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Reno County Obituaries
If you have a Reno County Obituary and want to
submit it, please email the County Coordinators.
Funeral Handouts and Obituaries of some folks from Partridge Community
Abernathy, Clara "C. J."
Abernathy, Clarence Lee
Abernathy, Mrs. C. L. (Nancy
Abernathy, Floyd
Abernathy, Konrad K.
Adams, Doris Jane
Alexander Leland O.
Armstrong, Jennie M.
Armstrong, William Y.
Athey, Mrs. Flora K.
Avery, Bertha Evelene
Avery, Cora
Avery, Wilmer L.
Avery, William H.
Avery, Emmett S.
Avery, Marion N.
Ayers, Howard P.
Bandhauer, Julius
Bandhauer, Robert
Barritt, Clayton A.
Barton, Edward E.
Bellwood, Mrs. Golda
Bellwood, Mrs. Anna
Bellwodd, Earl P.
Benedict, Mrs.
Bertram, James - Death Notice
Bertram, James J. - Death
Blachly, Jennie Turning Rogers
Blachly, Lewis B.
Black, David Y.
Brace, Anson F.
Brainard, Mrs. Mary M.
Brown, Ruhama Issadora
Burgess, Henry
Burgess, Mrs. Jane
Burgess, Truman D.
Burns, Charles E.
Burns, Mrs. Lettie
Schuyler C.
Burns, V. O.
Bussing, Eliza Harriet (Newcomb)
Butterworth, Mrs. W. Clarren
Byrd, Anna Mae
Byrd, Earl S.
Byrd, Harlan Edwin
Campbell, Mrs. Sarah
Campbell, James M.
Campbell, Joseph M.
Campbell, J. W.
Capps, Rosa Mae
Carroll, Kit
Carroll, Mrs. Bessie B.
Carson, Rev. Paul E.
Carson, W. F.
Carson, Mrs. Phoebe J.
Carter, William P.
Catte Louis Memorial Leaflet
Chappell, Mrs. Anna M.
Chappell, Minor A. Funeral
Clark, William S.
Clark, Mrs. W. S.
Clark, Hiram
Clark, John
Clark, Guy
Clark, Joseph
Clark, William S. "Bill"
Clarke, Mary Columbia
Clouse, Jack Dee
Clouse, Virgil E.
Clouse, Mrs. Virgil E.
Cochren, Newton J.
Coleman, Mrs. Sarah Celeste
Coleman, James H.
Coons, Michael
Coons, George McDonald
Coppage, John
Corwin, Anita M.
Cottle, Arthur W.
Creed, Wilmot O. (Bill)
Crispen, Cody C.
Crispen, Faye L.
Crispen, Mrs.
Cora Edith
Cross, A. F.
Culley, Rev. Thomas
Mrs. Eleanor J.
Davis, Harvey Webster
Davis, Cecil VanDruff
Dimond, Daniel J. Memorial
Dyche, Newton Ivan
Dyche, Grace E.
Dyck, Mrs. Grace
Easling, H. A.
Eby, Nathan J.
Echelberger, Mrs. Clara
Eldridge, Charles F.
Emmert, Phillip M.
England, Mary L.
Ewing, Mrs. Amy E.
Ewing, Clyde H.
Fair, James "Clifford"
Fair, Martha Woodall
Fickes, Mrs. Mary J. G.
Fitzgerald, Joseph
Fleeman, Della
Fleeman, Joe
Fleming, Mrs. Carrie
Flummer, DeWitt T.
Fors, Anita Jean McDaniel
Foy, Leona McDonald
Albert L.
Frederick, Berneda J. "Needles"
Bill F.
Gaede, Helen M.
Gaede, Ruben
Gillaspey, Helen A.
Gould, Frank
Gould, William
Gould, Mrs.
Sarah A.
Greenwood, Peter S.
Gregory, Mrs. Cora Esther
Griffin, Rev. Floyd N.
Hahn, Mrs. Mary
Haines, Mrs. Hiett
Hall, William Edwin
Hall, Mrs. William Edwin
Haskard, Frederick
Louis Fritz
Haskard, Mrs.
Grace D.
Haskard, H. E. Pat
Haskard, H. R.
Horatio John
Haskard, Mrs.
Jessie H.
Mrs. Myrtle M.
Mrs. Ruth Mae
Walter Newton
Haskard, Walter R.
Hayden, Amanda I.
Hayden, Buford
Buford Marine Boo
Hayden, Mrs. Marie
Hedden, Captain
Hendershot, Mrs.
Henson, Lee
Henson, Mrs. Lee
Hickman, Mrs. Anna
Hickman, Overton (Doc)
Hickman, John Edward
Hickman, John
Hickman, Mary M.
Hirst, George
Hirst, Sam
Holliday, Claud
Holloway, Mrs. Lillie Lee
Hoskinson, George M.
Hostetter, John F.
Hoy, Dale L.
Hull, Homer Floyd
Hull, Fern
Humiston, Mrs. Eleanor Lawman
Humiston, Harold H.
Humiston, Miss Carrie Lorraine
Mrs. Sally T.
Humiston, Frank "Bud"
Humiston, Mrs. Pauline
Humiston, Edward Overton
Humiston, Doris Marie
Humiston, W. Howard
Humiston, Dennis E.
Humiston, Elizabeth Maxine
Humiston, Frank
Humiston, William H.
Humiston, D. Darleene
Humiston Howard Scott
Humiston, Frank S.
Emmett, Jr.
Ingram, Emma
Blanche (Buchanan)
Ingram, William
Jahn, Rev. Erwin William
Mrs. Hilda
Jones, Mrs. Ella
Jones, Patrick
Kershner, Mrs. Mina H.
Kershner, George
Kershner, Edith Leona
Kightlinger, Faye W.
Kightlinger, Forrest
Kightlinger, Mrs. Inez I.
Kightlinger, Mrs. Lula
Kightlinger, Melvin A.
Kightlinger, Mrs. Nellie M.
Kingsley, A. J.
Koontz, Harvey
Lawman, Mrs.
Margaret E. Memorial
Lemle, Sebastian
Lewis, Leah Florence
Lewis, Ruth Smith
Love, William Richard
Lowe, George Plumer
Lowe, Mrs. George P. (Jennie E.)
Luce, William
Lueck, John
Luecke, Mrs. Caroline Zimmerman
Markham, Vera Blancher
Marks, A. J.
McClurg, J. H.
McCrackin, Mrs. Dorothy
McDermott, James B.
McDermott, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth
McFarland, Alva Allen
McGown, Alexander
Merchant, James T.
Miller, Orr Daniel "Buster"
Minter, John T.
Mrs. E. G.
Mock, Flossie M.
Howard E.
Morgan, Mrs. Mary
Morgan, Bernice Lucille
Morgan, Samuel H.
Morgan, Mrs. Myrtle Reno
Morgan, Charles F.
Morgan, Stanley V.
Morgan, Clarence Joseph
Music, Henry
Myers, Dr. James
Nafzinger, Miss Harriett
Nafzinger, Mrs. Emma Jane
Nafzinger, John
Nafzinger, John L.
Nelson, Claude F.
Nelson, James M.
Nelson, Mrs. James M. (Delia)
Osman, Mrs. Alice Roberts
Osman, Alva Everett
Ostrander, Mrs. Welthy
Ostrander, James G.
Ostrander, Opal Y.
Payne, Walter
Payne, Rev. John W.
Mary Jane
Payne, Charles N.
Pew, Mrs. George
Phares, Enos
Randles, Barbara A.
Randles, Charles
Randles, Mary
Raner, Frank M.
Rea, Robert
Redd, Otis L.
Reed, James Dudley
Reed, Rebecca Jane Barber
Richmond, David N.
Rickenbrode, Mattie
Rickenbrode, Harvey J.
Rodgers, Cecil
Rumsey, William E. 'Bill'
Sams, Dr. C. E. V.
Sams, Mrs. Julia
Sargent, Mrs. Leona
Schnurr, Mrs. Cora
See, Basil Howard
Shenefield, Jacob Wesley
Shufelberger, Jane
Shufelberger, Lloyd M.
Schnurr, Edward Danile
Sidle, Mrs. Paul
Sidlinger, Dr.
Samuel H.
Slater, J.
Slater, Vilas B.
Smith, Albert F.
Smith, Clyde
Smith, John Wesley
Smith, Margaret Ellen
Smith, Orange H.
Snodgrass, Lydia
Snowden, Timmy Lee, Jr.
Socha, Katie C.
Starkweather, Mrs. Lucy Pearl Ellen
Starkweather, Willard
Stephenson, Joseph C.
Stewart, Albert (Bert) R.
Stewart, Arthur Townsend
Stewart, Mrs. Dorothy K.
Stewart, Mrs. Mary
Stewart, Velma Lucetta Smith
Stewart, William A.
Stotts, Saline A.
Stratton, J. C.
Cora F.
Summers, Frank A.
Swanson, Mrs. Elizabeth M.
Swanson, Elmer B.
Tedder, Mrs. Mabel L.
Thomas, Joseph
Thomas, Robert L.
Tibbetts, Lawrence
Toms, Etta Belle
Truitt, Mrs. Chester
Ukena, Gilbert Orvin
Ukena, Henry H.
Van Deusen, Mrs. Robert P. (Daisy
Vance, Alfred S.
Venn, Mary H.
Ward, Amon A.
Washburn, Larry A.
Webster, Mrs. John R. (M. Fae)
Webster, Kale Raymond
Westfall, Jimmy Y.
White, Mrs. Sarah
Wiley, Howard O.
Wiley, Mrs. W. E.
Wiley, William
Williams, William
Winder, Mrs. Nancy
Winfer, J. F.
Winner, Alvin O.
Winner, Benjamin Lewis
Winner, Carl E.
Winner, Mrs. Florence G.
Winner, Floyd W.
Wright, Comrade D. M.
Yates, Mrs. Gertrude Koontz Morgan
Yoder, Amanda
Yoder, John D.
Yoder, Jerry M.
Yoder, Sarah Morgan
Young, Everett E.
Young, Mrs. Nettie
Young, W. H.
Yust, Amelia (Roemer)
Yust, George Henry
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