.

James Holt and Fred Tippie of Elsmore passed through here Sunday on their way to Perley Wells place.

Redfield news:

Leila Ruthrauff hired as teacher of 5th and 6th grades.

Married: Will Steele to Dolly Mason

May 20, 1920

Born: Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, daughter

May 27, 1920

Turkey Creek news:

Misses Alice Holt, Ruth McKinnis and Charley McKinnis passed the eight grade examination.

S. McKinnis expects to spend sometime in Colorado soon. His son-in-law, Charley Smith and Frank Weyant have about 300 acres of wheat that will soon be ready to harvest and Mac will likely drive one of the binders.

J. W. Hartman has just painted his house here in town, painting white with brown trimming.  The new addition he built on, he painted two coats and the rest one coat, only using a gallon and a half of white paint.  He used Devoe Lead & Zinc. — Adv.

William Bowers and two daughters, and Matie Bowers, ate Sunday dinner at Joe Holts. After dinner they drove to Fort Scott to see Mrs. Bowers who is at the hospital, recovering from an operation. She is doing nicely.

June 3, 1920

Uniontown High School alumni organized:  members includeRosa McKinnis, class of ´20, Ruth McKinnis-Smith, ´18.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Cowan, daughter

Readers will this week miss the column headed "McKinnis Bargains." It has been discontinued because it is out of season now to sell much in the way of farm land. Early in September Mr. McKinnis will issue a whole book full of bargains and expects to offer more and better bargains than you have yet read about.  It is time right now to list your farm with him if you expect to appear in the new book.

The Union State Bank is being re-arranged making it more convenient for both the patrons and the clerks.

June 10, 1920

8th grade graduates:  Charles McKinnis, Alice Holt, Ruth McKinnis, Edward Holt

Married: Kenneth Chamberlain to Lydia Williams, Fred Schmidt to Alberta Dozier, all of Redfield.

Uncle Bob Ramsey says this paper has no business saying nice things about Mr. Davis, candidate for governor . . .

Joe Holt and family and Miss Mary Holt was invited to Mr. Tanner´s Sunday, to eat fish.

Bronson Holt of Stonington, Colo. Was calling on relatives on the Creek Sunday evening.

Married: Cecil Padgett of Fort Scott to Vera Willnette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. White of northeast of town.

June 17, 1920

Died: George Hollingshead, one of the old and well known residents of this section.  Burial Mt. Orum

Died: J. P. Welch, suicide by gunshot. He was enroute to Ft. Scott with his daughter and Mr. Mason and wife and when near the Woods cemetery asked to get out and was allowed to do so.  In just a second after that two shots were heard and the party discovered what ahd been done .. .

Harvey McKinnis, who lately went to Colorado has accepted a position in the bank at Stonington.

D. E. Holt, of Wheeler, Texas, was here over Sunday.

A letter from Fred Kent to relatives here says gasoline is selling at Everett, Washington, where he lives, at $1 per gallon.

June 24, 1920

Unknown infant found in Marmaton river near the Frisco dam.

Turkey Creek news:

M. E. Holt, wife and daughters, Alice and Iva went to Arcadia Saturday to visit their daughter, Grace Bowers.

Banker D. E. Holt, who spent last week here and at Bronson, visiting and on business, returned to his home at Wheeler, Texas Friday.

The Union State Bank has a new lattice window shade for its west window.

July 1, 1920

July 8, 1920

Banker Holt and wife were visitors to the county seat.

Union State Bank display ad featuring Albert Hartman

July 15, 1920

Old Settlers Committee, J. L. Kent has several offices.

Thos. Street has spent the past several days painting and decorating the interior of the Union State Bank and has made an improvement most wonderful to behold. Step into the bank today and you will agree with us that it is one of the neatest and best arranged places in Bourbon County.  Monday evening Mr. Holt invited in a few friends to witness the working of the new electric lighting system which has just lately installed.  In case of need there are sixteen lights ready for use and in hot weather pressing the button will bring a fine breeze throughout the building.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Willie Kirker, son

July 22, 1920

Turkey Creek news:

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vanlandingham, son

Union State Bank display ad features Lawrence Wright and the Ramsey boys.

Died: Jane Shoemaker, 14, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Shoemaker, of leakage of the heart. Buried Uniontown.

August 5, 1920

Died: Mrs. Mary J. Roof, 99, born Indiana resident of Bourbon County since the 1850´s. Born Mary Jane Murray, Wayne County IN, married 1852 Erasmus Roof.  Children Alonzo, Sarah Wolf, Ella Thomas, Emma Ellis, Frances Ward, Dorothy Ralston.

Turkey Creek news:

Mrs. Cora Holt spent Monday night in town caring for her mother, who is suffering from rheumatism.

The Union State Bank has added an electrically equipped adding machine. They have their own current.

August 12, 1920

Obituary for Grandma Roof

August 19, 1920

Banker Holt and family were among those to attend the big doin´ at the next governor´s home last Tuesday [Jonathan Davis, of Bronson]

Mrs. Osee Thompson went to Hiattville Sunday to be at the bedside of a sick relative.

S. McKinnis now drives a new Ford Coupe.

August 26, 1920

Perley Wells, Willis Wells, M. S. Boler, Roy McKinnis and Milton McKinnis all left Sunday at noon for Colorado.   . . . the latter two will visit their brother and other relatives at Stonington and Springfield.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Charley Smith, of Stonington, Colorado, son

September 2, 1920

The Union State Bank is furnishing a fine check book cover to their merchant customers.

W. S. Gribble and wife, Mrs. John Hartman and son and S. McKinnis have all returned from a visit to relatives and attending the annual fair at Pattonsburg, Missouri.

Married: Archie Wolf of Uniontown to Mrs. Cloud of Fort Scott

Union State Bank Financial $300,693.02

September 9, 1920

S. McKinnis left Monday for Denver on real estate business.

Harvey McKinnis has returned from Colorado and entered High School.

S. McKinnis and John Hartman have formed a partnership in the real estate loan and insurance business.  They expect to open headquarters soon where they will be pleased to have you call. A suitable location has not yet been secured.

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hartman was painfully injured Thursday of last week by back-fire when he attempted to start the family car.

McKinnis and Hartman´s Real Estate Offers — new name of resumed real estate column.

The mother of Jos. Holt, who lives at Gueda Springs, lately suffered a fall and was quite badloy injured.  She is over ninety years old.

September 16, 1920

Banker L. E. Holt and his brother Marshal Holt, left last Friday on a business visit to Denver.

Arthur Chandler and family, who moved to Nebr. About a year ago, returned to Uniontown last Friday.  They did not dispose of their farm here when they had a sale last year and will cultivate it next year.   We are glad to welcome them back.

Stanley Brown, of north of Uniontown, sentenced to 60 days in jail for appropriating Ira Steele´s automobile.

Charley Smith and wife have had enough of the West and have returned to Uniontown. Financially, they did well enough but otherwise it was not satisfactory.  Frank Weyant purchased their interests there. Here´s a chance for some young lady for Frank ought not to have to batch.

September 23, 1920

Sam Smith and wife returned from Colorado last Friday.  They did not like the country well enough to call it home.

Turkey Creek news:  Joe Holt is on the sick list.

Miss Margaret Holt has purchased her a Shetland pony to ride to school.

Miss Creta Hartman who was operated on at Mercy Hospital alst week for the removal of one kidney is doing nicely.  Mary is with her.

Banker Holt and brother, Marshal, returned from their western trip last Tuesday. On the way home they attended the State Fair.

September 30, 1920

Turkey Creek news:

Joe Holt is better.

Fred McKinnis has been suffering with a sore leg, from a mule kick and infection setting in.

October 7, 1920

Died: G. N. Beaman, 57, struck by train near Uniontown depot.   Born Indiana, came to Bourbon County I 1872. Son Ray, brothers Robert and Sylvester

Jim McKinnis and family arrived from Stonington, Sunday afternoon, to visit relatives and attend the fair.

October 14, 1920

Bad accident in horse and cart injured Glen Moore.

J. L. Kent met with a very painful accident Wednesday afternoon when he fell off a ladder.  Did not regain consciousness until about 3 a. m. the next day.

October 21, 1920

Elmer Ramsey, wife and baby, were down from Topeka.

Yes, we do need a hotel.   Ten persons obtained sleeping quarters at private homes Monday night being caught in the rain.

October 28, 1920

S. McKinnis went to Fort Scott Tuesday to hear Judge Dillard speak on the League of Nations.

November 4, 1920

Mrs. J. W. Tennyson of Iola has been a guest of her daughter Mrs. Earl Miller.

Died: Opal Madeline Hummell, 20, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Hummell, of tuberculosis. Buried Uniontown.

November 11, 1920

Joseph Ho lt went to Guida Springs to see his brother and to be treated for a painful breaking out he has.

Banker Holt is attending the state Bankers Convention at Wichita.

November 18, 1920

Attending a Mt. Olive Ladies Aid party were Mrs. Flora Kent and Mrs. Mable Chandler.

The 15 year old daughter of Walter Wolf was attacked by a mad cat and is taking Pasteur treatment in Fort Scott for prevention of rabies.

Died: Sibyl Ludlum, 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ludlum, from being kicked in the head by a horse.

November 25, 1920

H. E. Duerson and family visited Bronson.

Turkey Creek news:

Joe Holt returned from Guida Springs.  He is some improved.

Ruth McKinnis, Edith Hartman, Mary Hartman, Alice Holt, Iva Holt, Herbert Holt, Sammy Holt, Eddie Holt, Ray Hartman, Irvin Hartman, Charley McKinnis attended the C. I. C. class party.

December 2, 1920

Jos. Holt went to Guida Spring to see the doctor.

December 9, 1920

F. M. Draper of Redfield has purchased the grocery stock of Mr. Nolan.

Display ad on opening of Drapers store.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hart, daughter.

Marshal Holt is plowing garden spots for the 1921 crop. Better see him before the weather gets bad.

Just the other day the editor hired a boy to do a little piece of work. His charge was but 50 cents — he went from the office direct to the Union State Bank and into which place we stepped just in time to hear him say to Sammy Holt, the genial assistant, "put this with my other savings, if you please."

The M. E. Holt family spent Sunday at Marmaton with daughter Delta.

Married: John J. Delzell, Redfield to Sylvia E. West, Uniontown.

December 16, 1920

Charley Smith and wife have moved to the rooms over the cream station and F. M. Draper and wife will occupy the rooms adjoining Draper´s store.

Uniontown received its share of the shock caused by the explosion of a power mill at Pittsburg Monday.  Windows rattled and all the women folks felt bad all the rest of the day.

December 23, 1920

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith, daughter

Banker Holt, who is confined to his home by orders of the doctor, seems to be feeling fine and is as lively as a boy of 16.  It´s our notion that that doctor is treating a slight illness via the "rest" route.

Charley Smith and wife have found a better location and will not occupy the rooms over the cream station.

Turkey Creek news:

Albert Hartman was hurt by an ax while cutting down a tree.

December30, 1920

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Eli Rhoton, daughter.

Born: Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Shoemaker,

Married: Ray Pryor to Lida Lorea Cass, daughter of N. W. Cass of Uniontown

Banker Holt has by far the easiest  time of any man in town.  He gets up to meals and then goes back to bed.

The bodies of Mrs. Bowers and her daughter were moved from Walnut Hill to Bronson cemetery (Bronson Pilot)

Married: Herman Furrer of Los Angeles, California to Rena Rose Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Joyce of Uniontown, at their home.

Union State Bank financial:  $274,583.74. Directors:M. E. Holt, M. M. Holt, Daisy Holt, L. E. Holt

1918 | 1918 | 1920 | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926

Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS


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