The following Comanche County registrants constitute a partial list of names drawn by the draft board at Washington, D.C., on Tuesday. They are given in the order in which they have been assigned numbers and the order in which they will be called unless placed in a deferred group. The list will be continued next week and is unofficial, no official list having been received at this office as yet.
158 Eugene D. Smith, P - 1
192 Howard Laverne Burton, C - 2
105 Raymond Everett Cline, C - 3
188 Frank Edward Daily, Jr., C - 4
120 James Alonzo Downing, W - 5
161 Granville Monroe Edmonston, P - 6
14 Woodrow Wilson Martin, P - 7
57 Wilburn Findley Parks, C - 8
19 Harold Sylvester Johnson, W - 9
172 Orville Ora Cobb, C - 10
126 Delose Oscar Bean, C - 11
187 Benjamin Monore Harbaugh, P - 12
167 Leo Curtis Thrall, P - 13 *
162 Leonard Lincoln King, P - 14
147 Arthur Bryan Purcell, C - 15
31 Freman Benley Smith, C - 16
156 Robert Warner Helman, P - 17
112 Charles Clare Cummings, C - 18
185 Clarence Marion Oatman, C - 19
108 Wynford George Gilbert, C - 20
109 Hobert Harvey Thompson, C - 21 *
184 Delmar McKindrey Horner, P - 22
116 William Muriel Gregg, W - 23
17b Merlin Cummings Taylor, C - 24
131 William Nehmar Parsons, C - 25
125 Claude Isham Bailey, C - 26
138 Charles Nielsen, C - 27
142 Joseph Thompson Alexander, P - 28
166 Albert Carl Williams, P - 29
135 Ernest Ray Murray, C - 30
183 George Orvin Teter, P - 31
148 Alvin J. Eckert, C - 32
198 Gerald Francis Sickler, C -33
139 Lew Simpson, P - 34
146 William Jay Pepperd, C - 35
6 Erwin Franklin Weber, C - 36
122 Everett Mitchell Grover, P - 37
83 Cornelius Victor White, W -38
280 Paul Isaac Schmidt, C - 39
169 Leroy Emil Hood, P - 40
145 Cecil Rodger Thomas, P - 41
9 Glenn Russell McCulla, C - 42
121 Vernie Arden White, W - 43
181 Fredrick Brockman Stith, C - 44
86 Roderick Henry Baker, W - 45
114 Orval Lynal Parks, C - 46
136 Lloyd Temple Coles, C - 47
228 Robert Woodrow Beeley, C - 48
231 Clyde William Crowe, C - 49
203 Floyd Jay Ward, C - 50
196 Floyd Oliver Bailey, W - 51
21 Earnest Leslie Harris, C - 52
165 Thomas Franklin Percifield, P - 53
159 Carl Gail Rathbun, C - 54
79 John Burl Swaim, C - 55
78 Virgil Elmer Lawrence, P - 56
45 James Thomas March, Jr., W - 57
25 Roy Everett Kerstetter, P - 58
154 Alvin Carl McVey, W - 59
77 Jesse James Russell Clark, P - 60
160 Delbert Merle Smutz, P - 61
190 Mansel Rea Morton, P - 62
210 Royce Clark Richardson, W - 63
67 Date Keeler, P - 64
107 Daniel Jefferson Sanders, C - 65
180 Merle Bowers McMillen, C - 66
59 Nevan Norman Riner, P - 67
74 Raymond Russell Knabe, P - 68
246 Hugo Schaubel, P - 69
176 Floyd Booth Thompson, C - 70
134 Frank Herbert Metzger, C - 71
130 Forest Glenn Thomas, P - 72
124 Edward Lee Withrow, P - 73
104 Bernard Leo Wilkins, C - 74
370 Charles Raymond Brown, W - 75
225 Lewis Gilbert Hopkins, P - 76
128 Allen Leighton Cline, P - 77
150 Carl Bradford Smalley, P - 78
276 Jack Richard Barnes, C - 79
346 Joseph Schultz, P - 80
341 John Parker Barlow, C - 81
412 Lloyd Winton Rhodes, P - 82
436 Charles Harrison Bibb, C - 83
175 Albert Ludwig Seidel, C - 84
226 Chester Baker, C - 85
282 Edwin Stewart Crouse, W - 86
309 Theadore Earl Guss, Jr., C - 87
434 Earl Vaughn Coles, C - 88
251 Charles Biddle Gregg, W - 89
55 Emery Donald Pugh, P - 90
206 Orville Arlie Thornhill, P - 91
317 Arthur Raymond Barber, W - 92
100 Ernest Charles Selzer, P - 93
262 Clifford Delmont Blount, C - 94
399 Frank Glenn Murphey, C - 95
217 Loyd Herman Wilhite, P - 96
103 Albert Henry Wall, C - 97
220 Victor Robert Moores, C - 98
129 Robert Paul Stewart - 99
279 Herald Emanuel Mickelson, C - 100
157 Dale Slocum Clark, C - 101
275 Edward Westerfield Waller, C - 102
270 Heman M. Cole, C - 103
362 Creed Dodson, P - 104
245 Orland Dale Vermillion, C - 105
177 Victor Paul Burton, C - 106
200 Robert Wilborn Sanders, P - 107
227 Atlee Monroe Edmonston, P - 108
474 Ralph Robert Gray, C - 109
92 Ralph Baker, P - 110
47 Ernest Lee Bird, C - 111
44 Gerald Lee Drake, C - 112
115 William Everett Pope, W - 113
164 Albert Edwin Hardisty, C - 114
144 Myrl Everett Dellinger, W - 115
The list of names drawn in the selective draft, which was started two weeks ago, is herewith continued. Because of an omission in the list from which our first group of names was taken, the numbers from 9 on should have been one number higher. This list starts with the corrected number following the last number published at that time. No. 9 is the number that should have been assigned to Lester Lea Gerald Clark of Protection.
115 Albert Edwin Hardisty - W
116 Myril Everett Dellinger - W
117 Carl L. Snyder - W
118 Melvin Thornhill - P
119 Charles Lawrence Holler - P
120 Allan Monroe Land - C
121 Maurice Gage - C
122 Roy Robey Boisseau - C
123 Granville Richard Bandy - C
124 William Franklin Sanders - P
125 Arnold Joseph Heeke - C
126 Clifford Hecht - C
127 Roy Cecil Burkhall - C
128 Walter Gordon McMoran - C
129 Urse Newberry Gillian - P
130 Warren Raymond Pope - W
131 Oswald Frederick Buhl - C
132 Albert Earl Scott - C
133 DeLoss Byron Miller - W
134 Myrle Adelbert Horner - P
135 Fred Frank Lousch - C
136 Glenn Richard Squire - W
137 Lyle George Glenn - P
138 Vernon Virgil Klasser - P
139 Richard Earl Dale - C
141 Emmanuel Huck - C
142 Herbert Allen Rafler - P
143 Newell Richard Beeley - C
144 Raymond George James - C
145 Robert Edward Webb - P
146 Harley Arlo Thomas - P
147 Colin Wayne Dodson - C
148 Norman William Lee - C
149 Leland Matney Carlisle - P
150 Jack Everett Wilkerson - C
151 Oral Wayne Bilyeu - P
152 James Willard Brewer - C
153 Wilbur Clouse VanDorn - P
154 Joseph Glenn Williams - P
155 Alfred Leo Hughes - P
157 Ralph Clell Hall - C
158 Eugene Levern Rader - W
159 Fred Clifford Clinesmith - C
160 James Jesse Herd, Jr. - W
161 Paul Carr Dunlap - C
162 Emery Merrel Harper - W
163 Gurdon William Carter - C
164 John Junior Bedinger - P
165 Arlie Ross Gray - C
166 Walter Leroy Christopher - P
167 Shannon Bryan Phillips - C
168 Bennard Zielke - C
169 Clyde Edmond Blackard - C
170 Ray Thomas Jarnagin - C
171 Loren Leakey Carrick - P
172 James William Hoffman - C
173 James Raymond Parks - C
174 Russell Warren Moore - P
175 William Bernard Young - P
176 Forrest Jack Lindsey - P
177 Glenn William Jordan - W
178 William Hough Avery Jr. - C
179 Everett Theodore Currier - C
180 Floyd Raymond Fleming - C
181 Martin Swisher - C
182 Frank Forest Hadley - C
183 Llewellyn Edward Baker - W
184 Byron Arthur Hough - C
185 Max Pearl Cowan - C
186 Alfred Clyde Park - P
187 Delmer Shelby Rathbun - C
188 Ora H. Baker - P
189 Raymond Lemuel Bramlett - P
190 Walter Lamkin - C
191 Lawrence Vincent Robbins - C
192 Jesse William Atkeson - P
193 Henry Wesley Loepp - P
194 Robert John Knabe - P
195 Ralph Coleman Oller - C
196 Ralph David Barnhart - C
197 Rudolph Dumier - P
198 Harry Harold Horst - C
199 George Junior Eubank - P
200 Lloyd Thomas Hopkins - P
201 Frank Willis Meyers - C
202 Roy Raymond Smith - W
203 Donald Griffith White - C *
204 Elden Sawyer - P
205 Merton Allen Moore - P
206 Glenn Fredric Selzer - P
207 Harry Baker Wall - C
208 James Martin Ballinger - P
209 Ansel McCarthur Dickinson - C
210 Paul Franklin Moore - P
211 Lawrence Robert Grover - P
212 Wallace Merton White - C
213 Lee Roy Griffith - P
214 Nichols Boone Baker - W
215 Howard Basil Huddleston - W
216 John Edward Deewall - W
217 Clifford C. McFarland - P
218 Eugene Bill Chance - W
219 Harold Ward Ellis - C
220 Earl Smith Six - C
221 John Edgar Knierihm - P
222 Roy William Coles - C
223 Ellis French Calloway - P
224 Virgil Schultz - P
225 Monroe Seba Binan - P
226 Neill Taylor Jackson - C
227 Melvin Roscoe Maris - P
229 William Sims - P
228 Robert Evman Phebus - C
230 Bernard Ward Bottorff - C
231 Ralph Raymond Klepinger - C
232 Renous Jasper Allen - C
233 Charlie Waterbury - C
234 James Lloyd Rich - P
235 Allen Jantzen - P
236 Harold Robert Daniel - C
237 Warren Whittier Cook - C
238 John Claude Bramlett - C
239 Lonzie Atteberry - C
240 Paul E. Tomlin - C
241 David Paul Leeper - P
242 Harry Joe Lemkey - C
243 Leroy Emerson Melia - C
244 Joseph Herman Schumacher - P
245 Abe Darroch Jr. - P
246 James Leroy Hecht - C
247 Vener Caldwell Blackard - C
248 Clifford Leroy Duncan - P
249 Benjamin Carl Metzger - C
250 Lynn Lonis Haas - C
251 Robert Weldon Trummel - W
252 Keith Monroe Tucker - C
253 Raymond Eldred Wright - C
254 Louis Merle Simkins - P
255 Roy Martin Selzer - P
256 Victor Crawford McIntyre - C
257 Kenneth James Cline - C
258 Truman Henry Selzer - P
259 James Dwight Copple - C
260 Charles Albert Riney - P
261 Charley Valjine Sanders - P
262 Ivor Pounds - C
263 Cecil Rhodes Wilson - C
264 August Alva Metzger Jr. - C
265 Vernon Leroy Huck - C
266 Robert Oliver Schmidt - W
267 Michael Ray Carter - W
268 Harold Roosevelt Miller - P
269 Ernest Paul Hall - W
270 James Lloyd Cole - C
271 Mal Eubank - P
272 Norman Philip Todd - C
273 William Lowell Lytle - C
274 Everette Lindsey Freeman - W
275 Gomer Hal Lemon - W
276 Clyde Robert Diemart - C
277 Joy Jesse Hendrix - P
278 Felix Joe Lindsey - P
279 Maurice Eugene McIntyre - C
280 Max Cummings Repogle - C
281 Louis Lerander Morehouse - C
282 Lester Nielsen - C
283 Cecil Robison - W
284 Floyd Cecil Brown - P
285 Howard Fredolph Sandberg - C
286 Earl Lincoln Sooter Jr. - C
287 Clyde Thurman Marley - C
288 Kenneth Lee Wymer - P
289 Richard Harry Dana - P
290 Roy Oliver Bean - C
291 Claude Leslie Hanson - C
292 Chester Charles Barnes - W
293 Clifford Elden Snyder - W
294 Dean Burris Shoemaker - P
295 Gregg Bean Wallace - C
296 Lester Emil Trummel - W
297 Robert Allan Terhune - P
298 Lawrence Albert Rich - P
299 John Charles Lousch - C
300 Mortimer Merle Newton - P
301 Floyd Gordon Rose - P
302 Ben Rolland Purcell - C
303 Norman Franklin Norton - P
304 Dodd Stillwell Shireman - P
305 Duane Morval Moore - P
306 Clyde Benjamin Hecht - P
307 Earl W. Finney - C
308 William Earl Hubbard - W
309 Loyd Alva Rieff - P
310 Ray Charley Squire - C
311 Donald Booth - C
312 Arthur Max Hall - P
313 William Waldo Riner - P
314 Kenneth Raymond Huck - C
315 James Clifford Henderson - C
316 Glen Woolfolk - P
317 Hobart Paul Boles - W
318 Oliver Elbert Knabe - C
319 Ralph Hart Moore - P
320 Markus Eugene Borski - C
321 Everett James Bennett - C
322 Joseph Allen McMillen - C
323 Edward Charles Utz - C
324 Harry Edward Lohrding - C
325 George Harmon Herd - C
326 Floyd W. Malone - C
327 Joseph Cornellus Alexander - P
328 Lynn William Wymer - P
329 Tommy Garfield Jellison - C
330 Claude Loynell Prilliman - P
331 Lloyd Malone - C
332 Austin Lee Cobb - W
333 John Richard Mayfield - W
334 Hiram Eugene Price - P
335 Donald Gilbert Holcomb - C
336 George Herman DeBoer - C
337 John Todd Pepperd - C
338 Walter Harrison Flesher - P
339 Jose Emerson Woods - W
340 Oscar Clell Blount - C
341 Leo Walter Nicholas - P
342 Walter C. Hucklebridge - W
343 Harold Shield Herd - C
344 Wilford Franklin Williams - C
345 Elmer Allen Unruh - C
346 Lewis Lamont Boshell - C
347 Harry William Hough - W
348 Lonnie Ernest Emmerson - C
349 Raleigh Warren Maris - P
350 Albert Lester Lenertz - W
351 George Harbaugh Beeley - C
352 George Glenn Unruh - C
353 Earl Burton Christopher - P
354 Elmer Ervin Jenkins - C
355 Charles Adrith Petty Jr. - P
356 Fred Henry Lohrding - C
357 Jack Millard Jaquiss - C
358 Lennis Elvin Herd - C
359 Lloyd Alexander Ward - W
360 Donald Monroe Bliss - C
361 John Byron Kittell - C
362 Monte Dean Barnes - C
363 Ralph Watson - C
364 Harold James Bragg - W
365 Ernest Eugene Ashcraft - P
366 John Edward Schrock - C
367 Walter Andrew Alexander - C
369 Tence Percifield - P
368 Dave Charles Wilhelm - C
370 Roy Henry Wilhelm - C
371 James Wheeler Sigars - P
372 Joel Eck - C
373 Winifred Sinkle Smith - C
374 Lawrence Leslie Hale - C
375 Clifford Erle Case - C
376 Leonard Wilbur Pope - W
377 Paul Alvin Sundgren - C
378 Elmer Robert Webber - C
379 Lester Alvin Selzer - P
380 Almon Robert Nicholas - C
381 Lloyd Lemoin Carrick - P
382 Cecil Ellis Mihon - C
383 Rolland Henry Trummel - P
384 Robert Dale Wimmer - P
385 Estil Dale Wills - P
386 Benjamin Franklin Lindsay - C
387 Clarence Lee Oller - C *
388 Clarence Jacson Noonkester - C
389 Leslie Raymond Thornhill - P
390 Ray Leroy Park - P
391 Richard Julius Parks - C
392 Leroy Arthur Deewall - C
393 Daniel Richard Oller - C
394 Walter Ernest Sattler - C
395 Clayton Vern Beyler - P
396 Marion LeRoy Wallace - C
397 Victor Glenn Stark - C
398 Henry Bandy - C
399 Charley Neal Goos - P
400 Glenn Atteberry - C
401 Dean Allen Hopkins - P
402 Arthur Paul Littrell - C
403 Carlyle Edward Frazier - C
404 Ernest Alva Trummel - W *
405 Ray Mitchell Hall - W
406 Orlando Paul Callaway - P
407 George Blaine Bratcher - P
408 Leslie Reginald Mills - C
409 Claude Earl Livengood - W
410 Willis Alexander Jr. - P
411 Albert Boyd Holler - P
412 Merritt Lowell Petty - P
413 Cecil Eugene Ledford - C
414 Gay Harter Lindsay - P
415 Amos Howard Freeman - C
416 Oscar Leroy Barber - W
417 Frank Everett Griffith - C
418 Alfred Alfonso Roehr - C
419 William Rollie Gohn - P
420 Lawrence Claude Rowland - P
421 Harry Zvolanck - C
422 Carl Nellis Redfield - W
423 Herman Luther Ennis - W
424 Fines Elbert Hoskins - W
426 George L. C. Sundgren - C
425 Harold Clarence Wimmer - C
427 Otis Alvin Pugh - P
428 Raleigh Leon Larimer - W
429 William G. R. Schultz - P
430 Cecil Boynton Bean - C
432 Merton Burl Ward - W
433 Jay Elias Malone - C
434 Oren Crawford Barnes - C
435 Herlie Gard - C
436 Floyd Shelton Allison - C
437 Melvin Harold Larkins - C
438 Patrick Joseph Cavanaugh - C
439 Gordon Lyle Taylor - C
440 Clark Murl Webster - P
441 Harold Richard Bird - P
442 Richard Duane Large - P
443 Leo George Haas - C
444 Homer Edward Gifford - C
445 Sanford Ellwood Miller - P
446 Chester Jonas Nicholas - P
447 James Russell Cline - C
448 James Roscoe Williams - C
449 Meridith Miles Freeman - C
450 Herman Taylor McIntyre - C
451 William Milton Brass - W
452 Homer Ring - W
453 Ernest Albert Lamkin - P
454 Glenn Orville Carter - P
455 Marion Marshall Day - W
456 Lloyd Bruce Ennis - W
457 William Andrew Baltzell - C
458 Bennett Wendell Ferguson - P
459 Virgil Cecil Harvey - P
460 Victor Hecht - C
461 Cecil Ivan Marley - C
462 Herman Abel Yauk - P
463 Jack L. Grace - W
464 Valtos E. Richardson - W
465 Willard Ira Colter - C
466 Harry Alonzo Richardson - C
467 Eric Alan Sims - C *
468 Cliffie Leo Todd - P
469 Byron Marques Bratcher - C
470 Richard Harvey Carter - P
471 Wayne Dillon Trail - P
472 Robert Lee Downing - W
473 Tom Curran Holcomb - C
474 John Emory Mulford - P
475 Virgil Glenn Bliss - C
476 Glen Bradford Smalley - P
477 Ludle Joseph Travnlcek - P
478 Marvin Mason Belcher - W
479 Herman Elmer Schumacher - P
480 Doyle J. Heft - C
481 Hubert Ernest McLaughlin - P
482 Richard Worner Jarnagin - C
483 Floyd Marion Frederick - C
484 Robert Darrell Smith - C
485 Orley Paul Edmonston - P
486 Ralph Clark Sanders - P
487 Wm. Moses Pendergraft - W
488 John Ramey Morton Jr. - P
489 John Theron White - C
490 Penix Beckworth Ranspot - P
491 Lawrence Burditt - C
492 Paul Edward Burghardt - P
493 Frederick Leroy Cline - C
494 Raymond Jay Lohrding - C
495 Chris Herbert Wilkerson - P
496 Charles Gorman Boshell - C
497 Wendell Wallace Brown - W
498 Marvin David Plank - C
499 Harry L. Densmore - P
500 George Everitt Metzger - C
501 Virgil Leslie Jellison - P
502 James Columbus Hale - P
503 Ralph Andrew Griffith - C
504 Clarence Frank Bardot - C
505 John Waldon Crum - P
Thanks to Shirley Brier for finding, transcribing and contributing the above news article to this web site!
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